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Chapter 121

Early the next morning, the convoy continued to move forward.

After three days of traveling, we finally arrived outside the fortress.

A fortress is one that is of great military significance and has a solid defensive stronghold, either large or small.

The one in front of me belongs to the former.

Built against a gap in the mountains, there are a series of military camps and a prosperous town inside.

Outside is an increasingly flat terrain, connected to endless grasslands.

The two completely different styles fully demonstrate the customs and customs of the two countries.

"Meishu, how late are we?"

"That's two days."

Mentioning this, Huameishu showed concern.

"Chen Mo, they say military law is ruthless. I always feel that everything will not be smooth sailing later."

"It's normal." Chen Mo said nonchalantly, "Don't mention what happened at the inn. Even if it didn't happen, no one can guarantee that everything will go smoothly. Once it comes, let's make peace with it. Just stay with me.


"Let's go."

Huameishu nodded and signaled to continue moving forward to the town.

The main function of the important town established based on the fortress is to meet the various living needs of the border troops.

As a result, the economy here seems to be very prosperous.

It is no exaggeration to say that this place is more lively and prosperous than Baihe County.

There are various shops everywhere, an endless stream of vendors, and open and honest fireworks venues.

There is no cover at all, and they all exist openly, giving this important town a seemingly chaotic and wild atmosphere.

Especially the two teams of sergeants with swords and halberds raised at the entrance of the town, full of rugged aura, carefully checked the people and vehicles entering the town.


Coming closer, Chen Mo gave an order.

Twenty carriages filled with supplies attracted everyone's attention the moment the dragon arrived.

Chen Mo got off his horse and went straight to the inventory point. He took out the document left by Yang Qi and handed it to the black-faced captain who led him.

The black-faced captain was also unambiguous. After reading it, he directly ordered someone to take over the convoy.

"Waiting and waiting, I finally got you. Come with me."

"Good work."

Chen Mo said and quietly handed over a money bag.

The king of hell is easy to meet, but the devil is difficult to deal with.

Knowing this, Chen Mo decided to express it, just like meeting Xu Liqiu for the first time, wouldn't it lead to a series of subsequent fates?

However, what Chen Mo didn't expect was that the black-faced captain didn't answer at all.

Not only that, rejection is even more rude.

"I have seen people like you a lot, so don't do this."

Handing the money didn't work, Chen Mo quickly collected it, and while leading the horse forward, he also started to inquire about it.

"General, you have read the documents. We are here from Baihe County to deliver supplies. You should know Yang Qi, right?"

"I don't know you." The black-faced captain responded disdainfully, "From now on, no more questions are allowed, just follow me."


Nodding, Chen Mo slowed down.

"Chen Mo, I always feel like something is wrong." Huameishu dismounted and asked.

"Proceed with caution later."

Chen Mo also felt this way. Logically speaking, Yang Qi should be waiting at the entrance of the town. Why didn't he see him?

Even if any tasks are delayed, someone should be sent to take care of them instead of being cold-mouthed like a black-faced captain.

"What went wrong in this?"

Obviously no one could give Chen Mo an answer to this question, so he could only follow the black-faced captain to the military camp with uneasiness.

After arriving, the black-faced captain signaled Chen Mo and others to leave the convoy and gather together to wait for orders.

And he himself entered a large tent.

After a while, he walked out again accompanied by someone.

Judging from his respectful and fearful demeanor, the status of the other person should not be low.

"Is this the twenty carts of supplies?"

"Sir, the documents I personally inspected are infallible." The black-faced captain responded quickly.

The sentence "Sir" caught Chen Mo's eyes, so he looked at it carefully.

This man was not wearing armor, nor was he carrying any weapons. He was dressed in casual clothes and looked nothing eye-catching.

But I have to say that this person has the aura of a superior person. If I guess correctly, he should be the official in charge of food and grass.

Not everyone can be a grain and grass officer, after all, this position is too important.

Now that he saw the real owner, Chen Mo couldn't stand still. When he saw the two of them approaching the motorcade, he took the initiative to strike up a conversation.

"Sir, among this batch of supplies, fifteen vehicles are for military use, and the remaining five are for the villain himself."

"My own?"

The grain officer frowned and glanced at Chen Mo with his eyelids slightly raised.

Then, a sneer flashed across the corner of his mouth.

"It doesn't matter who owns the things in the car."

"Then who has the final say?"

Chen Mo doesn't like people who pretend to be stupid, and the grain and grass officer in front of him is obviously like this.

In addition, the tone and manner of speaking showed arrogance and rudeness, so the words he asked had some emotion.

The grain officer obviously didn't expect that someone would dare to speak to him like this, so he looked at Chen Mo carefully.

He spoke a little, but remained indifferent.

"My officer, Hou Yong, is in charge of Beiying's grain and grass supplies. According to the principle of distribution, all twenty carts of supplies will be received by my officer. Now, do you know who is in charge here?"

"Sir Hou, this little girl is from the Hua family in Baihe County. On this trip, she was entrusted by Captain Yang Qi of the city defenders to transport supplies. At that time, we had an agreement with Captain Yang that five of the trucks would be used for private use. Please understand.


Huameishu clearly understands that once you enter the military camp, you will not have the final say in everything.

As a last resort, we could only move Yang Qi out while showing the background.

Because she could clearly see and hear that the other party was looking for trouble in a powerful way.

"The Hua family, I've never heard of it."

I thought Hou Yong's attitude would change, but he didn't expect it to get worse.

"Also, transporting supplies is a major matter for the family and the country. You actually took this opportunity to seek personal gain. What are your intentions?"

"My lord, this matter has been agreed upon with Captain Yang. If your lord is worried, you can invite him to confront you."

First, he belittled and humiliated his family, and then labeled him as seeking personal gain. Huameishu increasingly felt that the situation was not good.

However, what Hou Yong said next was really cruel.

"I don't know Lieutenant Yang, and even if I did, I won't break military discipline because of it. To tell you the truth, because you didn't arrive at the stipulated time, each of you will be held accountable."

As soon as he finished speaking, Yang Qi waved his hand.

"When people come, the materials will be sealed as evidence. All of them will be detained and await military justice."

When a scholar encounters a soldier, he cannot explain why.

On the other hand, it's not the same.

Moreover, Chen Mo could see clearly that Hou Yong's reference to military law was just an excuse to use the topic.

As expected, this incident should be a continuation of the Yi Station incident.

The question is where is Yang Qi?

Could it be that something unexpected has happened?

This chapter has been completed!
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