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Chapter 115 0110 [I am the foundation of the world]

 Min Wenwei gave "Journey to the West" to Yang Zhizhou, but Yang Zhizhou did not dare to submit it carelessly. After getting the novel, he read it twice.

Then, start adding comments!

Yang Zhizhou's knowledge is obviously more advanced than Min Wenwei's.

He annotated next to the appearance poem of Patriarch Bodhi: The Golden Immortal of Great Enlightenment is the Tao. The wonderful image of the West is also the Buddha. Sansan, that is, the Three Tongs, the Three Rangs, the Three Yus, and the Confucianism. The Patriarch Bodhi understands the secrets of the three religions.

The most powerful person in the world.

Thanks to the Golden Finger, Ju Ming was able to write all the poems in "Journey to the West".

The poems that are ignored by ordinary readers are the key to reading this book.

A poem describing the appearance of Patriarch Bodhi directly points out his identity. This ancestor knows all three religions, has full energy and spirit, and lives as long as heaven. He is Sun Wukong's real supporter!

Therefore, the Jade Emperor did not want to care about this matter and threw the hot potato to Tathagata Buddha.

The word "mind ape" appears dozens of times in the book. Yang Zhizhou commented: The person with the mind ape is Sun Wukong. The person with the mind ape is the white dragon horse. This comes from "Zhou Yi Shen Tong Qi", which is the foundation of Taoism.

There are many things that Yang Zhizhou cannot understand, such as Jin Gong, Mu Mu, and Dao Gui.

These are Taoist practice terms——

Jin Gong is the leader of the Outer Alchemy Sect, the Yuan Shen of the Inner Alchemy Sect, and Sun Wukong;

Mu Mu is the mercury of the outer alchemy sect, the vitality of the inner alchemy sect, and Zhu Bajie;

Dao Gui is the medicine tool used by the Outer Alchemy Sect to mix lead and mercury, it is the body fluid and Qi of the Inner Alchemy Sect, and it is the Sha Monk.

Tang Monk's journey to retrieve scriptures was, to put it bluntly, a practice, and the scriptures he retrieved were Taoist golden elixirs.

These are not just conjectures, the author writes them clearly in the book, and Taoist priests who know the inner and outer alchemy methods will know it at a glance (although Quanzhen Taoism has not yet been founded, the inner alchemy method has been around since the Tang Dynasty).

Sun Wukong is the primordial spirit and mind ape of the ascetics, so he is the most critical character. A large amount of space is also dedicated to writing that Sun Wukong, the mind ape, leads to the six thieves, which are the six impure roots in Buddhism. Only by reciting the tightening mantra can he

Pin down the six thieves.

Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty summoned Taoist priests from all over the country to compile the Taoist scriptures. As long as this "Journey to the West" is sent over, the Taoist priests will definitely be able to read it.

Although Yang Zhizhou only half understood the novel, he made some comments and sent someone to send the novel to Kaifeng. At the same time, he also asked his subordinates to make a copy to avoid accidental loss of the novel manuscript midway.

"What, you dedicated the manuscript to the court?" Ju Ming thought he heard wrongly.

Min Wenwei was so thick-skinned that he naturally said: "This book is exquisite and should be presented to officials. It will definitely be appreciated by the emperor."

The subtext is that if Yang Zhizhou and Min Wenwei have merit in writing books, and Zhu Ming and his son have merit in writing books, they will definitely be rewarded by the emperor.

Being so self-righteous, Zhu Ming felt a little angry, and at the same time he couldn't laugh or cry.

Just offer him. If he is really recruited to Tokyo, he can run away at any time or refuse to be recruited. As for Min Wenwei, it would be best if he could live in Bianliang for a long time and die directly in the Jingkang disaster.

Or maybe he rebelled in advance, and Min Wenwei was killed by Song Huizong for presenting a book of rebellion!

No longer paying attention to this guy, Zhu Ming took a book of "Book of Rites" and went to find Chen Yuan who was writing an article.

Chen Yuan's opening article got stuck and he has been writing it repeatedly for half a month.

The difficulty is that "Tao Yong Lun" cannot clarify social relations. As a governing thought, Confucianism must clarify the relationship between individuals and the country if it wants to establish a sect.

"Little sir, please come in quickly," Chen Yuan's personal entourage welcomed Zhu Ming in and said worriedly, "My husband is not thinking about food and tea. He has been writing articles. After he finished writing, he tore it up. If he continues like this, he may develop hysteria. Mr.

It’s better to go and give advice.”

Ju Ming smiled and stepped into the house, only to see broken manuscripts all over the floor.

Chen Yuan was sitting behind the desk, his hair and beard were messy, and his eyes were bloodshot.

Hearing Ju Ming's footsteps, Chen Yuan said: "The knowledge between you and me can only be pushed out by the noble people. How can we use the words of sages to unite the country, the country, and the world? If we can't unite, we will end up in a small way, and it will be difficult to reach the hall of elegance."


Zhu Ming flipped through the "Book of Rites" and spread out an article from "The Great Learning" in front of Chen Yuan: "The Tao is in it."

Chen Yuan's head was dizzy now, and his mouth was dry and he said: "If you are thoughtful about success, just say it."

Ju Ming picked up his writing brush and wrote on the paper: "The body is the same thing as the world and the country, and the only thing has its origin and end. It is the old body, the foundation of all things in the world. Knowing that the body is the foundation is the way to be close to the people with clear virtues.

.My body is square, and the countries in the world are square. If the countries in the world are not square, my body is not square. If the bodies of all people are square, then the countries in the world will be square."

A few hundred words, like a bolt of lightning striking in the dark night.

Chen Yuan stood up slowly, stared at the piece of paper, and said in a trembling voice: "Is this also what your father said?"

"Of course." Zhu Ming smiled.

The general meaning of that passage is: I and my family, country, and world are one and the same. I am the foundation of my family, country, and world. A gentleman should have the spirit of being a master. He must not only cultivate himself and seek the Tao, but also let the common people understand this truth. I am the ruler.

, draw the square of the family, the country, and the world. If there are problems with the family, the country, and the world, it means that my drawing is crooked, and I must continue to work hard to correct it. Thousands of people are the rulers that outline the country. Let us work together to build a good country!

The most critical part of the new thinking is completed by using "The Great Learning".

Chen Yuan looked at it for a long time, then sat down again and said with a wry smile: "I'm afraid the officials will be furious if they see it!"

"Are there many things that make officials angry?" Zhu Ming said.

This theory was difficult for the emperor to accept.

Because "I" is the foundation, and the country and the emperor are the end.

If the country is not square and there are thousands of "I"s, then there must be something wrong with the emperor, because the emperor is also one of the "Is". At this time, there are thousands of "Is",

In order to rectify the family, the country, and the world, we should solve the "I" problem of the emperor.

According to traditional Confucian thought, the emperor should be remonstrated and reformed.

But in Ju Ming's theory, thousands of "Is" are the foundation of the country. The emperor can no longer be regarded as the foundation of the country. It is not a bad idea to overturn it directly. This is in line with the words of the sage: the people are the most important, the country is second, and the king is the most important.


At the same time, this also provides a theoretical basis for rebellion!

Seeing that Chen Yuan was still hesitating, Zhu Ming asked: "Is this against the teachings of the sages?"

"No." Chen Yuan shook his head.

Ju Ming asked again: "Is this against the way of a gentleman?"

"No." Chen Yuan still shook his head.

Ju Ming asked again: "Are you in conflict with Luo Xue?"

"No." Chen Yuan continued to shake his head.

Ju Ming asked: "Then why are you hesitating?"

Neo-Confucianism developed into the Ming and Qing Dynasties and became a tool for the emperor's centralized rule.

But there is some black humor. Luo Xue, the predecessor of Neo-Confucianism, did not agree with monarchy...

Cheng Yi wrote "Yi Zhuan of the Cheng Family" and said in his annotation of "Lu Gua" that the emperor is the most respected person in the world and has sufficient conditions for autocratic rule. But even a wise monarch may endanger the road, not to mention that some emperors are not so


It is also said in "Shu Gua" that if a minister is loyal, he can be a help to the monarch. But there are stupid people in the world. Even if they have no bad intentions, they only know how to flatter the monarch and call themselves loyal ministers. This is very dangerous.


Cheng Yi even said directly: "One person cannot rule alone."

He also said: "The people can be wise, but not stupid; the people can be respectful, but not intimidating; the people can be obedient, but not strong; the people can be manipulated, but not bullied."

These principles were lost in the Ming and Qing dynasties, and it was difficult for scholars in the world to read them.

Ju Ming went a step further and clearly stated that the people are the foundation of the country!

Such a theory is a bit scary, and Chen Yuan dare not accept it easily.

But it doesn’t seem scary, because Mencius has already said similar words, and Ju Ming is just elaborating on Mencius’ remarks.

Chen Yuan found it difficult to make a decision and said, "I should think about it deeply."

Ju Ming resigned.

Chen Yuan sat alone in the room, looking at the "Book of Rites" for a while and the words written by Zhu Ming for a while.

After weighing it for a long time, I started writing an article.

Out of public concern, he thought it should be like this.

Out of selfish motives, he could not refuse the temptation to establish a sect.

He is the thirteenth generation descendant of the Nanjian Chen family. When he was the eighth generation ancestor, ten of his father and his son were all Jinshi. Because of his uncle Chen Guan's (some say great uncle) officialdom experience, he did not take the imperial examination for nearly thirty years.

It has been a long time since a Jinshi came out of the house.

As Yang Shi's eldest disciple and son-in-law, although he was knowledgeable, he had no new ideas of his own and was not very prominent among his peers.

Whether for the sake of his family or for himself, he must seize the opportunity to establish a sect.

What's more, these theories all belong to the right path, are in line with the teachings of sages, and are in line with the philosophy of Luo Xue.

On the white paper, write the three words "My Theory".

It begins with "Book of Rites", followed by "Mencius", which elaborates on the idea of ​​"I am".

After finishing one article, I wrote a second article, "Tao Yong Lun".

Taking "I am this" as the starting point, citing classics such as "The Book of Changes", "The Analects of Confucius", and "The Doctrine of the Mean", we explore the nature and use of the Dao, and come to the conclusion that "the common people's daily use is the Dao".

"Wo Ben Lun" and "Tao Yong Lun", the two articles jointly build an academic framework.

Suddenly, Chen Yuan's thoughts surged wildly, and he wrote another article, "The Theory of Squares and Rectangles", which discussed how all the people in the world, as rulers, could work together to outline the square of the country.

That is to say, the people are in their respective positions. Farmers understand the path of agriculture and grow more food; craftsmen understand the path of engineering and produce better tools; businessmen understand the path of business and provide more wealth for the country and more convenience for the people...

...Father and son have their own way of being father and son, husband and wife have their own way of being husband and wife, king and minister have their own way of being king and his ministers, in any case, we must abide by these principles.

Everyone has made a ruler and drawn it in a regular manner, so that the family, the country and the world can draw a perfect square.

There were some things that Chen Yuan did not dare to write in too detail, such as what should the emperor do if he did not abide by the principles of monarch and minister?

Should such an emperor be replaced by someone who is willful, autocratic, and brings disaster to the world? Although we can't talk nonsense, everyone can think about it for themselves.

After writing three articles, Chen Yuan slumped directly on his chair.

After thinking about it, he sat up straight again and added the signatures of the two authors, Zhu Guoxiang and Zhu Ming.

"Mr. Zhu, Mr. Zhu has come to the academy!" The attendant suddenly knocked on the door.

Chen Yuan asked: "Which Mr. Zhu?"

The attendant replied: "That is Mr. Xiao Zhu's father, Mr. Zhu Guoxiang and Mr. Zhu Yuanzhang!"

Chen Yuan quickly stood up, straightening his clothes, and urged: "Come and comb my bun for me. How can I meet a great scholar in this world with my sloppy beard and hair?"

This chapter has been completed!
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