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Chapter 160: Demon King Awakens

"Your Highness is missing?! Hyunchen Mandrill is missing?!" Feng Shui Qing's mind suddenly cleared up! He jumped up from the chair with a flutter!

Perhaps her feet were weak due to the alcohol, and she almost fell, but Ling Ao quickly held her forearm with his quick hands.

Today, Hyunchen Mandrill has been sleeping for five years.

At first, Feng Shuiqing thought before going to bed every night that maybe when she opened her eyes tomorrow morning... the devil would wake up.


Day after day, month after month, year after year.

Those passions and fantasies have long been exhausted over time, and now I suddenly heard this news...

She couldn't believe it!

Feng Shuiqing quickly patted his cheeks, thinking he was drunk and hallucinating!

After she asked again and again, Pei Guo nodded as if pounding garlic.

Only then did she slowly accept this shocking...


Today, the eldest brother is getting married. Pei Jiu has sent many servants from Prince Qinglin's Palace to help, but there are not many left in the palace.

The devil is asleep and unable to move.

He, he, he...he can't be kidnapped by bad guys, can he?!

Thinking of this, Feng Shui Qinghan broke out in sweat! He pushed Pei Gao away and rushed out!

"Princess, please wait for your subordinates!"

During the day, the streets of the Imperial City were bustling with people and traffic. Now it was dark, and the streets were deserted and deserted.

Only her anxious figure shuttled through it.

Feng Shui Qing ran wildly with her skirt in hand! She searched every alley, every path, and even the dark corners at the end of the alley!

"A Mandrill! Where are you! Demon King! Where have you gone!" She shouted loudly with tears in her eyes, but received no response.

At this moment, all the drunkenness had faded away, and her mind was extremely clear-headed! There was only one thought left!

Find Hyun Chen Mandrill quickly!

It was now the twelfth lunar month of winter, and Feng Shuiqing's hairdress was still heavy, but it still couldn't withstand the bone-chilling chill. She was shivering from the cold, and the teardrops under her eyelashes had turned into white frost.


None of that matters!

Her devil is lost!

She wants to find the devil!

The extreme longing and tears seem to crush the clouds.

The dark night is lingering, the snow comes with the wind, and the moon follows the stars.qs

Jasper Qiongyao fell from the sky one after another, covering the long hair and shoulders of Feng Shui Qing.

She concentrated for a moment and looked up at the falling snowflakes.


When we first met in our first life, it snowed heavily that day!

When she died in the second life, her blood covered the snow!

In this life, when she understood her own thoughts, it was also on a snowy day!



A bright light burst out from Feng Shui's clear eyes! Speed ​​up your steps! Run towards the palace!

"Princess, please wait!"

Ling Ao's worried voice came from behind, accompanied by the sound of horse hooves.

Look at her with tears streaming down her clothes and her sudden realization.

He knew that their minds were connected and should guide her in the right direction.

Ling Ao raised his trembling fingers...gently brushed away the snowflakes from her head, put the velvet cloak in his arms around her body and tied it.

Then, he handed the riding crop to her, his voice hoarse and slightly choked with sobs:

"It's snowing. You ride a horse to find him."

"Okay, thank you! Come on!"

Feng Shui Qing got on his horse and no longer dared to look into Ling Ao's... affectionate eyes filled with tears.

Ling Ao, thank you for your silent protection all the time.

But she only loves the devil!

She wants to find the devil!

Galloping all the way, Feng Shuiqing quickly arrived at the palace!

It's snowing at night, and I miss you so much.

The snowflakes are light and boundless, covering the sky and the earth.

Goose-feather-like jade floats all over the sky, seeming to transform this vast world into

Make a piece of frost-colored satin.

Suddenly! A petite figure with a touch of red persimmon color rushed out of the snow! It was also the only color in this vast world.

She ran wildly through the heavy snow with her heavy skirt in hand, her feet sinking deeply into the snow, leaving behind a row of panicked footprints.

It was such a heavy snowfall when they first met!

Their reunion must be in the snow!


Feng Shuiqing ran to the small side hall where they first met.

The back door there...is cracked!


She knocked the door open!

Hyunchen Mandrill stood barefoot in the snow, wearing only a thin robe, his shoulders were trembling, and his lips were frozen purple.

That little boy, that strange little boy in the first life...

He looked like this when they first met! He was her Ah Jiu! Her devil!

"Hyun Chen Mandrill!"

Feng Shui Qingzhi threw herself into his arms and burst into tears!

His body was as cold as ice and he was shaking non-stop.

She could feel the Demon King suddenly startled! As if waking up from a dream, he slowly raised his arms and pulled her into his arms.

"My little girl...my little girl...I finally waited for you..."

Hyun Chen Mandrill's voice was as clear and awe-inspiring as before, but it was hoarse and trembling with excitement, and he was so choked that he could no longer speak.

"Azhi... Wuwuwu... You finally woke up! I miss you so much... Wuwuwu..."

"Well...I miss you too, I miss you so much, I love you so much..."

His embrace was still so strong and warm.

Her hot tears were still so clear and bright.

The falling snow completely covered their black hair, and both of them turned white.

The cold air didn't dare to come near.

Because of their hearts, they cut off all obstacles and cuddle up tightly! It’s so hot that it can dispel all the cold!

Melt away all dissatisfaction.

An hour ago.

Hyunchen Mandrill has been trapped in a dream since he fell asleep.

Trapped in the side hall where they first met.

Every day, he would relive what happened on the day they first met.

For five years…

Day after day, month after month, year after year.

This is all true.

But in his ears, he could still hear Feng Shuiqing talking to him.

Half reality, half dream.

It made him dazed, confused, and helpless.

Just now in the realm of deep sleep, the little girl holding snow in both hands did not appear!

His heart felt like it had hit rock bottom, and he was extremely anxious.

Hyun Chen Mandrill went crazy! He tried his best to break through the confinement! He went on a rampage! He was in a terrible mess! His head was broken and bloody!

Finally woke up suddenly from the dream!

Suddenly returning to reality, he thought he was still trapped in a dream, so he ran to the small side hall of the palace in a daze.

He is waiting for...his little girl to appear.

In the end, he really waited until the little girl he had loved for three lifetimes rushed out of the door to find him!

The touch in my arms is too real.

He never knew he could shed so many tears, he only knew all the disasters, all the hardships...

They have all gone through it together!

They in the future...

No more fear! No more separation!

Hyunchen Mandrill tightened his arms and was about to rub the little girl into his arms.

Suddenly, he seemed to see Feng Shui Qing, who was only six years old. She was wearing a big cloak of lily of the valley flowers, jumping and walking away.

His future is tightly held in his arms and he will never let go!

And his past, all his darkness and pain, are fading into memories with that light figure.

Broken jade and Qiong Shuang meet Qing Qing.

The eyes are bright and the eyebrows are light.

Teeth like shells, shadows of lily of the valley.

Holding the snow in both hands, plucking the heart.

The two of them returned to Prince Qinglin's Mansion together. Hyunchen Mandrill had just been frozen to the point of stiffness. He went back to the house and drank some hot soup before he felt relieved.

Seeing that His Highness finally woke up, Pei Ji burst into tears with excitement, "Your Highness! Wuwuwu... You finally woke up! Wuwuwu... I am really happy... Wuwu..."

There was a warm charcoal stove beside me, but it was not as warm as the tears of the person in front of me.

Yuan Chen's heart felt soft and moved, and the corners of his lips curved softly, "Pei Gao, thank you very much for the past five years."

"Your Highness!" Pei Jiao cried harder, wiping his tears and whimpering: "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

Seeing Feng Shuiqing wink at him to stop him from continuing, Pei Gui quickly shut up. He understood that the princess definitely did not want to burden His Highness.

In a second thought, Pei Gua closed the door and retreated. Now it was time for them to get along well!

They...may have missed each other to the extreme.

If he doesn't have the eyesight to see, he will be really a fool!

Feng Shui Qing turned around and saw the devil staring at her affectionately!

The gaze was so intense and hot that it made her shy and guilty.

Obviously I have been waiting for the devil to wake up!

Why are you really awake now! And...

A little embarrassed...


She was hugged by the devil from behind, and his face was pressed against hers, caressing her gently, "My little girl has suffered a lot in the past five years. I'm sorry, it's my fault."

Feng Shuiqing turned around and hugged his waist, tears wet his chest and clothes, "I don't blame you! I'm really afraid that you won't wake up... Wuwuwu..."

"Well, it's my fault for making you worry, so don't cry anymore." Hyunchen Mandrill wiped away her tears distressedly, his voice still so gentle and soft.

By the candlelight, he looked at her quietly.

The once childish and cute little girl has now fully matured.

Her face is no longer round, but radiant, and her lower jaw is smooth and smooth.

Her eyebrows are no longer as playful and lively as before, but like hibiscus in the distant mountains, delicate and pleasant.

The only thing that remained unchanged was the pair of clear spring eyes, which were staring at the clear water with dark eyes, and their pupils cut through the water. With just one glance, he was addicted to it and could no longer escape.

This is his little girl, this is the little girl he will cherish and love for the rest of his life.

"Yeah, I won't cry anymore! Let me tell you! A lot of things have happened in the past five years! I will tell you all!" Feng Shuiqing smiled. She had accumulated many worries and wanted to tell the devil.


At this moment, she also raised her head and stared at him quietly. His jade face was still as handsome as ever, with a dragon hidden in the phoenix, awe-inspiring.

Her devil is still so handsome and charming.

As she thought about it, the scent of the devil's body got closer and closer, his breath became hotter, and his long eyelashes tickled her face.

Feng Shui's cheeks were flushed with redness, and his deep, lingering voice, as soft as cotton, could be heard in his ears:

"We'll talk about it later. What's more important now is... I want to kiss you."
This chapter has been completed!
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