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Chapter 38 The Smell of Shirley

The Sisters of Tomes, also known as the Order of the Most Holy Saviour, was founded in 1895 by Sister Tomes.

The Monastery is located in a small town on the banks of the Clyde River in western Scotland. It consists of several buildings and a large garden.

On a hot summer day, Sister Labetti was sitting in the dark reception room, dozing off. She tilted her head and covered her face with a wet towel to cool off the heat.

The knock on the door woke Labeti from her sleep. She quickly wiped her face with a towel to regain her consciousness, said wait a moment, put on her shoes and socks, and walked towards the iron door.

Sister Labetti did not open the iron door, but only opened a flap on the door and looked out through the narrow hole one foot square.

The sun was dazzling, so Abetti raised her hand to cover her eyes, and vaguely saw a young woman.

Labetti didn't know the other party, so she asked hesitantly: "Excuse me, who are you looking for?"

"Hello, my name is Love Scamander, from Glasgow." The young woman smiled and said:

"My mother is a devout Islamic believer. She heard that the Tomes Convent was experiencing financial difficulties recently, so she asked me to donate money."

"..." Islamic believers came to the Christian monastery to donate money and cause trouble, right? Seeing the nun's unkind eyes, the young woman quickly explained: "My mother used to be an Islamic believer, but she recently converted to Jesus.

You asked me to make a donation to wash away the sins of the past." Then Labeti put down her guard, picked up a large bunch of keys from her waist, and quickly selected them.

Twenty years ago, the funds of the Lane Sisters were sufficient, but now the financial situation is in a mess and the economy is relatively difficult.

The past two abbesses were very pious, but neither was good at managing worldly items. In addition, this summer, sudden floods flooded a large area of ​​farmland in the nunnery, and the funds were even more stretched.

Someone is willing to donate, which really solves an urgent need! Regardless of whether you believe in Christ or Muhammad, believers who can donate are good believers... Besides, these two religions believe in the same god!

Abetti finally found the key, inserted it into the lock, opened the door, and welcomed the young woman in.

Love walked into the room and found that there were windows on the side facing the world, but there were no windows on the side leading to the convent... No wonder it was so dark.

Abetti also looked at the young woman. The sun was too bright just now so she couldn't really see what she looked like. Now she will look again: she is only about seventeen or eight years old, with a beautiful goose-shaped face and thick, curly hair.

She has blond hair and piercing gray-blue eyes.

In the hands of the young woman, she was also carrying a black leather suitcase... probably containing pounds to be donated, right?

Abetti thought so and said enthusiastically: "Please come with me. I will take you to see Dean Agatha and Miss Scamander." Love nodded and followed Abetti out of the reception room and entered a

A courtyard surrounded by high red brick walls.

A statue of the Virgin Mary with outstretched arms stands in the center of the courtyard. On the platform under the statue, there is also an oil painting of Joseph's family.

Love looked around and saw many nuns, but not a single man. This was normal... This was a women's monastery, and all men who came to visit were rejected.

Abetti led Love to a small building. She knocked on the door. After a while, a skinny old woman with a tired look came out.

She wore a serge black robe, a square headscarf hanging down on her chest, covering her chin, and an eye-length forehead scarf. On her chest was a three-inch-high copper-plated Holy Body image.

Abetti whispered a few words into the woman's ear, then looked at the young woman and introduced: "This is Dean Agatha."

"Hello, Dean Agatha." Love nodded and followed the two of them into a living room. The living room had three tall windows, very elegant white gauze curtains, and a portrait of Christ on the wall.

Cast a staring gaze in the wide picture frame.

Love explained her purpose again, and finally whispered: "My mother is willing to donate three thousand pounds to the Thomas Convent." Dean Agatha did not agree immediately, but asked: "Excuse me, what is your mother's name?"


"My mother does good deeds without leaving her name. There is no need to know the specific name, Mother Dean." Love blinked and said: "If you have to ask who she is...a devout believer!" These words are impeccable, Ajia.

Dean Sha thanked him and accepted the donation.

"By the way, Dean Agatha, I have a small request for your help." Love said again.

"What's the matter?" Agatha looked at the young woman and asked, "As long as we can help you, we will do our best."

"It's not that serious." Love waved her hand and said: "To tell you the truth, I actually have severe autism and depression. The doctor told me that it is best to go to a quiet place to rest for a while. I want to stay here with you.

Is it okay to stay in the convent for a few days?"

"Of course." Dean Agatha agreed: "I will ask Abetti to clean up a guest room for you immediately." Men are strictly prohibited from entering the convent, but this Love Scamander is a girl, or

As a generous person who donated money, there is no problem in staying here for a few days.

After Love thanked her, she got up and followed Abetti along a long and narrow staircase to the second floor. When passing a locked room, Love suddenly stopped and asked, "Is anyone living here?"

"There...lived a girl."

"A nun too?"

"That girl's situation is a bit special." Abetti hesitated and said:

"She is an abandoned orphan. The former dean adopted her out of compassion. Now she is studying in another school and can only come back during the summer vacation."

"Adopted orphans." Love sighed: "This is also one of the reasons why I am willing to donate to your convent." She asked curiously: "Why is the door still locked?"

"That little girl was restless and didn't stay until the start of school. She sneaked out last year and the summer before last year, which made the dean very angry." Abetti explained: "I just locked her things in the room and stayed there at night.

Also lock the room to prevent her from escaping." Love said with a smile, "Then I'll sleep here. I can help you keep an eye on her at night and don't let her run around." Abetti was stunned.

After a moment, but considering that the young woman in front of her had just donated several thousand pounds, she still nodded and said: "I will open the door for you." Abetti took out the key from her waist and opened the room.

Love walked in. It was a small room of more than ten square meters. The walls were decorated with yellow and green flower wallpapers, a few pieces of furniture, a chair, a not-so-big bed, and some clothing and daily necessities.


The whole room was clean and deserted. After Love waited for Abetti to leave, she put the box on the table. She sat down on the chair, picked up a very familiar hair rope, put it to the tip of her nose and sniffed it gently.


She smelled a familiar fragrance. The smell of Shirley...

This chapter has been completed!
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