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Chapter 144 0139 [Trouble is coming]

Lin Xun, who came from Guangxi, also closed his book at this moment, crossed his legs and closed his eyes to listen to the lecture.

His grandfather, Lin Jingyuan, was a poor scholar and had only passed the Jinshi examination twelve years ago. He lived in Quanzhou when he was young and moved to Hezhou with his father. (Lin Jingmo, a young scholar in "Shao Song", was Lin Xun's third uncle.


Lin Xun agreed very much with what Chen Yuan said, and he was even more radical!

Qin Hui was also fascinated by what he heard, and gradually squeezed into the crowd until he reached the front.

The scholars all came to take the exam, and they were all the best in the country. They were all proud of their talents. "I" is in line with their aspirations. "I" is the foundation of the country, and "I" can assist the king to create a prosperous age.


The common people prefer "Tao Yong Theory" because it is in their interests.

Everyone agrees with the "square-moment theory" and feels that their own ruler is square, while the rulers of those who oppress them are curved.

"Spread out, spread out, don't get in the way!"

Here came the urban management officers in green shirt uniforms. They are affiliated with the Street Department and are called "Street Department Soldiers". They also work part-time as sanitation workers and firefighters.

These guys usually bully small vendors, but at this time, the people listening to the lecture were scholars taking the exam and Kaifeng citizens.

They yelled at the top of their lungs for a long time, but no one paid any attention to them.

In desperation, the urban management staff could only ask their father to sue their grandmother and try their best to clear a road.

However, it was no use. He saw a wealthy businessman passing by in a sedan chair. He was also attracted by Chen Yuan's lectures and asked his servants to stop the sedan chair where it was, completely blocking the road by the river.

Chen Yuan is so popular not only because of what he said, but also because no great Confucian scholar has ever lectured directly to the public on the street.

This is an unprecedented first time. Most of the citizens are watching the fun!

After trying hard for half an hour, the city management officials gave up completely.

Anyway, there are other bridges that can pass through, and the other side of the river is not blocked. Pedestrians in a hurry can go around elsewhere.

After speaking for a full two hours, Chen Yuan could not continue because more and more questions were asked. As soon as he said one sentence, more than ten people asked questions, and the voices one after another sounded like he was in a vegetable market.

"What a great scholar!" Lin Xun sighed with emotion.

Zhu Ming smiled and asked: "Brother Lin agrees with these remarks?"

Lin Xun said: "There are many mediocre people in the court. It is time for us scholars to rise up and help the country. Today, when I suddenly heard the theory of 'I am', it was as if Hong Zhong Da Lu shocked people's hearts!"

Ju Ming deliberately said: "Our Song Dynasty is full of flowers and is quite prosperous. How can we help the country?"


Lin Xun criticized: "You only saw blooming flowers, but you didn't know that the Song Dynasty was already in danger."

Ju Ming asked: "Where is the crisis lurking?"

Lin Xun said: "The first is farming, and the second is soldiers. Nowadays, farmers are poor and many have lost their jobs, and soldiers are arrogant and unable to drive. This is why hungry people flee, and they are like thieves. If agriculture is not prosperous, and soldiers are not prosperous, where does it come from?

Fengheng Yuda?"

Ju Ming smiled and asked: "How to solve it?"

"Restore the well-field system!" Lin Xun suddenly said.

Ju Ming was almost knocked out of his way and asked: "How can the well-field system be restored?"

Lin Xun elaborated: "This dynasty cannot help but annex, and it is of course impossible to suddenly restore the well-field system. But you can choose to abandon the abandoned land, or redeem it from the landlord and distribute the land to the farmers. A male can be divided into fifty acres of land.

.Large landowners with land are no longer allowed to buy and sell land. Landless peasants and idle people are allowed to cultivate the land. Taxes must also be reduced, and the official tax should be reduced to a tithe. Sixteen men should be organized into one

Wells, there are 3,400 wells in a hundred miles, which can collect 51,000 dendrobium of tax grain and 2,000 taels of tax money. With two soldiers and one horse in each well, it can get 6,800 soldiers.

One hundred men, three thousand four hundred war horses..."

The more Lin Xun talked, the more enthusiastic he became. He must have had this idea for a long time, and even calculated the data on money, food, soldiers and horses.

Ju Ming listened for a long time. This is not about restoring the well-field system. It is about restoring the military system of the Sui and Tang Dynasties!

In the early years of the Southern Song Dynasty, Lin Xun really gave advice to the court in this way.

Zhao Gou probably thought it was too outrageous, so he sent him to Guizhou to be the secretary of Jieduzhang, out of sight and out of mind.

After hearing what he said, Ju Ming asked: "How much land does your family have?"

Lin Xun said: "Not much, just over a thousand acres."

In his hometown in Quanzhou, the patriarch was very wealthy, doing business and accumulating land.

But Lin Xun and his son had already moved to Hezhou, and they really didn't have much land. His father was mainly engaged in business.

Ju Ming asked again: "If people with thousands of acres of fertile land are prohibited from buying and selling land, will these people give in easily?"

"Catch if you need to, kill if you need to!" Lin Xun gritted his teeth.

Ju Ming asked again: "Aristocratic families often collude with local officials. Will local officials listen to the imperial court?"

Lin Xun was stunned for a moment and said: "First, rectify the administration of officials and deal with corrupt officials according to law!"

Ju Ming felt very pleased. Although this person was talking nonsense, at least his thoughts were radical.

If you don't even dare to think about it, then it's called a pool of stagnant water.

Guessing that it was almost noon, Ju Ming decided to order takeout and asked the restaurant to deliver food to everyone. He said to Bai Sheng, "The price increased in the afternoon, and someone asked about the price of mushrooms again, and they said 200 yuan per pound."

"Didn't we sell 80 Wen in the morning?" Bai Sheng said confusedly.

Zhu Ming said: "There were not many people who asked about the price in the morning. The 80 Wen price was tempting to buy it back, which attracted the neighbors. People who come here to buy things mainly buy salt and cloth, and there are very few people who even buy tea.

How can we attract targeted customers without offering low prices?”

"Then someone asks why the price has increased, what should I say?" Bai Sheng asked.

Zhu Ming said: "It is said that things are rare and expensive. Haven't we already sold three kilograms? The further we go, the less we have left, so the price will go up."

Bai Sheng scratched his head: "Can you still do business like this?"

"Never mind it, if you can't sell it, just sell it to restaurants." Zhu Ming is here to express his life, and he has no intention of doing business to make money.

There are a total of about 100 kilograms of dried mushrooms. How much money can you make if you sell them all?

It was sold cheaply before, and I just wanted to sell it out as soon as possible. But I found that there were very few people asking about the price, so I just raised the price and waited.

Zhu Ming ran to order takeout for his friends. The delivery boy hadn't arrived yet, but several people from the Imperial College came.

The Imperial College and the Imperial Academy were nearby. Chen Yuan lectured for two or three hours, so it would be strange if he didn't disturb them.

Chen Xun, the secretary of the Imperial Academy, and Gao Shu, the prime minister of the Imperial Academy, took a few teachers and walked silently outside the crowd.

After listening for a while, Gao Shu said confusedly: "Which theory is this?"

Chen Xun didn't understand either: "I don't know."

Both of them were young talents promoted by Cai Jing, and they were also knowledgeable. After all, they were Jinshi scholars.

But the first, second and third grades are not Jinshi, and their knowledge is really limited.

During the Northern Song Dynasty, there was no strict distinction between A, B, and C subjects. The main thing was to divide the grades. Most of the time, there were fifth-class Jinshis, and sometimes sixth-class Jinshis appeared. The situation was so confusing that historians couldn't understand it. Even Su Shi's

There are different opinions in Jiadi.

Before the Baoyuan period of Emperor Renzong of the Song Dynasty, the Jinshi Department even used an elimination system.

If you don't pass the poetry test in the first round, you will be directly eliminated. Don't take the exam in the next few rounds.

Chen Xun and Gao Shu continued to listen, but still didn't understand.

A teacher from the Imperial Academy behind them said: "I know this person, Chen Yuan, the son of Nanjianshi. His teacher is called Yang Shi, and he studies Yichuan school. His uncle is Chen Guan."

"Heir of Luo Xue? Or Chen Guan's nephew?"

Chen Guan offended Cai Jing severely, and Luo Xue was also a thorn in Cai Jing's side. Isn't this an opportunity to please him?

Chen Xun was overjoyed when he heard this, and immediately made an angry gesture: "You are so audacious, how dare you spread Luo Xue in Tokyo, tell the governor of Kaifeng quickly, and have this person arrested and punished!"

Gao Shu asked: "Is this matter under the control of Kaifeng Mansion?"

"Even if Kaifeng Mansion doesn't take care of it, Sheng Zhang will take care of it," Chen Xun said.

"Indeed." Gao Shu agreed.

Sheng Zhang is the current governor of Kaifeng, and he will do whatever it takes to gain traction, and he will never let go of the opportunity to please Cai Jing.

After Cai Jing came to power, he ordered a ban on "Yuan You Shu", that is, a ban on Luoxue and Shuxue. Even Cheng Yi was forced to move out of Luoyang and announced in a high profile that he would no longer give lectures, telling scholars from all over the world not to come again.

Of course this thing cannot be suppressed. Apart from strict inspections of official schools, who will take care of private academies?

In the past, no one would dare to come to Tokyo to spread the "banned education", but now they don't know who to arrest Chen Yuan.

Yin Shengzhang of Kaifeng Prefecture is not sitting in the hall at the moment, but is listening to the Taoist sermon.

Wang Laozhi, a Taoist priest from Shandong, faced a group of officials and dignitaries, and he preached Taoism in a brilliant way. There were more than two hundred people listening to his lectures, including relatives of the emperor, civil servants and military generals, and even eunuchs.

over there.

An assistant minister of Kaifeng Prefecture crept in, walked up to Sheng Zhang and whispered.

Sheng Zhang's eyes lit up, he stood up, held his hands in his hands, and left with his waist bent.

This guy ordered the Qifu government officials to personally lead the men to the Cai River, shouting menacingly: "Arrest them!"

The scholars and common people were listening with great interest, but they were frightened by the officials and quickly got out of the way.

Qin Hui also ran away in a panic, fearing that he would be implicated. But he felt embarrassed, so he took a few steps back and stopped to observe how the other scholars reacted.

Chen Xun and Gao Shu exchanged a few words with Sheng Zhang, and then all pointed at Chen Yuan.

"This man is deceiving the public with his evil talk. Catch him quickly!" Sheng Zhang shouted.

Ling Gu Xu and Bai Chongyan were the closest, and they both protected Chen Yuan. Li Hanzhang, Min Zishun and others were also rushing here.

Chen Yuan asked: "I am spreading the knowledge of sages here. Is it illegal here?"

Sheng Zhang sneered: "The imperial court has banned Yuanyou's books. If you promote Luo Xue here, aren't you violating the king's law?"

Chen Yuan and Ju Ming had already discussed the plan, and now they asked: "Who said that what I preach is Luo Xue? What I preach is obviously the new Xue of King Shu (Wang Anshi)!"

Gaoshu, the Prime Minister of the Imperial Academy, stepped forward and scolded: "You still dare to quibble!"

Chen Yuan pointed at Zhu Ming: "This is my chief disciple. Let him explain to you, but I don't bother to argue with Xiao Xiao."

Ju Ming's imperial examination and classics were "Zhouyi". If you want to do well in the exam, you must read Wang Anshi's "Yiyi" and use "Cheng's Yi Zhuan" to answer the questions 100%.

Chen Yuan knew Ju Ming very well and knew that he was good at sophistry and was the best person to deal with emergencies.

"Who are you?" Gao Shu asked.

Ju Ming cupped his hands toward the north and said, "I am a scholar from the Eighth Route Army in Yangzhou, and I refuse your majesty's conquest of Zhu Ming and Zhu Chenggong!"

The scene was shocked. Especially the scholars who came to Beijing earlier and spent many days in Kaifeng had heard about Ju Ming's eight poems.

Even if they had never heard of Ju Ming, they all looked at him with respect when they learned that he had refused to conquer the country.

Chen Xun, the son of the state, looked at it carefully and said: "If a saint dares to refuse the conquest, he must be an arrogant person!"

Zhu Ming said: "I have little talent and little knowledge, and I happen to also be a classic of the Book of Changes. So I used King Shu's Book of Changes to prove that what Mr. Chen is talking about today belongs to the new learning. It can't be that you even ban the new learning, right?"

Min Zishun, who had already run over, couldn't help but look at Chen Yuan after hearing this. Isn't their sect a branch of Luo School? Why has it become a new school again?

Bai Chongyan is also full of questions. Can this school of thought continue to leap forward?

Of course it wasn't possible before. Betrayal of the master's sect was very serious.

But now it is possible, because Cai Jing has completely turned the academic circle into muddy water.

No matter which school you belong to, you have to use new learning to answer questions. You don’t need to use new learning, you can just force it, but it can’t conflict with the new learning viewpoints.

Therefore, many scholars first learned a new school, and then joined the Luo School or Shu School after becoming a Jinshi. Even the disciples of Luo School must avoid the contradiction between the theory of their own school and Wang Anshi, otherwise it will be difficult to pass the Jinshi.

It even happened that Taixue students studied Wang Anshi during the day and secretly watched Er Cheng and Su Shi at night.

Locally, schools of thought are clearly distinguished because no one cares about them. But in Tokyo, official schools and examination rooms have long been in a state of academic chaos, and Chen Yuan and Zhu Ming were fishing in troubled waters.

Chen Yuan stood with a smile, waiting for Ju Ming's performance. The time has come for the Taoist School to become famous!

This chapter has been completed!
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