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Chapter 271 Twin Core Wand

The Imperius Curse, as one of the three Unforgivable Curses, is an extremely powerful and evil black magic.

When the spell is cast successfully, the person under the spell will be under the control of the caster and act according to the caster's wishes.

Shirley, Hermione and Fleur were now completely under Rolf's control. They would do whatever he asked them to do.

Of course, this is not an absolute thing. If the willpower of the cursed person is strong enough, he can get rid of the control of the spell caster.

At this time, Rolf was waiting for Shirley, Hermione and Fleur to use their own willpower to forcefully break away from the Imperius Curse.

This is also the purpose of letting them be cursed, so as to improve their "resistance" to the Imperius Curse, so that when the enemy uses the Imperius Curse to control them, they will be able to resist.

However, the willpower of the three of them was obviously not enough to break free from the boy's Imperius Curse. They just stood there like three real toys.

Rolf had nothing to do, looking at Shirley, Hermione and Fleur being controlled, he suddenly became full of bad taste and was ready to have some fun with them to satisfy his inner bold thoughts.

So, Shirley, Hermione and Fleur made the most abnormal behavior one after another:

Shirley opened her arms, imitating an owl, and made a "coo" sound in her mouth;

Hermione held two handkerchiefs and danced the yangko. She also showed off her singing voice and sang in a standard Parisian accent, "Man on the horse pole, you are mighty and majestic";

Fleur performed a split horse and performed a series of other difficult gymnastics moves. Her body was indeed as described by Gabrielle... soft and elastic, which amazed Rolf.

At this time, Gabrielle hugged a package and ran towards them excitedly, shouting at the same time:

"Rolph, the owl brought you a package of things."

She shouted as she ran. At first she ran happily, quite happily, and then when she ran up to her, she saw such a strange scene.

The little girl froze on the spot. After a while, she said with a dull face:

"What are you doing?"

Gabrielle clearly remembered that her sister said that several people were going to be training for the Triwizard Tournament, but you guys who sing and dance and do it all...are you sure you are doing serious training?

"Nothing." Luofu said with a smile: "Your sisters and others were controlled by me with magic."

He explained quickly, and Gabrielle let out a long sigh, blinked her cunning eyes, and confirmed again: "They...are they really under your control?"

Rolf nodded.

Gabrielle pondered for a moment, then suddenly stared at Luofu and said dissatisfied:

"You controlled them with magic, and you just let them do such boring things?!"

Luofu crossed his arms, raised his eyebrows and asked, "Then what else can I ask them to do?"

"Of course he did very bad things, very bad things, such as..."

Gabrielle showed a wizened smile, stood on tiptoes, leaned into the boy's ear, and whispered:

"Didn't you say you have a lot of homework for Easter? Let them do it for you! The time you save can be used to play with me."


Luofu couldn't help but twitch his lips. Is this what Gabrielle called a very bad thing?

That's really bad!

Gabrielle rolled her eyes and then focused on the ponytailed girl whom she had designated as her lifelong enemy.

She planned to take this opportunity to remove Shirley's abominable ponytail, give her an ugly bun, and then use a quill pen to draw a few sniffers on her cheeks!

Rolf seemed to know what Gabrielle was thinking, and reminded: "You'd better not have bad intentions, otherwise I won't be able to save you when Shirley wakes up."

"I'm not afraid of her." Gabrielle stuck out her tongue at Luo Fu, stretched out her hand and said, "Give me a quill quickly!"

Rolf waved his wand, conjured a quill, handed it to Gabrielle, and quietly lifted the Imperius Curse from Shirley.

Gabrielle didn't know it yet, but she excitedly ran to Shirley with her quill in hand, stood on tiptoes, and pointed the pen tip at her cheek.

Just as Gabrielle was about to start writing, Shirley "awoke" without any warning, stared at Gabrielle who was very close at hand, narrowed her bright eyes, and frowned coldly:

"What do you want to do?"

Gabrielle shivered in fright, her arms hung in the air, and she stammered:

"Shirley, you're awake... Haha, I didn't do anything, I just wanted to... wake you up."

Shirley glanced at the quill that was close at hand. Gabrielle uttered an ouch and quickly retracted her hand. Her eyes rolled rapidly, knowing that something was wrong, she turned around and started running away.

After just two steps, Shirley used magic to freeze him in place.

Shirley slowly walked up to Gabrielle, took the quill, waved it in front of her eyes, and then asked: "You just wanted to draw something on my face, right?"

Gabrielle forced a smile and said, "It's nothing."

Luofu said with a bad smile: "She wants to draw Sniff."

Gabrielle glared at the young man who betrayed himself and said fiercely: "Just wait..."

"She also wanted to draw a bowtruckle." Luofu added, adding insult to injury.

Gabrielle quickly begged for mercy: "I was wrong, I don't dare anymore..."

Shirley smiled sweetly, drew a Niffler on Gabrielle's face with teeth and claws, and then unlocked the magic and spared her.

Gabrielle covered her cheeks and hurried towards the wooden house, apparently going to wash her face.

Rolf laughed happily, then bent down to pick up the package that Gabrielle had just brought.

Shirley came over and asked, "What is this?"

"Items sent from Berlin, Germany, and Grigovitch's logo." Rove said, "It should be the wand sent by Karin."

He opened the package and found that there were indeed a dozen wands inside.

Shirley picked up a wand, looked at it carefully, and found that there was a note on it. She read:

"Thirteen and a half inches long, made of mahogany... birds flocking!"

The mahogany wand made a loud bang, like a pistol being fired, and a flock of birds flew out from the wand head with flapping wings.

Shirley was surprised by the power and asked curiously: "Is this the wand you said can fight against Voldemort?"

"That's right." Rolf nodded, "The cores of these wands are the same as Voldemort's yew. The cores come from Fox's tail feathers and are twin cores."

"Wands with twin cores have the property of not killing each other. When wizards attack each other, all the spells on both sides will be invalid, and a special flashback spell will be generated, causing one of the wands to replay the spell it cast before.


In the original time and space, when Harry faced the resurrected Voldemort, he relied on the twin cores to escape.

Over the years, Rolf often tempted Fox with delicious food, and then took the opportunity to pluck its feathers. In addition to making quills, Karin made the collected feathers into wands.

Luofu looked at the wands and said excitedly:

"With them, you can be more confident when fighting Voldemort!"

This chapter has been completed!
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