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Chapter 118 The situation is grim

First of all, anyone who dares to do such a thing must have an extremely detailed plan and must have anticipated the worst outcome.

If you pursue it rashly, it may backfire.

Secondly, the five people who were able to bribe the inn couldn't do it with money alone. They must have a very deep background.

So if you can't guarantee a one-hit kill, it's better to put things on hold for the time being.

Finally, what Chen Mo was most worried about, and what he firmly believed, was that among the people who planned this incident, there must be people serving in the military.

Most likely, the level is not low.

On the other hand, the one with the highest position on our side is Yang Qi, the city-defending general.

In Baihe County, Yang Qi can be regarded as a representative of the military, and can even chat and laugh with Wang Anshi and others.

But if you put it in a border town and fortress, among thousands of troops, it's not worth mentioning.

The most important thing is that so far, no conclusive evidence has been found about the origin of the man in black.

In this case, reporting what happened just now will indeed attract the attention of the fortress, but what else can it do?

Can the real culprit behind the scenes really be dug out in a short period of time?

Especially when the situation between the two countries is unstable and a war may break out at any time, will this shake the morale of the military?

All this must be taken into consideration.

After listening to what Chen Mo said, Yang Qi couldn't help but take a breath of air.

"Brother, now I understand what it means to listen to what you have to say is better than ten years of reading. I have simplified everything."

"My eldest brother is from a military background, so it's normal that he doesn't have a deep understanding of politics."

Chen Mo did this out of necessity.

If there is no support for investigating such a big matter, you may not even know how you died.

"What did you say, what treatment?" Yang Qi was confused.

"Simply put, it is officialdom and the game of power." Chen Mo explained with a wry smile, "From ancient times to the present, this aspect has been the most difficult to deal with."

"I believe what you said. I just hope that there will no longer be a similar undercurrent over there."

Mentioning this, Yang Qi became worried.

"Brother Yang, isn't the situation over there at the fortress not optimistic?" Chen Mo asked.

"As my brother said, it's just a conspiracy."

Yang Qi sighed and explained.

Here in the fortress, there are hundreds of thousands of troops stationed all year round. Initially, they were all under the command of Marshal Zhenbei.

After the marshal abdicated, the capital sent another general named Xia Houzhen, who came from an extremely noble family.

Counting three generations back, they have all made great military exploits.

It is no exaggeration to say that he is a loyal man.

However, in Xiahou Zhen's generation, things changed. There was less of the bloodiness of military men and more of the utilitarianism of fighting for power in temples.

Even the mission of defending the country was gradually forgotten, and most of the thoughts were focused on forming cliques for personal gain.

Take Xiahou Zhen, for example. Although he was in charge of the northern elite of the Chu Dynasty, he always advocated peace as the most important thing.

And this also caused dissatisfaction among the old generals.

What a scene it was when I followed Marshal Zhenbei.

Across the battlefield, he was invincible and the enemies he killed were frightened by the news.

It's better now. I won't fight if I can, and I'll tolerate it if I can. It can be said that I have suffered from cowardice.

The saddest thing is that Xiahou Zhen did not want to make peace, but also suppressed the old generals of the marshal, and many of them were demoted.

At first, Yang Qi was dissatisfied because of this and said some outrageous words. Later, he was retained by his superiors and sent to Baihe County to serve as a city defense general.

There are many similar things.

Hearing this, Chen Mo's heart became anxious again.

He really didn't expect that the situation in the fortress would be so bad.

As the saying goes, if one soldier is raging, there will be raging generals in the nest.

Xiahou Zhen was so resistant to fighting between the two armies, it was a wonder he could win the battle.

What's even more troublesome is that if you don't have the intention to kill the enemy, how can you do the business you plan?

If you can't do business, you won't be able to get along with the military.

Without this line, let alone the future development of the overall situation, there is no way to even investigate the incident that was just robbed.

"It seems that we need to analyze the situation carefully and think of a sound strategy."

Muttering in his heart, Chen Mo didn't ask any more about the fortress.

It has nothing to do with the fact that hearing is false and seeing is true, but Chen Mo understands that you can't just listen to one side of the story.

He believed that Yang Qi would not lie, but people's cognition is determined by changes in mood, and it is difficult to say that there is no personal emotion involved.

Therefore, you still have to wait until you go to the fortress to understand it yourself.

"Brother Yang, I won't mention the unhappy things. Let me say, it's really good to be a city-defending general."


Yang Qi smiled bitterly, looking a little disappointed.

"For me, the best place to go is always on the border front. Guarding the city gate is better than going home and selling sweet potatoes."

"Okay, maybe things will turn around this time?"

Chen Mo could tell that Yang Qi was a man of faith, so he said a few words of relief.

"The disaster was quelled, all the bandits were wiped out, and we didn't lose a single person. This is a great achievement."

"It's indeed a great contribution, but I don't dare to be greedy for it. Don't worry, brother, I will report it truthfully after arriving at the fortress. I will definitely win a big reward for you by then. This kind of battle with zero losses will cost many people a lifetime

I can’t even win a game.”

"I'm not a member of the military, and I don't dare to lead the military. In short, brother, just listen to my advice when the time comes."

Chen Mo thought simply, people like Yang Qi were only suitable to stay in the army.

If this is the case, then help him walk higher. They are all brothers anyway, so he will be taken care of in the future.

"If nothing else, I must listen to the suggestions given by my younger brother."

Yang Qi had a delicate mind and easily understood the deep meaning of Chen Mo's words, so he did not refuse any more.

Of course, he wouldn't really hold out too much hope. After all, the situation in the fortress was much more complicated than what he just said.

Chen Mo is indeed talented, but as the old saying goes, when a scholar encounters a soldier, he cannot explain his reasoning.

"Brother Yang, Chen Mo, can you guys make up your mind about something?"

At this time, Huameishu came out.

"Is the situation of those people inside not optimistic?" Chen Mo asked.

"Yes." Hua Meishu nodded, "After interrogation, I learned that the food was filled with Mongolian sweat medicine. Because the opponent was very heavy-handed, he won't wake up until tomorrow at the earliest. I'm afraid I won't be able to make it in time if I'm on my way tonight."

"Are you sure you can wake up tomorrow?" Yang Qi's eyelids suddenly twitched.

"Not sure." Hua Meishu shook his head, "This is what I'm worried about. If I stay here for too long, it will delay the delivery of supplies. If the military blames me, I'm afraid there will be no good results.


"Just get them in the car." Chen Mo reminded.

"This is really impossible." Yang Qi smiled bitterly, "There is a section of road ahead that is very difficult to walk. Each vehicle must be equipped with an experienced driver. However, the nature of this mission determines that people may be damaged, but materials must be preserved.


"What should we do?"

Huameishu and Yang Qi were both at a loss.

Only Chen Mo laughed disapprovingly.

This chapter has been completed!
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