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Chapter 104 Professor McGonagall is looking for trouble

Under the leadership of Professor Sprout, the students picked up dragon skin gloves and bottles and began to collect the pus from the Babo tuber.

However, collecting pus may seem simple, but in practice, various problems may arise.

Everything else is easy to solve, but the biggest trouble is that the tuber of baba is covered with pustules. When you squeeze hard, each pustule will spray outward like a ripe pimple.

Not to mention that the pus is extremely precious. Every drop dropped is a serious waste. Once it splashes on yourself and others, it will also cause damage to the skin.

Rolf, Hermione and Neville worked as a team and collected three bottles of ichor easily. No one was hurt and no waste was wasted.

Professor Sprout was very satisfied and gave them additional college points.

Hannah hurriedly wiped the sweat from her forehead and asked in surprise: "How did you do it?"

"Yes." Susan covered her face with a rag. She didn't want to be disfigured at such a young age.

Many people looked at them and wanted to learn how to pop pimples.

"The movements must be gentle and not too rough." Luofu raised his right hand and said, "Pay attention to my technique. I will demonstrate it to you."

The young man picked up a plump, liquid-filled steamed bun-shaped baba tuber and stroked it gently, using almost no force.

Under Luofu's gentle caress, a soft pink bump on the top of the bulge gradually became erect. The boy held it between his thumb and index finger and slowly rubbed it with his fingers.

Rove kneaded and fiddled with it for about ten seconds, then put the glass bottle against the babbo tuber, and then he squeezed it gently, and the liquid gurgled down from the swollen bulge like milk.

The little wizards seemed to have opened the door to a new world, and couldn't wait to use what Luo Fu demonstrated... rubbing the dragon's claw hand.

However, whether by accident or on purpose, Lavender and Ron pointed the babbo tuber at each other when taking the pus.

Lavender and Ron were covered in pus from each other, and Harry, who was standing by to help, was also covered in sticky liquid.

The three of them were sent to the school hospital together.

After the Herbology class, Gryffindor went to the Care of Magical Creatures class, while the Hufflepuff students hurried to the Transfiguration classroom.

The Ravenclaw students had already arrived, and Shirley was sitting quietly in the front row, concentrating on "Transfiguration Today".

Luofu carried the box and sat down next to the girl. She raised her head, came closer to smell it, and asked, "Why does it smell like gasoline?"

"To be precise," Luo Fu explained as he took out his books, summer homework and quills, "it's the smell of pus from the tuber of Babbo."

He deliberately waved his sleeve at the tip of the ponytail girl's nose and said with a smile, "Does it smell good?"

A slight smile appeared on Shirley's face. She shook her head and said, "It doesn't smell good."

"Then disappear...the smell will dissipate." Luofu raised his wand and waved it towards himself. After the smell on his body was removed by magic, he said softly:

"Actually, I quite like the smell of gasoline."

Shirley tilted her head and looked at Luo Fe, with a cute expression on her face: "I don't know much about reading, don't lie to me."

"Really." Luofu explained with a smile:

"Gasoline contains aromatic hydrocarbons, which stimulate sensory cells and cause a certain kind of pleasure. Muggles call it the abuse and addiction of volatile organic solvents.

However, smoking too much is not good for the body and can easily lead to addiction.”

Of course, some people are addicted to it, and some people naturally hate the smell of gasoline and diesel... Just like coriander and durian, they both love and hate the party.

Seeing Shirley holding up her cheeks in a daze, Rolf picked up the quill, tapped her delicate nose with the phoenix tail feather, and asked: "What are you thinking about?"

Shirley came back to her senses and wrinkled her nose, "I was thinking about the addiction to volatile organic solvents you just mentioned."

"Oh, you also feel addicted?"

The girl with the ponytail looked embarrassed. She hesitated for a moment and then boldly said, "I like... the smell of you."

"This is addictive, not dangerous, and good for physical and mental health."

Rolf grinned, held Shirley's ponytail, pulled it to the tip of his nose and sniffed it, and said softly: "I like the smell of you too."

Shirley's pretty face turned red, she glared at him lightly and said:

"That sounds nice, but I heard an interesting rumor this morning."

The smile on Luofu's face froze, and he quickly explained:

"I went to see Professor Dumbledore last night. I didn't date Helena. It's all lies. Don't listen to their nonsense."

Shirley laughed, "I know you didn't, but what I actually wanted to say was the rumors about Eloise Midden's nose."

Just as Luo Fei breathed a sigh of relief, the girl with the ponytail said quietly: "But why do everyone want to spread rumors about you and Helena?"

Luofu looked at Shirley who was a bit disgusted, suppressed a smile, and whispered:

"If I kiss you now in front of the whole class, everyone will definitely spread rumors about us."

Seeing the young man acting like a hungry tiger pouncing on a sheep, Shirley's cheeks were slightly red and she hurriedly said: "Don't make trouble..."

"What are you two doing?" A familiar voice suddenly sounded.

Both the boy and the girl were startled. They turned around and saw Professor McGonagall arriving at some unknown time. She was standing in front of the table, looking at them with her lips pursed tightly.

Neville sighed. He had just coughed a dozen times and his throat was almost hoarse...Rolf and Shirley just whispered and didn't hear his reminder at all.

Luofu quickly suppressed his smile, turned around, sat upright and said, "Professor McGonagall, we were just discussing human transfiguration."

Shirley nodded guiltily.

Professor McGonagall glared at Rolf fiercely, ignored the jade cabbage she had worked so hard to cultivate, and now taught her to lie.

Professor McGonagall picked up the summer vacation homework that the boy had put on the table and started to read it. After just flipping through it for a while, he said critically:

"Mr. Scamander, your paper on changes among non-animals is very general.

The abstract is a bit bloated, and the review does not mention previous work, nor what are your innovation points..."


Luo Fu's scalp went numb, and he suddenly remembered that in his previous life, when he graduated from undergraduate school, the defending teacher asked him about the innovation of his thesis... If a four-legged chair becomes three legs, is it considered an innovation?

Professor McGonagall criticized Rove in a sullen manner, but in the end he still gave him an o (excellent), which left Rove speechless.

Mag obviously could find trouble directly, but he still found an excuse for doing homework... He cried to death.

The little wizards were all too proud to take a breath. Even an outstanding student like Scamander was criticized like this. It seemed that Professor McGonagall was not in a good mood.

At the sound of the school bell, Eloise Midgan returned to the classroom. Madam Pomfrey had installed her nose, but it was just a little crooked, as if she had been punched by someone.

Everyone finally turned their attention from Luo Fu to her.

Professor McGonagall strode onto the podium and said seriously:

“In the field of herbalism, there is a technique in which a branch or bud of one plant can be grafted onto the stem or root of another plant, so that the two joined parts grow into a complete plant... Herbalists

Call it grafting.”

"In transfiguration, there is also a way to 'graft' one object with another. We call it a transformation spell."

In this class, I will lead you to learn the transformation spell."

next chapter


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