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Chapter 45

Halfway through lunch, the Huangs and their sons came to the door, and Qin Xianglian was shocked again.

It is not easy for ordinary neighbors to see Huang Zheng, let alone come to their homes in person.

And when she learned that Huang Shulang was going to become a disciple, Qin Xianglian couldn't help but couldn't help but look at Chen Mo from time to time, her eyes full of tenderness and admiration.

As soon as the letter of appointment was issued, someone came to pay homage to him with heavy gifts, and he was the son of the town elder, which he would have never dared to think about before.

It's a pity that she didn't know that Huang Shulang's apprenticeship was not for studying, otherwise her jaw would have dropped.

In their early years, Huang Zheng and Lu Hanqing lived together for a few days, and later they both worked as errands for the county government. Their relationship was still good, so this meal was quite lively.

Since we are at Chen Mo's home, we will naturally discuss him more.

And this also shocked Huang Zheng and Lu Hanqing even more.

The former did not expect that Chen Mo, who failed at the bottom of the county examination, actually had an astonishing literary talent.

As for the latter, it was surprising that Chen Mo was still a practicing practitioner.

When the meal came to an end, the two of them also had a new definition of Chen Mo.

Both civil and military!

From now on, I have to go closer.

"Shimei, actually I have one more thing to do today." Lu Hanqing said drunkenly, "Today the county exam results will be released, the county government has prepared a dinner and invited the top five students to the banquet. Although you are not among them, after all

I have been promoted to a teaching envoy, so please follow me to the city later."

"Uncle Lu, I'd better not go." Chen Mo never liked that kind of excitement.

"Shimei, how can you easily shirk such a grand occasion?" Huang Zheng advised, "Take my unworthy son as an example. He can't even dream of going."

"Officials are now in charge, and the county government should do its best to handle matters." Qin Xianglian also tried to persuade her.

"The main reason is that I drank a little too much at noon. I'm afraid I'll make a joke at the banquet. How will I come back if I'm late?" Chen Mo still didn't want to go.

"I will send someone to take you back." Lu Hanqing said.

"That's not necessary." Huang Zheng raised his hand and pointed to the side, "Shimei, let Shulang drive the carriage later and go into the city with you. If it's over, come back early. If it's late, then stay in the city.

Stay overnight. By the way, don’t let him follow you when you go to the banquet, so as not to make a joke."

"Master, just let me go with you." Huang Shulang said with hot eyes.


Chen Mo didn't say anything, but looked at Qin Xianglian, feeling a little worried if he had to live in the city.

"Official, I just have something I want to discuss with you." Qin Xianglian stepped forward and said, "Now that the county examination has ended, the official has been promoted to a teaching position, so I want to go back to my parents' home. First, I haven't been back for a long time.

The second is to go and report the good news, and I will be home tomorrow afternoon at the latest."

"Okay, you can drive the bullock cart back later and buy some more things. I'll stay in the city tonight and come find you tomorrow." Chen Mo made arrangements directly.

"Thank you, officer."

Qin Xianglian saluted everyone and went about her business happily.

Her natal family is in Linzhen and she must leave as soon as possible.

The same goes for Chen Mo. Although it is a dinner party, it is actually a social occasion, so you have to go there in advance.

"Shu Lang, after you go out, you must listen to Shimei in everything, and you must not get into trouble, you know?" Huang Zheng warned before leaving.

"Dad, you are so long-winded."

Huang Shulang complained and swung the whip in his hand.

Horse-drawn carriages are much faster than ox-carts, so it was still early when they arrived at the county town. After greeting Lu Hanqing, Chen Mo signaled Huang Shulang to go to Tanxing.

"Hey, Brother Mo is here?"

The sharp-eyed Mrs. Wang saw the figure and came out to greet her.

"Young master, I can't help but talk about it. I just told my mother-in-law about you, and here you are."

The gorgeous books are also there, as dazzling as ever.

"You two, let's talk inside."

Arriving at the inner hall, Shen Mo directly took out Bao Shan's contract documents.

"Wang Po, I'll cover the entire mountain for five hundred taels of silver. Is that okay?"

"So expensive?" Hua Meishu said in surprise, "I have been to Baijiazhuang, and the mountains there can be said to be barren of grass. Isn't five hundred taels too much?"

"What do Wang Po think?" Chen Mo asked without answering.

"It's a bit expensive, but since it was Brother Mo's idea, the old woman won't say anything more." Mrs. Wang didn't have any objections.

"Then just sign and pledge it." Chen Mo urged.

"Young Master hasn't answered my question yet?" Huameishu feigned anger.

"No need to answer, because it's not a problem at all." Chen Mo explained briefly, "Firstly, the mountain contract has no time limit, that is, it is valid forever. Secondly, even though you can't grow crops and trees there, they are actually all treasures.

With a little transformation, it can turn into real money."

"What are you planning to do?" Hua Meishu was curious.

"What you are doing, the lady will naturally know when the time comes." After Chen Mo finished selling it, he changed the topic and said, "By the way, have we concluded the discussion with Zuixiangzhai?"

"On the day the young master sent someone to deliver the letter, it was already in hand and is currently being re-decorated." Huameishu told him bluntly.

"How long will it take?" Chen Mo asked.

"It's just minor repairs, it will take another three days at most."

"Okay, then we will open in five days." Chen Mo said thoughtfully.

"So fast?" Hua Meishu was a little surprised.

"When it comes to making money, of course the sooner the better." After Chen Mo finished speaking, he stood up and said goodbye, "Today the county exam results will be released, and there will be a dinner at the college later, so I will take the first step."

"How many students are in your high school?" Huamei Shu asked smoothly.

"First from last." Chen Mo answered truthfully.


Huameishu and Mrs. Wang looked at each other, thinking they were joking.

"Brother Mo, you didn't get the first place in the county examination and deliberately told us the opposite to amuse us, right?" Mrs. Wang joked.

"Young Master has great literary talent, how can he be ranked last?" Hua Meishu also shook his head, "Besides, how can he be ranked last at the banquet?"

"He is really the last one." Chen Mo smiled bitterly and told Mrs. Wang, "I drank some wine at noon and almost forgot about the business. There is no need to give away the money prepared for Huang Zheng."


Mrs. Wang was puzzled. Just now she wanted to ask how much money was appropriate to send to Huang Zheng. She was even prepared for heavy bleeding.

"Because Huang Zheng is now half of us." After Chen Mo finished speaking, he walked out. "Wang Granny, remember to keep the contract documents, they are a real cornucopia."

treasure bowl?

Looking at Chen Mo's back, Hua Meishu fell into deep thought and couldn't figure out what the mountains in Baijiazhuang could be used for.

Puzzled, he looked at the contract document.

After a while, his face changed drastically.

"Wang Po, look quickly. Is it signed by Chen Mo and signed with the words "Edict"?


Mrs. Wang was shocked and hurriedly reviewed it again.

Looking at it, I laughed out loud.

"Meishu, my mother-in-law is right, Brother Mo is a wonderful person. It's a pity that you met a little late, otherwise I would have to create a marriage line between you."

This chapter has been completed!
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