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Chapter 40 Night Attack on the Commander's Camp

When Xuancheng woke up again, he was already in the camp.

The soothing incense in the room made his head feel numb and his limbs felt even weaker.

The fire in my heart is instantly ignited!

"Come here! Take the incense burner away!"

A small soldier opened the curtain and entered the room, then slowly walked out holding the incense burner.

Before leaving, he did not forget to sneer: "Paper tiger, hum!"

Huan Chenmandrill moved very quickly, standing up and drawing the sword like flowing clouds and flowing water, all in one breath.

When the cold and hard sword blade touched his neck, the little soldier was so frightened that his hands shook and he dropped the incense burner.

Trembling Weiwei did not even dare to speak loudly: "Ninth Prince... Your Highness, Ninth Prince, please spare your life..."

"Did the dog eat your courage just now?!"

Seeing Yuan Chen's eyes as sharp as cold swords, the little soldier immediately shut his mouth.

I was afraid that if I said one more word wrong, I would be killed.

The tent was made of only one layer of thick cloth, so the movement inside could be clearly heard outside the tent.

The burly man in silver armor held up the curtain and entered. His anger was hidden and his voice was low: "Your Highness, the Ninth Prince, this is not a palace, so you have no control over your temper! As a commander, you cannot act arbitrarily!"

Hyunchen Mandrill sneered and used a slightly stronger hand.

Blood suddenly poured out of the little soldier's neck. He quickly covered it with both hands, groaning in pain but unable to utter a single word.

"He disrespects the commander and disrupts military morale. He will be dealt with according to military law!"

Huan Chenmandrill's tone was cold to the core, and he shook off the blood on the sword's blade.

"What? Vice General Zheng, do you have any objections to our approach?"


Hearing this, Zheng Lei's crown and canthus were cracked, and the roots of his teeth were grinding to a creaking sound.

He raised his eyes, only to see the man's snowy brows and frosty eyes.

My heart suddenly tightened, and I was too scared to say a word.

Finally, they had to drag away the body of the young soldier and leave the camp.


Only when there was no one in the tent did Xiunchen Mandrill dare to cough.

He understood that as a coach, he was also a notoriously unruly prince.

These tough soldiers who fought in blood and fought for victory in danger were naturally dissatisfied!

If you don't establish your authority now, you may not have enough energy to fight against the barbarians in the future.


"Cough cough cough..."

"Your Highness!"

Pei Kuai held the medicine bowl in his hand. As soon as he entered the camp, he saw Yuan Chen Mandrill coughing violently.

The jade-white face turned red, and the lips were not as moist as before.

As a subordinate, I feel really sorry for him!

"Your Highness, just now my subordinates boiled this medicine while watching the foremen in person! You drink it hot and get some sleep..."

Pei Gao handed the medicine bowl to the man sitting beside the bed, his brows unable to hide his concern.

"Your Highness, I know that the war in the northwest is tense, but you should take good care of yourself before leading the army. The strange illness of Princess Qinghui a few days ago... actually made you..."

"Stop being so verbose."

Huan Chen's eyebrows suddenly rose and he glared at Pei Gui, who couldn't stop thinking.

He raised his head and drank the medicine in one gulp, which made his stomach twitch with pain.

He really hates...drinking drugs.

Pei Gao had anticipated this and carefully took out the paper-wrapped rock candy from his arms.

He presented his hands to Yuan Chenxiao: "Your Highness, hehe... I stole this from the dining room just now. I know you find the medicine bitter, so please put it in your mouth to sweeten it."


Yuan Chenzhao responded in a low voice. Only Pei Guo knew this secret.

I will have to hide it better in the future. If I ask that little girl to touch it, I don’t know how to laugh at myself.

That little girl...

Miss her so much.

As soon as the bitter taste in my mouth fell into my stomach along with the rock sugar, the sound of countless footsteps slowly came from outside the tent.

Xuanchen Mandrill stood up and stood with his sword in hand.

Pei Gao quickly put on a warm robe for him and drew his sword to protect his master.


The sound of uniform soldiers' iron boots hitting the ground came from far to near.

Methodical and orderly.

Hyun Chen Mandrill started to have a fever just now, which made his spine soft and his head dizzy.

Even the scene in front of me became hazy and blurry.

But at this time, you must hold on!

A gust of cold wind blew into the account, carrying a murderous aura.


Arrows are as fast as rain and as fast as lightning!

The arrow's front shines with a bloody cold light, like the Milky Way flowing across the sky!

Instantly! Countless holes were shot out of the tent!

Hyunchen Mandrill dodged and stabbed out the candle with the edge of his sword!

"Dang, dang, dang," there were a few crisp sounds, and he raised his sword to intercept all the flying arrows in mid-air.

After a long while, people outside the account saw that the room was completely dark and completely silent.

I thought I had it.

He raised the knife and stepped slowly, then thrust it inward.

One of the leading soldiers entered the dark room for the first time, and his sight was blocked. He was about to light a torch for lighting.

I felt a cold sensation on my neck, and my head rolled to the ground...

When the others saw this, they rushed into the account together!

In an instant, the dark and narrow camp was crowded with silver-colored sharp armor!

It was not even possible to distinguish between friend and foe, only the sound of clashing weapons was left.

When the light appeared again, the soldier lay twisted on the ground.

Pei Gao was forced to kneel, his hair was in disarray and his clothes were torn, and there were two lines of blood at the corners of his mouth.

Five long knives were also placed on his neck, completely losing his fighting power.

"Your Highness!"

Pei Gao shouted unwillingly.

However, he saw Yuan Chen holding Zheng Lei's neck in his hands, and his other arm was stained with blood through his sleeve.

The tick-tock-tock flowed along the sword to the ground, gradually gathering into a small puddle.

He was a little unsteady, lost too much blood, and had a high fever.

Coupled with the continuous sleepless days these days!

Hyun Chen Mandrill seemed to have reached his limit.

But! How can you be underestimated so easily?

He still wants to defeat the barbarians! He also wants to return in triumph!

You still have to prove yourself to that person!

His little girl is still waiting for him in the imperial city...

Return safely!

"The following is a crime, and a night attack on the commander's camp is the military rule that Vice General Zheng follows?"

Hyunchen Mandrill's sarcastic voice was cold and disdainful.

Zheng Lei was panicked, but he didn't hide his composure.

"I have been following General Feng for more than ten years! You are just a paper prince who has grown up in a greenhouse! Are you so seriously ill just after you go on a campaign? How will you lead your troops to fight in the future? How will you fight against the barbarians who kill without batting an eyelid?"

Since Zheng Lei became a soldier, he has been following Feng Shui to conquer the east and west.

A few months ago, Dongchang State invaded.

Feng Shui Jun left him on standby in the imperial city.

Even though he returned to the city to mobilize troops a few days ago, he was still not taken away.

Zheng Lei had already been holding back his anger, but now he was ordered to commit himself to the sick, violent and willful Ninth Prince!

How could he be convinced?

After leaving the camp exhausted just now, he quickly summoned his men.

After much discussion, we decided to tie up and imprison Hyunchen Mandrill.

Although Zheng Lei has only become a deputy general over the years, he is arrogant and thinks that he has the ability to command an army.

Why do you still listen to the orders of this delicate prince who has never marched to fight?

How could he be willing to do so?!

In the future, the barbarians will be defeated and their military achievements will be outstanding!

The emperor might even be able to make himself a general!

From now on, the military power is in control, and there is no need to bow down to others.

Even Feng Shui Jun must be willing to be inferior to himself!

As for Hyun Chen Mandrill...

All he had to do was to let the Ninth Prince die in battle.

It is common for soldiers to lose their lives in battles. It is commonplace for everyone, and the emperor will definitely not go into it.

Kuang, those who attacked the coach’s camp today were his own confidants!

This secret will also die with Hyun Chen Mandrill.

Hyunchen Mandrill didn't bother to defend himself.

But, if you kill him...

If the veteran general dies, he may become separated from the army!

Seeing that His Highness had been misunderstood, Pei Gao shouted impatiently: "Vice General Zheng! His Highness had caught a cold a few days ago. Due to the emergency of the war, he led his troops to the expedition while he was still ill!"

"Hmph!" Zheng Lei sneered: "I still went to the battlefield to kill the enemy even though I had a high fever! Your squeamish Highness just rode a horse for a day and a night, and he fainted? It really made me laugh out loud!"

"Your Highness, it's because it has been five days..."

"Pei Gao, you talk too much."

Hyunchen Mandrill spoke indifferently.

Fainting is real, and taking medicine for fever is also real.

These rough and informal soldiers only believe what they see with their own eyes.

Explaining to them is just a waste of words!

It also makes him look even more cowardly and incompetent.

Since you want to establish your authority, it’s better to solve it in a man’s way!

"Vice General Zheng, round up all the soldiers who are dissatisfied with our palace! If our palace loses, I will let you deal with it! No objections!"
This chapter has been completed!
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