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Chapter 90 Gas Frog

Along the corridor, Malfoy was running quickly. When he realized that no one was following him, he bent over and held his knees, breathing heavily.

Malfoy just followed Harry to see what he was doing, but unexpectedly found a fire dragon egg.

What an unexpected surprise.

Malfoy was thinking, should he tell Professor Snape and let him deduct points from Gryffindor, or should he leave this little excuse to threaten Harry and force him to do something?

The former is a "first time pleasure" and the latter is a "second pleasure". Which one to choose, Malfoy can make a decision without too much hesitation.

Of course, it’s fun every time, and in the end it becomes the master’s task!

After taking a rest, Malfoy was about to go back to the Slytherin lounge, but when he turned a corner, he bumped into a figure, staggered back and fell to the ground.

Malfoy scolded: "Who has eyes that reach the back of his head?"

"I'm sorry..." the man stammered, reaching out to help him up and asking with concern: "Are you okay?"

Malfoy looked up and saw the bald Professor Quirrell. He quickly got up and waved his hand: "I'm fine, Professor."

"I see you hurt a lot from the fall." Professor Quirrell glanced at Malfoy and said seriously: "Let's go to my office and I'll check you out..."

"No need, Professor." Malfoy quickly shook off Quirrell's hand: "I'm really fine!"

"I said go to my office and I'll check your body for you!" Quirrell suddenly stopped stuttering and said coldly:


Malfoy's eyes suddenly became dull, and he followed Professor Quirrell towards the Defense Against the Dark Arts office.

easter eve,

Hufflepuff and Gryffindor play their final tourney.

Hufflepuff's total points are more than 100 points higher than the second-placed Slytherin, so no matter whether they win or lose this game, they can advance to the finals.

But if Gryffindor wants to advance to the finals, it must score 260 points in this game and surpass Slytherin in total points.

This is undoubtedly difficult.

Gryffindor's seekers are far inferior to Cedric's, and it would be difficult for them to catch the Golden Snitch, let alone throw 26 balls into the Hufflepuff frame...unless the Hufflepuff keeper buys it!

Of course, if Gryffindor reaches the finals, it might be easier to win than Slytherin...well, it's a lot easier to win.

But the Hufflepuff Quidditch team is a team with a competitive spirit. They will not deliberately let go, but will only go all out.

The result was no doubt that Gryffindor was defeated miserably and could only watch Hufflepuff reach the Quidditch Finals for the second consecutive year.

As a commentator, Li burst into tears on the field. He cried heartbreakingly and shouted:

“The Gryffindor team, which we had high hopes for, once again failed before the finals!

I have always believed that the physical strength of this group of young men is better than that of Hufflepuff and Slytherin. I hope they can make a comeback next year and aim for the championship!"

By having stronger hard power, does it mean that you can pull your hips steadily year after year and not even make it to the finals?

As a result, Li encountered huge boos from the badgers and snakes, and many students threw water bottles at him.

Gryffindor lost, and Professor McGonagall had another sad year. In order to alleviate this sense of loss, she gave the students a lot of transfiguration homework during the Easter vacation.

Almost as much as the other teachers combined.

In addition to a large amount of homework, Hermione also made a detailed review plan.

Sitting on a chair in the library, Hermione looked at Rolf who was not very motivated and encouraged him:

"Come on, we are only in the last two months before the final exam!"

Luo Fu looked at the densely packed schedule with work and rest times that were almost accurate to the second, and could only sigh, what a Hengshui work and rest schedule.

"Hermione, I'm still in the preview, have you already started reviewing?" Neville looked even more horrified.

"It's already too late." Hermione said a little frantically: "I heard that some students start reviewing on Christmas Day!"

Hermione was obviously overly worried. There were only a few students who reviewed several months in advance. If they could review one week before the exam, it was already considered good.

Like many Hufflepuff students, they rush into the exam the night before and preview... and they are very smooth.

In addition to homework and busy revision, Rove spent the entire Easter holiday focusing on the female dazzle bird.

It is not that simple to completely tame a magical creature. It is like a lock. You have to constantly polish your key so that it can not only insert into the keyhole, but also open the lock smoothly.

If you want to tame magical creatures, in addition to conveying your goodwill, the most important thing is to do what they like and cultivate their favorability.

Just like that evil bird, it likes to sing, and Luofu really had to stay up for three days to listen to it.

He felt dizzy every time after listening to it and had to take a sedative immediately to soothe his injured soul.

What does the female dazzle bird like?

Of course it's a male dagger.

Luofu could only bear the pain and sacrifice his appearance, smearing the urine secreted by the male dizzy bird every day, and doing strange dances to seduce her.

At the end of Easter, Rolf successfully completed the domestication of the female dazzling bird. When he walked out of the dazzling bird's nest that night, he felt exhausted and dull.

Luofu took a shower, washed the smell of urine off his body, and then changed his clothes again. He had to catch up with two games tonight, and he had to go to the Forbidden Forest.

The boy left the Hufflepuff lounge, rode his broomstick, and flew towards the Forbidden Forest.

The weather is bad tonight. Large dark clouds cover the sky. The Forbidden Forest looks very quiet under the night.

Luo Fu was familiar with the road and arrived at the good place agreed upon. He whistled, and a moment later a red centaur emerged from the grass.

"You are so slow, Luofu." Ronan patted the leaves on his body, swung his brown-red tail, and complained: "If you are a little later, I will go back."

"I've been very busy recently, with a lot of homework." After landing, Luofu asked curiously: "In your centaur tribe, do you have to check whether you have stayed up all night?"

"Of course." Ronan sighed: "The living habits of horse people are different from that of you humans. We are small in number and we all live in groups. We are generally prohibited from going out at night."

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Rove took out a package and handed it to Ronan. The package contained Honeydukes snacks.

When he first met Ronan, he mentioned that he really wanted to eat Honeydukes' honey candies. Newt brought him some back then, and he still remembered them freshly.

Luofu felt that it was reasonable to exchange food for information about the Forbidden Forest, so he started a stable transaction with Ronan.

"I've marked the location of the gas frog group you want on the map." Ronan handed over a map.

"They migrated several times, but I still asked...the elders in the family to conduct divination, and then I divined the location of the gas frog."

The territory of this gas frog was marked on the map of the Scamander family, but Rolf went there once and found that they had migrated long ago, so he had to find Ronan.

Ronan picked up a large piece of sizzling honey candy, put it in his mouth, chewed it for a few times, and immediately said: It's so delicious."

He chewed slowly and suddenly asked: "By the way, have you seen Nymeria in the Forbidden Forest recently?"

Luo Fu thought for a while before reacting. He shook his head and said:

"Bain's fiancée who escaped from marriage? I've never seen her before. You centaurs are in the Forbidden Forest every day and you can do divination. You can't find her. Where can I find her?"

"What's wrong?" the young man asked curiously.

"Last time, the tribe found traces of Nymeria and almost caught her." Ronan sighed: "There was a battle, but she escaped in the end."

"Now that the tribe has decided to expel Nymeria, if we meet again, we will not capture her alive, but prepare to kill her directly."

Ronan carefully put away the package and said: "You often wander around the Forbidden Forest. If you see Nymeria one day, please warn her to be careful."

"I have nothing to do with the affairs of your centaurs." Rowe crossed his arms and got back on the broomstick.

Ronan sighed, raised his head and stared at the sky, "The nebulae are very dim tonight. Goodbye, Rove, and wish you good luck."

Ronan ran away. He was probably going to find a cave to hide the food, otherwise he would definitely be discovered if he brought it back to the centaurs tribe.

Rolf turned his broomstick and flew quickly into the distance, towards the area where the gas frogs were active.

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