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Chapter 61 The imaginative Professor Quirrell

When Slytherin "accidentally" injured four students in a row and all of them were given fouls, everyone realized something was wrong.

Luo Fu rides the broomstick. It seems to be very slow, but in fact... it is also very slow.

But at the moment of contact with the Slytherin players, he was able to speed up at an incredible speed to avoid his opponents.

When you are not vigilant enough, you can easily suffer serious consequences.

It's like when you're fighting with a wizard and you think his wand is broken in two, so he's not very good at casting spells, but you never know that it's actually a gun disguised as a wand!

Sitting in the Gryffindor auditorium, George even frowned and said, "Does Rolf's secret elbow swing sound familiar to you?"

"Charlie!" Fred said.

"It's very similar to Charlie, even the position of the elbow is the same." Wood's eyes widened and he said: "Didn't Charlie go to Romania to raise a fire dragon?"

Harry, who was staring at the stadium intently, interrupted: "I think I heard Rove say that he spent his summer vacation in the Romanian Fire Dragon Sanctuary."

Several people looked at each other, especially Wood... This stupid Captain Charlie, after graduation, he still trains competitors for his own academy, right?!

During the summer vacation, Rove did learn a lot from Charlie, who came to Romania to work, especially the use of fouls.

For example, how to use the blind spots in the field of vision to secretly swing your elbow without being discovered by the referee; how to use the rules to increase free throws for your team.

It's a pity that Rove is not a Chaser and doesn't have the Quaffle in his hand, otherwise he would have been planning to use a giant loop to cause a foul.

As for Rolf's flying skills, he was honed when he followed Newt to the Golden Snidget Reserve and observed the Golden Snidget.

Golden Snidgets are an extremely rare and specially protected magical creature. They are also extremely fast flying birds and can change their flight direction with incredible speed and skill.

In the early days of Quidditch, the Seeker's task was to catch the Snitch, but as they became an endangered protected species, they were replaced by the Golden Snitch.

In the Golden Snidget Game Reserve, in order to study them, you have to ride a broomstick and fly as fast as them... Newt is old and his waist is weak, so now it's Rolf who is doing his job.

Flying with Jin Feixia for several months, Luo Fu's flying skills are not comparable to those of these students.

After understanding that Rove was not a rookie and his broomstick was not bad, the Slytherin Quidditch team stopped targeting him.

Mrs. Huo Qi also noticed that Luofu might be making some small moves and began to stare at him intently.

This is the case for newcomers. Once their playing style is familiar to their opponents, they will be easily targeted.

However, Rove's mission is not to help Madam Pomfrey take patients. As long as the Slytherin players do not foul him maliciously, he will not injure his opponents.

Rolf was about to stop hiding his strength and fully demonstrate the speed of his broomstick. Just when he wanted to start it, the broom suddenly got stuck, and when he started it again, it got stuck again.

It's like a newbie who has just started driving a manual transmission and stalls when starting.

Quirrell, who was sitting in the faculty stand, laughed. It was he who drugged Diggory and kept him from playing just to let Scamander play!

Quirrell was still thinking about the fact that Scamander knew that he had been to Albania, and that the troll that night was also defeated by him...

Quirrell thought it would be better to kill this kid by accident. After all, isn't it normal for someone to die in a Quidditch match?

Who would suspect the stammering Quirrell.

Die to me, boy!

Snape frowned, his gaze always falling on Quirrell vaguely. When he saw him staring at Scamander's broomstick and mumbling something, he knew that he was casting a curse.

Snape didn't know why Quirrell targeted Scamander. He himself hated Scamander, but he would not let Quirrell cast a curse.

He was about to use a curse to break the spell when he noticed that Quirrell's whole body was shaking. He flew out as if he was under a curse and fell heavily to the ground, his body twitching slightly.

Snape looked surprised. What kind of broomstick was this? It actually cast an anti-jinx and a jinx-reflection charm on it?

Generally, only Auror's brooms are treated in this way to prevent being attacked by dark wizards when performing tasks.

But on the brooms used by little wizards, who in their free time would arrange evil spells? Just like playing basketball, who would wear a bulletproof jersey?

In fact, when Rolf's father remodeled the broom, he not only used jinx-proof varnish, but also applied jinx-proof varnish, providing all possible protection.

After all, this broom often faces magical animals and is in a high-risk environment.

"There seems to be a commotion in the faculty stands." Lee Jordan shouted in surprise:

"Professor Quirrell fell to the ground and was convulsing. Is he suffering from epilepsy? Or is he going to transform after being bitten by a vampire?"

Rolf's broomstick only stalled for a few times before returning to normal. He turned his head to look at the stands and instantly understood what was going on.

Just when everyone's eyes were attracted to Quirrell in the stands, Rolf took advantage of everyone's inattention, turned his broom, and flew towards the Bludger high in the sky.

Rolf didn't have a bat, but he turned sharply and suddenly flicked his tail sharply. The broom hit the Bludger, changed its direction, and flew towards the faculty stands.

The force was strong, but the direction was not accurate. Rolf originally wanted to hit Quirrell, but unexpectedly flew towards Professor McGonagall.

Lee Jordan was guessing about Quirrell's condition when he saw a Bludger in his field of vision, flying straight towards the stands like a meteor. He reminded loudly: "The Bludger is coming, get out of the way."

Professor McGonagall looked up and saw a Bludger flying towards her. As an avid Quidditch enthusiast and once the historical scoring champion of the Gryffindor Quidditch team, she also smiled slightly.

She calmly turned her wand into a bat and hit the Bludger with all her strength.

"A beautiful goal, worthy of Professor McGonagall!" Li boasted loudly: "If she can come back to play now, she will definitely lead Gryffindor to win the championship..."

Professor Snape looked up and stared at the Bludger, not knowing what he was thinking. He suddenly took out his wand and waved it vigorously in his sleeve, and the Bludger suddenly deflected.

Quirrell finally untied the curse that bounced back. He sat up and heard Lee reminding him again that the Bludger was crooked, and...

The roar behind me!

The Bludger accurately hit the back of Quirrell's head, and his body was thrown straight to the ground. Due to the huge momentum of the attack, his head even bounced slightly on the ground.

"Professor Quirrell!"

"Save people, save people quickly!!"

Many people shouted, and the stands were in chaos.

Li suddenly exclaimed: "Slytherin's Seeker Terrence Higgs seems to have discovered the Golden Snitch, and he is speeding up!"

Luofu had already seen this scene. He turned his broom around and slammed it straight down from a height of tens of meters. In just a few seconds, he completed the speed increase.

Like an arrow leaving the string!

No one cared about Quirrell anymore. Everyone looked towards the sky and exclaimed.

Scamander was too fast. If he hit the ground like this, his injuries would be much more serious than Quirrell's, and he might even be dead.

But Luofu showed strong technical and psychological qualities. When he was about two or three meters above the ground, he urgently raised the altitude and flew close to the ground.

Terrence Higgs had already seen the Golden Snitch. He accelerated rapidly, but there was a fierce sound breaking through the air behind him, like spring thunder.

Rolf surpassed Higgs in an instant, stretched out his hand suddenly, and shouted in a loud voice:

"Scamander caught the Golden Snitch!

competition is over!!"

(Thanks to "Just Love Wading Langshui" and "This Is Fantasy" for their tips.)

This chapter has been completed!
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