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Chapter 171: Big Wedding (Part 2)

The wedding is halfway through.

The chief of ceremonies raised his voice and shouted: "The smoke is misty, the wedding candles are brilliant, the bride and groom are in the flower hall together!"

Feng Shui Qing and Xuan Chen Mandrill stand side by side, each holding a big red silk flower, which means to bring blessings and good luck, and to get married.

"The newlyweds take their seats and bow to heaven and earth——"

They bowed down to worship facing the heaven and earth table. On the table were placed red candles and blessing incense that they both lit.

In addition, there are also neatly arranged buckets full of grains, red seals for steelyards, peanuts, red dates, and lotus seeds.

If you are filled with gold and jade, you will be satisfied and have a son soon.

Chief of Ceremony: "Second bow to the high hall——"

Feng Shuiqing and Xuan Chenzhao turned around and bowed down to worship Xun Rui and Feng Lushan who were sitting in the hall.

While praying, all four of them had red eyes.

Xun Rui took out the marriage certificate they wrote together and gave it to the chief of ceremonies to read in front of the public:

[Both of us wrote this joint marriage proposal together.

May the orchids flourish for thousands of years and the harp and harp music flourish for hundreds of years.

From now on, the red rope will be tied early, and a good relationship will be formed.

The lingering envy of love, the love of butterflies, the white heads will always be together.

Hyun Chen Mandrill’s only wife: Feng Shui is clear.

The only husband with a clear Feng Shui: Xuanchen Mandrill.

Today we are married as husband and wife, and our love for each other is unquestionable.】

When they wrote together, they both shed tears. The tears were so salty that they were heartbreakingly painful.

At this time, holding hands together, they both cried, but the tears were as sweet as honey, so sweet that they made their hearts warm and comfortable.

Hyun Rui's hale eyes are as bright as stars, and her voice is as rhyming as the spring in the forest. She wishes the newlyweds the following blessings:

"It is a work of heaven, inherited from the earth, and in accordance with the wishes of my parents. I am very happy that the two surnames are getting married today, and they have made a contract together, and they have the same name. I hope that you two will be of the same heart and have the same love, and love each other throughout your life, and there will be no separation for a hundred years."

Feng Shuiqing and Xunchen Mandrill responded in unison: "My dear father, thank you very much."

Chief of Ceremonies: "The husband and wife bow to each other——"

The two of them turned around together and stood face to face.

The moment they leaned down to worship each other, tears fell from their eyes.

Feng Shui's clear eyes were filled with tears, flowing rapidly, but the corners of her lips covered by the hikerchief had the happiest arc.

After the wedding ceremony, she officially became the wife of Yuan Chenzhi.

Along the way, he was domineering, paranoid, jealous, and always kept her close to him.

But his love is hot, delicate and gentle.

There was always only her figure in his eyes, and he put her in the softest place in his heart.

He lost his memory and feelings for her, gave up his life for her, and was willing to fall into the abyss for her.

He loved her for three whole lives.

And from today on, her devil becomes her only husband.

They are a husband and wife of one mind and will spend the rest of their lives together.

Their future...

The beauty is infinite and the light is brilliant.

She will guard him and love him forever.

Keep him in your heart forever.

This was the first time that Hyunchen Mandrill shed tears in front of everyone, but looking at her in front of him, he could forget everything and not care. It seemed that everything in the world had turned into mist and flowing clouds, and only the two of him were left.

His little girl, the little girl he lost twice.

Finally, I married her in this life.

He has officially become her husband.

Her hair, her smile, her shyness, everything about her, he was always fascinated by.

He loved her for three whole lives.

From beginning to end, he was never greedy, the only thing he wanted was...

She's around!

Be with her!

In the most painful and dark days of his life.

It was his little girl who brought the light, dragged him out of the abyss, and made his dead heart beat again.

It was also she who held the warm sun in her hand and handed it to him with a smile, which completely melted his frozen heart.

From today on, his little girl becomes his only wife. He loves her, protects her, and

She cherishes.

They are a husband and wife of one mind and will spend the rest of their lives together.

Their future...

The beauty is infinite and the light is brilliant.

He will guard her for the rest of his life and love her for the rest of his life.

I will hold her in my heart forever.

The Chief of Ceremonies: "The ceremony is completed, the auspicious time has come, and it is sent to the bridal chamber——"

After tossing and turning, she was carried into the bridal chamber by him.

Feng Shuiqing sat obediently on the wedding couch, listening quietly to the movement in her ears. Because her head was covered with a wedding scarf, she could only see her hands folded in her lap and a corner of the bright red auspicious suit.

The Chief of Ceremonies: "The tipa time has come, please give me the tippa, Your Highness!"

Xunchen Mandrill picked up the mutton-fat white jade Ruyi from the tray, lifted it lightly with his wrist, and opened the feng shui-clear Xipa.

The two men's eyes intertwined.

She looked into his passionate eyes, blushing with embarrassment.

And the moment Hyunchen Mandrill saw her delicate face.

He seemed to have lost his mind and froze in place.

She has a delicate face and plump hair, and she likes to have her hair braided in a shiny bun. Her hair is as thick as a cloud combing through the moon.

The phoenix crown is rich and colorful, with thin pieces of gold, and it flutters its wings. The leaf-like feathers are all carved from jade, and the phoenix wings are drooping with water-like diamond gold tassels, sparkling and dazzling.

She has graceful eyebrows, white teeth and a rosy face, and her willow eyebrows and starry eyes are full of autumn water, and the waves of beauty are flowing unexpectedly.

Her cherry lips, painted with bright red lipstick, were delicate, crimson and breathtakingly beautiful.

"Your Highness King Qinglin? Please come to the wedding couch."

When the chief of ceremonies reminded him again, Xuanchen Mandrill came back to his senses, sat next to her with a red face, and tightly wrapped her little hand in his palm.

At the happy event, Auntie brought the golden bowl and golden spoon, and said happily: "Princess Qinglin, please use the descendants dumplings."

Feng Shui Qing's stomach was empty for a long time. He couldn't wait to pick up the dumplings and put them in his mouth. The dumplings were sticky and thin!

In surprise, she swallowed it before chewing it!

The children waiting outside the bridal chamber laughed and asked, "Princess! Are you giving birth?"

Feng Shui suddenly dawned on me! She raised her eyes to meet the tender eyes of Hyunchen Mandrill, and Jiaowu said in a panic: "Sheng."

After the happy occasion, the mama stepped back, and the chief of ceremonies recited with a smile: "The princess is alive! I wish you a lot of blessings! I wish your highness and the princess to have a son soon, and have many children and grandchildren!"

Chun Zao and Xia Ying both held up wedding trays and presented gilt wine cups engraved with mandarin duck patterns, with red wedding lines connecting the wine cups.

The officer in charge of the ceremony raised his voice and said: "His Royal Highness King Qinglin and the Queen Concubine will drink Henan wine together. I wish them a red thread of love, harmony and happiness, and they can fly together."

Feng Shuiqing and Xuanchen Mandrill took off the wine cups and intertwined their arms, their eyes burning hotter than the strong wine.

She looked smoky and flirtatious, her eyes twinkled with dimples, her tender lips were soaked with wine, and she was so gorgeous that he was intoxicated.

He held his breath and stared at her intently, his eyes filled with soft pools of deep affection, which were thick and unconcealed.

Everyone in the room knelt on the ground and congratulated with joy: "Congratulations to His Royal Highness King Qinglin and the Princess Royal on their wedding! I wish the newlyweds will always be united, with the sheng and chimes harmonious, and perfect love."

Everyone retreated, and Feng Shuiqing's other hand was wrapped in the palm of the hand.

His clear voice was as soft as water, and his excitement was like a jade feather, gently tickling her heart...

"Xiao Qing, I finally got to marry you, and I finally saw your phoenix crown and beauty. I love you so much."

"Azhi, I love you too."

Feng Shui Qing murmured, if it weren't for the heavy phoenix crown on her head, she wouldn't dare to move around, for fear that she would have fallen into the devil's arms.

She didn't feel heavy when she first put it on! But after sitting in the sedan for so long, she had to perform another set of rituals!

It really makes my head spin!

Hyunchen Mandrill noticed the unnatural appearance of the little girl and quickly helped her take off her hair accessories, knowing that she must be very tired.

The burden was lifted, and Feng Shuiqing could finally get into his arms.

His powerful heartbeat rang in his ears, crazy and panicked.

his jawline

Smooth and charming, the fair Adam's apple is full and shiny, with a faint crimson floating on the surface, making it charming and seductive.

His thin lips were getting closer and closer, and the scent of strong lust lingered on the tip of his nose.

Just as the four lips were about to connect, Pei Gao's voice came from outside the door: "Your Highness, the wedding banquet has begun, and the guests are waiting for you!"

"I am not going."

Hyunchen Mandrill groaned impatiently, and soon kissed behind her ear.

Feng Shuiqing was in a trance when being kissed, but she was still conscious enough to push him away, "Azhi, the emperor is here too. You can't lose your etiquette. Go quickly."

"My husband can't bear to leave you here alone, so I won't go." Hyun Chen held her in his arms and kissed her smooth neck.

"You, you... oh..." She was kissed until her face turned red, and she could only act coquettishly, "Husband, go quickly! You can't refute your father's face, I'll wait here for you to come back..."


Those words of "husband" were so sweet and tender that Hyunchen Mandrill couldn't help but feel her heart fluttering. He kissed her hard for a long time and then left obediently.

Wedding banquet room.

The banquet hall of Prince Qinglin's Mansion was bustling with people, and it was very lively!

Although he has been crowned king, everyone inside and outside the palace knows the emperor's preference for the youngest son, and the emperor personally attended the wedding banquet.

Therefore, in addition to the royal family and nobles, all the court officials also attended the banquet to congratulate him.

Huan Chenzhao first paid respects to all the elders, then sat on the side table next to the emperor, attending to the guests absent-mindedly.

Since he sat down at the table, the wine glass has never been empty. The guests toasted one cup after another, and he could only drink one cup after another.

Fortunately, he had a good drinking capacity, and other than his face turning slightly red after half a round, there was no other abnormality.

Yuan Chenyu has been by his side all the time. Now that his ninth brother and his sister-in-law have finally gotten married, it is a worry for him. He couldn't help but drink a few more drinks because he was slightly tipsy.

Seeing the upset look on Ninth Brother, he couldn't help but joke quietly: "Ninth Brother's thoughts... must have flown to his younger siblings! Hahaha..."

Yuan Chenzhao then smiled slightly, "When my third brother got married, his expression when he was waiting for the guests was not much better than mine!"


The two were chatting and laughing when a distant voice suddenly came, and Hyun Chen Tai came over gracefully, "Ah! Ninth brother! Congratulations! What are the two brothers talking about? Say it and let the second brother feel happy too!"

The moment the three brothers got together, the atmosphere suddenly became tense!

Hyunchen Mandrill lowered his eyes indifferently, and his face with an indifferent smile suddenly turned cold, "I remember that the second brother was not invited to the wedding banquet."

"Ouch! What Ninth Brother said really chills Second Brother's heart!" Hyun Chentai's speech was slightly slurred, his eyes were blurred, and he looked like he was drunk.

"Second brother, it happens to be halfway through the banquet, let's go."

Hyun Chen Yu opened his mouth to make peace, knowing in his heart that Hyun Chen Tai came uninvited and must have some differences in his mind!

Ninth Brother is very happy today, nothing can go wrong!

"Third brother, why do you want to chase brother away?" Hyun Chen Tai's mouth drooped, and he looked pitiful, which made it a bit funny.

"Oh! Brother knows!" Hyun Chen Tae slapped his forehead and smiled with a dirty look on his face, "Ninth brother must not have the heart to let your younger siblings wait for you for too long! I want to go back and hug Wenxiang Nephrite into the bridal chamber!"


Hearing this, the guests on the side burst into laughter.

Hyun Chen mandrill swept away with one sharp eye!

The laughter stopped abruptly.

With keen eyes, Xuanchen Yu saw his ninth brother clenching his iron fist, and hurriedly held down his arm, lifted the pot to add wine to him, and whispered, "Xuanchentai is deliberately irritating you, don't let me fall into the trap."

"Heh." Hyunchen Mandrill sneered coldly.

Of course he knows what Hyun Chen Tae means! He just wants to cause trouble for him on his big day!

Unexpectedly, he would use such dirty tricks!

After all, I admired the despicableness of my second brother!

"Come, second brother, I want to toast you a glass." Hyunchen Mandrill held the wine cup on top and hit the wine cup in Hyunchentai's hand with the bottom of the cup. He stepped forward and lowered his voice, "My brother not only wants to toast you, but also wants to toast your dead body."

mother concubine one

Cup, I hope she and her lover will be in love underground forever."


Hyun Chentai drank the wine in the glass, his eyes dimmed for a moment, and he squeezed out three words from between his teeth.

"What's the matter? Is what my brother said wrong?" Hyunchen Mandrill raised his eyebrows, poured a glass of wine and leaned closer to him, laughing and murmuring: "Since the second brother is here to disgust me, don't blame the younger brother for speaking harshly."

As soon as he finished speaking, Xuan Chenzhao left an upright figure, ignored him, and continued to treat other guests.

An hour later, the wedding banquet ended and the guests dispersed one after another.

After seeing off his father and third brother, Hyunchen Mandrill turned around to go back home, and happened to bump into Hyunchen Tai who was staggering around.

He smelled of alcohol, his steps were weak and weak, and the smile on his face only grew stronger. He came forward and said, "Hahaha... Ninth brother, I think the second brother has never heard those words just now! You and your siblings are very happy today, and the second brother wishes you the best."

You guys!"

Hyunchen Mandrill remained silent, treating him as nothing and walking away.

Looking at his slender and slender figure as he walked away, Hyun Chentai smiled evilly and whispered to himself: "Ninth brother, don't be too proud. There will be a time when you kneel down and beg me."

Hyun Chen did not bother to pay attention to the little incident just now, and he did not want to disturb his good mood due to the garbage. He walked quickly and hurried towards the inner courtyard of the palace.

The little girl there is still waiting for him.

His wife is still waiting for him.

The situation is twilight, the night is full of flowers and the moon is full.

The wedding room is decorated with flowers and candles, and hibiscus and jade faces.

The spring evening is getting darker...
This chapter has been completed!
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