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Chapter 141 Prepare a surprise for her

Feng Shui Qing leaned against the car wall with his eyes closed tightly, as if he was falling asleep.

The weather had been getting hotter and hotter in recent days, and the journey was far away. She felt dizzy sitting in the sedan all day long.

Although she could rest and reorganize in the cities along the way, she still wanted to rush back to Dayao as soon as possible.

After all, the Ghost Festival on July 15th was coming soon, and the ominous feeling was about to swallow her up.

It is better to return to a familiar place to feel more at ease.

Because of this, Feng Shuiqing has been depressed since his departure from Dongchang, his face turned gray, and his signature smile has disappeared.

Hyun Chen was puzzled, so he had to try his best to make her happy.

At this moment, he was holding ice cream in one hand and shaking a cattail leaf fan in the other, just like a servant serving his master.

When Xiao Tiantian saw the man's helpless and humble look, she naturally started to use her special skill of snarling:

"Host, look at how you tortured Hyunchen Mandrill! Hahahaha! Others thought this was your loyal servant!"

Feng Shui Qingwan moved his head and replied lazily in his mind: "I don't want to argue with you, I just want to be quiet."

"Hey..." Xiao Tiantian knew what she was worried about, so she sighed and remained silent.

"Open your mouth."

Hyun Chen scooped the last spoonful of ice cream and put it to her mouth. Feng Shui Qing swallowed it obediently, but his expression was still not the slightest bit happy.

He was anxious and worried, and his heart was burning.

If it were normal, the little girl would have started acting coquettishly and asking for another bowl!

Why are you so quiet right now?

Not happy after eating your favorite ice cream?

Yuan Chen held her in his arms and kept fanning the fan with his other hand. He knew that his little girl was most afraid of the heat.

He pressed his lips against the center of Feng Shui Qing Wen's eyebrows, and said in a soft voice, "Xiao Qing, what's wrong with you?"

"I don't."

She got into the devil's arms and hugged his waist tightly with her arms. Whenever she thought that she might lose him, she became restless and her eyes and nose were sore.

This is also the reason why she has been... depressed recently.

"Then do you want to tell me...why are you so upset?" Hyunchen Mandrill's voice was careful and soft, as if he was talking to a child.

The little girl was rarely lively and didn't like to laugh, which made him feel very sad.

"Maybe the weather is too hot."

Feng Shuiqing resisted choking, but was still keenly noticed by the Demon King.

In a panic, he accidentally knocked over the porcelain bowl containing ice cream. The broken porcelain seemed to have penetrated into her heart, and the pain made her want to cry.

Her devil has endured so much pain for her.

But she was helpless, unable to help him get rid of Yuan Ying's control, and felt deeply powerless.

Why would such a good demon king leave her immediately...


"What's wrong with you?" Hyunchen Mandrill's heart was so painful that he could almost cry out. He was wiping her tears while thinking worriedly.

He seemed to be aware that Feng Shuiqing had found clues and learned that his life was about to end.

But he couldn't explain it due to the threat of that terrifying energy.

Seeing the person he loved deeply in pain, he was helpless.

Why do you want to torture them like this?

"Demon King...I..."

"Your Highness! We've arrived at Yuansi City ahead! Let's rest here for the night before continuing on our way?"

Feng Shuiqing's words were interrupted by Pei Gao outside the sedan chair. After Xuanchen Mandrill agreed, he held her face in his hands and asked, "What did you want to say just now?"


Feng Shuiqing hesitated and hesitated, his face turned red.

Xiao Tiantian cleared her throat and said in a solemn tone: "Ahem, host, I know what you were going to say just now! Hahahaha, do you want to hold a ceremony? To celebrate that you are about to get one hundred thousand sweet points?!"

Feng Shui Qing: "No!"

Seeing that she didn't want to say anything, Hyunchen Mandrill didn't press any further and leaned over to leave a soft kiss on her lips, "How about we rest here for the night? If you continue to stay up late and drive, your little body will be overwhelmed.


"Well, okay."

The wind is calm and the moon is bright, the sky is clear and the stars are numerous.

After dinner, Feng Shuiqing wanted to talk to the Demon King for a while, but when he left the house, he was nowhere to be seen! Even Pei Gao was nowhere to be found!

I asked the guards on duty and they didn't know.

She was not familiar with Yuansi City, so she had no choice but to wait in the house.

"Where did this ghost man go?"

Feng Shui Qing lay on the couch, folded his hands around his chest, and banged his legs on the bed angrily.

I obviously want to try the mind-to-heart communication mentioned by Wuming, but now I don’t even see anyone, how can I communicate?!

She had long wanted to say those three words to the Devil in person, but she had never found the right time, so she kept putting it off.

Now it seems we can’t delay it any longer!

Xiao Tiantian secretly ran out of consciousness, floating left and right in mid-air, as if she was also worried.

"Look! All that patience you had has been eaten up! Just wait for a while! Something must have happened to Yuanchen Mandrill! Otherwise, he wouldn't have left you here alone."

Feng Shui sat up and poked Xiao Tiantian Dumpling's face mercilessly, "How can I not be anxious? The devil's birthday is coming soon! If Yuan Ying's control is not released before then, he will definitely leave me.

Let’s go!”

"Hey... I'm so worried, so sad!!"

"But... I have something to ask you!"

Feng Shuiqing held Xiao Tiantian in her arms, pinched her doughy little hands and rubbed them around.

"That day Wu Ming said that you are the most brilliant person who can help people escape from pain and hide in the world. The pain after my rebirth was to kill Feng Wanrou and Xuan Chen'an. Now that the matter is over, why don't you still

Let’s go?”.5

"What?!" Xiao Tiantian jumped out of her arms! Her face wrinkled up with anger, "You still want to drive me away?! Wuwuwu..."

"Hey, don't cry!" Feng Shui Qing saw her tears coming at any time, and quickly wiped away her tears to comfort her, "I'm just curious! I don't mean to drive you away! I'm sorry... don't be angry."

"Humph!" Seeing that her apology was quite sincere, Xiao Tiantian returned to Feng Shui Qing's arms, "Actually, the sweetness value is not only used for exchange, but also as a measurement. When the sweetness value reaches one hundred thousand points, it proves that you

I will leave only when the pain is gone."

"So that's what happened!"

Feng Shuiqing suddenly realized it, and immediately frowned again, "I still don't understand something. Why did I feel like you were trying to match me up with the Demon King when I was first reborn?"

Xiao Tiantian knew that she no longer needed to hide the matter, so she had no choice but to tell her all the secrets.

As the Supreme Bright Light, she possesses all the power of light in the world.

Specialized in helping people who have been wronged and suffered to live a new life and end the regrets of their previous lives.

In her previous life, she sensed Feng Shui Qing's overwhelming injustice and misery, which gave her the energy to live a new life.

At the same time, while infusing energy, I vaguely felt that there was a deep connection between her and Hyun Chen Mandrill, which was why she tried her best to match her at first.


After a brief explanation of the Feng Shui Sutra, it finally became clear to me, and I suddenly understood:

"So you haven't left yet because my pain has not been completely relieved! In addition to that pair of scumbag men and bitches, the emotional entanglement between me and the Demon King in my previous two lives is also painful in my heart."

"That's right."

Xiao Tiantian sighed with emotion, her big watery eyes slightly filled with tears.

"In the first life, you died before you could express your feelings. In the previous life, you both lost your emotional memory and missed each other. In this life, maybe when you say those three words, my mission will be completed. Then..."

Feng Shuiqing's eyes were also misty, "When the time comes, you will hide from the world and leave me completely."

Xiao Tiantian: "Yes, host, I am really happy these days with you."

Feng Shuiqing held her in his arms and burst into tears, "Me too, thank you, Zhuozhao."


The sound of opening the door suddenly came...


Xiaotiantian returned to consciousness with a swish, and the feng shui was clear.

He hurriedly wiped away his tears and saw clearly that the person coming at the door was the devil.

She moved so quickly that Hyunchen Mandrill didn't notice that she had just cried. Instead, he walked towards her with a gentle smile on his lips.

"You have prepared a surprise for my little girl, come with me to see it?"
This chapter has been completed!
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