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Chapter 176: Not good, you will be punished

Chunzao came out of the bedroom, her delicate face turned blue nervously, and she even put her ear to the window pane uneasily to pay attention to what was going on in the room, for fear that the princess and His Highness would get angry and quarrel.

In recent days, His Highness has repeatedly instructed not to feed the Princess anything cold or cold. If the Princess behaves like a spoiled brat, just ignore it.

After all, Chun Zao had been serving Feng Shui Qing since she was a child, so she knew her lady's preferences and temperament very clearly.

I know how depressed the lady would be if she couldn't eat this watermelon.

That's it...

She was not worried that His Highness would blame her, but she was worried that the two masters would quarrel.

It wasn't until a cat-like cry came from the room that Chun Zao's face turned red immediately, and her hanging heart finally settled down in her belly.

She sent the other slaves to retreat, and she stood in the distance and waited with her head bowed. The princess and His Highness were in love, and as a slave, she was sincerely happy for them.

Just as Chun Zao was concentrating on thinking about... what delicious dishes to prepare for the princess for dinner, she suddenly felt warm all over her body and her hands fell into hot palms.

She raised her eyes and saw that it was Pei Gao who put some clothes on her and took her cold little hand.

"It's wet and cold from the rain. Even if you're standing in the corridor, you should put on extra clothes. Look, your hands are getting cold."

The scarlet clouds of spring dates cover the face, and the heart feels warm.

Pei Gua looked tall, tall, and had dark skin. He always had a straight face and spoke outright.

But his heart is sincere and emotional, meticulous and considerate, worthy of a word of iron-blooded tenderness.

"Chun Zao, why are you worried? I saw you frowning from a distance just now."

Pei Gao raised his hand and tucked the broken hair that was blocking her eyes behind her ears, and asked with concern.

Chun Zao's beautiful face looked a little embarrassed, and she talked about the watermelon.

"Hahaha..." Pei Guo couldn't help but laugh after hearing this. He took Chunzao's hand and put it to his lips and kissed him softly, "Hehehehe... His Highness is so reluctant to talk about the princess! If there is really a quarrel, he will have to

Your Highness must first admit your mistake, so don’t worry!”

"You speak without restraint. If His Highness hears these words, you will definitely be punished!" Chunzao said angrily, but she also knew that what Pei Gao said was reasonable.

Not to mention those of them who serve closely, even looking at the entire imperial city, they all know...

The princess is the favorite of His Highness King Qinglin.

Pei Gua looked at the smiling face of his beloved girl, and felt sweet in his heart. He vowed: "Chunzao, our wedding is almost ready. I will marry you home and I will pamper you well."

"You're so smooth-talking!" Chun Zao's face grew darker, and there was a hint of worry in her eyebrows. "For now, you'd better accompany the master and help His Royal Highness with the government affairs. There's no rush for our wedding."

"But..." Pei Gao was about to retort, but his side of the face was suddenly kissed by Chun Zao who stood up on tiptoes. He froze on the spot and forgot to say the rest of his words.

Chun Zao smiled softly, her almond-shaped eyes full of bright stars, "His Highness and the Princess treat us so well, and we have nothing to repay. We can only be loyal to you. So wait for now, okay? I'll wait for you to help His Highness finish this time."

, let’s get married again.”

Pei Gao was deeply touched by the soft words and the soft words. He held his beloved girl in his arms and lowered his head and agreed:

"Okay, it's up to you."

The drizzle in the courtyard scenery moistens everything, and the indoor spring light is beautiful.

An hour later, due to the gloomy clouds, the room was dark. Feng Shuiqing leaned against the devil's slightly rising chest and listened to his heartbeat that had not yet calmed down.

If you hold a candle, you will definitely see her face as red as blood.

"Why did you come back so early today?" Feng Shuiqing was so tired that she felt dazed. In addition, the room was dark and dim, her eyelids became heavier and she murmured.

"Nothing happened in court today." Hyunchen Mandrill gently rubbed the little girl's smooth shoulder and neck with his fingertips, and couldn't help but tilt his head and kiss her face. "I've been too busy these days. I wanted to come back to accompany you quickly, but I found that someone

A greedy little cat secretly eats some watermelon behind my husband's back."

After saying that, he bit her pink lips hard.

Feng Shui Qing covered his mouth in pain and pinched his arm hard with green fingers, "Don't you ever talk to me again! I'm going back to my parents' house!"

"You little bad girl..." Hyunchen Mandrill couldn't help laughing, "Let

For my husband's sake, this is the eighth time since we got married that you have said that you want to return to your parents' home. If you had known this, you would have placed the palace hundreds of miles away."

"Humph! Who told you to always bully me!" Feng Shuiqing turned over and got into bed.

Just as she was about to pull up the quilt and cover her up, the devil's hot chest pressed against her again, making her face turn red.

The man's ambiguous voice slowly drifted into his ears: "How can I bully you? It clearly makes you happy."

"Your Highness!"

Pei Gao's anxious report suddenly came from outside the door, and Feng Shuiqing felt the big hand between his waist froze and withdrew.

"Your Highness, the Emperor has urgently summoned you to the palace!"


Yuan Chenzhao put on his robe, leaned down and kissed the little girl's forehead, "Eat dinner on time, don't have to wait for me, if you are sleepy, take a nap. Try to come back early for your husband, be good."


After the devil left, Feng Shuiqing felt no sleepiness at all. She stood up, put on a single robe, and stood on the porch to watch the rain.

The rain is getting heavier and heavier, and it seems to be forming a line.

The raindrops were huge and dense, even bending the flowers and plants in the garden.

She frowned, feeling uneasy in her heart.

"Princess, what's wrong with you? But you don't feel well after using Pai Watermelon?" Chun Zao noticed her worried look on her eyebrows and asked with concern.

"The thunder is falling from thousands of mountains, and the rain is coming from thousands of peaks." Feng Shui sighed in a deep voice, reaching out to catch a few drops of cold rainwater.

"It seems...a heavy rain is coming."

Royal Palace, Golden Dragon Hall.

"Chen Zhu, you came just in time, take a look at this." The emperor handed the urgent message to Xi Chen who had just stepped into the palace.

The entire Golden Dragon Palace was silent, and all the princes and ministers standing beside His Highness were also silent.

The only thing left is the sound of the heavy rain.

He slapped the eaves and windows wantonly.

Noisy and noisy, it directly touches people's hearts.

Huan Chenzhao glanced ten lines at a time and read the emergency report thoroughly in an instant, his brows becoming more and more tense.

It turned out that due to excess rain in recent days, the water level of the Xunjiang River surged, causing the dam to be washed away by the flood. The people of Xunjiang City suffered heavy casualties and were in a critical situation.

Xun Rui propped one arm on the armrest of the dragon chair, pressing her temples repeatedly, her voice was solemn:

"Xunjiang City is the most important border city of our Dayao. If the enemy country takes advantage of the situation and breaks through, it will definitely put our Dayao's safety in danger. However, in years of natural disasters and famine, the people have suffered, so I called you here to discuss how to arrange this matter.


Xuan Chenyu raised his head and knelt down, "Father, my son and I are willing to go to Xunjiang City to provide relief to the people in order to show the royal favor."

Yuan Chen also knelt beside him, "Father, I would like to go with my third brother."

"Well, let's go, Chen Yu, and Chen Jie and Chen Mandrill will stay in the imperial city."

Upon hearing the order, the fourth prince standing by the side bowed and responded: "My son, I obey the order."

After leaving the Golden Dragon Palace, the fourth prince, Xuanchenjie, left first. Xuanchenzhu and Xuanchenyu stood side by side, looking up at the rainstorm falling from the sky. Five

"Ninth brother, you and your sister-in-law have just been married for two months. My father feels sorry for you, so he rejected your request."

Hyun Chen Yu spoke gently, his eyes filled with relief.

"Yes." Yuan Chen understood in his heart and was deeply moved by his father's decision. "I understand that this matter is your first political achievement after ascending to the throne of the prince. Third brother, please pay attention to safety and take care along the way.


"Yes, after becoming the crown prince, I am no longer as leisurely as before. I haven't had time to spend time with Yaoyao and Yao'er recently." Xuan Chenyu's eyes became softer, and his tone was filled with guilt.

"Third brother, don't worry." Xuanchen Mandrill put one hand on his shoulder, "I will protect my sister-in-law and Rong'er in the imperial city and wait for your safe return."

"Well, thank you Ninth Brother."

After dinner, Feng Shui Qing went to the hot spring pool in the palace to take a bath.

It’s been rainy and humid recently, but it’s still nice to take a dip!

She soaked her body in the water, leaned against the jade pool wall, closed her eyes and fell asleep, feeling relaxed and happy.

The hot spring steam curled up, making her

Her face was so steamed that it turned pink, and her smooth and white shoulders were glowing with luster, making her particularly attractive.

After the Demon King entered the palace in the afternoon, Feng Shuiqing was so worried that he went back to Feng Mansion.

I heard from my second brother that there was a flood in Xunjiang City, so the emperor hurriedly summoned all the princes to appease the people affected by the disaster and show his favor.

The third brother has just been crowned prince, and the emperor will definitely send him to deal with this matter.

Firstly, it is to establish political merit, and secondly, it can better represent the importance that the royal family attaches to the people.

In addition, Xunjiang City has a special geographical location, a long distance, and is the last line of defense on the border, making it easy to attack and difficult to defend.

The emperor should also send a prince to accompany him.

Among the princes in the palace, only the Demon King has the closest relationship with his third brother. Will the emperor send him there?

As she thought about it, Feng Shuiqing felt the water around her body swaying greatly. She opened her eyes and saw that the devil had entered the spring pool and was walking towards her.

"You...why did you come in? We agreed before! We have to soak separately!"

Feng Shuiqing pulled a cotton handkerchief to cover her chest, her face was as red as blood, and even her shoulders were pink.

"Seeing you had your eyes closed, I thought you were asleep." Hyunchen Mandrill sat next to her, stretched out one arm and hugged her.

"I'm thinking about things... By the way! Who else will go to the disaster relief work in Xunjiang City besides Third Brother?"

When it came to business, Feng Shui Qing suddenly became interested.

If the Demon King really wanted to rush to Xunjiang City, they would have to say goodbye in March and May.

Although the old saying goes that a long separation is better than a new marriage.

But they were newly married after all!

She will miss him after being separated for so long.

"Huh?" Hyunchen Mandrill raised his eyebrows and pinched her cheek, "You little devil, you can actually guess that the third brother is going, and the fourth brother is going with him."

"Hehe..." Feng Shuiqing pushed his hand away and winked playfully, "The third brother has just been appointed as the prince, so of course he must accumulate political achievements! But... why did you send the fourth prince to go? I thought it was you."

"What?" Hyunchen Mandrill frowned and slowly slid his palm down, "We just got married, and you want to rush away from your husband?"

"Yes! Who told you to bully me every day..."

Feng Shuiqing's voice became quieter and quieter, the temperature of the Demon King's palms was hotter than the water in the spring, and her eyes were filled with mist, appearing hazy and moist.

With a little force on his arm, Yuan Chen easily picked up the little girl and held her on his lap. The two of them cuddled tightly, leaving no gap between them.

Her shyness was clearly visible.

He clasped her slender waist with his big hands, his Adam's apple rolled slightly, and his voice was hoarse and soft...

"If you are so unbecoming, you must be punished."

Feng Shuiqing completely lost all strength, bit the Demon King's shoulder, and wrapped his arms around his strong waist, "You know how to bully me... I want to go back to my parents' home!"

"Okay." Hyunchen Mandrill smiled mischievously, raised his waist heavily, and kissed the little girl's earlobe, "But my husband is afraid of my wife, so I won't have the strength to walk back later."

"You...you are really bad!"
This chapter has been completed!
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