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Chapter 52 The Mirror of Erised

The boy-who-lived Harry Potter and his little henchman Weasley... were caught on a night out.

Early the next morning, all the students knew about it.

Under Professor Snape's crazy persecution, Gryffindor's house points, which were originally few, were now depleted overnight, and the hourglass used to record the scores was also empty...it looked shabby!

It had only been two weeks since school started, and they went out for a night out and were deducted 100 points. Harry and Ron suddenly became the target of public criticism.

Especially for Harry, his reputation changed instantly, from the Boy Who Lived to an arrogant violator.

Ron was doing better. He usually didn't have much presence around Harry. Now that something happened, everyone just regarded him as an accomplice and didn't make a lot of accusations.

But the twin brothers were very sad. They were little princes traveling at night and had never been caught. They didn't expect that the younger brother was so unsatisfactory and was arrested on his first trip out.

The most excited one was Malfoy, who often stood at the Slytherin table and loudly described the scene when Potter and Weasley were caught.

The marks on his face scratched by Mrs. Norris seemed to have turned into a medal of merit.

This made Pansy feel bad.

The little girl once again believed that Malfoy really had nothing to do with Goyle. She also asked for some medicine from the school hospital to help him wipe the long-healed wound.

But Malfoy didn't feel proud for long, Peeves told everyone that he saw Malfoy and Potter kissing that night!

Regarding this matter, both parties involved remained quite silent and did not speak to refute, which made the students feel more and more that Peeves was not lying.

Potter's night out was to go on a date with Malfoy!

Pansy was so angry that she threw the potion into the trash can again.

Malfoy was very irritable. He also wanted to borrow money from Pansy to collect enough lizard skin wallet and return it to Rove.

After paying back this little money, he and Rolf can talk about joining forces to dominate Hogwarts, and then collect insurance premiums together.

Rolf didn't care about Malfoy's anxiety. He had been studying the silverfish in his black suitcase.

Unfortunately, after the silverfish got into the box, it hid in the book and never came out again.

Rolf didn't hear the witch's voice again. He was sure it wasn't an auditory hallucination, but he just couldn't hear it.

In the wizarding world, hearing voices that others cannot hear is not a good sign. The boy was going home for the holidays and asked Newt to take a look... He is a professional in this area.

The good news is that catching the silverfish has completed the system's task. Rove has obtained the magic of [Word Devourer], which can swallow the words and magic in books, and then convert them into memories and store them in the brain.

This is the true meaning of "eating books".

From now on, Rolf can compete with Hermione in memory!

As for the three-headed dog Luwei, Luofu planned to clean his teeth and then quietly put him back in the restricted area, pretending that nothing happened.

Cleaning Lu Wei's teeth is not a simple task. Its teeth are extremely sharp and can even bite through dragon leather gloves. Once a wound is made, toxins will enter the body and prevent the wound from healing.

In his previous life, Rove had learned the story of the toothpick bird in a textbook. It is said that the Nile crocodile would lie on the shore, open its mouth, and let the toothpick bird fly into its mouth to help remove carrion and leeches.

For many years, Luo Fu believed it to be true, just like he believed in the textbooks about gorals flying across the sea and lemmings jumping into the sea to commit suicide.

But unfortunately they are all fake.

There is no toothpick bird in the magical world that can pick the teeth of animals, but there is a velvet bird.

The velvet is a scavenger and eats everything from spiders to food, but its favorite thing is to use its long tongue to eat the wizard's boogers while he is sleeping.

Meat scraps and tartar on their teeth are, of course, their favorite.

As long as Lu Wei's mouth is stuck and a large amount of cattail velvet is put in, the cleaning can be completed quietly.

The clean-up work only took one day. Luofu quietly returned to the restricted area on the fourth floor. He opened the door and walked in.

He just slipped the palm-sized three-headed dog out of his pocket, and suddenly a pair of hands patted his shoulder.

Rolf was suddenly startled. He turned around and found Dumbledore looking at him from behind.

Rolf had used the Invisible Beast's invisibility, but he seemed to have nowhere to hide in front of Dumbledore. He was surprised: "Professor, can you see me?"

"Of course, but it requires some magic assistance."

Dumbledore lowered his head and stared at the three-headed dog in Rolf's hand that was whining at him.

At this moment, countless images flashed through Ruofu's mind, and he wanted to say that he could explain it.

for example:

I picked this up, and I thought if I threw it on the roadside, a girl would want it...

But this excuse was not very good, so Luofu decided to skip this embarrassing topic. The young man lifted the back of Lu Wei's neck and grinned:

"Professor Dumbledore, look at me giving it a full set of dental care."

"It's indeed a lot cleaner." Dumbledore nodded and said:

"Speaking of dental care, I followed your advice and went to Granger's dental clinic not long ago. Mr. Granger filled my teeth and the effect was really good."

"That's fine." Luo Fe smiled awkwardly.

"I said I was a professor at Hogwarts, and Mr. Granger gave me a lot of mouthwash."

"Really? Then I'll go and have a look next time," said Luo Fe with a grin.

He said that he was Hermione's good friend, and he didn't know what Mr. Granger would give him, so he had some expectations.

"Speaking of Miss Granger..." Dumbledore suddenly remembered something. He took out a letter from his pocket and said:

"She wrote me many letters of complaint. This is my reply to her. Rove, help me forward it to her."

"Oh, I will." Luo Fei put the letter away and put it in his pocket.

"Come for a walk with me?"

The old man had already taken the lead to walk outside with his hands behind his back. Luofu had no choice but to put Lu Wei on the ground, then close the door and follow him out.

Walking in the empty corridor, Dumbledore chatted: "Do you have any ideas? Regarding Miss Granger's complaint?"

"Ideas?" Luo Fe was a little confused.

"Yes, Miss Granger said in her letter that you are also very dissatisfied with your suggestions and opinions on teaching at Hogwarts. You have said more than once that you want to transfer to Ilvermorny."

"..." Hermione, you are a little bitch, you are so weird that you have to let me read the complaint letter, you are dead!

Luo Fu coughed and said:

"There are indeed some problems with the teaching team at Hogwarts."

"I suggest introducing a system of elimination for the last place and modifying the academic evaluation mechanism for professors. Even professors who have obtained positions must be reviewed every year."

"If you get 1-2 points in any of the several assessments and do not improve, you will be fired within a year."

"For young teachers, it's best to learn from Muggles and get a '33' promotion or leave. That is to say, there is an appointment period of three years. If you are not promoted to professor after the two appointment periods, the school will not renew the contract.


"There is also the output of papers, which is an important criterion for young teachers to be promoted to professors. How come they have to publish a few articles in top journals, right?

You can't just eat and wait to die all day long..."

"If we work hard for a few years, our school's ranking in the next education evaluation will definitely rise significantly."

Luo Fe thought for a while and said humbly: "Professor, I can only think of these small suggestions for the time being."


Are these suggestions still small? Education reforms are not even complete!

"Rolf, you can write down your thoughts and send them to the Ministry of Magic's Education Department. They may refer to them." Dumbledore pondered for a moment and said softly:

"I do have some ideas. Professor Snape talked to me not long ago about restarting some activities that have been suspended for many years, such as the Magic School Potions Championship and the Triwizard Tournament."

"That's not bad. Communication can lead to progress," Luo Fu said.

When the two of them were approaching the end of the corridor, Luofu asked knowingly: "Professor, what are you doing here?"

Dumbledore did not say, "He is here to capture Rolf," but said calmly: "I'm here to deliver a mirror."


Dumbledore walked towards the room at the end, and Rolf followed him in. He saw a large mirror standing in the room:

The height reaches the ceiling, the gorgeous golden frame is supported by two claw-shaped feet.

There is a line of words engraved on the top:

Eristrae Hluait Ubika Fruait on Voges.

"Do you know what this is?" Dumbledore asked as he walked into the mirror.

"The Mirror of Erised allows you to see what you desire in your heart." Rolf observed the mirror and said, "I heard my grandfather mention it."

"Then what did you see, kid?"

Luo Fu faced the mirror. He stared at the mirror for a long time and then said softly:

"A child who waits for an owl."

Dumbledore looked at Rolf in surprise. He expected that the young man would see that he had tamed many magical creatures.

"Magic...Professor, what I long for is magic." Luofu smiled.

"The owl sent me an admission notice to learn magic. Unfortunately, I'm in Albania and didn't receive it."

Dumbledore was silent for a long time, put his arm on the young man's shoulder, and said in a gentle voice:

"Rolf, if you need books from the restricted area in the future, you can write to me and I will get them for you, but don't show up in the restricted area at will like that night again, do you understand?"

"I'm sorry, Professor." Luofu whispered: "I shouldn't have taken them out for a night out and even entered the restricted book area."

"No need to apologize. There is nothing wrong with going out at night occasionally. I also went out at night when I was young." The old man warned:

"But don't go to dangerous places, let alone go to the forbidden book area to get magic books to study by yourself, you know?"

Rolf nodded.

"Also, Professor McGonagall knew that you took Granger and Miss Swinton on a night out, and she was very angry."

Dumbledore blinked and said: "Of course, I didn't tell her, and I don't know who told her, maybe Professor Snape.

She is very angry anyway, so you'd better be careful not to offend her these days."


After the boy left, Dumbledore stood alone in front of the mirror. In the mirror, a gray-haired old man appeared, sitting on the dusty steps, looking at him with a smile.

"I have great expectations for Newt's grandson. A child who desires magic as much as you and has a very high talent. I will guide him well."

Dumbledore closed his eyes, reached out and gently touched the mirror, and murmured:

"I won't let him become a second you, Gellert."

This chapter has been completed!
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