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Chapter 1371 You Are Cowardly

Rong Shu took a deep breath, "It's about the matter between you and Secretary Tong."

As soon as these words came out, Lu Qi's pupils shrank significantly.

About what happened between him and Tong Xi?

What's the meaning?

Could it be possible that she knew something?

Lu Qi's hand holding the milk tea cup could not help but slowly tighten.

Rong Shu saw it and sighed softly, "Aqi, you are nervous."

Lu Qi pursed his lips and said nothing.

Rong Shu said again: "You are nervous that I know something, right?"

Lu Qi suddenly looked up at her, the shock in his eyes not concealed at all.

"It seems that I guessed it right." Rong Shu smiled faintly, "We grew up together. You know me, and I naturally know you, so I can easily pass through your eyes, expressions, and even words.

I guess what you are thinking through my actions, and the same goes for your consent. You can easily know what I am thinking. We understand each other best."

Lu Qi was silent for a moment, and finally spoke, "So? What do you want to tell me about Secretary Tong and me?"

Rong Shu took another sip of milk tea, "I won't hide it from you now. In fact, I know everything that happened between you and Secretary Tong."

"What?" Lu Qi's expression changed drastically, "Do you know everything?"

"That's right." Rong Shu nodded.

"Tong Xi told you?" Lu Qi's face was ugly, and there was a hint of anger in his voice.

Rong Shu shook her head, "Of course not, why do you think so? Ah Qi, I will know everything that happened between you and Secretary Tong, and it is not necessarily what Secretary Tong told me, so you don't have any evidence.

, we can’t blame Secretary Tong for everything at once, it’s not fair to her, I will know that it’s entirely because of the two of you.”

Lu Qi didn't say anything, he just looked at her, the meaning in his eyes was clear, he hoped she would continue talking.

Rong Shu rubbed her temples and continued, "Secretary Tong is your college classmate. After graduation, he also worked as your chief secretary for many years. The relationship between you has always been very good.

Superiors and subordinates are also friends. After getting along for so many years, even if there is no love, there is still a deep friendship. With your personality, I don’t think you will suddenly feel disgusted and disliked towards Secretary Tong, unless something happens between you.

Something you cannot accept."

"Then what?"

"The relationship between you and Secretary Tong has deteriorated too fast. It was normal one day, but it dropped sharply the next day, especially your dislike of Secretary Tong. Not to mention Secretary Tong himself, even I felt...

I was frightened, and Secretary Tong himself was in a trance during that time, often out of state. Both of you were too obvious to each other and did not hide it at all, so I was very curious about what happened between you.

I asked you and Secretary Tong, but..."

She paused, "But neither of you told me what happened between you. You are both my friends. How could I not be worried when you suddenly act like this? So I have been paying attention to you, but for two months

It’s passed, and I still don’t know what happened between you.”

Having said this, Rong Shu smiled bitterly, "No matter how I asked you, you always kept silent. You would even directly show your disgust for Secretary Tong, and Secretary Tong would also show a sad look. This makes me even more confused.

I was worried, so I planned to secretly investigate what happened between you. However, before I could find someone to investigate, Secretary Tong’s pregnancy was exposed to me. Women will have retching reactions during the two to three months of pregnancy.

It was because of this that I guessed that Secretary Tong was pregnant, so I asked her directly, and she knew she could no longer hide it, so she told everything."

Lu Qi's handsome face was filled with a sarcastic sneer, "So after all, she told you everything, what? She wants to get care and sympathy from you, and then ask you to come forward to me and ask me to forgive her?"

Rong Shu frowned, "Aqi, how could you think so? How could you be so malicious in speculating on Secretary Tong? Secretary Tong has never asked me to do this. She would tell me that it was because I guessed that she was pregnant, so

What she told me because she couldn't hide it was not what she wanted to tell me from the beginning, and she didn't ask me to intercede for her. If she asked me to do this, how could I wait until now to come to you?

Do you talk about this?"

Lu Qi also knew that what he just said was too unreasonable, so he was taught a lesson by Rong Shu and did not refute.

Rong Shu took another sip of milk tea and calmed down a little before continuing.

"Secretary Tong told me what happened between you, so I knew that things between you would suddenly become like this. Speaking of which, it was also my fault that what happened between you two. You confessed your love to me that day, but I refused.

You, you are sad to leave, but we grew up together. I regard you as my brother. Seeing you leave like that, I am also worried that you will do something stupid, but I can’t chase you myself. This will only

It seems that I don't love you but I don't want to let you go, so I asked Secretary Tong to find you and let her watch you and don't let you do stupid things. After all, Secretary Tong is your friend and has worked with you.

Having her look after you for so many years makes me feel at ease."

"But that woman went against your will. Look, I saw her coming to my bed." Lu Qi clenched his fists and said coldly.

Rong Shu shook her head helplessly, "Aqi, it is true that Secretary Tong was at fault in this matter. It was her fault that she slept with you without drinking. But do you dare to tell me clearly that you are not at fault either?"

Lu Qi was stunned. He wanted to say that he was right, but he didn't know why, but he couldn't say it.

Rong Shu saw him like this and smiled lightly.

"Look, you can't even speak. It means that in your heart, you also know that you are at fault. Medical science shows that if a person is really drunk, he can't do anything, but you can talk to Tong

If the secretary does something like that, it means that you are not really drunk at all. At least you are still conscious, and you may even recognize who the woman with you is, but what about you? You didn't push Secretary Tong away, right?

?So that night, it can be said that you and Secretary Tong were both willing, so you can't blame all the fault on Secretary Tong alone, you are also at fault."

"I..." Lu Qi's thin lips moved, wanting to refute, but couldn't.

Rong Shu saw that his milk tea was cold, so she picked up the teapot and added some hot water to him, "Secretary Tong loves you, so she didn't reject you when you pulled her, but you can push away when you recognize her."

She, but you didn't either. What happened between you was not only mutually agreed upon by both of you, but it also showed that you weren't actually that resistant to Secretary Tong, right? You still had some feelings for her in your heart, otherwise you would have done it

Why should you be with her? You hated her afterwards and blamed all the mistakes on her, thinking that she crawled into your bed that night. It was just a sign of your cowardice and unwillingness to recognize reality."

"I didn't." Lu Qi seemed to be stimulated by something, his face turned pale, and he stood up suddenly to retort.

Rong Shu sat calmly on the chair and looked up at him, "You have, because you confessed to me, and the next moment you slept with another woman, you can't accept yourself like this, do you think you are like this?"

What you did is a betrayal of me and your own emotions, but you don’t want to admit that you are at fault, so you blame all the mistakes on a girl, thinking that she is seducing you and deliberately leading you to make mistakes.

Betrayed me, so you hate her, you loathe her."

"It's not like this, it's not like this!" Lu Qi shook his head violently and shouted loudly.

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