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Chapter 128 Sirius Persuasion

When Harry and Ron arrived at the Great Hall, they happened to see a big boy who looked like a sloth throwing names into the Goblet of Fire.

Harry recognized the boy's name as Warrington, a Slytherin student and a Chaser on the Slytherin Quidditch team.

During a game last semester, Warrington hit Harry in the head with a Quaffle, causing him to almost miss the season.

Therefore, Harry looked disgusted and said: "We can't let a Slytherin student become a warrior!"

"Yes." Ron agreed and asked loudly: "Has anyone signed up in our college?"

"Angelina and Aria have already signed up." Simo waved the note in his hand and said excitedly: "I'll be going soon, do you want to come with me?"

"Harry, let's go too?" Ron said in a longing voice.

"Just wait a little longer."

Harry actually hasn't decided yet whether to put his name into the Goblet of Fire.

Of course Harry wanted to become a warrior, but he also felt that with Rolf here, he had no hope at all, so why bother working in vain?

At this moment, about a hundred owls flew into the auditorium. They flew around the dining table until they found their respective owners and threw letters or packages into their laps.

Harry also received a letter, and Ron asked: "Whose letter?"

"Hagrid's letter." Harry tore open the envelope, glanced at it quickly, and frowned: "He asked me to go to the cabin immediately. If you have anything urgent, come to me."

When Hagrid wrote letters, he usually asked them to go have afternoon tea, and rarely mentioned that there was something urgent.

So Harry and Ron immediately left the Great Hall and hurried across the fields towards the edge of the Forbidden Forest.

When they were about to arrive at the wooden house, the two suddenly discovered that Hagrid's house was already dark, as if it had been in a fire.

Harry became more and more anxious and ran quickly towards the wooden house. When he reached the door, he banged the wooden door hard and shouted:

"Hagrid, are you okay? Are you injured?!"

Immediately a deep barking from Fang was heard in the room, and Hagrid roared:

"Here we come! Yaya, hurry up and back away! Stop barking!"

The door opened with a creak, and Harry looked up and was stunned on the spot, too surprised to speak.

The Hagrid he imagined would already have third-degree burns, his whole body covered in bandages, and half of his face was beyond recognition.

But the Hagrid in front of him not only had no burns, but was also dressed in fancy clothes:

A fluffy brown suit paired with a flirty plaid tie.

The most outrageous thing was Hagrid's hair. He seemed to want to straighten his hair, so he used a lot of machine lubricant, which made his hair shiny and combed into two bunches, which looked extremely weird.

Then, Harry understood that Hagrid was not burned, but his head was damaged by the smoke of the fire...probably!

"Hagrid, how...how did you do this?" Harry asked.

"Oh, I just suddenly felt that it was time to dress up." Hagrid said hesitantly.

"Besides, Hogwarts is holding the Triwizard Tournament now. As a professor, I have to leave a good impression in front of teachers and students from other schools."

Harry doubted whether the opposite effect would be achieved, but he still praised without conscience:

"Oh...you're pretty good-looking."

"Really?" Hagrid scratched his hair. Unexpectedly, Harry and his aesthetics were exactly the same, so he gave him some men's lubricant to take back.

Ron stared at Hagrid's weird hairstyle. He opened his mouth as if he wanted to make a sharp comment, but Harry quickly interrupted:

"Hagrid, what happened to your house?"

"Oh, last night the snails broke the cage, ran around, and burned down my house." Hagrid explained:

"Fortunately, Rolf passed by and helped me put out the fire."

"Where are those Blast-Ended Skrewts?"

"It's in the pumpkin patch," Hagrid said happily. "I reinforced the cage. These little naughty guys will definitely not be able to escape."

Harry once again had doubts about Hagrid's statement. He frowned and said, "You wrote a letter saying that you came to me in an emergency. What exactly is it about?"

"I'm not looking for you!" Hagrid stepped out of the way and grinned: "Look who's coming!"

Harry looked towards the room, his eyes widened, and he shouted excitedly: "Sirius, Lupin! Why are you two here?!"

"Professor Dumbledore asked us to come." Sirius strode over and said with a smile:

"He wrote and said that Hogwarts may need some manpower for security recently, so Remus and I came together."

"Is it about the Triwizard Tournament?"

"Yes." Lu Ping said with a smile, "But I can't tell you the specifics. Just wait... you will definitely be surprised when the time comes!"

Harry and Ron looked at each other. They didn't know what else would surprise them in the Triwizard Tournament.

"By the way, where is Rolf?" Sirius asked, "I also wrote to him, but the owl couldn't find his location."

Ron suddenly remembered something and said in an envious tone: "He is probably with Delacour."


"Well, a female student from Beauxbatons!" Ron said with a blurred look in his eyes:

"She is very beautiful. She seems to have known Luo Fu for a long time. They were sitting together at the dinner last night."

"Can she still be prettier than Shirley?" Sirius looked incredulous.

"Almost!" Ron said excitedly: "I dare say that girl must be a Veela!"

"It's normal for Rolf to be able to attract Veela." Lu Ping said with a smile: "His face is so attractive."

Hagrid started making tea, they sat down at the table, and soon started talking about the Triwizard Tournament.

"You are so lucky." Lupine said in an envious tone: "We also had rumors at the time that we were going to restart the Triwizard Tournament.

However, Beauxbatons and Durmstrang may have felt that Britain was too dangerous and rejected the proposal."

Sirius took a sip of perilla tea and asked in a casual tone: "Harry, do you want to be a warrior?"

"Who wouldn't want to!" Ron said impatiently, "What an honor it is to be a warrior."

Harry hesitated for a moment and nodded: "I do want to, but with my strength I'm afraid it will be difficult."

"If you want to become a warrior, you can ask Rolf for help." Sirius whispered.

"Ask Rolf for help?" Harry asked doubtfully, "I can't let Rolf not participate. Even if he doesn't participate, I may not be able to become a warrior..."

"No, I didn't mean that." Sirius said, "Rolf can make others become warriors, although I don't know how he does it yet!"

Harry and Ron looked at each other in shock. They both knew that Rolf was very powerful, but he couldn't make anyone become a warrior, so he could make anyone become a warrior, right?

This is outrageous!

Harry fell silent, seeming to be hesitating. After a moment, he raised his head and asked, "If it were dad, would he attend?"

Sirius and Lupine both laughed. Sirius looked into Harry's eyes and said seriously:

"Harry, for James, only adventure is interesting. Of course he will participate, even if he was only in first grade at the time."

"Then I'll join!" Harry nodded, "I'll go find Rolf for help!"

"That's good." Sirius smiled.

After chatting for a while, Harry and Ron got up and left. Hagrid followed to get some lubricant to give to Harry.

When the room became quiet, Lu Ping said with a worried expression:

"Is it really good for Harry to participate in the Triwizard Tournament? The Death Eaters are more active than usual..."

"Now that Dumbledore has decided." Sirius shrugged, looked out the door, and said calmly:

"I believe he can protect Harry."

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