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Chapter 303: Rolf of Death

Standing among the ancient stone tombs, Rolf greeted the Death Eaters politely.

The group of Death Eaters in black robes also responded quickly, but not with their mouths, but with... wands.

Shining rays of light shot out from the wand in the Death Eater's hand, and the spells intertwined with each other in mid-air, like a giant woven web that enveloped the young man.

At this time, the people far away in the Quidditch field, through the magic curtain, watched the imminent battle with full concentration.

It is generally believed that Rolf will use his ghostly steps to dodge the rain of spells - he has demonstrated this powerful ability in battle more than once!

But unexpectedly, Luofu stopped and stood there, as if he was waiting to die.

The next second, a scene that stunned the little wizards appeared:

Several stun spells hit Luo Fu first, but for some reason, the red light bounced off of him.

"Merlin!" Ludo said in shock, "This kind of defense... I have only seen it in magical creatures such as horned beasts, giants and fire dragons!"

Rolf indeed looks like a humanoid fire dragon, especially because his skin is silver-gray, as if coated with a thick layer of scales.

The young man walked towards the Death Eaters with a smile on his face, occasionally moving to avoid the killing curse and other deadly magic.

But other than that, most of the spells that fell on him were either bounced away, or instantly shattered into powder like an egg striking a stone.

A sharp magic arrow failed to hit Luo Fu accurately, but missed him. However, out of boredom, he still took the initiative to stretch out his one arm and hold an arrow with the palm of his hand.

The young man's arm was motionless, but the latter was broken inch by inch!

Rolf listened to the increasingly shrill screams in the distance. He pointed his wand at his throat and said, "The sound is loud!"

Then, like thunder, his words resounded throughout the catacombs, echoing between the ancient tombs and the thick pillars, so that everyone could hear them.

"Tom Riddle, where are you? An old friend is here, why are you hiding?! Tom~"

In the distance, Penny was lying on the ground, screaming in agony as if she was in labor, and her whole body was rapidly losing weight visibly to the naked eye.

Between the two thighs, a pale-skinned man was tightly grasping the bleeding thigh, struggling to squeeze it out.

Waves of calls for "Tom" came, echoing in the man's ears. He looked up suddenly and murmured: "Rolf Scamander is here!"

Bella on the side turned pale when she heard the name Scamander. She said fiercely: "Master, I'm going to kill him!"

"Don't go." Voldemort said coldly: "You are no match for him. Continue to guard me until I am completely resurrected."

"Yes, Master." Bella had no choice but to sit on the ground again. As if she was venting her anger, she waved her magic wand, and the spell fell on her ancestor's tomb, which instantly fell into pieces.

The students in the audience heard through the magic curtain that Rolf had been calling Tom. They looked at each other and were all curious about who this person named "Tom Riddle" was.

Why does he appear in the scene where Rove fights the Death Eaters?

But the wizard who understood the meaning of this name changed his face drastically.

Just as Rolf was walking towards the Death Eaters and calling for Tom, a strange vision suddenly occurred!

A tomb behind him exploded, and a middle-aged wizard jumped out from it. He aimed at Rolf's back and shouted: "Avada Kedavra!"

When Luofu turned around, he saw a dazzling green light coming from him, which stung him so much that he could hardly open his eyes.

The next second, he was hit by a green light, flying straight backwards like a kite with its string broken, and fell heavily to the ground.

The originally noisy Quidditch field suddenly fell silent.

Ludo also fell silent, staring blankly at Luo Fu who fell to the ground. He who just resisted the curse purely with his body, died like this?!

That was Scamander. He had done so many great things, how could he die so easily?

But Rolf couldn't fake it when he was hit by Avada Kedavra. This is a black magic that will kill you if you hit it!

Ludo lost his ability to think for a moment as he listened to the low cries and sobs from the audience, and his mind went blank.

The man emerged from the tomb, patted the dust on his body, looked at Luofu's body, and laughed happily:

"Little waste, why don't you scream anymore?"

"I hid in the tomb. I originally wanted to see if Dumbledore would come, and then I would find an opportunity to sneak attack on the old guy. I didn't expect that you would come."

"I heard about your name in Azkaban, and the newspapers also boasted about it. They said you are a genius. What is it like now? Are you still a genius?

The man spat and said disdainfully:

"Bah, what a bullshit genius. He didn't even graduate from Hogwarts, yet he dared to win in front of a group of us Death Eaters alone. Do you really think you are invincible?!"

The man shot another magic spell and hit Luo Fu's body, whipping the corpse and saying:

"Remember, the name of your killer is Antony Dolokhov!"

"Well done, Dolohov!" cried Rodolphus Lestrange.

Dolokhov raised the corners of his mouth and said: "I shouldn't have used the killing curse directly just now, otherwise I could torture him. It would be too easy for this kid."

"It's okay." Rookwood whistled and said:

"I heard that this boy is Dumbledore's favorite student. We will dump the body in Hogwarts later..."

All the Death Eaters laughed, and Dolohov laughed so hard that he was particularly happy.

The smile on Rookwood's face disappeared first, because he discovered that Scamander's body had disappeared without warning.

The Lestrange brothers also put away the smiles on their faces and stared into the distance in disbelief.

Luo Fu, who was obviously dead, actually came back to life. He walked slowly along the marble road.

His footsteps echoed under the deep dome, like ghostly whispers.

After Dolokhov noticed that the faces of everyone in front of him became solemn, he heard footsteps coming from behind him, and suddenly realized that something was not good, so he immediately turned around and looked around.

Luofu raised his arm and condensed an ice spear in the air. He raised his arm and made a throwing gesture and said: "Go!"

The snow-white spear whizzed away, instantly piercing Dolokhov's chest and back.

After it penetrated, it flew him several meters away, and finally nailed him to a tombstone like a candied haws of sugar.

Rolf looked at Dolokhov, laughed softly, and replied: "Old guy, why don't you scream anymore?"

This chapter has been completed!
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