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Chapter 321 Double Agent

If you ask what Lucius cares about most in his life, apart from the glory of the Malfoy family, it is undoubtedly his wife and son.

Therefore, upon hearing Voldemort's request, Lucius immediately fell silent.

Would he let Narcissa become a Death Eater?

Of course he doesn't want to!

Death Eaters are a high-risk profession. There were only six people who were once a noisy force and were still standing here safe and sound. What a terrible mortality rate!

Lucius said nothing, but Bellatrix beside him said impatiently:

"Master, it is a real honor for our family that my sister can become your servant. There is no greater pleasure than this."

"Really?" Voldemort's lipless mouth formed a cold smile.

"But I think Lucius doesn't seem very happy, does he?"

Several other Death Eaters all looked at Lucius, and Bella stared at him in astonishment, as if his hesitation for even a second was an insult to the Dark Lord.

"No - no, Master!" Lucius was suddenly sweating profusely, and he stammered: "How could I... be unwilling?"

"So, is Narcissa willing?" Voldemort asked again.

"Master, of course she is willing." Bella said in a tight voice with excitement: "When my sister was a girl, she longed to dedicate herself completely to you."

"It's best this way." Voldemort said expressionlessly:

"Let's go, Lucius, stay at your house tonight, and let Narcissa come to see me. She will be the first servant to be branded with the Dark Mark by me after my resurrection."

"Yes Yes."

Several people phantomed away, but Voldemort did not go with them because he suddenly sensed that a Death Eater was summoning him through the Dark Mark...

Standing on a desolate, cold mountain top, Snape rolled up his sleeves and pressed his index finger to the Dark Mark on his left arm.

As a "global instant messaging", Voldemort can use it to summon Death Eaters, and the Death Eaters can in turn send messages to summon Voldemort.

Snape only waited for less than a minute when sharp sounds came from all directions, almost breaking his eardrums.

"Severus...you still dare to come to see me. I really don't know whether you are brave or stupid!"

The next second, a dazzling white light flashed in the air and hit Snape.

He flew backwards and crashed to the ground ten meters away. His uncontrollable body even bounced on the ground and continued to slide for ten meters before he was able to stop.

Snape lay on the ground and shouted: "Master... don't kill me!"

"Master?" Voldemort appeared behind Snape and sneered:

"Am I still your master? Haven't you already surrendered to your new master, Dumbledore?

Kneel down, traitor!"

Snape struggled to get up, knelt down with difficulty, and said in a hoarse voice, "I am not a traitor, Master, and I have not taken refuge with Dumbledore."

"Back then, you asked me to go to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to lurk next to him to get information for you. Have you forgotten?

I also helped you get Trelawney’s prophecy——”

"Yes, that prophecy almost killed me." Voldemort said coldly.

Snape panted and said, "But doesn't that prove the accuracy of the prophecy?"

Voldemort snorted coldly, this was indeed true.

"Severus, if you were still loyal to me, why didn't you look for me after I disappeared?"

"I thought you...at that time, everyone thought so...that you were dead." Snape explained:

"I made a mistake. I shouldn't doubt your ability. I don't want to defend or cover up for this, but this is the situation..."

"Yes, it's not just you, little Everly, Yaxley, the Carlo brothers, Greyback, Lucius..."

Voldemort's red eyes, his flat, snake-like face, the pale glimmer in the darkness.

"And many others...you all think this way, that the great Dark Lord is dead, and that I am finished.

You sneak back among my enemies, claiming that you are innocent, unknowingly, and under the Imperius Curse..."

"Even though I told you a long time ago that I took steps to prevent death, I have gone further on the road to death than anyone else."

"You have disappointed me!" Voldemort sneered and raised his wand. "Cruciato!"

Snape twisted in pain, screamed, and begged: "Forgive me, Master... I am really loyal to you, I did not betray..."

"No betrayal?" Voldemort sneered: "Why did you prevent me from getting the Sorcerer's Stone four years ago?"

"I didn't know it was you..." Snape wailed:

"At that time...all I saw was greedy and incompetent Quirrell, who wanted to steal the Philosopher's Stone.

I admit...I tried my best to stop him, but I didn't know he was serving you.

If you find me...even if you just reveal a little bit of your plan to me...I will try my best to help you steal the Philosopher's Stone!"

"Do you know why I didn't come to you? Do you know why I am so weak and would rather share a body with a mediocre wizard than expose myself to a former servant?"

Voldemort stared at Snape and raised his voice slightly:

"Because I don't know if you are still as loyal as before. If you become Dumbledore's lackey and then expose me to him, wouldn't I have failed?"

Voldemort forced him to ask:

"Severus, tell me - I couldn't believe you at the time, so why should I believe you four years later?

Even when you felt the Dark Mark burning, you didn't dare to rush to my side immediately!"

"That's right... I came back two hours later, Master." Snape said with difficulty:

"I came back after following Dumbledore's orders..."

"What, you came back after listening to Dumbledore's words?" Voldemort was furious and filled with murderous intent.

"But there is a reason!" Snape quickly explained:

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading! "A few months ago, the Dark Mark became clearer and clearer... I knew you would definitely come back! I had enough time to think about where to go... to plan the next step

What to do.”

"Of course I can come back to you as soon as possible after your resurrection to express my sincerity - other Death Eaters must do this, but this is actually the easiest and trivial thing.

I know that you need me to stay more, gain Dumbledore's trust, and bring you a steady stream of information. This is a more valuable thing."

Voldemort finally stopped torturing him and asked, "So you have gained Dumbledore's trust?"

"Yes." Snape lay on the ground and gasped:

"Dumbledore had one of his biggest weaknesses: he always thought the best of others.

When I first left the Death Eaters and joined his teaching staff, I made up some lies that I regretted telling him, and he welcomed me with open arms after that.

I have been quite honest all these years, which made him believe even more that I am sincerely repentant.

And tonight, I did not go to you immediately when the Dark Mark was in pain, but instead went to report to him."

"So, I dispelled Dumbledore's last doubt and made him completely trust me." Snape's black pupils flashed in the dark night, and he said excitedly:

"Dumbledore even asked me to come back to you as an undercover agent as a double agent!"

Snape knelt on the ground, looked up into Voldemort's eyes, and said passionately:

"But Master, that idiot Dumbledore, what he doesn't know is that I am actually yours... no matter body or soul... I am yours from beginning to end."

This chapter has been completed!
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