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Chapter 36 Soaking Ice to Reduce Fever

At this time, the Demon King was helpless and fragile, even hugging his own body and trembling.

Why is he so afraid?

Feng Shuiqing supported his chest with her arms and looked at his sunken eyes and pale face.

His hand unconsciously touched it.

"You seem to have lost weight."

Yuan Chen covered her little hand with his hand, caressed it lovingly, and kissed her palm: "Fortunately, you're fine."

It turns out that five days ago, Hyunchen Mandrill returned to Dawn Palace from the Academy.

I saw Feng Shuiqing lying on the bed "sleeping soundly", and he didn't know how to open the shackles on his limbs.

He was still puzzled as to why the little girl broke away from her restraints but didn't escape, when he saw her whole body twitching and burning hot.

I hurriedly told the imperial doctor to take the medicine, but it still had no effect.

He was panicked and frightened, watching helplessly as her breath became weaker and weaker.

The heart and liver were cut out, and the feeling of being helpless made Hyunchen Mandrill suffocate with fear.

Could it be? Are we going to lose her again...

"Miss, you finally woke up..."

Chun Zao was so worried that she couldn't bear to speak.

Feng Shuiqing looked up and saw that the short little maid's tears were like broken beads.

He was clutching his handkerchief and looking at himself with a worried expression.

"Chun Zao? Why are you here?"

The one who responded to her was Pei Jiu's urgent voice.

"Your Highness! The Emperor has urgently summoned you to the Golden Dragon Palace to discuss matters! Please go quickly!"

Yuan Chen frowned, thought for a moment, and responded coldly: "I know."

He didn't want to leave, his little girl had just woken up.

He just wanted to hold her in his arms and not go anywhere.


My father rarely calls me on his own initiative, so it must be because the matter is serious.

"Go!" Feng Shuiqing pushed the hesitant man, "The Emperor has called you, why are you standing here?"

"Yeah." Hyunchen Mandrill responded and pinched her chin.

"You wait for me here, and you are not allowed to go anywhere. Otherwise..."

As he spoke, he glanced at the two pairs of shackles thrown in the corner.

Feng Shui Qing angrily pushed his hand away and became displeased: "Go quickly! Stinky Demon King!"

Humph! A ghost man who alternates between hot and cold!

You were so tender just now, now you are acting like a control freak!

After Xuanchen Mandrill left, Chun Zao took a handkerchief with warm water and wrung it out carefully to cleanse the face for Feng Shui.

Then he helped her change into clean clothes, and then she spoke anxiously: "Miss, you have been unconscious for the past five days, which has made this slave very anxious. His Highness the Ninth Prince was afraid that the palace maid would not be used to serving you, so he sent someone to pick up this slave.

Enter the palace to serve you."

Feng Shuiqing leaned on the bed and rubbed his temples with his hands: "The demon king seems to have intentions, but judging from his appearance, he can't always stay by my bed, right?"

"More than that!"

Chunzao's eyes turned red again.

"You have been suffering from a high fever. The imperial doctor in the palace has given you dozens of prescriptions, but to no avail. His Highness the Ninth Prince became furious and put them all in prison! Finally, His Highness the Ninth Prince came up with a plan.

This will help you get rid of your high fever..."

"...the imperial doctors are also quite unlucky..."

Feng Shui is extremely helpless.

"What did he come up with?"

"His Royal Highness the Ninth Prince..."

Chun Zao still felt shocked and unforgettable when he recalled what Xuan Chen Mandrill had done in recent days.

He could only hold the lady's hand, his voice trembling slightly.

"He soaked himself in the ice water until his whole body was completely cold, and then hugged you! Repeated dozens of times! My slave... Your Highness's face turned purple from the cold when I looked at it!"

Feng Shui Qing's pupils trembled and his breathing stopped: "..."

The love branch covered with buds in my heart popped out of my mouth, and the core was faintly visible.

Through the breeze, the pond in my heart is stirred up into chaos and the ripples are sparkling.

"Then he..."

The feng shui is clear and I want to speak but stop.

A ball of dough wrapped in love.

The more you keep cutting, the more messy you will get.


Chunzao shook her arm.

"Other slaves don't understand. I only know that His Highness the Ninth Prince treats you sincerely. Since you became ill, he has not even dozed off once, but has been watching over you like this. I feel very touched..."

"Well, do daddy and second brother know about this?"

Chunzao shook his head: "They don't know that His Highness the Ninth Prince only told them that you will stay in the palace for a while."

"That's good."

Feng Shui Qing moved his neck calmly and felt a rumbling feeling in his stomach: "Chun Zao, go to the small kitchen here to make more delicious meals. When Yuan Chen Mandrill comes back, we will eat together."

"Slave, please obey."

After Chunzao left, Feng Shuiqing immediately whispered in his mind: "Xiao Tiantian, what happened? I remember just looking at the painting that day, why did I pass out? I also had an extremely weird dream."

Xiao Tiantian ran out of consciousness, snuggled into her arms, and rubbed her hair.

"Host, Xiao Tiantian is so worried about you! I miss you so much! Woohoo... But judging from this matter, Hyunchen Mandrill does have a secret to hide. In the past few days, he has been feeling cold while soaking in ice water, and has become weak and weak.

, I can sense a very dark energy attached to him."

"The most gloomy and dark?" Feng Shuiqing suddenly realized, "So he is really a devil!?"

Xiao Tiantian was speechless and thoughtful, her chubby pink face was full of seriousness.

"Tell me about your dream! Maybe I can get some clues."


Feng Shuiqing explained the content of the dream in detail and brought up many incredible things.

"Both my past and present lives, my mother passed away when I was five years old. But in the dream, I had just passed my sixth birthday, and my mother was still alive. Secondly, my father was the chief minister of Dayao in both lives, and in the dream he was just

He is the Chief Envoy. The most important thing is! The name of the Xiunchen Mandrill in the dream is without ghosts, it is his real name, Xuanchenxiao!"

After saying this, Xiao Tiantian took a breath of cold air, her round eyes filled with surprise and astonishment.

"Host, make a bold guess! Could it be that...he has lived for three lifetimes?!"

"It's possible."

Feng Shui is clear. The more you think about it, the more confused it becomes. The more confused you become, the more you think about it.

If I was not sure at the beginning, now that I have gone through it from beginning to end, it is really possible!

Otherwise, there wouldn’t be that painting, let alone that dream…

What is going on with all this?

Golden Dragon Hall.

The atmosphere in the hall was like an arrow on a string, about to explode.

The emperor was sitting on the dragon chair, looking down at the people kneeling before his highness.

His face was ashen and his eyes were burning.

"Okay! I, the Great Yao, can't find anyone who dares to challenge me! Is there no general except Feng Shui Jun?!"

The emperor's roar of anger filled the already empty and spacious hall with echoes.

The people who were kneeling and crouching were trembling with fear from the angry sound, and even more frightened.

Yuan Chenyu was so anxious that he had to volunteer again: "Father, I am willing to share your worries! Please give me a chance to make contributions!"

"I have already told you, no!"

The emperor slapped the table and emphasized with such force that the candlestick standing beside the table shook to the ground.

Eunuch Wei, who was holding the fly whisk at the side, hurriedly bent forward to pick it up.

"Chen Yu, your princess is pregnant, how can I have the heart to send you to fight? If you have all your strengths and weaknesses, where can I put my face?"

Hearing this, Hyun Chenyu squeezed the folding fan in his hand tighter.

He didn't know that his beloved wife had just given birth, and he didn't want to risk his life.

But Feng Shui Jun is no longer in the court, and Fuyuan General Su Kuo is old and unable to fight.

If he doesn't go, who can?

"My son, please see your father."

The atmosphere was frozen to freezing point, and the cold voice of Hyun Chen Mandrill made everyone in the hall feel even more chilled to the core.

His body swayed slightly and his steps were frivolous, but he could only hold back so that no one would notice his flaw.

"Ninth brother, you came just in time!"

Xuanchen Anben lowered his head on the ground and did not dare to say a word. When he saw Xuancheng kneeling beside him, he came up with a plan: "Why is the ninth brother here? It's just a small matter of family and country. How can it hinder you and Qinghui County?"

Is the Lord as glue as paint?"

Hyunchen Mandrill didn't bother to argue, and solemnly muttered: "Shut your stupid mouth."

"You!" Hyun Chenan was furious.

"Okay!" Emperor Xun Rui was already furious, but when he saw that his two sons were still thinking about bickering.

Especially my youngest son, who I am most resistant to, is still so stubborn, arrogant and unruly!

It made him even more angry.

"Xuanchen Mandrill, I'm calling you here today..."

"My son, go and challenge!"
This chapter has been completed!
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