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Chapter 46 Ravenclaws bad taste

Rolf didn't expect that when he took Shirley to look for Ravenclaw's cemetery, he would encounter two tomb robbers.

He didn't even expect that the two tomb robbers would kill each other over the issue of dividing the stolen goods... and they clearly hadn't opened the tomb door yet.

This is a bit like dreaming that you won five million, and when you wake up, you are afraid that the person next to you will share your lottery money, and then you are eager to get divorced... It is indeed darkly humorous.

It can only be said that the old goblin Bo Ke was not kind to others, so he found a superficial brother to help him rob the tomb.

And Tertius is indeed cruel and evil, but he is not very lucky. He met Rolf and wanted to kill him... Then he can only go to meet the God of Death in advance.

After finishing off Tertius, Rolf raised his head and looked at the cave.

Although he knew the location of the cemetery, after a thousand years and the river changing its course, the entrance had long been blocked.

If he wanted to come here by himself, he would probably have to dig for a while, but to be able to pick it up now...it was such an unexpected surprise.

Shirley walked over quietly. She didn't speak. She just waved her magic wand and wrapped the miserable body in white cloth.

On Halloween last year, Shirley followed Rolf to the Screaming Shack to rob and kill Peter. It was the first time she saw a dead person, and she started retching and was very embarrassed.

From then on, the girl often went to the library to read books about corpses, and she would also be exposed to the smell of blood, forcing herself to adapt to this disgusting feeling.

The magical world is not safe, and when you encounter a dark wizard, a battle may break out at any time.

Shirley didn't want to cause vomiting during a battle because she couldn't adapt to the corpse, which would bring a burden to Rolf.

The girl with the ponytail was even more unwilling to do anything but be an assistant raising magical creatures. She wanted to be like Tina to Newt...to help Rolf.

So after a year of deliberate training, Shirley handled the corpse again. Except for her slightly pale face, she didn't show any signs of losing her composure... her performance was outstanding.

Luofu walked to the boulder and reached out his hand to gently touch the silver mural on the rock:

A huge eagle with a crown on its head and a silverfish on its talons.

After disposing of the body, Shirley came over carrying a box. She asked curiously:

"Does this door require a key, a password, or some other spell to open it?"

Luo Fu smiled bitterly and said: "To be honest, I actually don't know, I've never been in."

"Didn't you attend Ravenclaw's funeral?" The girl with the ponytail glanced at the boy and asked doubtfully:

"If you don't enter the cemetery, how will you deliver the coffin?"

"The funeral was held at Hogwarts." Rolf explained: "Later, Professor Hufflepuff came here with the coffin, and I came with her.

But Professor Hufflepuff didn’t enter the cemetery, she just pushed the coffin towards the boulder, and the coffin went right through it.”

As he spoke, Luofu picked up Pork's fairy dagger and threw it at the stone. The dagger hit the stone and fell to the ground again, making a crisp impact sound.

"Look... not all dead things can go in. There should be magic cast by Ravenclaw in advance on the coffin."

Luofu looked at Shirley's side face and said softly:

"I told you before that Ravenclaw once saw her future in the Well of Death. She already knew that she would die, so she probably made preparations in advance."

"So...we two can't get in?"

Luofu hummed softly. He didn't know if Helena could do anything, but she wasn't here now.

The young man pondered for a moment and said: "I have thought... would it be possible to collect all the things on the mural before I can enter?"

The mural depicts a huge eagle with a crown on its head and a silverfish on its talons.

And Rolf has the crown of Ravenclaw and the silverfish, but he has never seen that eagle!

Shirley raised her head and stared at the mural with rapt attention, as if she was completely attracted.

The girl couldn't help but stretched out a green finger and gently touched the mural.


In an instant, Shirley disappeared out of thin air, as if someone had grabbed her and dragged her into another world.


Luo Fu's face was full of astonishment and he stared at this scene in disbelief. He quickly hammered the boulder hard and shouted:

"Shirley, are you okay? Did you enter the tomb, or what happened?!"

But there was no response, which made Rolf panic immediately and prepare to cast magic on the stone.

At this moment, the outline of a huge door appeared silently on the stone, and slowly, it was divided into two.

Luofu looked at the door in astonishment. It was slowly pushed open, and Shirley poked her head out from the crack in the door, looking at the boy with a smile on her face.

Luofu was stunned for a moment, not caring about the door, and hurriedly stepped forward, grabbed the ponytail girl's wrist, helped her check her body, and asked with concern: "Are you okay?"

Shirley's eyes flashed. In the past, Luofu always looked calm and calm when faced with everything. This was the first time I saw him so anxious...

The girl felt sweet in her heart, her eyes were full of smiles, and she said softly: "I'm fine... It's really fine. I just touched the stone and was sucked in. Then I opened the door for you quickly."

Luofu breathed a sigh of relief and asked doubtfully: "Were you sucked in by the stone?"

"Yes, I just touched the mural."

Shirley stared blankly at the stone, her eyes filled with confusion.

Luo Fu fell silent, looked deeply at the girl, and then also looked at the stone door.

These two doors open outward. From the inside, you can push the door open with both hands, but from the outside, you can only suck it in by using stones.

As for why Shirley came in...Rolf had some guesses, but he wasn't sure.

Since he had come, there was no reason to leave just like that, so Luofu took Shirley and walked up the stairs to the depths of the tomb.

With the light of the wand, they walked up a stone staircase, but after just a few steps, something went wrong with the stone steps.

Some stone steps are wide and large; some are narrow, small, and rickety; some steps will suddenly disappear halfway up.

Some roads are blocked by stones at the end. You have to poke it with a wand in the right place and it will move away. If you poke it in the wrong place, you can only take other steps.

After climbing for a while, Shirley said keenly: "This seems to be exactly the same as the stairs in Hogwarts?"

Rolf was also a little speechless. Ravenclaw was in his own tomb, and he even built a Hogwarts staircase... Is it really the Ravenclaw Happy Staircase that even when he dies, he has to take it to the tomb?

It’s so funny!

They walked for more than half an hour, climbing back and forth in the dark, and finally stepped onto the top platform.

Rolf raised the wand high, and a dazzling light burst out from the tip of the wand, illuminating a large area.

When he saw the thing not far away clearly, his eyes widened and he was stunned.

This chapter has been completed!
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