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Chapter 92 Harry, we are going to be strangled!

After a trip to the Forbidden Forest, Rolf didn't find the gas frog, but met Bain's fiancée.

According to Nymeria, she has extremely powerful divination abilities, and her talent is outstanding even among centaurs.

The centaur was unwilling to share his divination with the wizard, but she was willing, but she had to...charge.

The cost is weapons and some supplies to support her against the roundup of the centaurs tribe.

Rolf hesitated.

He doesn't like centaurs very much, but he is also of the lawful neutral camp and doesn't help each other.

If you provide weapons and supplies, won't you change sides? If you are discovered, you will have to face the hostility and attacks of the centaurs tribe in the future.

Be careful when working with Nymeria.

Throughout the Easter period, Voldemort still did not take action, even though he had obtained the method to subdue Lu Wei.

Rove has basically determined that Tom is hiding in the secret room, but it is still unknown whether the basilisk will be used.

But regardless of using the basilisk or not, Rolf was prepared to sneak into the Chamber of Secrets and steal Voldemort's home on the day he stole the Sorcerer's Stone.

Come on, change tactics!

The key is, when will Voldemort take action?

It's very simple. If he wants to steal the Philosopher's Stone, he must first lure Dumbledore out of Hogwarts.

You can ask the badass bird to go to the principal's office to inquire about Dumbledore's movements. If the principal suddenly leaves, it's probably because Voldemort is about to take action.

The entrance to the secret room is also monitored by Myrtle.

There is also Quirrell himself. In Voldemort's current state, he must rely on Quirrell's body to steal the Philosopher's Stone... Monitoring him is equivalent to monitoring Voldemort from the side.

Luofu invaded the body of the evil bird every day to check Quirrell's location. In the process, he also discovered something very interesting.

Harry and Ron often went to Quirrell, gave him a smile, said some encouraging words, and told him not to give in to Snape... If you persist, there is hope.

This joke is too big.

It can only be said that Quirrell was clumsy. He did not hide it from Dumbledore, but he did hide it from Harry.

After Easter, the Quidditch final is approaching.

Last year's championship competition continued into this year, and the backlog of grievances and resentments can be imagined.

In the corridors, fights often occur between students from the two houses. Hufflepuff is as low-key as ever, but he is not a softie either.

What's more, badgers eat snakes!

The Slytherin students seemed to want to take drugs and recreate the situation where Cedric's legs went weak last semester.

But Hufflepuff also became vigilant, and the team members only ate food sent by the house elves.

Slytherin students also often laugh at Hufflepuff's eternal second child; they also say that the Gryffindor team is stable and filial every time they meet Slytherin, and beating them is like a father beating his own son.

And the Ravenclaw team is giving away points...

This kind of spreading hatred naturally angered the other three houses, and they all joined forces to harass Slytherin.

On the morning of the match, Rolf was sitting at the Hufflepuff table and was eating when an evil bird landed on his table and whispered softly into the boy's ear.

The evil bird brought the information, which is very simple:

Professor Dumbledore received an urgent letter from the Ministry of Magic and had already left for London.

Luofu took a piece of sausage and bit it slowly. He had a lot to do today, so he had to eat enough to have the strength to work.

The Quidditch pitch was crowded with people.

With frightened expressions on their faces, Harry and Ron ran against the influx of people towards the faculty viewing area.

The two of them had just learned that when Hagrid got the dragon egg, he told the strange wizard about Lu Wei's weakness of being sleepy when listening to music.

The two of them ran towards Professor McGonagall, and Harry panted:

"Professor, I think...I know...Snape...someone is trying to steal the Philosopher's Stone. I must talk to Professor Dumbledore."

Professor McGonagall looked at him suspiciously.

"Professor Dumbledore went to London and will be back tomorrow." She shook her head and said: "Potter, I don't know how you found out about the Sorcerer's Stone, but please don't worry, no one can steal it. It is strictly guarded.

The protection is foolproof."

"But professor..."

"Potter, I know what I'm talking about." McGonagall said seriously: "I suggest you watch the game. Don't think about messy things all day long. Less points will be deducted. Thank God if you can help Gryffindor win the Academy Cup next year.


The two were scolded and had to leave in despair. Ron whispered: "Harry, Snape hasn't come to the stadium yet..."

"Dumbledore isn't at Hogwarts either." Harry concluded, "Snape will definitely steal the Sorcerer's Stone while the game starts."

"Then what do we do?" Ron asked.

Harry glanced towards the Hufflepuff auditorium. He originally wanted to ask Rolf for help. After all, he could defeat the troll easily, but he could not find the boy.

"Let's go and steal the Philosopher's Stone now." Harry made a decision.


Restricted area on the fourth floor,

Harry and Ron were wearing invisibility cloaks and found that the wooden door had been opened a gap. They entered the room and saw a harp on the ground.

They were even more certain that Snape had already arrived.

Harry and Ron walked into the room, and Lu Wei stood up and growled.

Harry quickly took out the flute given by Hagrid and started playing music. Lu Wei staggered as if he had drunk fake wine, and soon fell to the ground and fell asleep.

Ron tiptoed toward the trap door. He bent down and pulled the tab on the trap door. The door suddenly opened, revealing a large hole in the ground.

"You can't see anything...it's pitch black...and there's no ladder to go down," Ron said.

"Jump right down." Harry let go and said.

Ron was thinking, what would be the consequences of jumping directly if there was nothing below?

This is too reckless!

But Harry had already given the recorder to Ron.

"I'll jump first! If there's no accident, you'll follow me down. If there's an accident, send Hedwig to deliver a message to Dumbledore."

"Okay." Ron took the recorder and continued to play. Lu Wei, who was about to wake up, fell asleep again.

Harry jumped down from the passage. He fell rapidly. After only a few seconds, he fell to the bottom. But he did not fall to the ground, but landed on something soft.

"No problem, Ron!" Harry shouted excitedly toward the hole, "Jump quickly, there's no danger at all!"

Ron put away his recorder, jumped down, and soon landed next to Harry. He chuckled and said, "It's quite safe and quite soft. What is this?"

"I don't know." Harry shook his head and guessed: "Maybe it's a kind of plant. It's probably laid here to reduce the impact of falling."

"It's lucky to have these plants spread here." Ron was thankful, but before he could finish his words, he started saying "ah".

The plant stretched out snake-like tendrils and wrapped them around his ankles. Long vines wrapped around Harry's legs.

They tried their best to tear off the vines, but the more they struggled, the tighter the vines became.

"What is this?" Harry shouted.

"I damn...don't know either!" Ron shouted: "Who knows this thing..."

"Did Professor Sprout teach in class?!"

"I don't know! Even if I told you, I forgot all about it!!"

"Magic stone……"

"Don't mention that, Harry! We're going to be...

Strangling to death!!"

(Thanks to the new leader "Guchen'" for the reward. The second leader, thanks to the boss.

Thanks to "Mo Lengchuan" and "Lonely Snow A745"

Rewards from some big guys in "Before the Night Light".)

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