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Chapter 24

Chen Mo understood Lin Xiaoshu's personality, his carefree and straightforward nature. If he hadn't been bullied severely, he would never have cursed at home.

Moreover, it is still at home.

Thinking about it, it must be related to the back mountain of Torch Like a Dragon.

Opening the door, Chen Mo saw the Lin family and his son sitting at the table on the floor.

The old one sighed and the young one cursed, causing the oil lamp to flicker on and off.

As the hostess, Qin Xianglian relied on the low door frame and looked absently in the direction of the county town, obviously looking forward to the early return of her officials.

"We haven't seen each other for a day, why do they look like eggplants beaten by frost?" Chen Mo asked in confusion.

"The official is back."

Qin Xianglian's face was overjoyed, and she ran two steps quickly to throw herself into his arms. When she rushed forward, she remembered that Lin and his son were there, and stopped abruptly in front of Chen Mo.

"Ah, what happened to the officer's head?"

"I accidentally fell, it's nothing serious."

Chen Mo also wanted to respond enthusiastically, but there were two light bulbs around, so he could only signal Qin Xianglian not to worry, and then sat down at the table to talk.

"My lord, the autumn cold has been severe recently, and we must not be careless about the wounds. I will go to my third uncle to buy some medicine." Qin Xianglian hurriedly went out.

Chen Mo didn't stop him and just asked Lin and his son what happened.

"What else could it be? That scoundrel Wang Fuxing is leading people to cut off our financial path." Lin Xiaoshu said angrily.

"Uncle Lin, what's going on?" Chen Mo looked to the side.

Lin Dashan said with a sad face: "It's just like Xiaoshu said. Wang Fuxing saw you burning charcoal and selling it for money, and he also counted the number of peach trees in the neighbors' homes, so he couldn't sit still. You rushed to take the exam and just left, and he was behind you.

We gathered people to dig a charcoal kiln, didn't you notice the movement in the back mountain when you came back?"

"That's it?"

Hearing that a kiln was dug to burn charcoal, Chen Mo instantly dispelled his uneasiness.

"Really, that's all?" Lin Xiaoshu jumped anxiously, "Have you lost your mind? Wang Fuxing is leading people to dig up our foundation. From now on, all the money belongs to others."

"If he is willing to dig, let him dig. The mountain behind is not our family's private property. Besides, he is the head of the village. Can you and I control it?"

If it were someone else to do this, Chen Mozhen might have a headache, but if Wang Fuxing is acting like a monster, there is no need to worry.

"You, you're so angry with me, forget it." Lin Xiaoshu vented his anger, "Since you can hold your breath so well, then I'm still in a hurry."

"Shut up." After scolding, Lin Dashan looked at Chen Mo, "Shimei, I must remind you that the matter is very serious now. Wang Fuxing is not only digging charcoal kilns, but also knocking on doors from door to door.

We want to collect all the peach trees in the village, what do you think we should do?"

"Follow the original plan."

When the matter reached this point, Chen Mo could only give some reassurance to Lin and his son, so he told the story about the land in Huilongwan.

After hearing this, both Lin and his son were greatly surprised.

Without spending a penny and renting for three years in vain, how could Wang Fuxing suffer such a big loss?

When they learned Wang Papi's true purpose from Chen Mo, the two of them gnashed their teeth with hatred. Even a weak woman like Qin Xianglian was plotting against her. She was nothing.

After the two of them finished scolding, Chen Mo said: "Uncle Lin, Xiaoshu, don't worry. The bigger Wang Fuxing's appetite is now, the worse his end will be soon. Just wait and see."

After receiving Chen Mo's guarantee, although the two of them were still unsure, they couldn't say anything else and said that they would continue to act according to the plan after returning.

After all, fundamentally speaking, Chen Mo is the master of the family, and he will be the one to bear no matter how big the loss is.

"By the way, Shimei, I brought the copper pot you asked me to make. Let's see if it works?" Lin Dashan said, placing the copper pot at his feet on the table.

After Chen Mo looked around in circles, he nodded with satisfaction: "Uncle Lin's craftsmanship is simply amazing. By the way, have the copper ingots bought from the dental clinic arrived?"

"They arrived in the middle of the afternoon and I hid them all." Lin Dashan nodded and asked again, "Shimei, I have never seen this kind of pot before. What is it used for?"

"Since it is a pot, it is of course used for cooking food. When we are done with the busy days, we will use this pot to have a meal. I guarantee that you will be satisfied."

"So, those copper ingots are all for making pots, so how many are needed?" Lin Dashan was a little excited, and he didn't have to worry about the next work.

"Uncle Lin, let's put the pots aside for now. From tomorrow on, you will have to take out the ten iron furnaces for burning charcoal, so as not to delay the fight with Wang Fuxing."

Regarding how to develop Tan Xing, Chen Mo has already had mature ideas and plans. Not to mention the greedy Wang Fuxing, even if the royal power comes, he will have to live with it.

"Okay, let's go back first, and you should rest early." Lin Dashan nodded.

"Uncle Lin, Xiaoshu, don't go home tonight. Go directly to Taoyuan. I will go there later. I have to burn another pot of charcoal quickly." Chen Mo warned.

"I understand, this is the reason why you went home." Lin Xiaoshu suddenly realized, "I was thinking something was wrong just now. The county examination is obviously two days away, why did you come back now? You must have found a new buyer.

, I am anxious to send carbon to others, I really can study and make money without delay.”

"How can burning charcoal be compared with the county examination?"

At this time, Qin Xianglian left and came back, looking at Chen Mo with confusion.

"Official, I was in a hurry to buy medicine, so I didn't have time to ask more questions. As Brother Xiaoshu said, why is the official going home now?"


Chen Mo was in a dilemma and didn't know whether he should tell the truth or not.

Seeing this, Lin Dashan winked at Lin Xiaoshu, and the two of them walked out of the yard.

"Does the official have something he can't tell?" Qin Xianglian asked nervously, "Now that there is no one else around, why not tell it and see if the Nu family can help the official share his worries?"

"Xianlian, let's talk about this... it's a long story." Chen Mo racked his brains and said, "If nothing else happens, the county academy will send someone to deliver the letter tomorrow, and you will understand by then.


Chen Mo determined that from the moment he was confiscated by Lu Hanqing and kicked out of the academy, he had completely lost the qualification to continue to refer.

For such a major matter related to the future, the academy will inevitably issue documents.

As for how to appease Qin Xianglian, we can only tell at that time.

"Will the official go to take the county examination tomorrow?" Qin Xianglian asked.

"Just wait for news from the academy." Chen Mo responded bravely.


Qin Xianglian still had doubts in her heart, but seeing Chen Mo's firm words, she didn't say anything else.

Open the medicine bag and carefully wipe and apply Chen Mo.

One was sitting and the other was standing. Chen Mo could not only hear Qin Xianglian's slight breathing, but also smell the body fragrance that fascinated him.

Especially the soft touch on my forehead from time to time makes me feel itchy.

When the medicine was finished, Chen Mo picked up Qin Xianglian and went straight to the back room.

After a while, a low and melodious serenade floated out from inside...

This chapter has been completed!
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