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Chapter 76 Newt Scamander

The trip to Albania was mostly uneventful.

Except that on the first night, a female ghost got into Rolf's room; on the second day, the express train encountered heavy snow and blocked the road and was forced to stop for four hours on the European plains; when passing through the Pyrenees Mountains, it was again intercepted by a group of magic symbols.

Outside of horse harassment...

Overall, it was generally uneventful.

On the evening of the third day, Luofu finally arrived at the end of the journey. Carrying his small black suitcase, he quickly walked out of the train, turned around and said with a smile:

"Okay, Mr. Weasley...you don't need to send me any more."

"Be careful, child." Weasley warned.

"Yes, I will. Thank you for taking care of me for a few days." Rolf smiled and said, "When you arrive in Romania, please help me convey my regards to Charlie."

This trip was indeed the most comfortable one he had ever had. There were people to help cook, people to keep him safe, he had nothing to do, and there was a little girl who he could bully.

The express started again, and Ginny leaned against the window and shouted: "Rolf, don't forget to send me a Christmas present!"

Luofu waved his hand and watched everyone leave. The express train swept away the dust and roared through the wizard village, with fallen leaves flying on the track behind it.

The boy was on a very dilapidated platform, with the vast forest of Albania on the left and a wizard village on the right.

Newt is in the forest!

There were not many passengers getting off the bus, and it was easy for Rove to spot the ghostly Ms. Gray not far away.

It's really haunting.

Since that night, she often followed Luo Fu, and would break into the car in the middle of the night, and then stare at him... But the young man was helpless, after all, his magic could not work on ghosts.

Luofu walked over with helplessness on his face and sighed: "Ms. Gray, how can you not follow me? I really don't smell like your mother.

If you really like the smell of me, I can give you my old clothes and you can take them back and smell them every day?"

"I didn't come with you, I was going to get off here." Ms. Gray was silent for a moment and said in a low voice:

"In fact, I come every year and have been for centuries."

The woman looked into the depths of the forest with mixed emotions. She sighed slightly and said sadly:

"I was killed in this forest on Christmas Day."

"..." Come back and visit your own grave, right?

At this moment, a group of wizards came over from a tavern in the village, led by a short wizard.

Ms. Gray probably didn't want to see other strangers. She walked forward slowly, passed by Rolf, and drifted towards the Albanian forest.

"Mr. Scamander, I am a wizard from the Albanian Ministry of Magic...do you remember me?" the short wizard said enthusiastically.

"It was I who invited Mr. Scamander to come to Albania."

"Remember, Mr. Reid, you need to conduct routine inspections on me according to the "Secrecy Act, right? I understand this!"

Luofu took the initiative to hand over the box. He found that a good magizoologist is very knowledgeable about the law. After all, he often undergoes endless scrutiny and is considered a doctor after a long illness.

"No..." Reid waved his hand and said a little embarrassedly: "I came to you today because I want to discuss it with you."

"What?" Luofu asked confused.

"The phenomenon of animal death in the Albanian forest has disappeared. We are very grateful to Mr. Scamander for his help and will pay him a lot of money." Reid pleaded:

"But can you persuade your grandfather to return to Romania or England?"


At this moment, there was a roar deep in the forest. Luofu looked up and saw a six or seven-meter-long fire dragon flying over from the depths of the forest.

It was a Romanian Longhorned Dragon with black-green scales and two shiny golden horns.

Hanging on the two golden horns were an oil lamp and a somewhat worn box.

An old man with gray hair sat cross-legged on the head of the fire dragon, holding a book in one hand and flipping through the book by the light.

He turned the pages of the book extremely slowly, and the fire dragon under his butt flew extremely steadily, with almost no shaking at all.

The fire dragon flew towards the platform from the depths of the forest. It finally landed on the ground with a bang, throwing up countless dust, and the sound was particularly shocking.

All the Albanian wizards backed away in fear.

The old man, who was sitting on top of the fire dragon's head and reading quietly, stood up, dusted off his thick windbreaker, and was about to jump off when he realized that the platform was full of wizards.

The old man's eyes were a little dodgey under his bangs, and he suddenly didn't want to go down anymore. He slid down the fire dragon's neck and hid it behind his back.

"You all go back first, Mr. Reid." Rolf said, "I will advise my grandpa to leave early."

After all the wizards in Albania left, Rolf walked towards the fire dragon, reached out and patted the scales of the fire dragon, and said with a smile:

"Did you steal other people's sheep? Are you a sheep thief? Otherwise, everyone is so afraid of you?"

The black dragon hissed disdainfully and exhaled a few wisps of white smoke from its mouth and nose. It spread its broad wings and flapped the ground.

Newt poked his head out like a Vietcong probe, and found that the wizards were gone. Then he breathed a sigh of relief and said:

"No, I have been very good at restraining Vhagar recently."

"Then why does the Albanian Ministry of Magic want you to return to Romania?"

Luofu looked up at the energetic but autistic old man and asked softly:

"Grandpa, could it be that the magical creatures in your box escaped again and attacked the Ministry of Magic?"

"Of course not!" Newt quickly denied, sitting down on the fire dragon and saying:

"Rolf, they are not afraid of me, but of Vhagar, the creatures in my box."

The old man said in a low voice: "Even if they are not in danger, even if I can restrain them, those wizards will still be afraid."

"Just like when you walk through a busy city with a lion, that lion has been tamed by you and will not attack Muggles. Muggles will still be instinctively afraid."

From the corner of his eye, Rolf spotted a Sniff creeping out of Newt's box and landing on the ground. He picked up its legs and hung it upside down in the air.

"Then go back." Rolf climbed up on the wings of the black dragon. He sat next to Newt and said softly:

"The guy who killed the animals is not in the forest, why is he still here?"

The young man turned his head and stared into Newt's eyes: "Did you find anything else?"

Newt's eyes did not dodge this time, and he was not in a hurry to speak. Instead, he raised his head and looked into the distance. Finally, he looked at the young man from far to near, and nodded:

"I found an old friend deep in the forest."

"It can't be a witch, right?" Luofu raised his eyebrows.

Newt gently exhaled a breath, and said with a sad expression:

"She is indeed a witch. I haven't seen her for decades... I want to take her home."




(Thanks to the two big guys "Just Love Wading Langshui" and "Add Add Subtract" for the reward.)

This chapter has been completed!
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