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Chapter 130 Moved

The literati's pen is like a knife, and the literati's mouth is like a sword.

They can kill people!

Many people didn't believe this before, but now they see it.

Chen Mo only used a few words to defeat the arrogant Xia Fangzheng and put him in an extremely embarrassing situation.

Especially Chen Mo's last question was not only about killing people, but also about killing people's hearts.

In a rage, Xia Fangzheng lost any self-control and opened his mouth to curse harshly.

"You are a vulgar and barbaric man who dares to talk nonsense here and make irresponsible remarks. I will punish you on the spot right now."

Righting the law on the spot?

Upon hearing this, everyone gasped.

If they don't agree on a few words, they will kill someone?

Of course, except Xia Houzhen and Huameishu.

The former has great power. If he doesn't say anything, no one dares to mess around.

The latter did so because he believed in Chen Mo. He dared to challenge Xia Fangzheng like this, which showed that he had confidence in his heart.

"Chen Jiaoyu, do you have anything to say?"

Finally, Xia Houzhen spoke.

There was something special hidden in the eyes that looked at Chen Mo.

Chen Mo was startled for a moment, nodded as if he had some understanding, opened his mouth and pushed Xia Fangzheng back.

"Master Xia, you hold a high position and killing me is like crushing an ant."

"But as the old saying goes, ants are greedy for life, so I want to live and live well. To say the least, even if you have made up your mind and want to punish me later, you have to give me a suitable excuse, otherwise how can you convince me?


"First you delayed the delivery of supplies, and just now you deliberately sow discord among the important ministers of the dynasty, both of these can be regarded as capital crimes." Xia Fangzheng said through gritted teeth.

"The two points mentioned by your Excellency are exactly what I am confused about." Chen Mo frowned.


"Master Xia, please be patient." Xia Fangzheng was about to get angry when he was interrupted by Xia Houzhen, "Chen Jiaoyu, I would like to hear, general, what doubts do you have?"

"Back to General, what I'm wondering about is why neither Mr. Hou nor Mr. Xia asked us why we missed the date?"

"They didn't ask, but I asked." Xia Houzhen stood up and paced, "I know everything about the delivery of supplies in Baihe County. Logically speaking, the time given is plenty, so why are you so late?"

"Sir, there are three reasons." Chen Mo told the truth.

First, no one in Baihe County is willing to come to deliver supplies. Even if it is a paid requisition, people will avoid it.

"Why?" Xia Houzhen was confused.

"Beautiful books, tell me."

Regarding the situation in Baihe County, Chen Mo was far less knowledgeable than Huameishu.

"Sir, it used to be fine. The military and civilians had a close friendship. Business people were willing to make a contribution to their country as long as they did not lose money. Even many farmers were willing to provide vehicles, cattle and horses for just a few meals of food and grass."

"However, in recent years, everything has undergone unknown changes. Businessmen no longer undertake the work of transporting supplies. Farmers say that even if they sell their animals, it is better to suffer the pain of running around and being whipped. Even if they are forced to requisition, most of them are old people.

Weak, sick and disabled.”

After speaking in one breath, Huameishu bowed and saluted.

"General, to be honest, Chen Jiaoyu and I spent a lot of time talking to my father about the convoy transporting supplies this time."

"Thank you for your hard work. On behalf of all the sergeants in the fortress, I, the general, thank you."

After Xia Houzhen finished speaking with a slightly moved expression, the conversation suddenly changed.

"Miss Hua, do you know why people don't want to come to the fortress?"

"I know." Huameishu nodded.

"Speak quickly." Xia Houzhen urged.

"You can say it as a civilian girl, but I hope the general will forgive me if I say something wrong."

"But it doesn't matter."


Nodding deeply, Hua Meishu glanced at Xia Fangzheng intentionally or unintentionally.

"General, the reason why people are reluctant to come to the fortress is because they have not been able to get money for transporting supplies ten times, seven or eight times. Not only that, many people and animals have come down in one trip, and their skin will peel off even if they die, so that's why


Having said this, Huameishu stopped.

Because there is no need to say the rest of it.

Xia Houzhen's eyes flashed with cold light, and an invisible but substantial murderous aura was coming out of his body.

Is this trying to kill someone?

Chen Mo's heart skipped a beat when he saw it. It turned out that he had made a mistake before. Xia Houzhen was not a soft and tactful person, but also had a reverse nature.

Obviously, what Hua Meishu said hurt this bone.

Now Chen Mo wants to see if Xia Houzhen will have an attack.

If it occurs, it means that the person's character still needs to be polished, and it will not be too difficult to deal with it.

On the contrary, it means that Xia Houzhen has mastered his cultivation. If he still has to deal with him in the future, he must be careful.

Unfortunately, Chen Mo had bad luck this time.

The murderous aura that penetrated his body disappeared in an instant, and Xia Houzhen's tense face became relaxed.

In the end, he actually smiled.

"Miss Hua, please take a seat. It's all because of my incompetence as a general. I still don't know that the situation has gotten so bad. What you just said is very good, the military and the people are like fish and water, but when the pond gets bigger, it is inevitable that there will be

These tortoises, what we have to do is not only fish them out, but also stew them, isn’t that right, Master Xia?"


Xia Fangzheng was speechless and frightened by Chen Mo just now, and he still hasn't come back to his senses.

Because if Xia Houzhen pursues the case, then he will not get anything good to eat.

On one side is his immediate boss, on the other side is the current Holy Emperor, neither one of them can be offended by him.

So when Xiahou Zhen called him, he woke up from his daze. After a little understanding, he wanted to eat Xiahou Zhen alive.

What's the meaning?

At this juncture, should you let yourself be the bad guy and severely punish those worms in the army?

In the end, you become enemies with others. Why do you, Xiahou Zhenbai, get such a good reputation and kill people with borrowed knives so easily?

The handle was held in someone's hand, and I had to lower my head, so I had no choice but to stand up.

"General, for those of us who are officials, the people are our food, clothing, and parents. This matter must be strictly investigated and punished. If you, the general, can trust me, leave it to me to deal with it. I will clean it up no matter what."

This unhealthy trend."

"If that's the case, then there's Lord Lao Xia."

Xia Houzhen nodded with satisfaction and continued to ask Chen Mo.

"Chen Jiaoyu, you just said there are three reasons for delaying your trip, what are the other two?"

"The other two points are, one is public and the other is private."

This time Chen Mo did not hesitate and directly handed over the real information.

"What is public?" Xia Houzhen asked.

"Dozens of slaughtered cattle and sheep." Chen Mo said with a fake expression, "Although I am a teacher, I also know the righteousness and hardship of joining the army. It is rare to visit the border fortress, so I wanted to comfort the soldiers guarding the border.


"So while walking along the way, we were also purchasing cattle and sheep. To show our sincerity, we slaughtered them on the spot, peeled and cleaned them. The general can send someone to check. All the beef and mutton are sealed in the carriage."



When Chen Mo finished speaking, the meeting hall fell into silence again.

Everyone's gazes looking at Chen Mo changed obviously at this moment.

There is gratitude and admiration.

Only Xia Fangzheng was filled with hatred.

He didn't see the beef and mutton, and he didn't even approach the carriage, but he believed that Chen Mo wouldn't lie.

Don't dare to lie either.

In other words, the problem all lies with Hou Yong.

Things that fail to succeed but are more than enough to fail will never be spared later.

This time the silence was still broken by Xia Houzhen.

Whether it was sincere or just for fun, he personally handed the local specialty milk tea to Chen Mo.

"Chen Jiaoyu, if everyone in the world has your thoughts, why should I worry about the lack of military strength and the harmonious relationship between the army and the people?"

"On behalf of all the sergeants stationed in the fortress, I would like to sincerely say thank you."

"The general's words are serious." Chen Mo took the tea and sighed sincerely, "In fact, there are never quiet years in this world, but there are countless people like the general who are carrying the burden for us. It is us who should say thank you.


After saying this, Chen Mo walked towards the door with the teacup in hand and threw it directly into the sky.

"Here's to you all!"

"There are no quiet years, because there are people carrying the burden forward for us."

Looking at Chen Mo's back, Xia Houzhen murmured softly.

Gradually, some tears appeared in his eyes.

The soldiers and guards in the room felt the blood rushing through their bodies.

Chen Mo's words hit their hearts hard.
This chapter has been completed!
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