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Chapter 8 The Extinct Demon Winged Dragon

As a magizoologist, Rove has traveled extensively with Newt over the years and has seen a lot.

If he was asked about the largest egg he had ever seen, it would undoubtedly be an elephant bird egg.

The Elephant Bird is a magical animal that lives in the protected areas of Madagascar. It is only a little over three meters tall, but the height of its eggs is generally between 30 and 40 centimeters, and its diameter ranges from 21 to 25 centimeters.

Its volume is equivalent to a stack of 150 ordinary eggs, and it looks larger than a human head.

Even the largest fire dragon - Ukrainian Iron Belly - has eggs that are not as big as those of an elephant bird!

But at this moment, Luofu saw an egg that was twice as big as the elephant bird's egg in the iron gold warehouse of Kurga. How could he not be shocked?

Luofu carefully took the egg, which was over half a meter tall, out of the box and held it in his arms.

Not only was it big... but it also had rich textures and colors, so much so that at first sight, Rolf thought its outer shell was a bright gem.

When he lifted it up, the sun shone through the cabin glass and shone on the egg, shining like polished light.

There was a sudden "ding" in Luo Fu's brain.

[An unhatched Demon Winged Dragon egg was detected, triggering side mission 1:]

Help the Demon Winged Dragon egg to hatch, and you will be rewarded with magic:

【Dark Hour】

[Can absorb all nearby light like a magic winged dragon, thus forming absolute darkness]

[Side mission 2]

Complete 100% taming of the Demon Winged Dragon, reward magic:

[The effect of light and magic]

[The surface of the skin can absorb light energy, enrich carbon dioxide and water into organic matter and magic, and release oxygen at the same time (unfinished)]

Luo Fu looked at the system rewards in astonishment. He was now in a "vegetative state" and could be self-sufficient with light!

Under the egg, there was also a pile of gold coins and gems, and a slender crown made of gold and sapphires. On the front was a two-tailed mermaid carved in crystal. The sunlight passed through the crystal, scattering colorful lights.

In addition, there is a silver scepter, about four feet long, engraved with runes and gorgeously decorated. The top of the scepter is carved with a large piece of dragon crystal in the shape of a human fish, and the ruby ​​eyes are shining with blood.

Rove finally saw a pile of bottles, and he picked up one of the bottles and discovered that it had a label engraved on it.

When he saw the label clearly, a trace of disbelief flashed in his eyes.

A deafening sound came from the huge cave.

The sound came from a huge beast, which was sleeping soundly, with snoring sounds coming from its mandibles and nostrils, like thunder.

Under its limbs and coiled huge tail are piles of precious treasures:

Minted and unminted gold, gems and jewelry, as well as various piles of... bones.

The giant beast suddenly woke up from its sleep and turned its head to look out of the cave.

Behind it is a vast lake. The water temperature seems to be very high and misty steam is constantly rising.

"You feel it too, don't you? My dear son..."

A charming voice sounded. The voice clearly came from the bottom of the lake, but it seemed to come from all directions. There were whispers everywhere in the cave.

"Yes... mother... I feel... father's breath... approaching..." the giant beast said painfully.

After a while, a graceful figure emerged from the mist.

There is no trace of her body, her soothing and soft lines and round and graceful figure are almost invisible in the mist.

When she was completely out of the water, the two slender fish tails turned into two thighs as beautiful as mutton fat.

The woman walked naked from the water to the shore step by step. When she came ashore, her whole body was wrapped in golden scales.

She walked up to the giant beast, reached out and touched it, with sharp eyes and said coldly:

"Then go and eat him...my son...eat your father..."

"Your father abandoned us, and he stole your mother's things... Go and eat him..."

"Eat father...eat father..."

The monster stood up, spread its wings, and flew out of the cave.

Rove stayed in Captain Carlos's cabin for a long time before returning to his room with the iron bank.

Captain Carlos wanted to take away Kurga's body, but he didn't take the box of treasures.

When he encountered the ghost ship, Captain Carlos was afraid of the curse and was unwilling to touch anything on the ship. This is still the case now.

At this time, Shirley was writing a paper on cross-pollinated plants, which was a summer assignment assigned by Professor Sprout.

Seeing the boy come back, she stopped her quill, stood up and walked over, asking softly: "How is it?"

"The body is definitely that of Kurga himself." Luofu put down the box and sat down on the sofa. He took the hot tea handed by Shirley, took a sip and said:

"We used the double-sided mirror to contact his ex-wife and found the key to the iron bank."

As he spoke, Luofu put down the tea cup, took out the cabinet from the black suitcase, and opened the cabinet door with the key.

Shirley sat down next to the young man and looked into the cabinet. Like Ralph, she saw the egg at first sight.

She observed it for a moment and asked curiously: "What kind of magical creature's egg is this?"

"Devil Winged Dragon."

"Magic Winged Dragon?" the ponytailed girl asked in confusion, "Why have I never heard of this magical creature?"

"You've heard of it...I told you about it once before, and you even saw it with your own eyes."

Luofu smiled and reminded: "That summer, in the Romanian Fire Dragon Sanctuary...do you remember it?"

Shirley frowned in thought.

What Rove was talking about was probably the summer vacation two years ago, when she secretly left the convent, took the Orient Express to Romania to find Rove, and stayed with him for a summer.

That summer, they toured the entire Fire Dragon Sanctuary and saw many interesting things...and so on!

Shirley suddenly remembered, her eyes widened and she said, "You mean... the fossilized skeleton of a fire dragon that is 100 meters long?"

"That's right." Luo Fu nodded and said, "That fire dragon skeleton fossil is the Demon Winged Dragon!"

Two years ago, the dwarves dug out a 100-meter-long fire dragon fossil from the mine, and Rolf took Shirley to visit it.

Later, not long after, the fossil was stolen in full view of the public, and the Aurors did not find the murderer, and it became an unsolved case.

Rolf later learned that the fire dragon fossil had been "stolen" by Corvinus Gaunt and placed in the Department of Mysteries.

Shirley recalled the fossils from that time and said with a look of disbelief:

"I remember you told me at that time that the 100-meter fire dragon had been extinct for more than 10,000 years..."

"Yes, according to the fossils excavated by archeology over the years, the Demon Winged Dragon perished in the doomsday catastrophe ten thousand years ago." Luo Fu said with a serious expression:

"But now it seems that they are not extinct and are still living on the island of Avalon."

"How are you sure that such an egg must come from Avalon?" Shirley asked curiously.

"Here, here's the evidence!" Luofu said, picked up a bottle and handed it to the ponytailed girl.

Shirley took the bottle, and when she saw the label on the bottle clearly, her pupils shrank suddenly.

I saw it written in very small characters:

Fountain of good luck!

This chapter has been completed!
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