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Chapter 30 Ambition

"Are you so confident?"

There was suspicion and dissatisfaction in Huameishu's eyes.

It is true that the hollow carbon blocks fired by Chen Mo are indeed outstanding. Not only are they easy to ignite, but the smoke is also very light. They are truly unique.

But again, charcoal is charcoal after all. It is a consumable commonly used in every household. How can it be sold at a high price?

As if he had seen through Hua Meishu's thoughts, Chen Mo smiled and shook his head.

"Ms. Hua is right. According to common sense, a load of charcoal and two taels of silver are considered top-notch. However, the essence of doing business is not simply to produce and sell goods."

"What else?" Huameishu became interested.

"Packaging." Chen Mo told the truth, "On the premise of ensuring the quality of the goods, we can give the items extra added value through publicity, so that we can make more money."

"Just like Po Wang's demonstration just now?"

Huameishu has never heard of the terms packaging and added value, but with his innate business acumen, he still points out the core point directly.

"That's right, let's use an analogy." Chen Mo looked at Hua Meishu's wrist and said, "How much money did it cost to buy the bracelet Miss Hua wore?"

"One hundred taels of silver is not worth mentioning." After Huameishu responded, he frowned slightly, "Young master, what you mean is that after giving the so-called added value, this thing will become more valuable?"

"That's right." Chen Mo nodded, "From the perspective of a scholar, I can attach a poem to this bracelet. Miss Hua might as well give it a taste."

"Listen attentively." The gorgeous book propped up his chin and raised his ears.

Lotus-picking girl, lotus-picking boat.

The clear water of the spring river on a spring day.

The lotus clothes carry the jade bracelet, and the lotus thorns hold silver hooks.

In the dusk, I sing a song, filling Tingzhou with the fragrance.

Listening to Chen Mo's casual words and looking at the jade bracelet on his wrist, Hua Meishu was in a trance, as if he had seen a picture.

The girl paddled a small boat and picked lotus flowers in the green water of the Spring River.

The lotus leaf holds the jade bracelet on the wrist, and the thorns on the lotus stem catch the hook for picking lotus.

It was getting late, the girl sang a song, and the whole water was filled with a peaceful fragrance.

"Good words."

After a moment of recovery, a flash of appreciation flashed across Hua Mei's eyes.

"Don't say words, say things. How do you feel about using this poem to decorate a jade bracelet?" Chen Mo asked.

"They complement each other." Hua Meishu said truthfully, "I am somewhat touched. If it were those ladies of the world, doubling the price would not be a problem."

"That's it. The way of doing business is as deep as the ocean. Packaging is just one part of it. If we were to talk about the whole thing, I might not be able to finish it in ten days."

"Young master is a scholar, how can you know how to do business?" Huameishu became more and more curious about Chen Mo.

"The book has its own Yan Ruyu, and the book has its own golden house. If you read too many books, you will always have enlightenment." Chen Mo said casually.

"In the future, please give me your advice." Hua Meishu raised his hand and poured tea.

She has met scholars and knows many businessmen, but this is the first time she has encountered someone like Chen Mo who combines the two.

After all, almost all scholars disdain business and agriculture.

"I don't dare to give you advice, I just want to make a fortune together."

Chen Mo smiled and looked outside the door.

At this time, someone among the restaurant owners finally spoke.

"Wang Po, is the price of charcoal too expensive?"

As soon as this was said, other people agreed.

Wang Po was well prepared and responded according to Chen Mo's previous instructions: "You have been running restaurants for many years, so you should know better than the old woman. The essence of dishes is like people, and they are actually divided into three, six or nine grades. Even I understand this truth, shopkeeper

Don’t you guys understand, why don’t you teach me step by step?”


Everyone looked at each other in silence, and instantly understood the deeper meaning of his words.

Mrs. Wang can sell high-priced charcoal, so why can’t people like herself sell high-priced vegetables?

The wool comes from the sheep, but in the end it’s not the diners who pay the bill?

But some people still like to use this to prove their noble status.

After realizing this, all the shopkeepers could no longer hold back and agreed to the price set by Mrs. Wang.

Seeing everything in his eyes, Huameishu's heart dropped and he also raised a question.

"Is this action of the young master maliciously driving up prices?"

"How can you talk about something that you and I both agree on?" Chen Mo asked instead without answering.

"Have you ever thought about it, young master, if the shopkeepers outside collectively raise prices after they go back, it will be the common people who will suffer in the end? Either they can't afford it, or they will be brutally slaughtered?"

"It's too early to say that the people who are being slaughtered may not be the common people." Chen Mo has long thought about this problem and has a perfect way to deal with it.

"How?" Hua Meishu was confused.

"Miss Hua, what is our agreement?" Chen Mo suddenly changed the subject.

"The agreement is... let Mrs. Wang take care of the charcoal shop, and I will be responsible for the catering." Hua Meishu answered truthfully.

"That's fine then."

Chen Mo smiled and said no more.

After thinking about it for a while, Hua Meishu suddenly realized it, and his pretty face was full of excitement.

"Meishu understands. It turns out that today's scene is not only to build the reputation of Tanhang, but also to build momentum for the subsequent opening of the restaurant."

"You don't have to guess. After those shopkeepers bought high-priced charcoal, the price will definitely increase when they go back. And the more the price increases, the higher the discussion on this matter will be."

"When the whole city knows about it, it will be time for our restaurant to open. As long as we set the price to be more friendly to the people, the customer base will be ours."

"Yes, that's what I think." Chen Mo said and glanced around, "This is the real reason why I don't show up in public. You should pay more attention to it in the future."

"Young master's methods are indeed clever, but he even plotted against Mei Shu and Wang Po. Isn't it too ruthless?" Hua Mei Shu was excited, but also realized the problem, "With one move, Po Wang and I can become like that.

He is a thorn in the side of the crowd and a thorn in the flesh, and there will inevitably be conflicts."

"Why, Miss Hua is scared?" Chen Mo was still smiling.

"It's not that I'm afraid, it's that I despise the young master's behavior." Hua Meishu regretted getting involved.

“Those who want to achieve great things don’t stick to small details.”

After Chen Mo finished speaking, he became even more angry when he saw Huamei Shu, and changed the topic to explain.

"Miss Hua, your worries are unnecessary, because those people want to cause trouble for you and Mrs. Wang, that is, to make trouble for the people in the city. Do they dare?"


The beautiful book is silent, and it makes sense to think about it.

But it's still too unethical to use yourself and Wang Po as spearmen.

Seeing this, Chen Mo couldn't help but die.

"Also, did Miss Hua join this business just because she wanted to open a restaurant? Didn't she ever think about annexing them all one day?"


Hearing this, Huameishu almost knocked over the teapot.

She never expected that Chen Mo's ambition would be so great.

This chapter has been completed!
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