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Chapter 129 0124 [You need to practice golden elixir, and you also need to learn physics]

 Xue Daoguang came all the way, but he didn't get any news.

Come here and stay for a few days.

Anyway, I don’t know where to go, so I just need to calm down and compile Taoist scriptures, and write down all my experiences over the years in words.

Seeing that the Zhu family and his son were leaving by boat, Xue Daoguang ignored them and wandered under the big cart to look at the strange things.

Zhu Ming went to the riverside to receive immigrants. Fatty Zheng handed over a sachet: "Take it."

"Are you giving it to me?" Zhu Ming felt very awkward.

Zheng Hong was speechless: "My sister gave it to you."

Zhu Ming hesitated but accepted it, otherwise Fatty Zheng would be very embarrassed.

More than forty poor people from Yangzhou were sitting or standing by the river, feeling uneasy.

Seeing that they all brought some belongings, including basins and buckets, Zhu Guoxiang immediately said: "Queue up and give out food, one person per bucket!"

The Zheng family's ships brought in a lot of grain, which was deducted from the tea money in their accounts.

Now there is no need to move it into the mountains. Each person is given a bucket first, and the rest is piled in the farmers' homes along the river.

These poor people came from afar and only received a few buckets of food. They were all reassured, knowing that they were not deceived, and began to obey Zhu Guoxiang's arrangements.

Zhu Guoxiang led them downstream and came to the abandoned tea mountain where they met the cornucopia. After walking deeper into the tea mountain, they found those abandoned houses. The father and son also picked up a clay pot.

Zhu Guoxiang ordered: "First clear out these more than ten small courtyards, and you can spend the night in the courtyard. Tomorrow, we will send you tools. All the earthen walls will be knocked down and rebuilt. The functional beams will be put away, and the rotten ones will be removed."

Chopping the firewood and burning it. Within two months, you will build your own house, and then go clean up the waste tea mountain."

A poor man said: "My lord, I was a paper framer in Yangzhou. I don't know how to farm or take care of tea gardens."

"You can learn if you don't understand. I will send someone to teach you," Zhu Guoxiang said. "Don't worry about food, I will definitely not let you go hungry. After the tea mountain is cleaned up, you will also learn how to prune and take care of the tea trees. If you have free time, you can go to Jiangxi

The wasteland you create will belong to you, and you will be exempted from taxes for three years. If you don't know how to farm, I will send someone to teach you."

Although there are only a few of these dozens of people who know how to cultivate land, they all became excited and dreamy when they heard that they could have their own land by opening up wasteland.

As a family unit, they each choose an abandoned house.

First, a variety of tools were used to clear the weeds in the farmyard, and even children were helping to pick up debris. Then, mud and stones were used to build temporary stoves in the yard, and every household began to cook.

This was their new home, and they were very active in working. The only two axes they had were borrowed for chopping firewood.

Zheng Hong was watching from the side and suddenly remembered something: "These people have been registered in the county government, and they are all clients under the name of Mr. Zhu. The county government asked you to find time to go there and get the household registration certificate."

Change the number of customers.”

Ju Ming felt something was wrong: "Did you take them to the county government?"

Zheng Hong said: "When I boarded the ship in Yangzhou, I met the new chief registrar of Xixiang County. His name is Zhang Su. He is young, maybe less than thirty years old. He looks like he is capable of taking charge. You should be careful in the future.


"Most of the chief clerks who are under thirty years old are from Jinshi background, so they have to be carefully served." Zhu Ming nodded.

Zheng Hong added: "When I took these people to make the register, I listened for a while. The grandfather of the master Zhang was named Zhang Tangying, and his great uncle was named Zhang Shangying. They seemed to have some background."

"Not only does it have a background, it also has a huge background." Zhu Ming muttered.

Zhang Shangying is the leader of the Shu Party, the right prime minister, and the last obstacle to Cai Jing's dictatorship.

Only by defeating Zhang Shangying can Cai Jing truly take control of the court.

Since Zhang Shangying's grandnephew was thrown to Xixiang County, it means that Cai Jing has succeeded, and the emperor and his ministers can commit suicide to their heart's content from now on.

Zhu Guoxiang called Tian San over: "You are responsible for managing these newcomers. Tomorrow, we will send them hoes, poles, axes, baskets and other tools. Don't let them build houses in pieces. We must first discuss who will build first and who will build second."

, so that the speed can be fast. You can also bring the masons and carpenters when needed."

"I know." Tian San accepted the order.

This place is quite far from Daming Village, so it is considered a new base.

The subsequent resettlement will be placed between Feicha Mountain and Daming Village, and houses will be slowly built to open up wasteland.

After arranging the work, Zhu Guoxiang returned the same way.

Ju Ming talked about the new chief secretary: "We have to find time to test it out."

Zhu Guoxiang said: "Let's go together. No matter what his attitude is, we must try our best to cater to him and not let him delay the development of Daming Village."

Zhu Ming smiled and said: "There are two situations for the new chief clerk. One is to do his duty, and the other is to lie flat. We are not afraid of those who are lying flat, but we should be careful of those who want to do things. But that's it.

, His enemy is not us, but the subordinate officials in the county government. Even if the subordinate officials are dealt with, they are still suppressing the county magistrate."

Zheng Hong also followed: "I plan to stay in Daming Village for a few days."

"You can stay as long as you like," Ju Ming said.

Zhu Guoxiang asked: "Would you like to visit a tea frying workshop?"

Zheng Hong smiled awkwardly: "I kind of think about it."

Zhu Guoxiang said: "You don't have to work hard. When picking autumn tea, the Zheng family can send people to observe it."

"Xiangong Zhu is so benevolent and righteous!" Zheng Hong sighed.

Since the technology will be leaked sooner or later, it is better to earn a favor from the Zheng family. After all, a five-year futures contract has been signed.

The purchase price has been set, and the Zhu family will not suffer any loss, but the Zheng family will have to decide what to do.

Five years later, Daming Village is no longer short of money!

On the way back to the village, Ju Ming met Xue Daoguang again. The Taoist priest was wandering around the village.

Xue Daoguang did not regard himself as an outsider. He came up and asked, "My friend, is there a house on the mountain? I would like to borrow a place to live."

Ju Ming casually pointed to the distance: "There are mountains everywhere. You can find a hilltop and build a hut to practice Taoism. You can go down the mountain to buy food, salt, and vegetables, as long as the Taoist leader can afford it."

Xue Daoguang said: "It takes too much time to build a hut alone. Just borrow a thatched hut."

"Shouldn't Taoism be practiced deep in the mountains?" Zhu Ming asked.

Xue Daoguang said: "My lineage is different. In the past few years, I practiced in downtown Tokyo. How can I cultivate the true Taoist heart without spending a lot of time in the secular world?"

"It's up to you." Zhu Ming said.

The fifth ancestor of Jindannan Sect is very famous, so Ju Ming naturally knows about it.

In particular, Xue Daoguang's disciple Bai Yuchan was a contemporary of Zhu Xi.

Bai Yuchan and Zhu Xi probably never met, but they had many friends in common, and each wanted to ask the other about Taoism, Law, and Confucianism.

When Bai Yuchan heard the news of Zhu Xi's death, he wrote some poems to express his regret and admiration.

Xue Daoguang's apprentice and Bai Yuchan's master was Chen Houtong.

As for Xue Daoguang, he had been a monk before practicing Taoism.

Xue Daoguang followed his father and son up the mountain. As soon as he entered the village, he saw a group of scholars shouting.

"Quickly measure the volume of the weight!"

"Where's the ruler? Bring me the ruler!"

"Hurry up and grind the ink..."

Xue Daoguang pointed at the scholars: "What are you doing?"

"Seeking the truth." Zhu Ming said with a smile.

Chen Yuan and others have already learned about gravity, friction, etc.

They also made their own standard...

Xue Daoguang went over to watch the fun, but before he could understand, Chen Yuan suddenly jumped up and said: "We have calculated it. We have calculated the density of these two weights! They are both iron weights, but their volumes and densities are slightly different. It should be because they contain There are some impurities."

"Excuse me, sir, what is volume and what is density?" Xue Daoguang said, cupping his fists.

Chen Yuan drew a rectangle on the ground: "If a Taoist has read "Nine Chapters of Arithmetic", he will know that rectangular geometry is the multiplication of Guangcong (length and width). This geometry is the area, because it is a surface." Chen Yuan He clenched his fist again and said, "My fist is not a surface, the space it occupies is the volume."

Xue Daoguang understood it instantly because he had read "Nine Chapters of Arithmetic".

Geometry means "how much". In "Nine Chapters of Arithmetic", finding area and weight are all about geometry.

"Ji" means gathering, "Jibu" and "Jili" are both units of area.

Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, numerator, denominator, equal numbers, product, power, strand, chord...these mathematical terms are all found in "Nine Chapters on Arithmetic".

Chen Yuan added: "Density is the weight of things per unit volume. The same things have the same density. If they are different, either the measurement is inaccurate or they contain impurities."

The units were completely messed up. In the Song Dynasty, 1 inch was equal to 3.7 centimeters and 1 minute was equal to 0.37 centimeters.

When Chen Yuan and others measured length, they all used rulers, inches, and minutes. It was impossible for Zhu Guoxiang to create meters, decimeters, and centimeters.

In fact, they are all used the same way. The international units in history were originally created in France.

Zhu Guoxiang didn't bother to distinguish between the meanings of weight and mass. Anyway, he couldn't go to the moon to conduct research for the time being.

Xue Daoguang asked: "What is the purpose of measuring density?"

"I haven't thought of its use yet, but this is a method of observing objects," Chen Yuan said. "We know that density is related to buoyancy. Wood floats on water because its density is less than water. Do you know the force?"

"You know, movement generates force, and tranquility accumulates force." Xue Daoguang said.

Chen Yuan shook his head: "No. Static is the balance of force, and movement is the deflection of force. If you stand still, gravity and support force are balanced. If you walk forward, you exert forward force, which is greater than the friction of the ground.


Chen Yuan's mechanics still have many loopholes, but they are enough to fool Xue Daoguang.

Xue Daoguang was a little confused, and Chen Yuan began to draw a mechanical diagram.

This Taoist priest practiced both Confucianism and Buddhism when he was young, and started practicing Taoism as a young man. Now he has been deceived and fell into the pit of physics.

Moreover, once you get stuck in, you can't get out.

The two monsters, going back and forth, became familiar with each other and deceived each other.

In the morning, Chen Yuan followed Xue Daoguang to practice inner alchemy.

In the morning, Xue Daoguang studied Confucian classics with Chen Yuan.

In the afternoon, the two studied mathematics and physics together.

In the evening, the two of them discussed Buddhism together.

The father and son looked at the Confucian group, meditating together to practice inner elixirs in the morning, and doing physical experiments on the floor in the afternoon. They always felt that the world seemed a little ridiculous.

Ju Ming couldn't help but complain: "What can they achieve? Are they golden immortals in physics?"

"I've only seen this in my life, and it opened my eyes." Zhu Guoxiang sighed.

(Ask for monthly ticket.)

This chapter has been completed!
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