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Chapter 125: Yun Yi Residual Fragrance

Hearing this, Ouyang Yao was confused! Why did he suddenly mention the Crown Princess when we were discussing this matter?

His doubts came to light, but he answered honestly: "Although we haven't had a close relationship with each other, I can sense that your Majesty is truly sincere in her treatment of you."

Seeing the expression of surprise and suspicion on the part of the Crown Prince, Ouyang Yao continued to explain: "Before the emperor sent me to provoke Da Yao, I was worried about the emperor's dragon body, so I often went to the pharmacy to watch the palace attendants prepare medicine for the emperor."

Speaking of this, Ouyang Yao's eyes were far away, and he couldn't help but recall... the haggard and worried white face of the Crown Princess, even a hard-hearted person would be moved when he saw it.

He calmed down his thoughts for a moment and continued: "At that time, every time Weichen went there, he would see the empress preparing medicine for you personally, and she would not listen to the maids beside her no matter how much she tried to console her. And Weichen could see that the Crown Princess's pair of

Look at your eyes... they are full of affection."

As soon as he finished speaking, Shu Lingyi felt panicked!

Those medicines... were cooked by her own hands!?

He knew very well that his body had been weak since he was a child, and he had been living with drugs all day long. Even he could not remember the number of times he drank drugs every day.

No wonder An Yunxiang brings her medicine every time... No wonder she is always listless and tired!

Shu Lingyi had taken more than ten kinds of medicines, and he didn't know much about the rest. He only knew that one of the medicines needed to be cooked continuously for three hours without leaving the fire, and the heat needed to be adjusted continuously during this period.

And that bowl of medicine... Ever since they got married, An Yunxiang had always brought it to him.

But she never mentioned this matter to him.

But she and Jing You...

Could it be that Jing You coerced her into...

Before Shu Lingyi could think clearly, Xuanchen Mandrill keenly caught the flash of guilt on his face, and said in a cold voice: "Can you think of any important clues? Can your crown princess serve as a secret agent for the palace?"

Shu Lingyi was speechless with mixed emotions.

Ever since they got married, he had never once looked at that timid woman. He only knew that her burning eyes... her passion was so hot that he wanted to escape.

Over the years, he has fallen into the abyss of searching for his sister.

Have you really ignored that person... one of the few people in the world who loves him deeply?

While wavering in thoughts, Shu Lingyi presented An Yunxiang's secret letter on the table, and then continued to be immersed in complicated thoughts and couldn't extricate himself.

The remaining three people read through the letter, got a rough idea, and based on the clues they currently had, they made a preliminary battle plan.

When only Chen Chen and Shu Lingyi were left in the camp, Chen Chen folded the letter, took it back to the envelope, and pushed it in front of him, "It seems that you have really let down someone who loves you deeply."

Shu Lingyi stared at the paper envelope in confusion.

Obviously he only read the letters and never understood the past between them, how could he...

Yuan Chen raised his eyes and glanced at the astonished eyes of the person opposite him. His voice was still cold and low, "I haven't seen the decoction with my own eyes. I don't know whether it is true or not, so I won't comment. But this letter..."

As he spoke, he tapped the paper seal with his slender fingers, "The letter details Jingyou's conspiracy, without mentioning her or you. There are six words at the end of the letter: "Everything is fine, don't miss it." The word "good" is slightly ink.

It must be caused by tears. The rest is up to you."

Shu Lingyi opened the letter again with trembling hands. Sure enough, as Yuan Chenzhao said, the word "good" on it...

For a sudden moment, Shu Lingyi seemed to go back to the night of her wedding to An Yunxiang...

He threw away the idea of ​​raising his hijab and said coldly: "There will be no good results between you and me. I only have to marry you because I have no choice but to do it for myself."

She lifted the red hijab on her own and whispered with tears in her eyes: "I understand that I will not cause any worries to His Highness. I just ask that Your Highness will give me a chance to take care of you."

He fluttered his sleeves and turned around, not looking at her again, "You are free to do as you like. You will live here in the future, and I will live in the east pavilion. I have other important matters, so you can do it yourself."

In the days that followed, Shu Lingyi devoted her body and mind crazily to searching for her sister. An Yunxiang delivered the medicine on time every day and stood aside silently. Only when she saw him drink up the bowl of Chinese medicinal juice, a reassuring smile appeared on her lips.

On the day he broke into her and escaped from Jingyou's dormitory, An Yunxiang cried until she almost fainted in front of him, but stopped talking.

But he couldn't think too much, and he felt disgust and contempt in his heart, so he said harshly: "You are free to sleep with whom you want, just don't disturb the official business of this palace."

Now think about it more...

She must have been coerced by Jing You, fearing that Jing You would be disadvantageous to him, so she chose to swallow all her grievances.

Tears quickly gathered in Shu Lingyi's eyes, dripping onto the letter paper between his hands...

These years of grievance and bitterness... she has been enduring it silently for him!

She was isolated and helpless in the palace, how much torture and humiliation she endured before she found out Jingyou's conspiracy! And how she overcame all difficulties to send a message to him from the palace!

How can she be okay?!

An Yunxiang...she actually took it seriously...

Bathroom in Prince Hall of Dongchang Palace.

An Yunxiang's eyes were red and swollen, and she scrubbed her body with a loofah pulp in the bathtub. The pulp was rough and hard, leaving bloody wounds on her delicate skin.

The maid came in from outside the door. Seeing how the Crown Princess treated her, her eyes turned red with pain.

She ran forward and snatched the thing from An Yunxiang's hand, and used a cotton kerchief to wipe her body, "Mother, Master Jing is here again..."

An Yunxiang took a deep breath, held water in her hands and raised her face to wash away the traces of tears, suppressing her sobs, "Is the message going smoothly?"


The maid responded softly, her eyes couldn't help but fall on the empress's neck, wrists, and body covered with whipping and wax burn marks caused by Jingyou's clamp.

While tears were rolling down, the maid sighed deeply: "Guiwei Li is the only person in the palace who can help us. Now he is going to deliver the message, and in the future he will be in the palace...".

"It doesn't matter." An Yunxiang clenched the edge of the tub with both hands, her fingertips clenched until they turned white. "Now that the arrow has been inserted into the string, Jing You has begun to take action. Everything... will eventually end."

I wonder if Ling Yi can receive the letter...

I wonder if his body... is still okay?

On the other side, Jing You stroked the sleeping emperor Shu Lin on his lap while listening to the secret guard's report: "Jing Guoshi, the southern Xinjiang army has moved, and Xunjiang City has also received the signal. Everything is ready now! I'm just waiting for your order.



Jing You couldn't restrain his ecstasy, smiled up at the sky, and pushed Shu Lin's head off his lap.

Even so, Shu Lin, who fell into a deep sleep, still did not wake up, still immersed in a sweet sleep.

Jing You stood up and sat on the dragon chair, with all the wrinkles on his proud face unfurling. He smiled slyly and rubbed the pearl on the handle of the dragon chair, "Hahaha! Why don't you hurry up and pass on the order!"

After the secret guard left, Jing You was excited alone for a long time, and even put his legs on the emperor's head who was lying on the ground.

He was humming a folk song from southern Xinjiang, shaking his head and feeling very comfortable.

The country of Southern Xinjiang is a beautiful place surrounded by clouds and mountains, with green plants and beautiful plants.

Because of this, the people of southern Xinjiang depend on the mountains and live in the mountains for generations.

It's just natural selection. Wild animals often appear in the mountains, and the mountains are full of poisonous insects.

For people in southern Xinjiang who rely on mountain products for survival, it is extremely dangerous every time they go up the mountain to collect wild vegetables and fruits or hunt. A little carelessness can lead to loss of life.

The soil in southern Xinjiang is thin and not suitable for farming. As a result, we have to rely on purchasing food supplies from other countries.

Over time, the national power of southern Xinjiang has become increasingly declining, and the people have become even more miserable.

Jing You's true identity is the brother of the leader of the Southern Xinjiang Kingdom. He was obsessed with the art of witchcraft since he was a child, and traveled around the world to improve his art.

It was not until his younger brother asked for help that he returned to southern Xinjiang to help him manage the affairs of his family and country.

Therefore, they set their sights on Dongchang, one of the three major countries. It was not far from southern Xinjiang and was a fertile land with abundant resources and people.

Jingyou worked hard for many years just to corrupt Dongchang from the inside and move the southern Xinjiang imperial capital here!

By then, Dayao's army will be equally weak, and he will be able to annex the two major countries in the world in one fell swoop!

Seeing that the plan was about to succeed, Jing Youxiao bent down, stepped on Shu Lin's face, and rolled it around with the soles of his shoes like a ball.

"Hahaha! In the future, Dongchang Palace will be renamed Nanjiang Palace! Haha

Ha ha ha ha!"

And that little girl!

While thinking about it, Jing You took out an exquisite glass vase from his sleeve, which contained the poisonous insects from Feng Shui Qing Zeng.

The fat, dark insects were huddled together, still looking so shuddering and disgusting.

Jing You placed the bottle in front of his eyes and looked at it over and over like a treasure, feeling secretly proud in his heart.

The Miao Cha Gu planted in her body that day must have taken effect, and all that is left to do is for the Miao Chi Gu in Xunjiang City to be activated by Lei Han!

Our southern border! I am about to dominate the world!


Dayao Military Camp.

Lei Han was tied up and thrown to the ground, his face full of fear and disbelief.

Chuquan sheathed his sword and knelt down to report: "General Zhenfeng, His Royal Highness King Qinglin, and the final general have cleared out Lei Han and his associates. Now the crisis in Xunjiang City has been lifted!"

Lei Han, who was listening silently, began to tremble like chaff in a sieve. He had always thought that he was hiding very well! How could he be discovered so easily now?

He raised his head and glanced at the two "gods of plague" who were glaring at him coldly. He raised his buttocks and kowtowed repeatedly, "I beg Your Highness and General Feng to spare this subordinate! I know everything I know and say everything! I beg you two to spare my subordinates."

One life!"

Yuan Chenzhi laughed coldly, his deep voice making people shudder, "Are you referring to the Gu insects? Or are you helping Jing You to deceive my people, Da Yao?"

Hearing this, Lei Han was so shocked that he almost bit his tongue and even forgot to kowtow, "You...how do you know..."

"Heh..." The corners of Xuanchen Mandrill's lips were raised slightly, showing no emotion, "Take him down and kill him."

"Spare my life! Please forgive me, Your Highness! I know I was wrong..."

Lei Han howled so sadly that the sky and the earth were filled with grief. He was so miserable that it made Huan Chendrill frown.

The plan is now complete and will be implemented tomorrow.

Feng Shui Jun still wanted to discuss some details with Xunchen Mandrill, but suddenly he heard the sound of grievances sobbing from the door of the camp...


The two of them were instantly attracted by the familiar cry and turned their heads together...

The little girl was wearing a single robe and no shoes on her feet. Her face was covered with tears, the tip of her nose was red from crying, and the corners of her mouth seemed to be drooping to the ground.

"Demon King...wuwu..."
This chapter has been completed!
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