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Chapter 52 The Lost Crown

Ravenclaw's diadem...of course Rolf has seen it. Not only has he seen it, he has also touched it and worn it himself.

In fact, the crown was lying quietly in his box at this moment.

Therefore, when he heard the secretive librarian suddenly mention the crown, Luofu immediately became wary. He didn't know whether she knew something because of her casual remarks, and then deliberately mentioned it in front of him.

Luo Fu, who has always been cautious, immediately used the magic "Memory Surge" of the Dream Tapir to construct false memories in his mind to resist possible Legilimency prying eyes.

While playing with his wand, he looked directly at the black mist in front of him and said without changing his expression:

"I've heard of Ravenclaw's diadem, but never seen it. It's said to have been missing for a thousand years."

"More than a thousand years." An old voice sounded leisurely in the black mist.

"Really speaking, the diadem has been missing for ten thousand years, but during these ten thousand years, it appeared briefly for more than ten years, and then disappeared again with the death of Ravenclaw."

"Ten thousand years?" Luofu frowned. "What do you mean?"

The witch in the black mist did not answer immediately, but raised her arm and pointed to the bookshelf and asked:

"In this Tower of Babel, there are a large number of books left by ancient wizards, as well as various magic books written by wizards, centaurs, giants and goblins in the past ten thousand years."

"How long do you think it will take an ordinary wizard to learn them?"

Luofu raised his head and looked up. After a long time, he whispered:

“This tower is thousands of meters high, and the books it contains are hard to match even the libraries of all magic schools put together, let alone Hogwarts.

"For ordinary people, simply reading through these books without understanding them is a huge project that is difficult to complete in a lifetime, let alone study."

The witch in the black mist smiled slightly and said:

"You are right, the same is true for many ancient wizards."

"Even if they use the elixir of life to live a long life and read these books, they still won't be able to learn those profound knowledge."

"Without it...the intelligence can't keep up!"

"So, the crown was created by the ancient wizard." The witch said in a hoarse voice:

"It can activate the brain, greatly improve intelligence, memory, insight, creativity...let the wearer have the wisest mind."

The witch's old and hoarse voice was full of yearning.

"With the help of the crown, knowledge that was difficult to understand in the past will become extremely simple; thorny problems that could not be solved in the past can also be answered easily."

"For an ordinary person, it would be impossible for an ordinary person to complete the books in this tower in a lifetime, but with a crown, it is possible to master them in just a few years."

Luo Fe was a little shocked. "Is it so exaggerated?"

He once wore a Ravenclaw diadem, but it had no intelligence-enhancing effect. Although Hufflepuff told him that only Ravenclaw knew how to use it, the young man could not help but despise the diadem in his heart.

But now listening to what this librarian said, the power of this crown is too incredible!

"That crown is even more exaggerated than what I said." The witch smiled slightly and said:

"It can be said to be the culmination and pinnacle expression of the ancient wizard civilization, and it is also hailed as the 'Crown of Magic' by the ancient wizards."

"But it's a pity..." The witch's words were full of regret. "Before the doomsday disaster came, the crown was stolen."

"Stolen?" Rove asked: "Who stole it?"

The witch in the black mist stared at the boy. She narrowed her golden eyes and said slowly: "Our ancestors—human beings!"

When Luofu heard this answer, he raised his eyebrows slightly. "How did you know that it was stolen by humans?"

"The builder and caretaker of this Tower of Babel is named Andal. He is a giant. One morning, he found that the crown was missing." The witch said.

"Andal was suspected by his master, an ancient wizard, that he had stolen the crown, and was about to hang him.

Before dying, a human holding a crown appeared and saved Andal from death."

"Andal?" When Rolf heard the name, he couldn't help but said: "Is it Andal I, the founder of the Giant City?"

After the doomsday catastrophe thousands of years ago, wizards, centaurs, goblins and giants gained freedom and began to inhabit and multiply around the world.

A splendid kingdom of giants once appeared in England, and a luxurious royal capital - Giant City was built.

According to records in the history of magic, the founder was called the giant Andal.

"Yes, it's him." The woman nodded and said, "He built that giant city in Anglia."


"This is what it was called ten thousand years ago." said the witch. "You now call it England - the Upper Barnton Giant Site."

Luo Fu had no expression on his face, but his heart was in turmoil.

The City of Giants has been lost for thousands of years, so no one knows its exact location, and there is no conclusion among magic historians.

But last year, under the leadership of Corvinus Gunter, Rolf learned that the Giant City was deep underground at the ruins of the Upper Barnton Giant Tribe near his home in the Fertile Land.

Such a secret matter was revealed by the librarian hidden in the black mist.

"How do you know these things?" Rove couldn't help but ask.

"There is a record, although it is just a fragment." The woman said, raising her arm, and a book flew over from the bookshelf.

It was a heavy book with a faded leather cover. After opening it, there were tattered and yellowed pages, which were densely written with words.

"The author of this book is named Zist. He was the healer of Andal I." The woman knocked on the book and said:

"When Andal went crazy, he told many secrets, and Zist wrote them down, one of which was about the theft of the crown."

"Crazy?" Luo Fu was stunned.

"Yes." The witch nodded and said: "After the doomsday catastrophe, humans, giants, goblins and centaurs formed a coalition to fight against the surviving ancient wizards.

Finally, a giant held a weapon and killed the ancient wizard, and that giant was Andal I."

"At that time, the ancient wizard's blood splashed on him... causing a curse. Not long after, he went crazy and died."

Listening to the woman's words, Luo Fu suddenly remembered the tragic scene he saw in the Winter Palace of Giant City last summer:

A pile of giant bones lay on the dead floor, looking as if they had been dead for thousands of years.

Corvinus Gaunt analyzed that these giants were killed by the last king Andal VI.

He tricked these giants into the Winter Palace, locked the door, and let them kill each other. In the end, Andal VI also died here.

At that time, Corvinus Gaunt mentioned that this was the blood curse of the ancient wizard, which caused the giants to be cruel and cannibalistic.

Now that Luo Fei heard the librarian say the same thing, he already believed it. He thought about it and continued to ask:

"Who is the human who stole the crown? Is it recorded in the book?"

"No." The woman in the black mist shook her head and said, "No one knows who he is, he just seems to appear out of thin air."

"Anyway, the diadem disappeared from then on until Rowena Ravenclaw appeared in the Tower of Babel a thousand years ago."

"She put on the crown and began to read the books left by the ancient wizards." The woman said in a hoarse voice:

"She can read as fast as you, so my great-great-grandmother determined that it was the crown that disappeared thousands of years ago."

"You know so much." Luofu stared at the black mist and asked, "Who are you?"

"I said...I'm the librarian." The woman smiled.

"Librarian, do you need to hide your head and tail like this?" Luofu sneered.

"I'm too ugly." The woman smiled even more happily. "I'm afraid of scaring His Majesty the King."

"Since you call me His Majesty the King." Luofu raised the corner of his mouth, "I order you... to reveal your true face."

The woman said respectfully in an old voice: "Of course...as you wish."

As the words fell, the black mist slowly dispersed.

Luofu looked at the witch in front of him and was so shocked that he opened his mouth wide and could not utter a word.

This chapter has been completed!
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