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Chapter 63 Playing hard to get

After hearing the news, Feng Shuiqing raised his arms.

"Kill" was written on his palm.

Blade Blood immediately understood it in his heart.

He stood up, punched his chest hard, and twisted his thigh. Suddenly his eyes turned red, and he opened his mouth and howled wildly: "Princess!!!"

Blade Blood's wails and cries spread throughout the Feng Mansion.

Feng Lushan, Feng Yunzhi, Chun Zao, Xia Ying, more than a dozen government doctors and apprentices, and even Ling Ao, who was wandering around the door of the residence, ran straight to the Feng Shui Qing room.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Ren Xue crying inconsolably, with snot and tears covering his entire face.

Old Fenglushan burst into tears. He sat on the edge of the bed and held Feng Shui's skinny little hand, and swallowed hard: "Qingqing... my Qingqing. If you leave... what will daddy tell your mother and your eldest brother?"

Ah! Qingqing..."

"My baby sister... Second brother will never quarrel with you again... Wuwuwuwu... Qingqing... Second brother will also stop saying things you don't like to hear... I just ask you to get better...


This was the first time that Feng Yunzhi cried loudly without caring about his image. Such a confident and strong man was now depressed and sad, looking very haggard.

Ren Xue covered his chest and walked out holding on to the door frame. He happened to meet Feng Wanrou who had also come to the house to watch the fun.

"Young Hero Blade Blood, what happened to the third sister?"

The handkerchief in her hand was clenched tightly, as if the thread was about to be pulled apart. Her eyes were red and her nasal voice was thick. Even the maid Zhu Kui beside her quietly wiped away her tears.

"Princess, she seems to be dying... she just vomited a lot of blood..."

Blade Xue murmured, his expression worried.

His body staggered outwards as he walked.

"What should I do...how should I explain to His Highness...the princess..."

Seeing Ren Xueru losing his mind, walking in despair, talking to himself. Feng Wanrou stood on tiptoes, stretched her neck, and glanced into the room full of people.

The sadness and pity on his face just now disappeared.

He turned around, took Zhu Kui with him, and left quickly.

After the people finally left, Wu Qixue walked into the room with red and swollen eyes. Looking at the feng shui on the hospital bed, she covered her mouth with a handkerchief and secretly curled up the corners of her mouth. Immediately, she sat on the edge of the bed and began to squeeze tears.


Feng Shuiqing felt someone sitting next to the bed and opened her eyes with great effort. She raised an arm tremblingly and spoke in a weak voice.

"Sister Shuiqing...wuwuwuwu..."

Broken beads rolled down from Wu Qixue's eyes. She held the skinny little hand and gently wiped the blood from the corners of Feng Shui Qing's mouth with a handkerchief.

"Don't... cry..."

"Sister Shuiqing...wuwuwu...if you leave...what will my sister do in the future..."

Wu Qixue's crying became louder. She took the kidney bean roll in Cuizhu's hand, broke off a small piece, and handed it to Feng Shuiqing's mouth: "Sister Shuiqing, I know you love this kidney bean roll the most. Please eat more.

Just take a few bites...eat more..."

Feng Shuiqing opened her mouth and took a sip, and saw Wu Qixue staring at her with eyes that almost popped out of her head.

She hurriedly coughed violently and vomited out the kidney bean roll mixed with blood.

Wu Qixue cried even more fiercely and put the things back on the plate: "Sister Shuiqing... Wuwuwu... You can take a rest for a while. My sister won't disturb you anymore... Wuwuwuwu..."

Returning to her room, Wu Qixue hurriedly washed her hands three times with water. Suddenly, a black shadow fell from the roof into the house, frightening her who had just turned around.

"See clearly? The end of Feng Shui is coming soon?"

The man in black asked urgently.

Wu Qixue slowly wiped her hands with a handkerchief, pursed her lips and secretly said, "Of course, within three days, the thorn in my side will be completely removed! Just...promise to me..."

The man snorted disdainfully: "If you do this well, I will naturally remember your benefits."

After the black shadow left, Wu Qixue loosened her tightly clenched fists and took out a jade pendant from under the pillow with the word "drill" engraved on it. She placed it on her chest and rubbed it repeatedly, looking greedy and drunk.

At the same time, in a private residence somewhere in the imperial city.

Feng Wanrou took off her black hooded cotton cloak, rubbed her cold and red hands, and placed her hands on the stove to bake them repeatedly.

Suddenly, her hand was covered by a pair of big hands and pulled into his arms with full force.

Hyun Chenan breathed hot air into her little hand and said distressedly: "It's such a cold day, don't let you freeze. Just write a letter, why bother to come out to meet in the heavy snow?"

Although his tone was soft, he was very upset inside.

He was clearly hugging the beauty and eating hot pot in the palace, but Feng Wanrou insisted on asking him out to meet her.

It's snowing heavily and the wind is as cold as a knife.

I was shivering from the cold all the way there.

If he hadn't thought that Feng Shui Qing was about to die, he wouldn't have left the palace to see her.

"When things have come to this juncture, I'm afraid something will go wrong." Feng Wanrou put her arms around the man's neck and raised a full smile, "Feng Shuiqing coughed up a lot of blood this afternoon. I took a sneak peek and saw that he was really going to die.



Hyun Chen'an smiled arrogantly and kissed Feng Wanrou's cheek: "Are you sure there is really nothing you can do to save her? It is said that the old man in Fenglu Mountain spent a lot of money and hired many famous doctors for her!"


Feng Wanrou nodded firmly: "That kid from Blade Blood always smiles heartlessly and stupidly, but in the afternoon he howled heart-breakingly! Do you think it could be fake!"


Hyun Chen'an was in a good mood, and her hands began to wander around Feng Wanrou's waist dishonestly.

"God is really helping me! I solved two thorns in my side at once. I need to let my ninth brother know about this... hahahahahaha... He can't come back!!! He can't come back!!!"

It must be that the immortal was so drunk that he crushed the white clouds into pieces.

There is no dust, the snow is flying and the cold is rising, and the night window is like day.

Feng Shui Qing is lying on the bed with no candles burning in the room.

Through the bright paper window, she stared straight at the shadows of snowflakes outside.

Jasper Qiongyao, dots of velvet flowers, and pieces of goose feathers.

She remembered that when she was a child, her mother told her that in winter, she could paper the windows with plain paper so that she could enjoy the snowy scenery inside the house without having to go out.

Feng Shuiqing raised her arm tremblingly, as if she could catch the cold blossoms in her palm.

Snow, she loves and fears it at the same time.

Love the floating purity, unrestrained, wandering freely in the vast world.

What I'm afraid of is the extreme cold that penetrated my bones when I was about to die in my previous life.

A mandrill dressed in red with its head covered with white snow.

And that childhood dream.

Unconsciously, his handsome face seemed to be before my eyes.

If one day, she really leaves this world.

Will he... be sad?


The door to the room was pushed open, making some harsh and jerky hinge sounds.

Two people walking together were wearing hooded black robes, with snow falling on their shoulders.

One of them exchanged glances with Feng Shuiqing, who was lying on the bed, then helped the other person and slowly walked to the small inner room and closed the door.

Half an hour later.

The sharp eunuch's voice broke through the silent snowy night:

"The Queen has arrived..."

Her fists suddenly clenched.


One hit to kill!
This chapter has been completed!
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