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Chapter 109 0104 [Inexplicable conflict]

 The headmaster of Yangzhou Academy is named Min Wenwei, who is over sixty years old this year.

His elder brother Min Wenshu was a fourth-rank official at the highest level. His academics tended to be Luo studies, mixed with some Shu studies. Although he was not labeled as a Yuanyou party member, he still resigned from office and returned home to die in depression.

"Above the temple, treacherous ministers are in power; far away in the world, evil theories are spreading," Min Wenwei shook his head and sighed, "The world and the path of saints are already in danger. What can we do about it?"

Chen Yuan said: "Cai Jing has lost the hearts of the people. Given time, everyone will betray his relatives and leave."

Min Wenwei asked: "With your talent, why didn't you take the imperial examination for twenty years?"

Chen Yuan replied: "Officials are mediocre, so what's the point of being an official in the imperial examination? It's better to devote yourself to study, spread the teachings of saints, and cultivate more talented people. When the time comes, the evil atmosphere will be wiped out!"

"Alas," Min Wenwei sighed, "Both Luo School and Shu School were banned by the imperial court. Many academic officials in the world have heretical theories, so how can they educate the local area? Last summer, I debated with Lu Tixue in Lizhou. This person He is full of nonsense and still insists that he is the right way."

Chen Yuan said with a smile: "I have met Lu Tixue before. He is a serious person. He and Cai Jing are not in the same group."

Min Wenwei said: "This man is deceiving the public with his monstrous words. He is definitely not a serious Confucian scholar!"

Chen Yuan didn't answer this sentence. He communicated with Min Wenwei for several days and found that the mountain leader was a dead-headed person who had already gone to the extreme in his studies.

The two chatted all the way and went to the cafeteria to eat. From time to time, students came over to greet them.

"The student has seen the mountain leader!"

At the entrance of the cafeteria, Bai Chongyan came forward to greet him.

Min Wenwei smiled and nodded, then glanced at Zheng Hong and others, with disgust appearing on his face again.

He was more optimistic about Bai Chongyan and did not want Bai Chongyan to hang out with Zheng Hong, fearing that top students would be led astray by poor students.

Min Wenwei did not save face for the students at all, and scolded sternly: "You guys usually don't like students to learn, but how can you live up to your parents? If you fail to pass the quarterly exam again this year, you will all get thrown off the mountain!"


Zheng Hong quickly lowered his head to accept the instruction and was used to it.

The other three poor students also stood obediently and listened to the instruction.

This situation reminded Ju Ming of his high school dean.

Min Wenwei also warned Bai Chongyan: "You have made great progress in your knowledge in the past six months, so you should work harder and not associate with those stubborn people!"

"Students please follow the teachings of the mountain leader." Bai Chongyan replied respectfully.

Zheng Hong buried his head in his chest and muttered silently, most likely greeting the principal's relatives and friends.

Min Wenwei turned to Chen Yuan and said: "The students in the academy are all good and bad, and they are not as good as the gathering of talents in Jiangnan, which makes Mr. Motang laugh."

Chen Yuan complimented: "I have heard for a long time that the academic style of Yangzhou Academy is serious. When I saw it today, it is indeed the case. No wonder there are so many Jinshi."

Min Wenwei was quite proud of this and said: "If a jade is not polished, it will not become a useful tool. Students must be well disciplined."

"It should be like this." Chen Yuan held his hand.

Zhu Ming is currently living in the academy, so he should pay a courtesy visit to the principal. After the principal finished training the students, he stepped forward and said hello: "Junior Zhu Ming has met the mountain chief."

There were less than three hundred students in the academy, and Min Wenwei basically had some impressions.

When he saw Zhu Ming, he couldn't help but ask: "Are you a new student?"

Bai Chongyan quickly introduced: "Chief of the mountain, this is Zhu Chenggong, the Eighth Route Army Scholar."


Last summer, when the academic envoy Lu Rong returned to Yangzhou, Min Wenwei invited him to give lectures at the academy.

While talking, Min Wenwei walked away and had another debate in private. He was so angry that he almost started a fight with Lu Tixue. He highly praised Luo Xue, but Lu Tixue always belittled Luo Xue and did not show any conflict during the exchange of knowledge.

That's weird.

Because Lu Rong was full of praise for Ju Ming, Min Wenwei had a bad impression of Ju Ming.

This is all retribution. Zhu Ming deliberately catered to Lu Tixue, but today he will definitely be rejected by Min Wenwei.

It’s impossible to please both sides!

Being able to please a student advisor is definitely more useful than trying to please a principal.

Min Wenwei asked: "Are you the Zhu Chenggong mentioned by Lu Xueguan?"

"This junior is Ju Ming." Ju Ming cupped his hands and said.

Min Wenwei asked again: "I heard that you and Lu Tixue sangxia discussed Taoism, and their thoughts were consistent. Do you agree with his way of studying and cultivating himself?"

what's going on?

The tone sounded unkind, and it was obviously questioning.

Ju Ming answered ambiguously: "I am young and don't know how to study and cultivate myself."

This answer made Min Wenwei eliminate some of his disgust, and he immediately warned: "I have also heard about the eight poems you wrote and your understanding of the meaning of the scriptures. You are talented and intelligent, and you are familiar with the meaning of the scriptures at a young age.

Don't be complacent because of this, you still need to learn more about the right way, and don't be fooled by the evil words."

The first time we met, he was taught a lesson and was involved in some evil ways.

Zhu Ming was very unhappy, but he still said sincerely: "Junior, please keep this in mind."

Min Wenwei probably served as the mountain chief for a long time and lived in this small and closed place in Yangzhou. Both the gentry and students respected him. Therefore, this guy was a little carried away and wanted to educate everyone he met: "Lu Tixue's life

This theory has become an evil way. A gentleman should cultivate his moral character and abandon evil and pursue good. If there are evil thoughts in his heart, he should always reflect on himself. If there is evil in his heart, he will not be pure even if he does good deeds. Sooner or later he will be invaded by those evil thoughts. Here

You should know something, and don’t be deceived by others!”

This does not save Lu Tixue any face, and is suspected of speaking ill of others behind their backs.

Of course, Min Wenwei said this out of good intentions. He felt that Ju Ming was a promising talent and was afraid that Ju Ming would be misled by Lu Tixue.

Zhu Ming bowed again: "Junior, please remember this."

However, Min Wenwei was still good at being a teacher, and he said endlessly: "When you come to the academy to study, you should be modest and prudent. No matter how good the poems are written, no matter how wonderful the interpretation of the scriptures, you must not be arrogant."

Talented people have emerged and each has been leading the way for hundreds of years. This is the spirit that a young man should have. But "Li and Du's poems have been passed down by thousands of mouths, and they are no longer new", but it is too conceited. We must guard against arrogance and impetuosity.

Otherwise, you will make the same mistake that hurt Zhongyong. Can you remember that?"

What is this mess?

Ju Ming could hardly bear it anymore.

Zheng Hong and his three roommates all lowered their heads and suppressed laughter at this moment.

They are scolded every now and then, and when they see others being scolded, they can't help but take pleasure in others' misfortunes.

Min Wenwei actually didn't have any bad intentions. He mistakenly thought that Ju Ming was here to study, and he was just giving him a lecture. He also deliberately misinterpreted the poem and found fault with it. On the one hand, he could suppress Ju Ming's spirit, and on the other hand, he was showing off himself.

of majesty.

His educational philosophy is that teachers should have supreme authority and students should not be complacent.

Seeing that Zhu Ming stopped talking, Min Wenwei shouted sharply: "But you are dissatisfied in your heart and feel that I am speaking too harshly? Or do you still agree with Lu Tixue's remarks? If you don't obey the discipline, you will immediately roll down the mountain. Yangzhou Academy will not take into account its evil intentions.


Chen Yuan couldn't help but frown. He didn't like this kind of education. Students should be patiently guided. How could they scold them as soon as they started?

Moreover, if I don’t listen to you, I am a treacherous person? What a powerful person!

Chen Yuan was completely disappointed with the officialdom because of what happened to his father and uncle. He was determined to spread Luo Xue. He traveled north from Nanjianzhou, made a circle in the north, and then went to Sichuan via Hanzhong. He gave lectures along the way.

You can earn travel expenses and spread your ideas.

Invited by Yangzhou Academy, he planned to give lectures in March.

However, after communicating with Min Wenwei for many days, I found that this person is a dull person and cannot have in-depth communication at all.

Moreover, some people are self-righteous and always live in their own world.

Ju Ming felt the same way and decided to go down the mountain tomorrow.

If Ju Ming wanted anything from Min Wenwei, he would definitely find ways to resolve it and make the bad old man happy. But he had nothing to ask for, so why should he stay and be angry?

Hearing that Ju Ming had been being scolded, Tian Biao was already furious even though he didn't understand the meaning of humiliating a subject to death. However, he was clumsy in his mouth and didn't know how to help scold him back, so he just glared at him fiercely.

Bai Sheng, however, was sharp-tongued. He pointed at Min Wenwei and yelled: "You are an old scholar who knows nothing about things. What kind of person am I, Brother Zhu? If I come to your academy, I think highly of you! Even Lu Tixue said that my elder brother is..."

Talented man, are you as big as Lu Tixueguan? My eldest brother can still lead troops to suppress thieves. You can kill ten of them with one hand! You don’t even need eldest brother Zhu to do anything, but you come to compete with me. Who will do it today?

Whoever loses is the grandson!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was speechless and a little... wanted to laugh.

When a scholar meets a soldier, he cannot explain why he is right. It is impossible for a dignified commander to quarrel with a rogue.

Min Wenwei was a little confused by the scolding. He had never experienced such an insult. Moreover, he didn't realize that he was at fault. This is how he should discipline his students. Then he shouted angrily: "Get out!"

Zhu Ming was still calm and polite, and he bent down and bowed: "Although I know the words a little, my understanding of the meaning of the classics is still shallow. I have been reading the Analects these days and I don't know the meaning of two sentences. I encountered them today.

Chief of the mountain, I want to ask for advice in person."

Min Wenwei suppressed his anger: "If you have any doubts, just ask."

Zhu Ming said: "May I ask the chief of the mountain, 'If you don't know something but don't feel embarrassed, you are not a gentleman', and 'If you don't worry about others, you don't know yourself, but when you don't know others, you don't know others.' What do you mean by these two sentences?"

"These two sentences come from "The Analects of Confucius·Xue Er", that is..." Min Wenwei originally planned to explain the meaning of the scriptures, but suddenly realized and sneered, "Are you using Confucius' words to teach me? Say that I don't understand you.

, yet you scolded me as soon as we met? Saying that I don’t know how to recognize others, and at the same time, I don’t know how to know myself? You still compare yourself to a gentleman, and insinuate that I am a villain!”

"I don't dare. I just want to ask for advice." Zhu Ming bowed his hands and acted very politely.

Chen Yuan stood by and smiled silently. He thought Ju Ming was very interesting. He could quote scriptures at a young age and taught Min Wenwei a lesson.

Judging from his words and deeds just now, the sixty-year-old Academy Headmaster has been outshone by this teenage boy.

Not to mention the depth of knowledge, the main issue is the cultivation of temperament. Min Wenwei is aloof and happy and angry, but Zhu Ming behaves humbly and politely.

Zhu Ming continued to pursue and fight: "I would like to ask the mountain leader again, 'Don't express your anger, don't make mistakes', how should you interpret this sentence? I learned the Analects of Confucius when I was six years old, and now I am sixteen and I can't understand it. My qualifications are really dull, please give me some advice.

The mountain chief explained the confusion. I don’t know what the quarrel between the mountain chief and Lu Ti Xue is, but Lu Ti Xue is Lu Ti Xue, and the junior is the junior. It seems that it is not the behavior of a gentleman to vent his anger on others."

"good very good!"

Min Wenwei was so angry that he laughed. For most of his life, he was taught repeated lessons from The Analects of Confucius.

Ju Ming was calling him a villain, and he didn't even use any curse words!

Zhu Ming then raised his hand to Bai Chongyan and said: "Brother Juncai, I heard that Yangzhou Academy is a place of cultural excellence, so I wanted to come here to experience it. Now I have experienced that Yangzhou Academy is nothing but mediocre. The head of the Academy,

He is even more of a narrow-minded person. Farewell!"


Min Wenwei said angrily: "Come if you want, leave if you want. What do you think this is?"

Ju Ming turned around and asked, "What else can the mountain chief teach me?"

Min Wenwei was asked by this sentence, yes, what else can he teach me?

Do you think that at your age, you have to go out and argue with young people in person? If you lose, you will lose face; if you win, there will be no benefit.

Ju Ming repeated: "May I ask if there is anything else you can teach me, Master Shan?"

Chen Yuan stood up and changed the subject: "I will be giving a lecture in the academy in two days. Children, would you like to listen?"

"I am a country folk. I am afraid that if I stay here for too long, I will stain the dignity of the academy." Zhu Ming said in a strange tone.

Min Wenwei didn't say anything anymore. He now relied on his status and didn't want to argue with a junior.

Chen Yuan smiled and said: "Haha, being knowledgeable means being noble. You can stay here and listen to a few words."

This chapter has been completed!
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