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Chapter 161 0156 [I was fined even before I received my salary]

 Watching Zhu Ming use coal dust and mud, everyone in his family came to watch.

Zhu Ming mixed three piles, using different proportions for each pile, and carefully weighed and recorded each proportion.

The cook's name is Pan Qiaoniang, a widow in her thirties. She bought it from Lu Zai with six and a half years left on the contract and only spent thirty guan.

When she saw Ju Ming making briquettes using wooden molds, she couldn't help but ask: "Why are there holes in the charcoal briquettes made by my husband?"

Zhu Ming was stunned: "Are there already charcoal pellets on the market?"

Pan Qiaoniang said: "Yes, there are not only charcoal balls, but also charcoal cakes, made of charcoal chips and mud."


Zhu Ming was stunned on the spot, his heart was greatly shocked, and he asked again: "Why don't we use charcoal pellets and charcoal cakes at home?"

Pan Qiaoniang said: "Charcoal pellets and charcoal cakes are made very large, and can only be burned in the large stoves of restaurants and blacksmith shops. They are also used in brick kilns and lime kilns outside the city."

Zhu Ming understood that there was only so much coal dust. After being made into coal cakes and briquettes, they were mainly sold to craftsmen and smelting sites.

As for lumps of coal, it is naturally impossible to smash them into briquettes.

Breaking coal requires labor, and making balls also requires labor. It is better to just sell coal blocks.

Ju Ming turned to Bai Sheng and asked, "Did you pay for the charcoal ash you moved back that day?"

Bai Sheng said: "I gave you the money."

"Why didn't you say it?" Ju Ming scolded.

Bai Sheng explained: "My husband said that the thing was useless and could be picked up for free. I asked the store to give it to me for free, but he refused. I thought that the thing was not expensive, so I bought some with my own money."

Ju Ming: "..."

Forget it, there's nothing to say.

Ju Ming ordered: "Go and buy two charcoal cakes immediately. Come back with two charcoal balls! Go on horseback!"

The cornucopia has long since stopped resisting Bai Sheng, because Bai Sheng is mainly feeding it the night grass at night.

After a quick horse ride back and forth, Bai Sheng bought the things.

This thing is indeed quite big, with a diameter of nearly 20 centimeters, and is suitable for smelting furnaces and restaurant stoves.

Moreover, they are all pressed by molds, not rubbed by hand.

"Alas!" Zhu Ming sighed secretly.

In the early days, it was impossible to just pick up charcoal scraps as raw materials, and once the briquettes became popular, competitors could follow suit in minutes.

Business strategies must be changed!

First, to build a brand and establish a reputation, you can use the signboard "Tanhua Coal". (In the Song Dynasty, the word "coal" did not specifically refer to coal, charcoal can also be called coal.)

Second, it is also engaged in the coal stove business, and "Tanhua stove" is matched with "Tanhua coal".

Third, explore and improve the ratio of raw materials to make our own "Tanhua coal" burn longer than other companies' products.

Fourth, find a long-term coal supplier as soon as possible. The current coal market in Tokyo is in short supply. If there is no stable raw material supplier, you can only go to the government-run coal mine to get the goods at a high price.

In the remaining two days of the holiday, Ju Ming was doing comparative experiments, and when he ran out of raw materials for coal chips, he went to buy them.

The three days of vacation flew by in a flash.

Ju Ming rode his horse to work again and handed over the impeachment memorial.

In the Song Dynasty, there were Jinzouyuan, Yintaisi, Dengwenguyuan and Dengwenjianyuan.

Memorials and official documents from various places must first be sent to the Jinzou Yuan, which then forwards them to the Yintai Division. Officials in Beijing can directly hand them over to the Yintai Division.

A petition rejected by the Jinzouyuan and the Yintai Department can be submitted to the Dengwen Drum Institute. If the Dengwen Drum Institute also refuses to accept it, it can be submitted to the Dengwen Procuratorate. If the Denwen Procuratorate also refuses to accept it, the officials and citizens will

You have the right to "invite a driver", that is, to stop a driver on the street and complain. (The operation in this paragraph also applies to ordinary people.)

Ju Ming rode to the Yintai Department and was only allowed to submit the documents in the outer hall. No officials were allowed in.

"Tan Hua Lang?"

The person in charge of receiving the memorial was a civil servant, who reminded: "If it is not a matter for the Imperial Academy, a random memorial will cost eighty sticks."

Zhu Ming said: "Please pray for the people, I wish the staff would be eighty."

It is okay to forcibly remove matters that are not within the scope of one's authority, but according to the law, one must take eighty measures.

This kind of ban was generally not implemented in the Song Dynasty, but was replaced by demotion and dismissal.

Therefore, historically, when Wang Ge was the Minister of Dali Temple, he did not go to the Supreme Court to impeach the Carboniferous Department, which was not within his jurisdiction. After he was transferred to Kaifeng Prefecture, he immediately went to the Supreme Court, because the increase in coal prices was related to the people's livelihood in Tokyo, and Kaifeng Prefecture

Yin has the right to act.

The day after Ju Ming submitted the memorial, Wu Shi saw it.

Wu Shi immediately took it and handed it to Zhai Ruwen: "Gong Xun, that half of your disciples has just been studying for a few days and has already passed the exam."

Zhai Ruwen was the deputy examiner of the provincial examination. He admired Ju Ming's provincial examination strategy very much and tried to ensure that Ju Ming's paper would not fail. After reading Ju Ming's memorial, he nodded and smiled: "He is indeed a member of my generation. He is dedicated to serving the people and is not afraid of treachery!"

Wu Shi said: "He is an imperial scholar and is upright, but he has impeached the Carboniferous Department. He has exceeded his duties. I am afraid he will be demoted and sent away."

Wu Shi was also not afraid of trouble. When he was the magistrate of Zheng County, he dared to offend the transfer envoy and refused to give the 30,000 dendrobium grains illegally collected.

He also served as the envoy of the Yongxing Army Road School. The headmaster of the road school reported that local scholars criticized the emperor, and the ministers could not bear to listen. Wu Shi burned the report letter directly, and said back: "Even the ministers could not bear to listen.

, Then you still let Junfu listen?"

Later, Cai You and Wang Fu tried to conquer the Liao Dynasty, but Wu Shi firmly opposed it and was thrown into charge of the Taoist temple.

This person was a member of Zhang Shangying's party, and was implicated in the incident of his dismissal as prime minister. He was demoted first to the state magistrate, and then to general magistrate. Wu Shi was old, and did not want to die from exhaustion on the road, so he simply stayed in the capital.

When Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty learned of the situation, instead of punishing him, he promoted him to Changping, Hedong Province. He encountered a famine as soon as he went there, but because of his ability to relieve the disaster, he was recalled to the court to do some work.

Wu Shi and Zhai Ruwen discussed it, took Ju Ming's memorial, and went to Fang Hui to sign it.

There are only three people in the job now, so he is the oldest.

Fang Hui has completely settled down, and no one wants to offend him. After signing in accordance with the regulations, he will no longer be contaminated by this memorial.

Wu Shi and Zhai Ruwen, however, each contacted their old associates and asked those who had the power to impeach to file a petition together.

In a few days, eight copies were collected and handed over to the emperor through the provincial department process.

After practicing Taoism, Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty took time out of his busy schedule to read eight memorials carefully.

It was related to the people's livelihood in Kaifeng. Song Huizong was very surprised when he learned about the situation. No matter how stupid he was, he still understood what it meant that the price of charcoal was higher than the price of rice. What if hundreds of thousands of Tokyo citizens rebelled because they had no money to buy charcoal for cooking?

Immediately annotated: "I have been ordered to investigate and deal with it. If there is another violation, it will be treated as a violation of the imperial pen."

Those who commit the crime again are equivalent to resisting the order, and the wording is extremely harsh.

As for Ju Ming's illegal memorial, Song Huizong just pretended not to have seen it.

The matter involved the Carboniferous Department and was related to the Ministry of Household Affairs. Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty was a little worried and asked: "Wang Fu and Ding You have resigned. Who do you think is qualified to be the Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs?"

Xue Daoguang replied: "The poor Taoist only knows how to practice and does not pay attention to the affairs of the court."

Song Huizong didn't know how to appoint him for a while, so he simply put it off. The duties of the Minister of the Ministry of Revenue were temporarily delegated to the Minister of the Ministry of Revenue.

But this was a critical time in the war against Xixia, and the military pay and rations were originally a confusing account. The Minister of the Ministry of Finance returned to his father to observe filial piety, and the Minister of the Ministry of Finance was greatly troubled, and the distribution of money and food was even more confusing.

Even Tong Guan, who was leading the army outside, could not see the follow-up supplies.

In this case, either attack in one go and achieve a quick victory.

Or postpone it until next year. As long as the army doesn't move, we can save food and grass to get through it.

Tong Guan chose to make a quick decision and first remove Xixia's strategic city...

The Yintai Division not only has Giusi Shizhong, but also other officials.

The specific circumstances of the eight people's impeachment of the Carboniferous Division were soon known to Cai Jing. He could not do anything about the other seven people, but he caught Ju Ming's violation of regulations.

"This guy is going too far!"

Cai You said angrily: "A little official who dares to refuse marriage first dares to impeach me, and then comes to impeach me. Do you really think that my Cai family is just paper?"

Cai Jing shook his head: "Xue Daoguang is married to Zhenglong, and Zhu Ming is also favored by the officials. They impeached him for making false accusations, and at most he was fined three months' salary. It is impossible to really demote him from the capital."

"I only want to impeach him even if he is fined!" Cai You couldn't swallow his anger.

Cai Jing said: "We must start elsewhere. Chen Yuan has not given lectures anymore, but he has stayed in the capital. He will definitely take action in the future. If you keep an eye on this person, you will be wrong if you say too much. One day he will violate the rules when he lectures.

When the time comes, we will arrest him again in the name of a member of Yuanyou's party! If we arrest Chen Yuan, we can arrest Zhu Ming and label him as a traitor to Yuanyou."

"Father is wise!" Cai You said flatteringly.

It's not as exciting as in movies and TV shows, where they spit on each other in the court.

Song Huizong was usually too lazy to go to court, so the struggle between ministers could only be through memorials.

The trolls supported by Cai Jing are all trying to impeach Ju Ming for violating the rules.

The evidence is conclusive and must be punished.

Ju Ming was fined two months' salary.

After receiving the punishment from the court, Zhu Ming felt like crying. Two months' salary was more than 70 guan. How much briquettes he had to sell to earn back.

Moreover, the first month’s salary has not been paid yet!

He became the first new scholar since the founding of the Song Dynasty to be fined without receiving his salary.

It's like a newly hired employee reporting corruption to the leader of the financial department. Is this something you should take care of?

Merely imposing a salary penalty is considered a mercy, so you should be fired directly!

When the Taipei students heard the news, they all came to the office to pay a visit to express their admiration for Ju Ming.

Chen Dongzuo bowed and said: "Xue Zhengzhen is a role model for others. He is not afraid of the powerful and asks for orders for the people. We admire him very much!"

Zhu Ming looked at the students and sighed: "The price of charcoal is higher than the price of rice. I have never heard of such a ridiculous thing since ancient times. Mr. Hengqu said that we should live up to our destiny for the sake of the people, and we should practice it."

Zhang Zai belongs to Guan School, is not banned, and can be cited.

Zhu Ming was only seventeen years old this year, and he came to Taipei University to teach and teach. Many students were unconvinced.

When something like this happened, he immediately won the respect of everyone and no longer bothered with Ju Ming's age.

The students couldn't keep their mouths shut and spread the news wider and wider.

Because it was related to public life, word quickly spread throughout Tokyo. Everyone knew that Tanhwaro used coal for the common people and was fined his salary for impeaching corrupt officials.

That month, the chief officer of the Carboniferous Department was demoted from the capital, and several subordinate officials were arrested.

The director of the tax charcoal field was arrested and imprisoned, and dozens of government-run charcoal fields were ordered to sell coal at a fair price. The price of coal plummeted from 10 ren to 5 ren.

Private coal shops were also ordered to sell coal at a fair price. However, they purchased coal at a high price and suffered heavy losses due to this order.

This was intentional by Cai Jing and his party. They took the opportunity to dump at low prices to seize the market, and then raised prices after the limelight had passed.

No matter what, the common people benefited at this time, and the price of coal dropped by half. They remembered Tan Hwa Lang's good deeds, because among those who were impeached, only Zhu Ming was punished.

The reputation of Xiao Zhu’s Tanhua is even more famous inside and outside Tokyo.

This chapter has been completed!
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