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Chapter 189: Poaching Harry

After buying clothes, the group left the clothing store with large and small bags and walked towards Honeydukes.

Compared with the deserted Fengya store, there are a lot of customers here. The queue almost stretches to the street. There are even students providing queuing services for hard-working scalpers.

Standing in the crowd, Gabrielle grinned and said happily:

"Last time I came to Honeydukes, I heard from Mrs. Froome that they were going to create a new candy. After eating it, you can spit out snowflakes like bubbles. I hope I can buy it today."

Seeing the funny sight of the little girl showing off a few missing teeth, Luofu joked: "There are also candies, look how many cavities you have now?"

Gabrielle quickly reached up and covered her mouth.

"That's right." Fleur also showed the look of a majestic elder, stretched out her hand and gently pressed Gabriel's head, and said: "You are not allowed to buy candy today."

"But my teeth have already grown in." Gabrielle tilted her head, grinned, and pointed to her new slightly protruding teeth.

"Then who complained about toothache yesterday?" Fleur asked.

"Just for the last time, sister." Gabrielle hugged one of Furong's hands, waved it vigorously, and said charmingly: "Just for the last time, I will never eat it again."

"You always say the last time!" Fleur glared.

Gabrielle looked at Luo Fu for help. Seeing her pitiful appearance, the young man wanted to help and said a few words of kindness. When he saw Fleur glaring at him, he immediately changed his words and added insult to injury:

"Gabriel, why are you looking at me? You want me to bring snacks for you? Oh, your self-control... is so poor!

Why don't you give me your pocket money and I'll keep it for you."


Gabrielle puffed up her cheeks and stared at Luo Fu fiercely. She decided that she didn't like Luo Fu... Well, she will like him again tomorrow!

Luofu said he wouldn't buy it for Gabrielle, but when he was waiting in line, he secretly helped bring some snacks.

He also bought a lot of dark snacks—cockroach skewers, fudge flies, and chocolate skulls—to send to Margaery so she could try them too.

It focuses on the deep love between brother and sister.

When everyone left the Honeydukes store, Shirley looked at the time and reminded: "Rolf, it's almost half past eleven."

Luofu nodded. They were going to Professor McGonagall's house at noon and had lunch by the way.

"Shirley, you go buy some gifts first and bring them to Professor McGonagall later. I'll go to the Pig's Head Bar," said Rove.

"Okay." Shirley said softly, "We will meet here later."

"Rolph, why are you going to the Hog's Head Bar?" Hermione asked curiously.

"The pure ale I bought last time was almost consumed by the Talisman Horse." Rolf sighed slightly and said, "I have to go find Aberforth to replenish some inventory."

Madame Maxime's rune horses are also a magical species. They never drink water, only wine, and pure malt wine, with no other ingredients.

Luofu doubted whether these magical horses would one day develop cirrhosis of the liver.

After separating from Shirley and the others, Rove quickly came to the Pig's Head Bar.

Although it is almost Christmas, there are no decorations here, the bar is still dirty and dilapidated, and it still exudes a strong smell of mutton.

Aberforth was sitting alone at the door, holding a kid in his arms and stroking its wool. When he saw Rolf, he asked:

"Why are you alone? Those two little girls broke up with you and didn't come to Hogsmeade together?"

"The two of them went to Professor McGonagall's house as guests." Rolf explained: "I'm here to buy ale, Aberforth."

When he heard that Shirley and Hermione went to McGonagall's house, but did not come to visit him, and even Rolf did not stay, Aberforth groaned angrily, and then said in a rough voice:

"The price of ale has gone up, twenty galleons per barrel."

Luo Fu curled his lips and said: "Your pricing is really a bit too shady, isn't it?"

"Would you like to buy it?" Aberforth scratched his wire-like gray beard, "You need so much ale, I am the only one in Hogsmeade who can provide it to you."

Just as Ralf was about to bargain, Aberforth snorted angrily:

"I thought your grandpa was stupid enough, but I didn't expect you to be even stupider than him... You are raising the magic horse for Hogwarts, so I can't let you pay for the wine."

"I will issue you an invoice for twice the price later. If you ask Minerva to reimburse you, you will still make a net profit of hundreds of galleons."


As the headmaster's younger brother, is it really a good thing for Aberforth to pick up the Hogwarts wool like this?

"Come on, I'll take you to the wine cellar to get some wine." Aberforth stood up and led the way. He suddenly asked:

"I heard from Albus that you are going to Godric's Hollow during the Christmas holidays?"

"Well, that's what happened." Luo Fe nodded.

Because of Trelawney's prophecy, Rolf planned to take a look at Lily's tomb to make sure that it had not been dug up by Voldemort.

"Then help me bring something to Granny Bathilda Bagshot."

"Bathilda Bagshot...the famous historian of magic?"

"That's right."

Luofu was silent for a moment, then suddenly grinned and said: "Okay, but I have to pay for the errands, a hundred galleons."


The Three Broomsticks bar was filled with guests. It was noisy for a while, and the whole room was filled with the strong smell of alcohol.

Harry sat at a small table, drinking hot, frothy butterbeer, while waiting for someone at the intersection.

Ha is waiting for Qiu Zhang - according to his observation, every time she comes to Hogsmeade, she and her classmates will come to the Three Broomsticks at this time.

He just took the opportunity to ask her to be his dance partner!

Last night, Harry treated Ron as Qiu and practiced the invitation for half a night in a real-person simulation. He was full of confidence now.

At this time, there was a lot of noise outside the bar, and many people gathered around.

Harry looked out through the fogged window, but couldn't see anything clearly. He whispered: "Ron, something seems to have happened outside."

Ron didn't speak. He was holding the cup and peeping at Mrs. Rosmerta out of the corner of his eye.

As the proprietress of the Three Broomsticks, although Mrs. Rosmerta is middle-aged, she is still graceful and graceful, and her plump breasts made Ron swallow his saliva.

"Ron?" Harry raised his voice.

Ron finally came to his senses, wiped his saliva, and said confusedly: "What's wrong?"

"There was a lot of noise at the door. I don't know what happened." Harry said.

Suddenly, a breeze blew through his hair, the door of the Three Broomsticks opened, and Qiu walked in.

Harry stood up excitedly and sat down again, because beside her was... Cedric Diggory.

Justin, who was drinking, whistled and shouted: "Cedric, the invitation was successful?"

Cedric nodded shyly, "Well, Qiu has agreed to be my dance partner."

When Harry heard this, his head began to feel dizzy, as if his whole body was floating.

He sat down on the stool, raised the cup to his lips tremblingly, and took a sip. The wine was so sweet that he almost choked.

"Ron, it's over...Qiu Zhang was invited away by Digory."

Ron looked at Harry, thought for a moment, and comforted softly: "This is a good thing."

"Good thing?!" Harry glared at Ron.

"Yes." Ron considered his words and said carefully:

"Think about it, you used to have many competitors when you wanted to invite Qiu, but now you only have one competitor: Diggory... Before the dance starts, you can go poach him."


(The updates have been too busy recently, and Kavin and other things have happened. I dare not read the comment area. I am guilty...I am trying to recover.)

This chapter has been completed!
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