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Chapter 27

Policy theory is the most important part of the scientific examination, so the two test questions are also very in-depth.

One is tax law, and the other is exploring the development and planning of border towns.

The reason why Chen Mo was excited was that he saw through the hidden meaning behind the test questions.

Taking the two test questions separately, it can be said that there is nothing new about them. After all, they have been covered in previous scientific examinations.

It is a bit intriguing that they appear on the same examination paper at the same time. It is obviously a reference to Baihe County.

Coupled with the recent rumors that Xinzhi County has just taken office, the truth is easy to come out. We will use scientific research to brainstorm ideas and then launch new policies.

Since it is a new deal, there must be pilot projects, and this is Chen Mo's true purpose.

Attract the attention of the new county magistrate to Baijiazhuang. As long as this place is designated as a pilot for the implementation of the new policy, all problems will be easily solved.

The first person to be dealt with at that time was Wang Fuxing's skinny ghost.

With his mind made up, Chen Mo no longer responded perfunctorily like yesterday, but responded seriously.

In terms of tax law reform, he wrote down the proposal of sharing the land with the peasants and integrating officials and gentry.

When it comes to the development and planning of border towns, the first thing to do is to improve transportation, the second is to improve the cultural level of the people, and the last is to vigorously develop industry.

It's easier said than written.

Although the test paper is filled with tiny fonts, many details cannot be revealed.

However, Chen Mo believes that if the new county magistrate really has the idea of ​​implementing the New Deal, he will carefully review this test paper and there will be some response by then.

At that time, Chen Mo began to show his talents.

After answering the test paper, the people from the academy put the sealing wax on the file and asked a question before leaving.

"Chen Mo, in addition to delivering papers and invigilating the exam, the two of us also brought a message from the county magistrate and Lu Jiaoyu. I will definitely give you a fair explanation for yesterday's kidnapping."


Chen Mo was suspicious, then his mind suddenly moved, and he suddenly understood.

If nothing else, Xu Liqiu should have thought out the words. He is really well versed in the ways of the world and handles things without leakage.

Just as Chen Mo was about to respond, Qin Xianglian, who had been waiting at the door, rushed in.

"Why didn't you inform the slave family when an official encountered a life-or-death disaster?" Qin Xianglian was afraid and blamed herself.

She had noticed something was wrong with Chen Mo last night and always avoided going home in the middle of the county exam. Unexpectedly, something unexpected happened to her.

But forget it if you didn't see it, you still had a few suspicions in your heart, and now that you think about it, you feel really regretful and guilty.

Chen Mo was moved, but with outsiders present, it was not appropriate to show strong emotions, so he smiled lightly.

"Not only because I'm worried about you, but I'm also afraid that I won't be able to continue taking the county examination, which will make you feel uncomfortable and disappointed."

"Compared with the safety of officials, what does the county examination mean?" Qin Xianglian was about to cry, "If there are still such risks in the future, it's okay not to give up the fame."


Chen Mo was stunned when he said this. If he had known Qin Xianglian's attitude, he should have made up the kidnapping incident yesterday.

Of course, it's not too late.

In short, there is no need to worry about fame anymore.

"Okay, now that we have finished saying what needs to be said, the two of us will go back to the academy to resume our duties."

"I'll see you two gentlemen."

Chen Mo sent the two of them out of the gate, comforted Qin Xianglian for a few words, and hurried towards the three-acre peach orchard.

Calculating the time, the carriage from Yaxing should have arrived.

Sure enough, as soon as Chen Mo walked to the path leading to Taolin, he saw Xu Lidong guarding the carriage.

"Sir, I've finally waited for you." Xu Lidong stepped forward and whispered, "My brother asked me to bring a message to my husband. If anyone asks, my husband will say that he was forced out of the city by thieves yesterday. In this way, he will not

It will affect your husband's future and gain a good reputation."

Chen Mo nodded, Xu Liqiu was indeed responsible for everything.

"At the beginning of winter, where is Wang Po?"

"Went to Taolin."

"Then I'll go over first and talk later."

"Sir, walk slowly."

When he came to Taolin, Chen Mo found that Wang Fuxing was still here, so he thought about going around and directly discussing with Mrs. Wang about introducing laborers.

"Chen Mo, wait a moment." Wang Fuxing made a mistake and stopped him.

"Is there anything else, Chief?"

"Of course." Wang Fuxing said angrily, "I have told you that I have three things to do with you. Now that you are back, please tell me clearly."

"you say."

"To talk about the third thing, we must mention the first two. You were expelled from the examination room yesterday. Nine times out of ten, your road to fame has come to an end, right?"

"What exactly does the director want to say?" Chen Mo asked with a smile.

It's good to get to the end, but it's boring if you don't get to the end.

Wang Fuxing also laughed, and came closer and said, "With the road to fame and fame cut off, there is no need for Qin Xianglian to support you in your studies, and the contract we signed before can be voided."


Chen Mo really didn't expect that Wang Fuxing would make a fuss about this.

"That's right, it's invalid." Wang Fuxing nodded, "We agreed at the beginning that only if you take part in the state examination, or even the provincial examination and the palace examination, I will do a good deed and rent out the land in Huilongwan for free.

Qin Xianglian works at home to study, there’s nothing wrong with that, right?”

"Yes, what next?" Chen Mo asked.

"Then you now have two choices, either the contract we signed is invalidated, or you agree to work with the village chief to lead the neighbors to make a fortune together."

Wang Fuxing's words were relaxed, but they were full of strong threats.

As long as Chen Mo is straightened out today, he can lie down at home and collect money.

To take a step back, even if Chen Mo can't be controlled, he still has to stop him from collaborating with others to open a kiln and burn charcoal.

In a word, all the wealth hidden in Baijiazhuang must be controlled and distributed by Wang Fuxing.

Chen Mo had already seen through Wang Fuxing's thoughts, shrugged his shoulders and spread his hands and said: "Chief, it's too late for you to say this. The land in Huilongwan has been sublet by me."

"Sublet?" Wang Fuxing was shocked and said angrily, "When did it happen and to whom was it sublet?"

"This." Chen Mo raised his hand and pointed to Mrs. Wang beside him, "Granny Wang, fifty acres of land will be rented out for three years. How much money would you like?"

Mrs. Wang understood the idea and said with a smile: "For other people's land, the old woman can give up to fifteen taels at most. Since it was Brother Mo who opened the door, how about fifty taels?"

Brother Mo?

Wang Fuxing felt as if he had seen a ghost. When did Chen Mo, an incompetent scholar, become so familiar with Mrs. Wang of Yaxing?

"Deal!" Chen Mo smiled and took out the deed that he carried with him. "This is signed between me and the head of the store. I will keep it in the dental shop from now on. As for us, we have reached a verbal agreement now. Wait until the king

After grandma draws up the document, I will sign and seal it."

"Chen Mo, are you kidding me?" Wang Fuxing said angrily, "And you old woman, don't think that you can take advantage of me with the support of Yaxing, and don't even look at where this place is. If you know what's going on, be obedient.

Hand over the deed, otherwise I will make you walk around without food."

"Wang Li, you have such a loud voice. The thing that got into my teeth is what you said you had to hand over?"

At this moment, a man walked out from behind the hillside of Taolin.

Her figure is graceful and her steps are full of lotus flowers.

This chapter has been completed!
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