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Chapter 77 Father and Son

The good news of Huanchen Mandrill's victory over the barbarians had spread in the imperial city a few days ago. Today, the army finally returned to the court, and the people gathered in the streets early to welcome him.

"We sincerely welcome His Highness the Ninth Prince back to the city!"

"His Royal Highness the Ninth Prince is so powerful! He beat the barbarians to a pulp!"

"I heard that Tubanan'er's head was also brought back! His Highness the Ninth Prince has solved the problem of Dayao's henchman!"

The sounds of thanksgiving come and go, one wave after another.

The man inside the sedan chair couldn't help but feel moved.

For a long time, wherever he went there was fear, alienation and infamy.

Now...I am actually being thanked by so many people.

He was flattered.

Feng Shui was happily eating roasted chestnuts, his mouth was dirty, and he said with a smile:

"The Demon King is so majestic! Hehehe... I haven't eaten the roasted chestnuts from the Imperial City for a long time. They are so delicious! Do you want some?"

Xuanchen Mandrill wiped the chestnut stains from the corners of her mouth, tapped the tip of her nose, peeled another one and fed it to her mouth:

"Glutty, eat slowly, I won't compete with you."

When he stepped into the palace gate, although he was seriously injured, he still went straight to the Golden Dragon Palace with his head high and his chest high, preparing to return to the emperor.

I heard from Feng Shui Qing that my father deeply apologized for what he had done over the years.

For a moment, he couldn't face it.

Before, he wanted to gain the recognition and attention of his father.

Now, I see that old man with deep eyes again.

How should he deal with himself?

After much thought, I finally entered the Golden Dragon Palace.

Looking at the angry little girl next to him, Hyunchen Mandrill couldn't help laughing: "Why are you so angry?"

"Humph!" Feng Shuiqing put his hands on his hips and said, "I want to go back home! I don't want to come to the palace! You devil! I hate you so much!"

"I said a few days ago that you are not allowed to leave my sight again. From today on, you will live with me in Dawn Palace."


"Ninth brother!"

The familiar warm voice sounded from far to near.

Seeing the loving look of the two of them making each other laugh, Hyun Chenyu's lips became softer and warmer.

"Ninth brother is finally back! I heard about my sister Qianli Xunyou a few days ago, hahahaha! You two really have a deep relationship!"

Hearing this, Feng Shuiqing blushed and quickly glanced to the side.

"Okay, my father is waiting to see you! I'll go back to Xuyang Palace and wait for you first! I'll come back and tell you when I'm back!"

Hyun Chen raised his fist and said with soft eyes, "Okay, third brother."

"His Royal Highness the Ninth Prince has arrived..."

Feng Shuiqing and Xuancheng were kneeling together in front of the palace, where the emperor Xuanyuan was reviewing the memorial.

But this time, he quickly put down the things in his hands, stood up, and personally helped the two kneeling people up.

"Chen Mandrill, this trip has been hard."


He even changed his words.

It’s no longer just three cold words.

Hyun Chen took a deep breath to suppress the redness in his eyes.

"Thank you, Father."

He raised his hand, and Pei Gao, who was waiting at the door, presented a square wooden box to Xun Rui.

"Father, this is Tubanan'er's head. I brought it back to commemorate the tens of thousands of soldiers who died in the northwest battle of Dayao, as well as the souls of the persecuted border people."


Xun Rui waved her hand, and Pei Gao left the hall holding the box.

The old man's eyes were kind, not sharp, and he just stared blankly at Hyun Chen Mandrill, who was a little unsteady on his feet.

After a long silence, he finally summoned up the courage to speak: "The Queen's matter... thanks to Shui Qing, you must also know about it, right?"

Hyunchen Mandrill nodded silently.

"In these years, every time I see you, I think of Jingshu. I shouldn't treat you so coldly...Chen Mandrill..."

"My son understands that my father does not need to explain."

Hyunchen Mandrill gritted his teeth and clenched his fists.



You want to kill me, but you are just cold-blooded?

Seemingly having a telepathic connection, Feng Shuiqing felt that there was a strong aura of violence surrounding the Demon King, and was about to speak a few words to soften his words.

A proud voice came from outside the hall.

"Ninth brother is really good at acting! He colluded with the barbarians! He made money wantonly! And he was so brazen about taking credit?!"

Hyun Chenan came with his hands behind his back, his confident look gave Feng Shui Qingdun a bad feeling.

Behind him followed the little eunuch, holding a thick stack of letters in his arms.

"My sons, please see your father."

Hyun Chen'an bowed and handed the letter into Hyun Rui's hand.

"Father, please take a look. For many years, the ninth brother and the barbarian tribe have been working together for women and secretly colluding! I have been collecting their correspondence. This time, the ninth brother took the initiative to ask for help because he was afraid that the matter would be exposed, so he went to eradicate it!


Xun Rui's expression was calm as she took the letter and read it carefully.

The contents of the letter all describe Yuan Chendrill's ambition, insidiousness and deceit.

"Fifth Brother, you are really well-intentioned. I fought bloody battles on the front lines, while you were thinking hard in the palace on how to eradicate me."

Hyun Chen showed no fear and his tone was cold.

Feng Shuiqing watched from the side with cold eyes, but her heart was almost burning with anxiety.

This Hyun Chenan is a dog man!

This is not the day to choose to frame someone!

It's obviously only one step away...

It can bridge the gap between father and son!


The little girl stepped forward, grabbed the emperor's sleeve and shook it:

"Your Majesty, do you remember what you said to me that night? Hyunchen Mandrill has suffered so much pain and grievances over the years. Could it be that you just relied on a few letters fabricated by female cadres to put those regrets and feelings behind you?


"That night?!"

Yuan Chen did not pay attention to the words beside him. He only heard this word that made him very dissatisfied.

Feng Shuiqing gave him a hard look!

It’s a critical moment!

What is the devil thinking?!

Is the marrow fluid or water in his brain?!

Xun Rui received the letter and fell into deep thought, her eyes slightly dazed.

"Chen An, go out and wait."


Hyun Chen'an's jaw was about to drop in shock, why...

My father has always hated Yuan Chendrill...

Didn’t you get furious when you saw the letter?!

Something's wrong...this thing...

While thinking in horror, Hyun Chenan still exited the hall obediently.

It doesn’t matter even if my father can’t figure it out for a moment! Everything in the letter is a capital crime!

Yuan Chendrill! I couldn’t take your life in the northwest and outside the imperial city! Then it doesn’t matter if you completely lose my father’s trust!

The Golden Palace is silent.

Silence is like an invisible hand, strangling the throat.

After Xun Rui sat down, she pointed to the chair beside her: "Chen Zhu, Shui Qing, you guys can sit down too."

When the two of them sat down, Xun Rui took out an exquisite box from her arms, inside which lay a Qingxi Phantom Ring.

He couldn't put it down and rubbed it back and forth a few times before handing it to Huanchen Mandrill.

"Your mother brought this from her natal family. She loved it most when she was alive and wore it every day. After Jingshu died, I kept it with me. Now that you are engaged, treat it as a wedding gift from Jingshu."

The mandrill was inserted into the palm of the hand.

The ring is glowing with bright green light, gorgeous and eye-catching.

In a trance, I felt like I was back in the forest of fireflies, with her smiling face and dancing hair.

"Thank you, Father."

Xun Rui sipped the tea and slowly stopped flipping the lid in her hand.

"When Jingshu first entered the palace, she was only twenty-two years old. At that time, I was young and frivolous and did not know how to restrain myself. This made everyone in the palace jealous of her, and she suffered a lot with me. Later, when Jingshu passed away, I lost her

I don’t even dare to take another step into the palace..."

"Then why didn't you investigate the cause of her death? Did you believe the queen's lies?!"

Hyunchen Mandrill squeezed the ring so tightly that his knuckles turned white.

Hyun Rui put down her teacup, her eyes filled with light.

"Now the world is divided into three kingdoms, Dongchang Kingdom, Mingyou Kingdom, and I, Dayao. At that time, my Dayao Kingdom was the weakest, and the queen's mother's family was the royal family of Mingyou Kingdom. I did have doubts at that time... But I did it for Dayao.


"Stop using your cowardice as an excuse!"

There was no hint of anger in Xuanchen Mandrill's voice, it was just low and chilling in the heart.

Feng Shuiqing grabbed his sleeve and shook it, but he held his little hand instead.

"Isn't she the one you love? You can't even protect the one you love! Why can't you even protect the one you love!"

In the last sentence, Hyun Chen almost roared.

Feng Shuiqing's hand was gripped tightly, feeling painful and sore.


Why do you seem to be saying this to yourself?

"Chen Mandrill..."

Facing his son's violent appearance, he understood that it was due to his indifference and neglect over the years.

For a while, I couldn't speak another word.

"Maybe I can forgive you for assassinating me over the years, but you did nothing about my mother's death. I will never forgive you."

Huanchen Mandrill said something harshly and pulled Feng Shuiqing away.

The emperor stood up hurriedly with his hands on the chair, a look of surprise on his face:

"Assassination of you?! What assassination of you?!"

This chapter has been completed!
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