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Chapter 1022 1017 [The Supreme Emperor knows the magic of immortality]

New Year.

The two east-west telegraph lines were officially opened and incorporated into the administrative system.

The first telegram and government order Hu Quan received was the promotion of his official rank.

The Ming court once again adjusted local administrative settings——

First, Jiangning was established as Nanjing, and Ming Dynasty temporarily became a three-capital system.

Namely, Luoyang in Xijing, Kaifeng in Tokyo, and Jiangning in Nanjing.

Taiping Prefecture (Dangtu, Wuhu, Fanchang) and Runzhou (Dantu, Danyang, Jintan) were integrated into Jiangning Prefecture. These places were separated from Zhejiang and all changed to Nanjing territory directly under the central government.

The reason is simply that Jiangnan is too wealthy and Zhejiang Province is too large, which is not conducive to the imperial court's control there.

Second, publish a list of super-grade houses.

For example, the prefects of Denglai Prefecture in Shandong, Suzhou Prefecture in Zhejiang, Jiujiang Prefecture in Jiangxi, and Yangzhou Prefecture in Huainan were promoted from the fourth rank to the third rank.

The appointment of these prefects must be discussed by the cabinet and then approved by the emperor. Zhibi Province participates in politics.

Third, publish a list of super-quality counties.

For example, the county magistrates of Fushun County in Sichuan (well salt), Fuliang County in Jiangxi (porcelain tea), Guiyang County in Hunan (silver mines), and Jianning County in Fujian (gold and silver) were promoted from the seventh rank to the sixth rank.

The appointment of these county magistrates must be checked by the Minister of Civil Affairs, approved by the cabinet, and ranked with the same magistrate as the state.

Fourth, publish a list of special towns.

For example, Banqiao Town, Anfeng Town, Jingdezhen, Foshan Town, Xuanhua Town, Lujiao Town... Due to developed industry or commerce, the tax revenue of a small town is often comparable to that of several or even a dozen poor counties.

Such towns are governed by town mayors.

The mayor of the town is an official of the eighth rank, and the deputy mayor is an official of the ninth rank.

The Daming Township created by Zhu Guoxiang, as well as Shangbai Village and Xiabai Village, were all merged into Daming Town. It was also considered a waterway wharf. Although the tax revenue was far less than that of Jingdezhen, it was still the land of Longxing and produced a large number of civil servants and generals. Therefore,

It is also included in the list of special towns.

The main purpose of the above four administrative adjustment plans is to strengthen the central government's control over local governments.

Zhejiang Province suffered the most serious losses. The large area around Nanjing was placed under the direct jurisdiction of the central government and tax revenue dropped sharply.

In addition, the Supervisory Office also set up a branch in Nanjing, with a censor from Zuoqiandu as the chief officer, to strengthen the supervision of officials in the southern region.

After reading the more than 800-word telegram document, Hu Quan couldn't help but sigh: "The imperial court has done a great job. Especially the establishment of Nanjing. From now on, Jiangnan will be safe. The Zhejiang Chief Executive will probably want to cry without tears. From now on,

You have to do things carefully."

As long as an official is not stupid, he can see what the court wants to do.

Zhejiang Province's territory is too large and taxes are too high. It has always been feared by the cabinet ministers. Now it is finally being severely cut.

Huainan Province is also too large. This time, the levels of two prefectures were upgraded, and the power to appoint prefects was returned to the cabinet, and the emperor's personal approval was required.

"Prefect, Minister Zheng will leave tomorrow."

"You just have to leave after a few days?"

"Hey, he is anxious to return to Beijing to receive his merit."

"Let's go deliver them tomorrow."

"Ren Day" is the seventh day of the first lunar month and is a festival that originated in the Han Dynasty.

According to legend, after the creation of the world, the six animals were born on the first six days, and humans were born on the seventh day, so this is a festival for humans.

On the seventh day of the first lunar month, no execution is allowed, not even the knife.

Even when women were doing needlework, they had to hide their scissors and not touch them until the eighth day of the lunar month before taking them out.

On this day, people are the biggest, and all monsters and monsters have to stand aside!

In the city of Denglai Province, various holiday products are sold starting from the second day of the first lunar month.

Because on the seventh day of the lunar month, it’s time to hold various celebration activities.

After coming out of the hotel, the Koreans saw many small human beings cut out of paper suddenly appearing on the street stalls.

Wang Gou couldn't help but ask: "What are those paper figures used for?"

Zheng Zhichang explained: "Two days later is the Human Day, and these paper figures are called 'Ren Sheng'. They can be worn on the head or posted on doors and windows on the seventh day of the Lunar New Year, which can drive away evil spirits throughout the year."

Wang Gou said: "Korea also has a festival, but there is no paper figurine custom. Can we buy some to wear on our heads?"

"Of course." Zheng Zhichang smiled.

When Hu Quan came to see him off with his subordinates, these guys had already bought a bunch of people.

They first took a sea boat to the estuary of Jishui, and followed the Jishui directly to Jinan Fucheng. A grand celebration was being held here, and rich people in the countryside also organized temple fairs, which were no less lively than those of the Spring and Autumn Society.

Zheng Zhichang and those Koreans were invited to climb Qianfo Mountain.

Zheng Zhichang said: "There are two climbing days in China, one is Human Day and the other is Double Ninth Festival. Although we are in a hurry to go to Luoyang, we have to delay today. The bad luck in the next year will be dispelled."

Accompanied by local officials, they took donkey and horse vehicles to Qianfo Mountain in the southern suburbs.

Even the carriages are covered with paper figures.

People celebrating can be seen everywhere along the way, and there is a market at the foot of Qianfo Mountain. As you look around, you can see that they are all densely packed with heads, and they are wearing paper heads.

All kinds of food and entertainment are everywhere in the market.

Wang Gou even saw some farmers wearing patched clothes and going out with their families to visit the temple fair. The human-shaped ornaments on their heads were made of straw tendons.

Farmers who are usually thrifty are also willing to buy snacks for their children.

The cheapest is salty popcorn.

The price of salt along the coast of Shandong is extremely cheap, and corn is also a cheap miscellaneous grain, so the favorite of poor children - salted popcorn was born.

Just spending one or two pennies is enough for a child to eat for half a day.

Or simply make it at home and save even the two cents.

In the crowded crowd, a group of naughty children were chasing and fighting, and from time to time they collided with adults who were attending the temple fair. But no one scolded them. Instead, it was the parents of the naughty children who chased and shouted, fearing that their children would be abducted.


A burst of cheers came, but it was a performance on the temple fair stage.

It was so crowded here that the officials didn't stop.

After they got off the bus, they started climbing the mountain. Along the mountain path, they could still see the eldest girl and the young daughter-in-law.

Occasionally, there are various small stalls on the gentle slopes of the hills.

Flower sellers, water sellers, wine sellers, paper sellers... Most of the stall owners are farmers nearby, trying to make some money during the festival.

Selling moonshine liquor is illegal, but Jinan officials turned a blind eye while climbing the mountain. No one would find it difficult to enjoy this kind of festival.

The officials even spent money to buy some wine when they were about to reach the top.

Many temples throughout Qianfo Mountain were reorganized into a Thousand Buddha Temple by the government. Naturally, Buddhism followed the local customs, and the monks celebrated the festival together. On their bald or short-haired heads, they wore paper mannequin ornaments - which looked like

The paper crown that comes with the birthday cake is almost the same.

The Human Day Festival also incorporates Buddhist elements.

That is, after the soul is reincarnated, it turns into a human form in the mother's womb on this day.

Zheng Zhichang panted and climbed to the top of the mountain, and said to the Korean people: "Wearing a hat on your head, if you climb high and look far, evil spirits and bad luck will dissipate, and you will have good luck in the next year."

The Korean people were very excited and walked back and forth.

It seems that by celebrating the festival with the people of the Ming Dynasty, they really become the people of the Ming Dynasty.

On the ground outside the Thousand Buddhas Temple, from time to time someone would spread a cloth as a blanket and place a lot of food and drink. People sat on the ground and played the game of guessing and throwing pots. There were also scholars reciting poems and writing poems there.

Everyone's face was filled with joy, and laughter was heard everywhere.

In this year in history, Yue Fei had died unjustly. At this time, Yue Fei's house was confiscated by Zhao Gou and turned into the Imperial College and the Imperial College.

And Shandong was officially legally assigned to the Jin Kingdom because of the "Shaoxing Peace Treaty".

The people of Shandong were in dire straits due to the Jin people, and uprisings and wars broke out repeatedly. At that time and space, the people of Jinan were having a hard time, so how could they have the energy to celebrate this Human Day?

One is the Doomsday Picture Scroll.

One is a scene of prosperity.

Wang Kan quietly said to his brother: "Fortunately, we dedicated our country to the Ming Dynasty. Just looking at the farmers celebrating the festival, we know that Goryeo will definitely not be able to win. The farmers of Goryeo do not have enough to eat, and they are all very weak. The farmers of Ming Dynasty have enough to eat, and they are in good health."

They are much stronger. If they are all recruited as soldiers, the soldiers of the two countries will be able to judge each other regardless of the quality of their armor."

Wang Gou asked: "Don't even the farmers in Korea have enough to eat?"

Wang Kun sneered: "My brother has been imprisoned by treacherous officials for a long time. How can he know what is going on outside the palace? But I was persecuted by treacherous officials and lived in exile in Lingnan (south of Mungyeong Niaoling) for nine years. Compared with the farmers of the Ming Dynasty, the farmers of Goryeo are like

It’s a beggar!”

The two brothers were walking and chatting, but they heard some scholars talking next to them.

The scholars and their families climbed the mountain, spread their clothes on the ground, and were eating, drinking, and throwing pots.

"As you may know, a new telegraph office has been established in Jinan City, and it was officially opened on New Year's Day a few days ago."

"How could you not know about such a big thing? I heard that the pagoda in the Thousand Buddhas Temple and the iron frame erected along the pagoda are some kind of telegraph antenna."

"Isn't it a copper frame?"

"I heard it's iron."

"What on earth are you talking about? What kind of government office is the Telegraph Office?"

"The Telegraph Office is responsible for sending and receiving telegrams."

"What is a telegram?"

"The magical weapon that transmits sound for thousands of miles! I heard that when the Emperor was young, he traveled overseas and met an immortal, and was awarded three volumes of the Heavenly Book. One of the volumes contains the method of transmitting sound for thousands of miles. Originally, this kind of magic requires many years of practice before it can be used. But the Supreme Emperor combined physics and magic to create a telegraph that even ordinary people can use."

"What a mess! You are still a scholar in vain."

"Really, why did I lie to you? The telegraph office is located next to the Chief Secretary's office. I have a clan brother who works as a senior official in the Chief Secretary. In a few years, he will hopefully be promoted to a ninth-grade official. When the telegraph office was established , my clan brother is also bringing his subordinates to help the telegraph office clean up the house."

"What did your clan brother find out?"

"As long as there is a telegraph, there will be no need to travel day and night by horse and boat for the next 800 or 600 miles to rush official documents. Just use the telegraph to send messages, and it can be sent from Jinan to Luoyang in a quarter of an hour. Isn't this a message sent thousands of miles away? "

"It's just spreading rumors."

"What will it take for you to believe it? I heard that the chief officers of the three provincial departments and the government offices all have a secret book passed down by the Supreme Emperor. The chief officers of the telegraph offices and telegraph stations in various places are all disciples of the Supreme Emperor. They know how to use telegraphs This kind of magic weapon, combined with the magic manuals in the hands of officials, can send messages across thousands of miles."

"Brother Boyu didn't talk nonsense, but he still didn't explain it clearly. Why should the antenna be set up on the pagoda? Because the Buddha Dharma here is vast and all evil spirits cannot be invaded. The official document from Luoyang, with the help of imperial energy and Taoism, and the power of the Buddha here Only by connecting them can we truly achieve sound transmission thousands of miles away.”


Brothers Wang Gou and Wang Kun were stunned for a moment.

Imperial Qi, Taoism, Buddha's power, three volumes of the Heavenly Book, thousands of miles of sound transmission...these are all related to each other.

Could it be that His Majesty, the Supreme Emperor of the Ming Dynasty, really knows any magic?

(End of chapter)

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