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Chapter 23: I should pay back what I owe

In the blink of an eye, three days flew by.

After Feng Lushan learned about Feng Wanrou's torture, he was extremely disappointed with her. He did not expect that his little daughter, who usually looked at him well-behaved and modest, would actually be jealous of his own sister and frame her up.

In a fit of anger, Fenglushan banned her and only told her to take good care of her injuries and to go out less often and less often go to the palace.

Feng Shuiqing has been in a good mood these past few days. Firstly, he can't see Feng Wanrou's objectionable figure hanging in front of his eyes all day long. Secondly, the demon king Xuanchen Mandrill seems to be more at peace lately.

That's right! I finally have some free time to think about how to deal with that bitch guy Hyun Chen An.

Just when Feng Shuiqing and Xiao Tiantian were discussing their plan for revenge, Chunzao pushed the door open and hurriedly reported: "Miss, Dong Ping has tricked her!"

After returning from the palace, Feng Shuiqing interrogated Dong Ping once. The girl became a little tougher and refused to admit that she had stolen Aunt Chen's necklace and her blood bracelet.

Anyway, she has a lot of time, and she doesn't want to be tortured, so let's spend it slowly.

Even though it's late summer, it's still unbearably hot. The wind and water are clear and ice wheels are blowing every day, and even eating ice cream still makes me feel hot.

Sure enough, as soon as the food and water were reduced, the charcoal basin was heated up at noon every day and placed in front of her.

Dong Ping really couldn't hold back her anger. It turned out that she was also a rotten bone that was hard on the outside but soft on the inside.

After the servant opened the door, a foul smell of sour and fermented food hit the door, causing Feng Shui Qing to immediately put a handkerchief against his nostrils.

"Third Miss..." Dong Ping saw that the visitor was wearing a velvet-colored Sichuan brocade double-breasted dress with wide sleeves, which was in stark contrast to the hot and stuffy environment in the room. She hurriedly straightened up, arched forward, and lay down.

She cried bitterly on the ground: "Third Miss, I shouldn't have lied to you... Aunt Chen asked me to do this... Third Miss, please spare this slave... Wuwuwu..."

Feng Shuiqing looked at Dong Ping's humble face stained with sweat and mud, feeling disdainful and disappointed.

Chun Zao and Dong Ping were both orphans without a father or mother. They were bought by Feng Mansion to serve them since they were young.

Feng Shuiqing sympathized with their life experiences and shared all the good things with them from childhood to adulthood.

Chun Zao has a good heart and is someone who can be relied on and trusted.

But this winter apple...

Feng Shuiqing admits that she has never been partial, but what made her resentful and want to deal with outsiders against her?

Seeing that the lady didn't speak, Dong Ping continued to cry: "Aunt Chen told me to pretend to steal her necklace and frame Xia Ying in your courtyard so that I could replace the old people in Lanting Pavilion one by one... and she gave me three taels.

Silver...servant...servant, I was confused for a moment! Miss, please forgive me..."

"Three taels of silver?" Feng Shuiqing smiled instead, "The friendship between you and me for more than ten years is not worth that three taels of silver?!"

"Third Miss..." Dong Ping's crying became more and more intense, "I know you have treated me well over the years, but I also want to redeem myself... I also want to live a free life... Please forgive me..."

Feng Shuiqing sneered: "If you tell me these words, I can let you out of the house directly and give you three hundred taels of silver! You have been with me for so many years, am I so unreasonable?"

Dong Ping's intestines were about to turn green at this time. After following the third lady for these years, she knew that Feng Shuiqing was a kind-hearted master, but he was a bit stupid and had a bad mind. Therefore, when she served the young lady, she always had some thoughts in her heart.

Unwillingness and contempt.

Now I don't know why, but the young lady seems to be a new person, as refreshing, witty and ruthless. If I hide it any more, I might lose my life, so I might as well save myself first.

Thinking about this, Dong Ping's heart sank and she slowly said: "The third young lady... is actually the fourth young lady..."

"Feng Wanrou?" Feng Shuiqing frowned tightly, "What does this matter have to do with her?"

"Last year, when I was packing up the jewelry you hadn't worn for a long time, I got interested... and stole a few sets, and was discovered by the Fourth Miss... So from then on, the Fourth Miss has been asking me to pay attention to your every move.

She gave me five taels of silver every month and threatened that if I told anything, I would report me to you and the master... She also taught Aunt Chen this matter... Moreover, every time you go to Tongyu Academy, the slaves will go to her.

Tip the news...she will tell the master secretly..."


Feng Shuiqing laughed with red eyes, Dong Ping was frightened by the sudden and strange laughter and shivered all over, feeling gloomy and cold.

It turns out that Feng Wanrou has been plotting against me for a long time!

No wonder she knows everything about everything going on in our courtyard! No wonder I didn’t know about her hookup with Hyun Chenan in her previous life!

It turns out that there is a venomous snake next to me, which has been squatting in the dark and spitting out messages!

Feng Shui suddenly became clear, and some details that I had never understood suddenly became clear at this moment.

Wait, there is one more thing!

"What did you see after you put on the blood bracelet that day? Why were you so frightened?"

Hearing this, Dong Ping seemed to see the bloody scene of that day before her eyes again, and she trembled and answered honestly:

"After putting it on, the slave girl first saw a female corpse wrapped in a straw mat without eyes or limbs, with a golden mist floating around her. After that, the slave girl saw a man in red, who looked a bit like Jiu.

His Royal Highness... Standing next to him was a dark-black, green-faced, fanged demon, raising his hands and pressing towards me step by step..."

A female corpse with no eyes or limbs? Isn’t that me who died tragically in my previous life?

The man in red, isn’t that the mandrill in the dream?

There is light mist floating around me, and there is a devil next to him?!

What's going on? Am I dreaming? Is Dong Ping tricking me...

Feng Shuiqing thought while taking a closer look at Dong Ping lying on the ground. Seeing that her heart was palpitating and trembling, it didn't look like she was lying.

But this thing is too fantasy! Even though she has lived two lives, she has never heard of such an evil thing.

On second thought, Feng Shuiqing asked Xiao Tiantian in his consciousness, but she didn't know.

What a ghost! That blood bracelet is really a very dangerous thing! Just bury it!

For a moment, I thought about the humiliating and sad scenes of my past life, and the bloody memories flooded into Feng Shui Qing's mind like snowflakes.

Dong Ping stood next to Queen Feng Wanrou and looked at her with mocking eyes...

Dong Ping stared at the gloom in her eyes as she drank the pine mushroom porridge...

And those innocent babies who have no time to open their eyes and take a look at this vast world...

The more she recalled it, the more painful it became, as if she was about to suffocate.

If we don't live again, those grievances and resentments will fall into dust over time.

In this life, those who have bullied her and harmed her will not end well!

Feng Shuiqing rubbed his swollen temples and said coldly: "Come here, cut off Dong Ping's fingers, pluck out his tongue, beat him to death with a stick and throw him out of the house."

After receiving the order, the servant guarding the door walked into the house and set up Dongping on the left and right sides.

"Miss!!! Third Miss! Please...please spare this slave...I am wrong, please spare my slave..."

The moment Feng Shuiqing gave the order, all the strength in Dong Ping's body was drained away in an instant... her limbs were dangling limply as if they were broken, tears were streaming down her face, and her mouth was hoarse.

On the other hand, if the feng shui is clear, the eyes are resolute and indifferent.

Only when Dong Ping was being carried past her, she turned her head and whispered in a low voice: "It's time to pay back what you owe me."

Back in the room, Feng Shuiqing felt restless, as if there was a awn on his back.

If what Dong Ping said is true, then both the blood bracelet and the mandrill must contain a shocking secret.

"Xiao Tiantian, tell me, is it possible that the Demon King has also been reborn?"

After much deliberation, Feng Shuiqing finally couldn't bear to ask.

Xiao Tiantian was silent for a moment and said in a serious tone: "It's possible, judging from recent contacts, host you are very important in his heart! Could it be that he loved you in his previous life?"

"Ah?" Feng Shuiqing frowned in confusion, "Why do I feel that I will be unlucky if I meet that devil? I can't see how important I am in his heart!"

"Those who are in charge of the authorities are blind to the beholder, but host, I can see it very clearly!"

Xiao Tiantian changed her solemn tone just now and became more and more teasing.

Feng Shuiqing rolled his eyes: "It's not serious to talk about it...but why is the Demon King so quiet these days?"

"Hahahaha!" Xiao Tiantian laughed loudly, "I think you have him in your heart too! Do you miss him?"

"...That's not the case. Stop talking nonsense! I'm starting to suspect that your system is trying to match us up again!"

Feng Shuiqing's face turned red and she hurriedly patted her cheeks with both hands.

"Why do you like to beat yourself up in the house when you have nothing to do?"

A cold and magnetic voice came from outside the door. Feng Shuiqing was very familiar with the voice that gave her goosebumps. When she raised her head, she met the clear eyes of Xuan Chenzhi.

I saw the little man sitting on the round stool with a blushing face, stunned on the spot.

The theater in Hyunchen Mandrill’s mind slowly opened without any trace:

[Feng Shui Qing hadn't seen him in the past three days, and he thought about why he didn't come to see her. Finally, he couldn't bear what he was thinking, and remembered the "good memories" they had, so he had to pat her cheeks and suppress

The kind of longing that makes your stomach churn, your dreams disturb you, and you toss and turn.】

A few days ago, Feng Shuiqing said personally that she likes me a little bit.

After not seeing each other for three days, it seems like she really misses me.

Hyunchen Mandrill felt happy because there was really nothing he could do about this cute little girl.

He walked forward quickly, hugged Feng Shuiqing, who was still unresponsive, kissed her fragrant hair, and whispered in her ear: "I miss you too."

The warm and ambiguous breath made Feng Shui Qing numb from her ears to the soles of her feet. The smell of a man was like aged spirits to her, both intoxicating and addictive.

She hurriedly pushed Xunchen Mandrill away before she could say anything.

The parrot standing on the hanging pole of the wall-less birdcage at the door fluttered its wings and started howling wildly:

"Hyun Chen Mandrill! The Great Demon King!"

"Hyun Chen Mandrill! The Great Demon King!"
This chapter has been completed!
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