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Chapter 264: Genius or pervert? The true face of playboy Rolf Scamander

Seeing that Rolf's expression was abnormal, Shirley and Hermione both came over and looked at the parchment in his hand. They just glanced at the title and they almost stopped.

"Genius or pervert? The true face of playboy Rolf Scamander"

As the recipient of two first-class medals of the Order of Merlin, Rolf Scamander once captured the Death Eater Peter Pettigrew, helped Black clear his grievances, and participated in the Quidditch game that shocked the world last summer.

In the World Cup finals, countless innocent people were saved.

He is definitely the hottest genius wizard in the wizarding world in recent years!

But when reporter Rita Skeeter got to know Scamander in depth, she unexpectedly discovered a side of this genius that was hidden and unknown to the public:

His private life was extremely chaotic, and he maintained inappropriate relationships with multiple witches (all underage).

"Yes, he was extremely close to Shirley Swinton and Hermione Granger."

Said a male student from Slytherin House named Draco who did not want to reveal his last name.

"The three of them have been inseparable since the first grade. Whether they are in class, going to the library, or going to Hogsmeade, they are always together... like Siamese twins.

The three of them must be dating!"

Scamander dated two girls at the same time, but he was not satisfied yet. He also became obsessed with a pair of Indian twin sisters.

Among them, sister Padma Patil even shyly told reporters:

"Of course I like Rolf. There is no girl in our Ravenclaw house who is not fascinated by him."

Padma also said that she had invited Scamander to visit India during the summer vacation, and she wanted to swim naked in the Ganges with him.

These few female students are not enough to satisfy Scamander's terrible appetite. In the near future, he will also extend his claws to the top student of Beauxbatons School of Witchcraft and Wizardry - Fleur Delacour.

This beautiful girl, with Veela blood, obviously has a strong attraction to wizards like Scamander who come from a family of magical animals.

What the reporter said was not without purpose.

In the Forbidden Forest, there lived a group of kind-hearted centaurs. One of them, a centaur named Bain who was extremely friendly to wizards, complained to reporters:

"Scamander kidnapped my fiancée, Nymeria!"

In a Defense Against the Dark Arts class, the students, led by Mad Eye, entered the Forbidden Forest to find Bane, who was eager for his fiancée. They also had a conflict with Scamander in class.

Many students can testify to this matter.

In addition, there is a witch named Margery Kowalski, who came all the way from the United States to hold Scamander responsible.

Rumor has it that Margaery is pregnant with Scamander's six-month-old child.

When the reporter herself asked Margaery why Scamander abandoned her, she told the reporter:

"Rolf only liked girls under the age of seventeen. After I became an adult, he abandoned me."

When the reporter heard this answer, he breathed a sigh of relief, which meant that he would not be the hunting target of the sex demon Scamander...

Luo Fu only read a third of it, but he couldn't stand it anymore, because there were more than a dozen witches in such a small space...

According to Rita's description, Rolf is more than just a playboy, he is simply a lustful ghost who is worse than a beast!

But in fact, the most outrageous thing that Rove ever did was sleeping on the same bed with Shirley in his arms... without even taking off his clothes.

Therefore, Rolf raised his head and locked his cold gaze on Rita. In his blue eyes, there was a strong murderous intention towards Rita.

"Rita Skeeter, I warned you at the German Ministry of Magic last year not to write any articles about me. It seems you didn't take my words too seriously."

The next second, a small sword, only as long as a finger and as thin as a cicada's wings, jumped out of Rolf's pocket and stabbed Rita in the head.

Rita, who had no time to use magic defense, tilted her head hard and swung to the left. The flying sword drew a bloody mark on her face.

When Shirley saw that Rolf suddenly made a move, she immediately drew her wand and cooperated with him tacitly to cast the ear-closing listening spell.

So, when Rita screamed in pain, none of the other guests in the room heard her.

When Hermione saw Rita trying to get up and run away, she also raised her wand and used magic to bind her to the chair.

Under Rolf's control, the small sword drew a large arc, and finally hovered in front of Rita's head, with the tip of the sword just touching her eyebrows.

Rita looked at the small sword. She was frightened and stammered in defense:

"Mr. Scamander, I didn't intend to send this article out. I just wrote it to play...you...don't kill me."

"Writing for fun?" Luofu smiled, but that smile was chilling no matter how you looked at it.

"Then I will also play with you today."

After the young man finished speaking, he tapped the table with his fingers, and the small sword pierced Rita's eyebrows, drawing a bloody groove downwards that was more than an inch long, and a large amount of blood flowed across her cheeks.

The pain of her flesh and blood bursting out made Rita's face distorted. She wanted to roll on the ground in pain, but her body was tightly bound and she could not move.

Rita bit her lip tightly, bleeding without realizing it. She looked at Margery aside and begged:

"Please, help me, Miss Kowalski..."

Margery ignored Rita. She crossed her legs, elegantly picked up a cup of black tea, twisted the lid, and gently fanned the tea mist. The fragrance was fragrant. She closed her eyes and sniffed intoxicated.

When Rita fainted from the pain, Margaery slowly opened her eyes, smiled at Rolf, and said:

"After the Christmas ball, I followed Rita Skeeter into her house and found her writing this article."

When Luo Fu heard this, he was also slightly scared.

Fortunately, Margery discovered it in time. Otherwise, if Rita had published the article in the Daily Prophet, he couldn't imagine how his reputation would be tarnished.

Margaery picked up the parchment, clicked her tongue and said:

“But to be honest, this woman’s writing skills are indeed very strong, and the articles she writes are very provocative and can easily be believed by everyone.

Rolf, when I first read this article, I almost believed that I was really pregnant with your six-month-old child."


Luofu sighed and said:

"So, now you know why I didn't accept an interview with Rita Skeeter and why I was so defensive about her?"

"But it is also a good weapon when used properly." Margaery raised her lips and said, "Rolph, don't kill Rita, she is still useful to me."

Luofu took back the small sword and said with some confusion: "It works...what do you want to do?"

Margaery didn't hide it at all, she directly said something earth-shattering in a nonchalant tone.

"I want to use her to give you Britain... a Minister for Magic."


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