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Chapter 79 Fudges little thoughts

After confirming that he had received another Medal of Merlin and not an own goal, he returned to the podium.

Fudge gently hung the medal around the boy's neck and showed a proud smile.

Rolf saved many wizards on the floating dragon ship. This incident alone was enough for him to receive the International Wizarding Medal from the International Federation of Wizards.

There is no doubt about this!

Since even the International Order of Wizards is a certainty, isn't the second Order of Merlin inevitable?

Just like winning the Muggle Nobel Prize, wouldn't it be easy to get the title of academician after returning to China?

Okay, this may not be easy.

In short, Fudge knew very well that Rolf would receive the Order of Merlin again. The only thorny issue was...age.

Rolf is too young!

At only thirteen years old, he is already the youngest recipient of the Order of Merlin, which has set a new record... In the next few decades, it may be difficult for anyone to match him.

If the second medal was awarded immediately, it would be unprecedented and probably unprecedented.

Many officials in the Wizengamot had concerns and felt that they could suppress it and wait until Rolf came of age before issuing the award.

But Fudge didn't think so.

After last year's publicity, Rove has already gained a strong influence in the UK, and the group of wizards he rescued are representatives of various ministries of magic... This is another strong political resource.

Fudge has always wanted to get closer to Rove... isn't this the best opportunity?

Therefore, he proposed to directly award two medals to Rove... and let the Wizengamot hold a meeting to discuss the matter.

Fudge also found Dumbledore and a wizard with whom he had a good relationship, and after many meetings, he pushed the matter forward.

Of course, there will definitely be controversy, but Fudge needs controversy, otherwise how can he make Rove feel his difficulty and his deep "love" for him?

After all this, can Rove still support him in becoming the continuation minister, or even the president of the International Confederation of Wizards in the future?

Fudge's calculations are very loud, and have even reached 2023.

The entire venue also recovered from the shock, whispers began to fall one after another, and the entire stadium began to shake.

"Fuck Faker!" Ron couldn't help spouting curse words to express his shock.

"That's the Order of Merlin."

Many wizards never get a third-level medal in their lifetime. Not only did Luof get a first-level medal, he also got two medals at once.

Sure enough, the same sentence is true...the gap between people is sometimes greater than that between humans and dogs.

As all the ceremonies ended, the atmosphere reached its highest point, the crowd burst into thunderous applause, and the cheers were endless. The magic ceiling was dotted with stars, and countless gorgeous fireworks rose.

The crowd cheered for about a few minutes, until people felt their hands were really numb, and then they gradually calmed down.

Luofu returned to his seat and saw that everyone was staring at the medal around his neck, so he took it off, threw it lightly towards the table, and said with a smile:

"Take it and take a look."

Margaery picked up a medal and looked at it carefully. Shirley picked up another medal. Hermione also came over and said distressedly:

"Rolf, be careful. What if it breaks?"

"It's okay." Luo Fu sat on the chair and said carelessly:

"My grandpa also has the Order of Merlin, and my grandma also has a Cross of Medal awarded by the U.S. Congress... Last time I saw her using it to pad the legs of a table. If this thing breaks, just break it."


Hermione sighed softly. She didn't know why, but now she wanted to beat up Rolf, and then use her size 32 feet to step on his hateful face and ravage it... It would make you tremble.


Not long after Luo Fe sat down, he was dragged away by Fudge to socialize. He solemnly introduced the young man to groups of guests.

In his words, he also deliberately showed the relationship between the two, which seemed to be very close.

When passing by Sirius' table, he saw Ginny waving at her, so he took the opportunity to sit down and rest for a while.

As soon as the boy sat down, Percy was so excited that he could hardly breathe. He leaned forward, shook hands with him tightly, and said in a pretentious tone:

"Rolf, I'm so happy to see you. Congratulations on getting two Order of Merlin medals. It's amazing."

Luofu suppressed a smile and said, "Thank you."

Ginny rolled her eyes at Percy. Percy seemed to feel it and immediately turned to look at his sister.

The little girl changed her face at the speed of light and said with a smile on her face:

"Rolph, your clothes look really nice."

Luofu picked up a glass of cocktail, took a sip and said, "It looks good, I won't wear it again."

"Why don't you wear it?" Ron looked puzzled. If he had such a good dress, he could wear it for a lifetime.

As someone who has been through this before, Sirius smiled knowingly and said:

"Rolf is so handsome that he can charm a group of witches just with his face.

If he dresses so lavishly and looks like he is attracting bees and butterflies, those witches will be eager to pounce on him and eat him alive and execute him on the spot."

Luofu sighed, it was indeed true... He had just walked around for a while, and he felt like he had been ruined countless times by a group of witches with their fiery gazes.

While shaking hands, Rove also received many small notes indicating the location of his tent, suggesting that he could go and discuss his skills in depth.

"Where are George and Fred?" Rove asked again, "Why didn't you see them?"

Everyone at the table laughed, except Percy, who didn't laugh, but kept a straight face.

"They were grounded by their mother, and their O.W.Ls results were not ideal." Ginny gloated.

"Not ideal?" Percy sneered: "Each of them only passed three O.W.Ls. I got the certificate and deducted half of it, which is equal to the two of them combined."

It's true, Percy is a top student and has twelve O.w.Ls.

"Ron, Ginny, you two should learn from me, don't be like George and Fred!" Percy acted like an older brother and lectured:

"The two of them hang around every day, and after they graduate, they won't even be able to get into the most rubbish Centaur Liaison Office in the Ministry of Magic!"

Ron muttered unhappily: "You are so good at studying, but I haven't seen how good you are at doing well. Why don't you study crucibles at the Ministry of Magic?"

"What do you know?" Percy said angrily: "I study major international issues.

We must promulgate and implement some kind of international law, otherwise the market will be flooded with fake and shoddy products, with thin bottoms, fragile and fragile products, and serious harm..."

Seeing the two of them arguing, Luofu took the initiative to change the topic and asked: "What were you talking about just now?"

"We are talking about the England Quidditch team." Harry said quickly: "We are talking about how to make it rise."

"I think we have to start with the coach." Charlie shook his head and said, "If the coach is not good, everything will be in vain."

Luofu swung his wine glass and said with a smile: "Don't worry about this, the coach has already arrested him."


Everyone was a little confused. Their so-called "grabbing from the coach" may not be the same as "grabbing" from Rove.

Luo Fu lowered his voice and revealed:

"I just heard from Fudge that the coach and seeker of the England team were arrested."

"What's wrong, they're fixing the match?" Harry asked.

"No." Luofu shook his head and said, "They participate in gambling and buy from goblins to win."


This chapter has been completed!
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