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Chapter 108 0103 [Famous Confucians in Sha County]

 In the city of Kaifeng, only those eight poems were circulated.

In this Yangzhou Academy, people also heard about Ju Ming's understanding of the classics, and the scholar Lu Rong's high evaluation of this Eighth Line scholar.

Ling Guxu showed great enthusiasm and took out the dried meat from the box: "Brother Chenggong, try it quickly. I brought this from home."

Ju Ming looked at those dried meats and thought of his college life. Every time he returned to school after the Chinese New Year, his roommates would bring snacks from his hometown.

"When did Brother Zinuo arrive?" Bai Chongyan asked as he packed his luggage.

"I went back to the academy two days ago," Ling Guxu greeted Bai Sheng, Shi Biao and the others as they ate meat and said with a smile, "The mountain chief invited a famous southern Confucian to give lectures here in March before leaving."

"A famous Confucian in the South?" Bai Chongyan was very interested, "What's your name?"

Ling Guxu said: "My name is Chen Yuan."

Bai Chongyan shook his head: "I haven't heard of it."

Ling Guxu said: "I've never heard of him being Mr. Guishan's son-in-law."

"Who is Mr. Guishan?" Bai Chongyan asked.

Ling Guxu said: "I don't know."

Zhu Ming chewed the dried meat in his mouth: "Mr. Guishan's name is Yang Shi. He is a disciple of Luo School and was taught by Er Cheng himself."

This Mr. Guishan is so famous, he is the protagonist of "Cheng Men Li Xue".

However, in today's Yangzhou, his reputation seems to be unknown. One is because the official suppressed Luo Xue, and the other is because Yang Shi was mainly active in Jiangnan.

As for Chen Yuan, a native of Shaxian County, he ranked first in the examination at the age of eighteen. At the age of twenty-six, he submitted a letter to meet Yang Shi, and not only became Yang Shi's disciple, he was also recruited as his son-in-law.

His uncle Chen Guan, a famous official of the old party, once slandered Cai Jing, Cai Bian, Zhang Dun, An Dun and other new party members. Naturally, he ended up very miserable. He was repeatedly transferred to another position twenty-three times. Every time he took office, he was still sitting on his butt.

When he was hot, he was transferred to another place to serve as an official. He spent half his life on the road to his appointment and was forced to travel through most of China.

His brother Chen Zhenghui is working together to overthrow Cai Jing.

Ling Gu Xu was surprised and said: "Success is really knowledgeable, even famous Confucian scholars in the south know about it."

"I'm from the south." Zhu Ming smiled.

Bai Chongyan asked: "Which scripture does Chen Yuan come to the academy to teach?"

Ling Guxu said: "I'm just giving lectures in March. I don't know what to say. Anyway, students from outside can go and listen. The mountain chief highly praised him. He stayed with him personally these days and allowed him to browse the books at will.

You can also borrow books from the Min family library at will."

"It seems that he must be a famous Confucian," Bai Chongyan said.

After packing and saluting, Bai Chongyan took Zhu Ming out and said he was going to help him find a temporary dormitory.

Ju Ming asked curiously: "Can outsiders also live in the dormitory of the academy?"

"Dalang is so famous that he can definitely live here," Bai Chongyan pointed to his boys, "but they can't. The academic style of Yangzhou Academy is strict, and even boys can't live in it. The students here are not allowed to have servants. I

This book boy will return to his hometown in two days."

Ju Ming lamented: "No wonder it produces the most Jinshi in the entire Lizhou Road."

The two came to the student management office. Bai Chongyan introduced to the administrator: "This is Zhu Chenggong, a scholar of the Eight Elements. Lu Tixue praised him highly and wanted to stay in the academy for a few days."

The administrator, who was also a member of the Min clan, looked at it carefully and took out a wooden sign: "Since you are a scholar of the Eighth Line, you can live in the academy."

"Thank you for taking me in," Zhu Ming said with cupped hands.

After taking the wooden sign and going out, Bai Chongyan said happily: "This is a school sign for upper-level students. Food and accommodation are free, and you can borrow books."

Zhu Ming took a closer look and saw that there was a number on the plate and the two seal characters "Shangshe" were engraved on it.

Zhu Ming looked at the huge school buildings and asked curiously: "Does Yangzhou Academy really rely entirely on donations?"

Bai Chongyan said: "If the gentry and merchants in Yangzhou want to expand their reputation, they will donate money to the academy and send their children to study. They do not rely entirely on donations. Both internal and external students have to pay tuition.

Ten guan per year, and accommodation costs more than 20 guan. If you fail the entrance examination, you have to pay extra. For example, the fat guy Zheng Hong, his family also donated money, but his knowledge is too poor, so he has to pay more when he enters school.


Well, there are also bargaining students.

In fact, there are bargaining parties in official schools at all levels, including Taixue.

The number of bargaining students in Taixue was only a few dozen at first, but now it has increased to 100, and they do not occupy the quota of regular students. As the court pays more and more attention to Taixue, those who want to be bargaining students have to give extra gifts, and most people can't pay to study.


Zhu Ming took Bai Sheng and Shi Biao to a vacant dormitory where Bai Chongyan's book boy could also stay temporarily.

There was dust on the bed and table, and I had to clean it up myself.

Bai Sheng helped make the bed and said, "It's really comfortable here, much better than in the countryside."

"This is Yangzhou after all." Zhu Ming smiled.

The tuition and accommodation fees add up to thirty-four dollars per year, which is not affordable for ordinary people. Bai Chongyan's family background can only be considered a lower-middle class here.

Poor scholars can't even step through the door!

Zhu Ming asked: "Fatty Zheng also lives in the mountain?"

Bai Chongyan said: "He often goes home and lives in the city. The academy takes the exam in March. If he fails the quarterly exam three times in a row, he will be demoted. If he is demoted to the lowest grade and still fails the exam, he will be expelled from the academy.

.Zheng Hong has never passed the exam, and after every quarterly exam, he has to pay again to enroll."

Ju Ming couldn't help but sigh: "This can be considered a talent!"

The bedding was borrowed from the school. After tidying up the bed, Bai Chongyan took Ju Ming to visit his friends.

Li Hanzhang hadn't arrived at school yet, and there were two other scholars in the dormitory.

Bai Chongyan introduced them and took Zhu Ming to find Zheng Hong.

Zheng Hong lives in a dormitory for foreign students. The so-called foreign students are either new students or downgraded repeaters. Once entering the dormitory, the impression is different. It is messy like a pig's nest, and several repeaters are eating wine there.

Fatty Zheng was actually here. He had just returned to school and was lying on the bed having a lively chat with his roommate.

Seeing Zhu Ming come in, Zheng Hong became energetic, got up and introduced: "This is my good friend Zhu Chenggong, a scholar of the Eighth Route Army, both civil and military, and highly praised by scholars. The "Journey to the West" I talked about is

It’s a story written by the successful brothers.”

A student immediately stepped forward and asked: "Brother Chenggong, has "Journey to the West" been finished? Zheng Hong talked about it, but he only talked about Tang Monk leaving the capital. When did Sun Wukong escape from Wuzhishan?"

"Yes, it's good if you come. Tell me the rest of the story quickly." Another student couldn't wait.

These guys are all wearing silk clothes, and they look like they come from wealthy families.

Those who can live in the same dormitory as Fatty Zheng are probably all poor students who are dragging down the class. When I met the Eighth Line Scholars, they didn't ask about knowledge, but they clamored to hear stories.

Zheng Hong introduced: "This is Min Ziran, also named Shizhi, the son of the Min family in Yangzhou. This is Zhu An, also named Kangtai, who is from the same family as Dalang. This is Yang Fang, also named Meiying, who is the same as my family.

Home is also a business."

Ju Ming did not dislike these dandies, and greeted them one by one, paying special attention to the Min family.

After the greetings were completed, Ju Ming said: "Journey to the West has been written and the manuscript has been brought. It is a gift from me to Brother Zheng. You can borrow it from him."

"Hahaha," Zheng Hong suddenly gained face and laughed happily, "Dalang is really happy. I have already had people build the things you want. They are all good things and they cost a lot of money. They cost me three hundred

Duo Guan."

Three weapons, more than three hundred weapons, absolutely exquisite.

Zhu Ming also became happy: "Thank you, Brother Zheng! I left in a hurry and didn't bring much money with me. I'll bring the money next time."

"It's easy to say, it's easy to say, they are all brothers," Zheng Hong did not take the money seriously, but said eagerly, "Please show me the manuscript of "Journey to the West" first."

Ju Ming ordered: "Bai Sheng, go and get it."

Bai Sheng immediately trotted out and quickly fetched "Journey to the West".

Zheng Hong got the manuscript and rummaged through it quickly, and then started talking about Tang Monk's departure from the capital. The other three people gathered together and listened in ecstasy. These guys don't like to study, and they are never short of money. They think about it all day long.

Just how to have fun.

Bai Chongyan didn't like this atmosphere, so he pulled Ju Ming outside the dormitory and whispered: "These are naughty people. They are not good at poetry and writing. They only like to have fun. Don't have close friendship with them."

"It's just a joke," Ju Ming said.

Since arriving at the academy, Shi Biao has been silent.

He, a country idiot, was completely dumbfounded. He never dreamed that such a place existed in the world.

He envied the students in the academy who could wear good clothes and play freely. He also wanted to do this, but he didn't know how to get it, and he felt more and more inferior in his heart.

After squatting at the door of the dormitory for a long time, Shi Biao suddenly said: "I am going to give birth to a son, so I will send him here to study."

Bai Sheng smiled and said: "Then you have to work hard with Brother Zhu. When you have money in your hands, where can't you go? I know that Brother Zhu wants to do big things, and I'm afraid he will be a disciple. We have done the same.

If you learn it personally, are you still worried that you will have no money in the future?"

In Bai Sheng's spiritual world, the county magistrate used to be a high-ranking official, but he could not imagine a bigger official.

Later, he learned that even the county magistrate had to be well served by the Tixue envoy, so he believed that the Tixue envoy was the real high official. He felt that with Ju Ming's ability, he would definitely be able to serve as the Tixue envoy in the future.

After hearing what Bai Sheng said, Shi Biao asked: "Can a person who is a personal follower of a scholar envoy also be an official?"

"I don't know, but I definitely won't be bullied by others." Bai Sheng said.

The two squatted at the door of the dormitory and chatted, looking forward to their future wealth. Unlike Zhang Guangdao, they had never thought about killing officials and rebelling, let alone going to Tokyo to win the bird position.

Fatty Zheng held the manuscript of the novel and told the story until Tang Monk met Sun Wukong. He suddenly laughed and said: "Haha, if you want to know what happened next time, let's listen to the explanation next time. It's getting late, let's go to the cafeteria to eat."

"No, Sun Wukong hasn't left Wuzhishan yet."

"That's right, finish this paragraph quickly!"

"This guy has a very bad heart, and he deliberately kept it secret!"


The roommates were scratching their heads in anxiety, but Zheng Hong locked up the manuscript. He knew what it felt like. He had been waiting for half a year, and he wanted to let his roommates have a taste of it.

Zheng Hong went out and called Ju Ming: "Dalang, let's go have dinner!"

The three roommates were filled with indignation and wanted to pry open the box in which the manuscript was locked.

These guys were full of resentment and had no way to deal with Zheng Hong, so they walked towards the school cafeteria together.

Halfway through, everyone stopped and bowed to the front: "Students pay homage to the mountain leader!"

The headmaster of Yangzhou Academy was accompanying the famous scholar Chen Yuan, walking towards the cafeteria laughing and talking.

This chapter has been completed!
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