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Chapter 11 Say Cao Cao, Cao Cao Arrives

When Wang Quan was in mourning, Chen Mo was wandering in the mountains, fields and forests.

This is not to check how many acres of peach grove each household has, but to select sites for the subsequent large-scale kiln burning.

It wasn't until evening that he fell in love with a place.

It is relatively easy to clear and pave roads with mountains and rivers at your back.

The only problem is that this place is the private property of the neighborhood leader Wang Fuxing, so it may not be that easy to get it.

"Let's take it one step at a time. When the other party is willing to give up, we can open the charcoal kiln. If you have other thoughts, then look for another suitable place."

Determined, Chen Mo avoided Qiu Han and went home.

Qin Xianglian heard the footsteps and hurriedly came out to greet them.

"Sir, has the floating ticket issue been resolved?"


Chen Mo nodded and motioned to Qin Xianglian to bring out a basin of water, wash her face, and then talk in detail.

"It's great. The slave family has been worried about it for a day, and it can finally come to fruition."

Qin Xianglian was so happy that her movements of carrying the basin and scooping out water became much lighter.

Chen Mo looked dumbfounded and felt a little unbearable for a moment. He hesitated for a moment and temporarily changed the topic.

"Xianlian, how did you go about the things I assigned you today?"

"It's quite appropriate." Qin Xianglian put down the basin, her pretty face couldn't help the joy, "Most of the neighbors have the intention of cutting down wood and burning charcoal."

"How many preliminary statistics are there?" Chen Mo wiped his face.

"Official, wait a moment."

Qin Xianglian rushed into the room, took out two pieces of paper, handed them to Chen Mo and squatted down.

It turned out that he wanted his officials to wash their feet.

Chen Mo instinctively wanted to retract his feet, but Qin Xianglian pressed him hard into the basin, so he could only focus on the paper.

"Xianlian, your calligraphy is pretty good."

The handwriting on the paper cannot be said to be very elegant, but it can still be seen that there is some skill. It is obvious that Qin Xianglian worked hard behind the scenes.

"The officials are laughing at it. It is said that those who are close to Zhu are red. The Nu family is just influenced by the officials. I just hope that after the officials gain fame, they can do something to share the worries."


Chen Mo sighed slightly in his heart and did not answer.

It wasn't until I read the content on the paper that I felt a little more excited.

"There are about a hundred acres of peach groves in total. If one acre produces one cart of charcoal, and one cart of charcoal sells for five taels of silver, we will be able to sell it for at least five hundred taels of silver."

"Officials, I always feel that it's not that easy." Qin Xianglian shook her head slightly, "No matter how good the charcoal is, no matter how good the poems are, there will be times when they can't be sold."

"It doesn't matter, I have a plan for my husband."

Chen Mo has already thought about this. If he wants to expand his charcoal business, it is impossible to just survive the cold.

Because of the high price of charcoal, it can only be sold to wealthy households. Although the county is not small, the number of rich families is limited.

Only by opening up another road can we ensure the continuous sales of charcoal.

And this was the reason why he specifically ordered Qin Xianglian to invite blacksmith Lin Dashan to his home for dinner.

Talk about Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here.

Just as Qin Xianglian was about to ask clearly, the sound of people driving cars could be heard outside the door, and not long after, Lin Dashan, Lin Xiaoshu and his son walked in.

The two of them were beaming with joy and looked like they had great luck.

Chen Mo knew it well and looked at Lin Xiaoshu with a smile.

"How is it? How much silver did a cart of charcoal cost?"


After Lin Xiaoshu came back from selling charcoal, he took a shower and changed his clothes, his honest smile showing a bit of refreshment.

"It's a total of seven taels of silver, and I spent three hundred coins on wine and meat. The rest are all here. Brother Kurotsuchi, please take stock."

"Who is Brother Heitu?" Chen Mo was stunned.

"Today when I was selling charcoal, I asked a gentleman for advice. He said that the ink characters are black and soil is underneath, so I will call you Brother Heitu from now on."


Chen Mo was speechless, with black lines all over his face.

Qin Xianglian covered her mouth, her eyes full of smiles.

Only Lin Dashan glared hard at his silly son.

"You talk nonsense all the time, why don't you give the money to Shimei..."

"Xianlian, just take five taels, and the rest is considered as pot money and the reward for the small tree." Chen Mo ordered, "Also, please go and cook the meat. Let's have a good drink later."

"It's not hard for slaves."

Qin Xianglian's heart was warm and her face was ashamed, and she happily went to cook food.

"Shimei, you can't do that." Lin Dashan motioned to Lin Xiaoshu to return it quickly, "Seven hundred coins are enough, and the remaining one tael is really unacceptable."

"Uncle Lin, just think of it as a deposit." Chen Mo changed his mind.

"What's the deposit?" Lin Xiaoshu asked.

"It's like this. Next, I want to collect all the peach trees in the village and make charcoal. I will need at least a dozen large pots and a deposit of one hundred Wen each."

"More than ten bites?"

Lin Dashan gasped when he heard this. How big of a deal is this?

However, what Chen Mo said next was even more shocking.

"Ten mouths are just the starting stage. When I get the land in Huilongwan, ten mouths will not be enough."

After finishing speaking, Chen Mo described his future plans.

After hearing this, the father and son were shocked, but they also showed the same worry as Qin Xianglian.

With so much charcoal to burn, can it be sold?

"Uncle Lin, Xiaoshu, do you believe me?"


The father and son looked at each other for a while, then looked at the silver in their hands, and nodded.

"Since you believe it, then do as I say, and I guarantee that your life will get better and better."

Chen Mo must take these father and son under his command.

"Shimei, you are a scholar, you have something in your mind, and you must be good at business. I am just worried about Wang Fuxing. Even if he is willing to give up Huilong Bay, I am afraid he will open his mouth."

"Dad is right, that skinny ghost Wang Fuxing will definitely not let go easily." Lin Xiaoshu agreed.

"We'll see when the time comes. If we really can't reach an agreement, we'll think of other ways."

Chen Mo really couldn't control this.

When talking about the difficult problem, both Lin Dashan and Lin Xiaoshu looked sad, but Chen Mo was already thinking about tomorrow's county exam, so he also fell silent.

It wasn't until the aroma of meat wafted out of the house that the three of them came back to their senses and prepared to drink away their sorrows.

Bang bang bang...

At this moment, there was a knock on the door outside.


Lin Xiaoshu raised his voice and asked impatiently.

"Wang Fuxing."

The people outside responded, with a hint of anxiety in their voices.

"Brother Heitu, why is he here?" Lin Xiaoshu wondered, "Did you just hear Qiangen coming?"

"You can say less." Lin Dashan signaled to shut up, "If he comes in later, you are not allowed to speak."

"I'll go take a look."

Wang Fuxing suddenly came to the door. Chen Mo was also surprised, so he got up and walked over.

After opening the door, the surprise was even worse.

Wang Fuxing was not accompanied by a stickman, and he was holding a box of snacks in his hand.

And before Chen Mo could speak, Wang Fuxing spoke in a flattering manner.

"Shimei, I can smell the aroma of meat from so far away. Do you mind if I come in for a drink?"

This chapter has been completed!
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