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Chapter 247 The real loan from ancestors and grandsons

After hearing Nymeria's words, Rolf was a little shocked. He didn't expect the centaurs to be able to use the power of the ancient wizard's remains in the coffin through the wooden coffin.

The young man suddenly remembered that Dumbledore once said to him:

According to word of mouth from past headmasters, somewhere deep in the Hogwarts Castle, there is a wooden coffin, which provides magic to Hogwarts and allows the castle to operate on its own for thousands of years.

It seems that not only the centaurs, but also the four giants can call upon that power.

Rolf decided to go back and read through the books in Ravenclaw's Chamber of Secrets to see if she had any magic left to use the remains.

Last Christmas holiday, Rolf went to Nico's manor to mobilize the magic power he stored in the manor to fight Voldemort.

That powerful feeling of power constantly rising is something that Rove will never forget.

The remains in the wooden coffin can easily power Hogwarts for a thousand years, which is... far ahead of the magic power stored in Nico Manor!

If such a powerful force were to be used, Luo Fu didn't know who else would be his opponent!


I want to hit ten!!

Just when Rolf was immersed in the fantasy of kicking Voldemort and punching Slytherin, Nymeria's next words were like a bucket of cold water poured on his head, instantly bringing him back to reality.

"Although the power of that wooden coffin is powerful, it also requires a huge price to use."

"What price?" Rove asked.

"Lifespan." Nymeria said softly, "Bain's hair turned gray because of the wooden coffin. In order to kill me, he lost at least twenty years of his lifespan."

"If you divine the more distant future, your lifespan will be reduced even more... In short, the stronger the power you use, the more lifespan you need to sacrifice."


"What if the life span is not enough?" Shirley asked curiously.

"If the life span is not enough, it will continue to ask for it from the descendants of the user." Nymeria said slowly:

"There once was a centaur prophet in our tribe who wanted to use that wooden coffin to spy on events a thousand years from now."

"After he finished his divination, he died suddenly. Thirteen generations of his direct descendants all died at a very young age. No centaur lived past the age of thirty."


Luo Fu's scalp went numb, this is the real loan from ancestors and grandchildren... The main idea is that one person can still take the loan, and the loan will be passed down from generation to generation, and there will be endless generations!

"So, the power of the ancient wizard's remains in the wooden coffin is called the forbidden power by us centaurs."

Nymeria couldn't help but sigh and said softly, "Borrowing the forbidden power is also called making a deal with Death."

The description of 'dealing with Death' is quite appropriate. The whole process is like buying strength with one's life. Isn't it just making a deal with Death?

Nymeria raised the back of her hand to wipe the corners of her mouth. She paused and continued:

"Because it consumes lifespan, centaurs rarely borrow wooden coffins for divination. They mostly use them to enter a trance-like world... Do you know what a trance-like world is?"

Both Luo Fu and Shirley nodded. They were both familiar with trances and hallucinations, and had even been there themselves.

However, the two people's calmness made Nymeria somewhat uneasy.

She is not the kind of centaur who likes to show off her knowledge, but Rolf and Shirley are obviously still ponies, so how come they know all the secrets!

Nymeria was depressed and continued: "Whenever a centaur dies, his relatives will go to the trance to say goodbye to the undead."

Shirley sighed: "This is a good use."

How many people fail to say goodbye to their loved ones before they die, but if they can enter a dreamy world, this regret can be reduced.

Rolf was silent for a moment and suddenly asked: Nymeria, have you ever seen the God of Death in the trance?"

The story of the three brothers and the God of Death is too far away now and has long been distorted, but Grigovitch saw the God of Death in a trance with his own eyes.

The god of death also guided him to find the Elder Wand.

Of course, Dumbledore had guessed that it was not the so-called God of Death, but a wizard who could travel through other people's tangled illusions.

"Death?" Nymeria shook her head in confusion: "We have never seen any death."

Rolf frowned. Could it be that this God of Death only singled out wizards as a species and ignored other species such as centaurs and goblins?

Speaking of Grigovitch, Rove suddenly remembered something.

Grigovitch once said that in the hands of the saint, there is an immortal body, which is said to be the relics of the God of Death.

The saints prayed to the relic and entered a trance.

This sounds a lot like what centaurs do to remains in wooden coffins.

Could it be that the relics of death in the hands of the saints are the remains of ancient wizards?

As for Slytherin's wooden coffin, after someone opened it up, the corpse inside disappeared. Could it be that the Saint got it?

Luofu frowned, feeling more and more that it was time to investigate this mysterious organization carefully, especially the leader behind it... who exactly is it!

Nymeria suddenly coughed violently, and Shirley quickly picked up a cup and handed it to her.

Nymeria looked at the silver-white liquid in the cup, sniffed it with her nose, frowned and said, "Is this the blood of a unicorn?"

"Yes." Luo Fu nodded and said:

"Nymeria, I must tell you that although we rescued you, you were too seriously injured and ultimately could not be saved.

I...can only give you unicorn blood to survive."

Nymeria looked at him in shock, unable to believe her ears.

Of course she knew what taking unicorn blood meant.

Nymeria was silent for a long time, and then she said in a hollow voice:

"I know...thank you for saving me."

Luofu put a bottle of magic potion on the table beside the bed. "This is sleeping wine. After taking it, you will have a wonderful dream."

"I've slept too much." Nymeria shook her head.

"Sleep is the best doctor." Rove said.

After Rolf and Shirley left, Nymeria suddenly felt strength leaking out of her body bit by bit.

So, she lay back on the bed and closed her eyes, but what came to her mind were the pitiful looks of the tribesmen who had taken unicorn blood to stay alive.

Soon, she was one of them.

Nymeria felt cold sweat dripping down her back. She opened her eyes in fear, took the bottle of sleep wine, and drank it in one gulp.

Nymeria lay down on the bed again, and sleepiness soon swept over her.

Not knowing whether she could dream of running freely in the forest, she closed her eyes bitterly.

After Luo Fu and Shirley walked out of the room, they held hands and walked across the street. No one spoke for a while.

"What are you thinking about, Rolf?" the ponytail girl suddenly asked.

"I'm thinking about Myrcella. I wonder if she has found Avalon and found the spring that lifted the curse."

Luo Fu was silent for a moment and suddenly said:

"Shirley, I have to admit that I used to be reluctant to look for that island, but looking at Myrcella and Nymeria, I'm a little shaken now."

"That's why you were sorted into Hufflepuff by the sorting hat instead of other houses, just because you always have kindness towards the weak."

Shirley looked at Luo Fu tenderly. It was from him that she felt kindness for the first time. It was an unprecedented warmth.

From then on, she secretly fell in love with him.

The girl with the ponytail suddenly hugged the boy tightly and said softly: "Rolf, one day you really want to go to Avalon, I will go with you!"

Luofu put his chin on Shirley's head, smelled her unique fragrance, and said with a smile:


This chapter has been completed!
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