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Chapter 235 Mermaid

Many students became excited when they heard Professor Graplan mention mermaids.

Whether you are a wizard or a wizard from a Muggle family, you have all heard stories of mermaids when you were a child.

In their minds, mermaid is a word that is synonymous with beautiful paintings.

But as Professor Graplan whistled, three mermaids emerged from the water, and the little wizards were immediately dumbfounded.

The mermaid they imagined was blonde, blue-eyed, handsome, with a naked upper body, and a slender and graceful tail.

But the mermaids in front of me have iron-gray skin, long dark green hair, unkempt, incomplete teeth that are yellow, and their tails are greasy and pale, like the faces of dead people.

Not to mention beautiful, they have nothing to do with being ordinary, they are clearly a bunch of ugly monsters.

No... this is definitely not a mermaid, but a deformed monster that drank Muggle nuclear waste water!

Rolf secretly muttered that "The Little Mermaid" starring Halle Bailey decades later still seemed to be a realistic movie.

After everyone was silent for a while, Justin raised his hand and said: "Professor Graplan, we want to see real fish, not this ugly creature."

"They are real mermaids, and they are not ugly." Graplan corrected:

"I specifically found Merkus, the mermaid leader of the Black Lake, and asked her to provide me with several tribesmen as teaching models.

These mermaids are truly stunning among their tribe, and are very popular among male mermaids."


Everyone was speechless. They never dreamed that words like stunning would one day be used in this way.

"But professor, I heard my grandmother tell the story of the witch Mirabella Plunkett." Susan questioned:

"If all the most beautiful mermaids look like this, how could she run away with a mermaid?"

Mirabella Plunkett was a 19th-century witch who fell in love with a mermaid who lived in Loch Lomond.

After her family rejected the marriage, she transformed herself into a haddock and eloped with the mermaid.

This story is almost universally known among wizard families, which is why they believe that mermaids are handsome or beautiful.

"Excellent question, does anyone know the reason?" Graplan asked.

She looked around and saw no one raised their hands, so she called out: "Rolph... Scamander?"

"Different subspecies of mermaids have very different looks." Luo Fu explained:

"Mirabella Plunkett is obsessed with the siren subspecies of mermaid, which is so handsome.

The mermaids in the Black Lake are of the Serki subspecies, and from a human aesthetic point of view, they are generally ugly."

"That's right, five points for Hufflepuff." Professor Grapeland said with satisfaction.

"So, are the Siren subspecies the most beautiful mermaids, Professor?" Michael Corner of Ravenclaw asked.

"No." Professor Graplan shook his head.

"The golden twin-tailed mermaid living in the Aegean Sea is the most beautiful mermaid, even comparable to Veela."

Hearing the word golden twin-tailed mermaid, Luofu narrowed his eyes and suddenly thought of Myrcella. He didn't know how she was doing now or whether she had found Avalon.

McMillan couldn't wait to say: "Then why don't we raise some golden two-tailed mermaids in the Black Lake?"

This proposal was approved by the majority of students.

Beauxbatons' Delacour sisters are mixed-blood Veela, and Veela have also appeared in the Quidditch World Cup. They all know how beautiful Veela is.

And since the golden twin-tailed mermaid is comparable to Veela, it would be a pity not to keep it in the Black Lake!

"First of all, different subspecies of mermaids have different living environments." Professor Graplan explained patiently:

"The suitable living environment for the golden double-tailed mermaid is the Mediterranean climate. If it lives in the Black Lake for a long time, it will easily get scaly disease."

"Secondly, mermaids are a highly intelligent species. They have the qualifications to become humans, but they actively reject this classification.

But this does not mean that mermaids are servants or pets of wizards, let alone raising them. They are an independent race just like us, centaurs, giants and goblins."

Professor Grapeland looked at the young faces of the little wizards and said seriously:

"Children, this is the first knowledge I want to teach you, and it is also the most important knowledge in the course of protecting magical animals - respect other species!"

"Ignorance and ignorance are not the biggest obstacles to survival, arrogance is... You must keep this in mind, otherwise one day you will definitely pay a heavy price for it."

Professor Graplan was not tall, and his tone of voice was not very serious, but he had an air of fear.

The students all calmed down and started taking notes.

"We must respect the mermaid race, but when we conflict with them, we must also know how to deal with them. This is what I want to teach you in this lesson."

Professor Grapeland glanced at Luo Fu and Shirley with meaningful eyes.

The two looked at each other and immediately understood the hint in Graplan's words.

This was obviously Dumbledore's instruction to let Grapeplan start a small business for the Hogwarts warriors. After all, their second project was to face the mermaids.

"Then who can tell me what special abilities the mermaid has...Miss Swinton?"

"The mermaid's song has magical power and can confuse the wizard's mind." Shirley replied.

"That's right, two points for Ravenclaw," said Professor Graplan.

"When fighting mermaids, the first element is to use magic to isolate the sound, but this alone is not enough to defeat them. You also need to find the mermaids' weaknesses."

"Mermaids have no legs and rely on shaking their tails to move in the water. Their tails are their weakness." Graplan said slowly:

"The leg-locking charm has no effect on them, but the soft-leg charm is very useful."

"In addition, mermaids will also tame Grindylows as pets."

Hannah raised her hand and said: "Professor Black taught us how to deal with Grindylow in last year's Defense Against the Dark Arts class."

"Very good." Graplan nodded with satisfaction and said, "Besides Grindylow, there is another thing you should pay attention to, and that is Lobaworm."

"This is a powerful aquatic creature, about ten inches long, consisting of a flexible nozzle and a venom sac.

When threatened, it shrinks its venom sac and then sprays out venom to drive away the attacker."

"And the mermaid will use the loba bug as a water gun. It can spray very far in the water. Even if it cannot hit the target, it can pollute a water area and poison the enemy."

Graplan reminded: "When facing a mermaid, you must take the antidote for Lobaworm."

Luo Fu realized that he had indeed ignored this problem. He quickly wrote it down in his notebook and prepared to go back and brew the antidote.

Graplan waved his hand and said: "Okay, now you have to do practical operations with these mermaids."

After Graplan finished speaking, three ugly female mermaids jumped onto the shore together and rushed toward Luo Fu.

They had been observing in the water for a long time, and they had already fallen in love with the handsome Luo Fu, and they couldn't wait to practice mermaiding with him.

This chapter has been completed!
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