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Chapter 15 Mind

Mrs. Wang, is it such a coincidence?

Chen Mo hesitated a little when he saw the figure getting off the carriage and walking into the tooth shop.

As early as when Xu Liqiu talked about teething, he thought of Mrs. Wang and Qin Xianglian's prostitution on loan, so he didn't go to her.

Nacheng thought, we bumped into each other here.

Since you can't hide, let's meet him.

In addition to the matter of notarizing documents, Chen Mo also wanted to figure out one thing. That morning when Zhao Shan broke down the door and acted like a rogue, why did Mrs. Wang stand up for her?

"Sir, please come inside."

When the waiter saw Chen Mo, he greeted him with a warm smile.

"Excuse me..."

As soon as Chen Mo started talking, another waiter came running next to him.

He had a fierce look on his face and scolded him when he opened his mouth.

"Xu Lidong, who asked you to stand at the door to receive guests?"

"I see there are distinguished guests coming, so..."

Xu Lidong looked sixteen or seventeen years old, with a fair and clean face showing a bit of bookishness.

"So what?"

The other person snorted and interrupted directly.

"You have only been in Yaxing for a few days, do you know how to treat guests? I think you just want to take the opportunity to get money from the guests, so why don't you hurry up and carry water and sweep the floor."

"I'll go right now, I'll go right now."

Xu Lidong was a little aggrieved but did not dare to argue. After casting an apologetic look at Chen Mo, he hurried inside.

"Your Majesty, my dear Wang Jinzhu, I will be at your service throughout the entire process."

"No need, I'm here to find someone."

What Chen Mo looked down upon the most was people like Wang Jinzhu, who naturally had a bad face.

Wang Jinzhu has been working in the industry for several years, and what he is best at is observing words and expressions. After hearing Chen Mo's cold voice, he understood the general meaning instantly.

Not daring to offend openly, I can only escape when the opportunity arises and wait for the next customer who can earn the reward.

"Then you look for it slowly, and I won't disturb you if you are young."

"Wait a minute, put down your picks as soon as you are led in. Is this how you treat guests?" Chen Mo stopped.

"Let me see, old lady, which distinguished guest is losing his temper?"

The bead curtain in the inner hall was opened, and Mrs. Wang came out.

Originally she was holding her own, but after seeing clearly that it was Chen Mo, she immediately quickened her pace.

Even his speech was unusually soft.

"Young Master Chen's great presence is really a blessing."

Mr. Chen?

Chen Mo frowned when he heard the change of title.

This old woman, what kind of medicine is sold in the gourd?

Chen Mo was just puzzled, while Wang Jinzhu next to him was shuddering.

Looking at the entire county, how many people can make Mrs. Wang call her son?

The most frightening thing is that Wang Po even trotted to greet her, but the other party showed no sign of appreciation.

Who is this sacred person?

"Why, Mr. Chen, you are so forgetful that you don't remember the old lady?" Mrs. Wang continued to talk.

"That's not possible. No one can forget Grandma Wang." Chen Mo came back to his senses, "I'm here today and I want to ask Grandma Wang to help me with something."

"Well, please come in." Mrs. Wang said politely and glared at Wang Jinzhu, "Why are you so stupid? Why don't you hurry up and serve Mr. Chen tea?"

"Yes yes yes."

Wang Jinzhu remained as silent as a cicada and hurriedly started work.

"Wang Po, you don't have to drink tea." Chen Mo waved his hand and said, "It's dinner time now, how about we change places to talk in detail?"

"It couldn't be better."

Mrs. Wang nodded and signaled to go out.

"By the way, Granny Wang, is there a clerk named Xu Lidong in the dental shop?" Chen Mo suddenly asked.

"Yes, we just came here not long ago, why are we talking about him?" Mrs. Wang was puzzled.

"It's okay, just ask."

Just a casual question?

Mrs. Wang rolled her eyes, smiled and nodded to signal Chen Mo to go out first, and then ordered the entourage around her.

"Don't follow me. Stay and investigate what's going on. If the old lady guesses correctly, it's probably Xiaozhu who caused the trouble."

"What do you mean?"

"Once he's settled, let him get out of his way."

Without saying a word, Mrs. Wang went out.

Looking at Chen Mo's back, her mind started to wander.

Without him, I can't see through it.

Mrs. Wang, a prostitute, was able to thrive in the dental industry entirely because she followed two rules that could never be broken.

First, whether lending money or signing a contract, the background of the person involved will be clearly investigated.

As long as she can establish a relationship with the powerful, she will not touch it, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble.

Second, regardless of the business, you must not confuse right and wrong or bully others.

In a word, it is all done voluntarily and never forced.

But after signing and depositing the money, the above will no longer work, and it will not matter if you give me a penny less, otherwise you will have to be thrown into a mass grave to feed wild dogs.

It was precisely in this way that Mrs. Wang was able to make the whole county's sole share of the ex-household business of lending money and collecting deeds.

In this industry, it is important to follow the rules, and discernment is even more indispensable.

Mrs. Wang asked herself, with Yaxing's insight and her experience, no matter who she dealt with, she could find out the other person's pulse in at most two contacts.

Only Chen Mo, she couldn't get the number right.

First of all, I learned from the villagers in Baijiazhuang that the person whom Mrs. Wang had personal contact with was not the same person at all.

It is said to be a docile sheep, but in fact it is more like a wolf hiding its wild nature.

The reason why he doesn't show ferocious animality is because he hasn't grown up yet.

Even so, once Chen Mo's bottom line is touched, he will most likely be left with nothing to eat.

Secondly, it’s the county government.

When she came back from the academy yesterday, Mrs. Wang tried her best to make inquiries. However, she could not get any valuable information from Housekeeper Hu until she dried up.

As a result, she became even more suspicious of the relationship between Chen Mo and the magistrate.

For a floating ticket, not only did he send the housekeeper, but he also did not give any face to the most prestigious royal power in Qingyang Town. This is so thought-provoking.

Therefore, Mrs. Wang must accept this meal.

No, you must ask.

Since I couldn't find out anything from Butler Hu, I could only use Chen Mo's words to tell the story.

All in all, we must resolve our inner doubts.

It's just that Mrs. Wang never dreamed that Chen Mohuai had the same thought.

People in Yaxing eat people without spitting out bones. If there is no big profit to be made, how can Mrs. Wang help herself?

That scoundrel Zhao Shan is easy to get rid of, but where is Wang Fuxing?

When something goes wrong, there must be a monster!

In this way, two people with the same thoughts walked into a restaurant side by side.

"I'm the host today, Mr. Chen, just order whatever you want."

"Wang Po, the title of Young Master sounds really awkward. It's not as close as calling him by his name. What do you think?"


It was almost two words, and Grandma Wang was quite happy to hear it.

Chen Mo smiled and nodded, raising his hand to greet the waiter.

"The weather is getting colder, so let's have hot pot today. How about a portion of beef and mutton?"

"Old lady, if you don't have taboos, you can do whatever you want."

Nodding, Mrs. Wang muttered.

Hot pot, what kind of pot is it?

This chapter has been completed!
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