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Chapter 273 The Return of Hagrid

Throughout the Easter holidays, Rove worked two shifts.

He had to compete with three girls during the day, and at night he had to take Shirley in bed to study lucid dreams and the Imperius Curse... He was so busy!

Of course, the effect is still very significant.

Although Luofu was able to defeat the three girls every time, he gradually found it difficult to deal with their increasingly skillful combined attacks. He had to increase his suppressive strength little by little in order to deal with them.

It can only be said that with his hard work every day, Shirley, Hermione and Fleur have indeed grown significantly!

Amid this busyness, the Easter vacation is over, the students have ushered in the summer semester, and Hagrid, who has been away for several months, is finally back.

On this day, after the Herbology class ended, Hufflepuff and Gryffindor students separated and walked towards the edge of the Forbidden Forest.

Before they arrived at the wooden house, everyone saw a tall figure standing in front of the house waiting for them from a distance.

Since the report about Rita Skeeter came out, Hagrid has disappeared without a trace. Many students thought that he had been expelled or was imprisoned in Azkaban.

Seeing this again, the little wizards were all surprised. They gathered together in small groups and whispered. When the Ravenclaw students arrived, the chatter became louder and louder.

Finally, some students couldn't hold it any longer and raised their hands and asked:

"Professor Hagrid, where is Professor Graplan, why isn't she here to teach us?"

This is quite an rude question.

Professor Grubblan is just an acting teacher. Hagrid is the real Professor of Care of Magical Creatures. He teaches the class naturally.

But I am afraid of comparison in everything. Compared with Hagrid, who has been teaching Blast-Ended Skrewts for half a year, Graplan, the acting teacher, is more popular and loved by the students.

Hagrid also knew this. Not only was he not angry, he also carefully explained:

"Professor Grapeland has something to do temporarily... He has returned to the Hebridean Islands... I will take over the teaching temporarily."

These words were both humble and sad, so the honest and honest Hufflepuff students, who could be called warm men, applauded Hagrid and welcomed him back.

Hagrid was very moved. He took the dirty handkerchief and wiped his wet eyes again and again.

After the school bell rang, Hagrid led the students towards the pumpkin patch and came to a pile of open cardboard boxes.

The students thought that another nest of small snails had hatched, and their hearts sank.

But when I got closer, I realized that they were not blow-tailed snails, but a group of fluffy little guys:

They have long noses, flat front paws like shovels, and are covered with black fur, which is very strange.

Luo Fu and Shirley looked at each other, and in tacit agreement, they took off their shiny items and put them back in their wallets.

"This is Xiu Xiu," Hagrid waited until the students had gathered, clapped his hands and introduced:

"You can usually see them underground in mines. They like shiny things..."

Before Hagrid finished speaking, a Sniff suddenly jumped up and jumped onto Hannah. She screamed in fright, and ran away with her schoolbag regardless of her elegant demeanor.

The Sniff didn't stay too long. It jumped up to a wooden post and played with a hairpin inlaid with a row of rhinestones.

Hannah touched her hair and shouted: "My hairpin was stolen..."

Neville immediately rushed towards Niffler to save him, but Niffler kicked off his hind paws, took advantage of the situation, jumped onto another student's arm, and stole a watch again.

Xiu Xiu just wandered in and out of the crowd, and everyone not only failed to catch it, but also lost seven or eight items.

For a time, the scene was extremely chaotic.

Sniff is a master at escaping, so there's no way he can be caught this way.

As a sniffing expert, Luofu picked up a gold coin from his pocket and it shone brightly in the sun.

When the Sniff saw it, it couldn't move its eyes away and immediately rushed towards Luo Fu and snatched the Galleon away.

But in the next second, Galleons turned into ropes, and Xiu Xiu fled in a hurry. He changed his route several times, but was still wrapped around his ankles by the ever-present rope.

Xiu Xiu jumped hard, jumped up high, grabbed the branches with both claws, and tried to climb up the tree, but was violently dragged to the ground.

Luofu flicked his wrist again, and the rope bent into a beautiful arc, dragging Sniff back like fishing.

Shirley bent down and grabbed Xiuxiu, lifted it up upside down, and shook it vigorously like shaking a quilt.

The next second, a large number of shiny things fell from Sniff's abdominal bag and crashed onto the ground.

The students stepped forward one after another to take back their belongings.

It cooed angrily, obviously scolding it very unpleasantly.

However, the girl with the ponytail reached out and scratched and sniffed her furry belly. The cat immediately stopped barking and instead let out a pleasant "purr" sound.

"Everyone hide the shiny things and don't let them be stolen by Sniffs." Hagrid said loudly: "Next, we are going to play a little game with these Sniffs!"

He pointed to the large piece of newly opened land and said, "I buried some gold coins in the ground. Whoever digs out the most gold coins will be rewarded."

Hearing that there were gold coins buried in the ground, the little wizards who were not very happy just now rushed towards Hagrid. It seemed that if they were slow for a second, they would not be able to pick the best one for sniffing.

Rolf also chose a half-grown Sniff and threw it into the ground. It began to drill in and out of the soil, like a fish in the water.

After the sniffers find the gold coins, they will rush back and put the gold coins into the students' hands.

Rolf held a handful of gold coins and knew they were the leprechaun's gold coins.

This kind of gold coins are created by leprechauns using magic. Although they look and feel very similar to ordinary galleons coins, they will disappear after a few hours.

Therefore, the Nifflers did not miss it and gave it to the wizard directly.

But the little wizards didn't seem to know, they were still working on it enthusiastically, and some even secretly hid the gold coins in their pockets.

At this time, Hagrid came over and asked uncertainly: "Is the content of this lesson okay?"

"Okay," said Rolf, "everyone likes these sniffers."

Hagrid breathed a sigh of relief. He was very afraid that the courses he had prepared were still not recognized by the students.

A Niffler ran over and put a large handful of gold into Shirley's hand. She took out the freeze-dried gold from her pocket, rewarded it, and then whispered:

"Hagrid, welcome back."

"Thank you." Hagrid said with a smile: "I didn't want to come back originally, but Professor Dumbledore went to the Forbidden Forest to find me and invited me to come back. He said that he had something to do for me, so I had to come back."

"What's going on?" Luo Fe asked curiously.

"Dumbledore asked me to help design the third project of the Triwizard Tournament." Hagrid glanced around and said in a low voice:

"You guys come out quietly tonight, and I will take you to see the content of the game."

This chapter has been completed!
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