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Chapter 169 0164 [Detention of imperial eunuchs]

The eunuch who was ordered to conquer Zhu Guoxiang for the second time was named Fang Mao, who was the godson of the great eunuch Tan Zhen.

Although Song Huizong urged him urgently, Fang Mao was not in a hurry. He ate and drank all the way and kept asking for gold and silver from officials along the way.

The failed scholars have long since returned home, but the eunuch Fang Mao is still dawdling on the road.

It was not until the end of the sixth lunar month that Fang Mao finally arrived at Daming Village.

"Zhu Guoxiang lives here?" Fang Mao's first reaction was that there was no money to be made.

The Yangzhou official who was in charge of the guide replied: "This is the place. I was the one who led the way during the last expedition. The dock had not been repaired at that time."

Fang Mao said: "You go and report it, our family will wait."

The subordinate officer jumped off the boat and ran quickly to Zhu Guoxiang's house. Not long after, he came back with Mrs. Yan and Shen Yourong.

Fang Mao asked: "Why are there only female relatives?"

Shen Yourong replied: "The noble man who likes teaching knows that my husband has gone to guide farming."

"Is there any farming at this time? Call him back quickly!" Fang Mao refused to get off the boat. He wanted to wait for Zhu Guoxiang to greet him grandly.

Shen Yourong has already reached the month of delivery, which can be as early as half a month or as late as a month. She stood in the sun with her pregnant belly and just kept waiting, because the dead eunuch would not let her go.

Forty minutes later, Zhu Guoxiang finally showed up. Instead of paying homage to the eunuch, he helped his wife to the inn to cool down.

Fang Mao felt that he had been ignored. When Zhu Guoxiang appeared again, he immediately asked coldly: "You are so neglectful of an angel?"

Zhu Guoxiang was also angry and asked: "My wife was pregnant for eight months, but she was exposed to the scorching sun. Is this the way for the emperor to recruit talented people? This is not like recruiting, but more like searching for fugitives!"

Fang Mao didn't care about this at all. His godfather was Tan Zhen, and Tan Zhen was Yang Jian's confidant.

I usually walk sideways in Tokyo, so how can I pay attention to the countryside?

As for Zhu Guoxiang being favored after being conquered, Fang Mao did not consider this situation at all. If he was favored by the officials again, how could Yang Jian and Tan Zhen be so favored?

Fang Mao had been delayed for a long time on the way, and the emperor was pressing hard again. At this moment, he actually ordered: "The official has an order, and if Zhu Guoxiang doesn't disobey, he will be kidnapped and taken to Tokyo immediately. Someone come, kidnap this guy!" "

On this trip, the eunuch also brought a group of imperial guards in front of the palace.

Zhang Guangdao, who had long wanted to rebel, was already furious because his mistress was exposed to the scorching sun. At this moment, it was even more unbearable, and he roared: "Knock the gong!"


The innkeeper was Yu Shanwei. He took out a gong and stood at the door and beat it wildly.

Several Imperial Guards came forward to arrest Zhu Guoxiang. Zhang Guangdao, armed with a stick, immediately led others to stop him.

When nearby villagers heard the sound of the gong, they rushed here one after another. Some were carrying hoes, some were holding sickles, some were carrying kitchen knives, and the village security team members were holding simple knives.

In an instant, more than twenty people arrived, and more villagers were shouting and running.

Fang Mao was so frightened that he quickly ran back to the boat and said inwardly, "Are you going to rebel?"

Shen Yourong was afraid that things would get serious, so she came out with her belly bulging and secretly pulled her husband's sleeves.

Zhu Guoxiang took a few steps forward and asked: "Where are your badges? Where are the documents of conquest? You will use swords and guns as soon as you come. Who knows if you are pretending to be an angel!"

Fang Mao took out his badge and documents: "You can come on the boat alone and show me to you."

The subordinate official from Yangzhou also smoothed things over and said, "Mr. Yuan Zhang, this is really a noble man sent by the government."

Zhu Guoxiang asked: "Are you here to recruit talented people?"

The subordinate smiled bitterly and said nothing. He had long been unhappy with the eunuch.

There were eunuchs who conquered the Zhu family and his son before. Although they were greedy, they still wanted to be shameless and the basic rules were still followed.

Now this person seems to have no brains. He asked for bribes in public in Xingyuan Mansion, he also asked for bribes in public in Yangzhou, and even arrested people directly in Daming Village.

What the hell?

This kind of brainless eunuchs not only existed in the late Northern Song Dynasty, but also existed in large numbers. They were very smart in Tokyo, and they were all masters of clinging to camp, but when they got there, their IQs were completely wiped out, and they could do all kinds of ridiculous things.

Zhu Guoxiang was given a headache and he had to find a way to solve the problem.

The two sides confronted each other, and soon brothers Deng Chun and Deng Xia came with more security team members and tea workers on the "main battleship" left by the bandits.

There were hundreds of villagers running along the river, holding various things in their hands.

They heard that the eunuchs wanted to capture Mr. Zhu, and that Daming Village would become like other places in the future. This was intolerable. Even if they hid in the mountains and became bandits, they had to rescue Mr. Zhu, otherwise everyone would not have a good life.

Immediately afterwards, Tian San also led new immigrants to fight from the Waste Tea Mountain.

Six to seven hundred villagers, men, women, old and young, surrounded more than a dozen eunuchs and imperial guards.

Even Meng Zhao came out with his students and a bench in his hand.

Meng Zhao has a weak character. He was so frightened when he saw the emperor's messenger that his legs wouldn't work when he walked. He could only recite "Mencius" silently to embolden himself: "I am good at cultivating my awe-inspiring Qi. It is Qi, which is the greatest

When it is extremely strong, it is nourished directly and does no harm, so it is blocked between heaven and earth. It is Qi, matching righteousness and Tao; without it, it is discouraged. It is what is born from gathering righteousness, and it is not taken by righteousness..."

After reciting silently several times, Meng Zhao's voice trembled and he shouted: "Eunuch, I'm not afraid of you!"

The students are all little brats, they only know how to imitate the teacher’s words, and they immediately shout: “Gesu, I’m not afraid of you! Jiesu, I’m not afraid of you…”

When the Yangzhou official saw how big the matter was, he was so anxious that he advised: "Mr. Yuan Zhang, why is this happening? We can't offend the emperor. Let the villagers disperse quickly."

The merchants who were temporarily staying in the inn came out with their waiters to watch the fun, and they were all frightened by the scene.

Zhu Guoxiang was still thinking, not knowing how to end it.

Could he blame Zhang Guangdao for taking the decision without authorization and ringing the gong to summon the villagers?

The matter has reached this point, and it is impossible to reconcile the contradictions, so the trouble will simply become bigger.

Dean Zhu is just cautious in character, not weak in character.

"Surround the boat and arrest people!"

Following Zhu Guoxiang's order, Zhang Guangdao and Tian San led the villagers to attack the imperial troops on the shore. Deng Chun and Deng Xia rowed small boats and surrounded the official ship where the eunuchs were, and threw out hooks and began to climb.

"Stop them quickly!" Fang Mao turned pale with fright. After shouting, he rolled and crawled into the cabin.

The dozen or so imperial troops who stayed on the shore had never fought a war since they could remember. Faced with the siege of hundreds of villagers, they immediately threw away their weapons and chose to surrender.

After a while, the official ship was occupied.

Deng Chun carried the eunuch out with one hand like a chicken, and after getting off the boat, he threw it in front of Zhu Guoxiang.

"All tied up." Zhu Guoxiang said expressionlessly.

Fang Mao shouted: "My surname is Zhu, our family is an imperial envoy. If you dare to touch even a hair on our body, your family will be confiscated and exterminated!"

Zhu Guoxiang said: "Gag his mouth."

Grandma Yan was almost paralyzed with fear: "How can this be good? How can this be good..."

Although Shen Yourong was also worried, she believed that her husband would not act recklessly and there must be a way to solve the problem. She supported Mrs. Yan and said, "Aunt, when men do things, we can just go home and wait."

Zhang Guangdao led people to board the ship to search, and soon brought out a box.

The box is full of gold and silver, in various shapes, including gold and silver coins with square holes, gold collars, silver collars, gold cakes, silver cakes, gold leaves, silver leaves...

Needless to say, there must have been extortion along the way.

Zhu Guoxiang said: "Separate interrogation and ask where the gold and silver came from. Don't beat or torture them, just don't let them sleep."

How can a bunch of losers stand up to fatigue interrogation?

Fang Mao didn't sleep for two days and two nights. He felt like he was about to die and vomited everything out. Not only did he vomit out the details of this blackmail, but he also confessed many nonsense things in the past, and he signed and stamped his fingerprints on the confession in a daze.

Immediately, Zhu Guoxiang called everyone to a meeting.

"This eunuch cannot be killed or let go, otherwise a disaster will inevitably come," Zhu Guoxiang said. "For the current plan, I can only go to Beijing in person and take them to the emperor to complain. After I left, Zhang Guang Dao is in charge of Daming Village, and Yourong is responsible for managing the household registration books. Meng Zhao, Yu Shanwei and his wife continue to manage the village school and inn, and assist in managing the village. Tian Er manages the tea business. The rest are kept upright and their responsibilities remain unchanged."

After speaking, Zhu Guoxiang took out the three-year development plan and asked everyone to implement it.

Meng Zhao asked: "Will the officials listen to us?"

"If you have something, he will listen." Zhu Guoxiang said.

The next day, Zhu Guoxiang took people back to the mountain village and personally lowered the rope to the cliff of the back mountain.

Compared to his previous cultivation of Ganoderma lucidum, he now has more experience.

First, choose a natural environment that is most suitable for the growth of Ganoderma lucidum, and imitate the mushroom technique to plant Ganoderma lucidum. Next, we no longer try our luck, but carefully move the basswood trees that have begun to develop mushrooms together to give them sufficient growth conditions.

Then, many small Ganoderma lucidum automatically aggregate into one large Ganoderma lucidum.

The diameter is 57 cm and it can continue to grow.

But I can't wait any longer, now I have to pick them and bring them to the emperor.

Zhu Guoxiang shook the rope, and the villagers pulled him up. Everyone was dumbfounded when they saw the giant Ganoderma lucidum in his hand, and looked at Zhu Guoxiang with even more awe.

Such a divine thing must be given by an immortal!

A few days later, before Zhu Guoxiang left, the subordinate officials quickly ran back to Yangzhou and brought He Zhizhou, Li Tongpan, and others to join the army, Cao Yu.

He Zhizhou was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, and said in a pleading tone: "Mr. Yuan Zhang, how can you detain the imperial envoys? Let them go quickly."

Li Tongpan also said: "This is a serious crime of beheading!"

Zhu Guoxiang took the giant Ganoderma lucidum from the house and said, "I recently got an auspicious sign and I plan to dedicate it to the official family."

As soon as the auspicious sign came out, the officials stopped talking.

Who doesn’t know what kind of urine the emperor is? With this ten thousand-year-old Ganoderma lucidum, Zhu Guoxiang can be invincible.

Zhu Guoxiang also asked people to bring gold and silver: "This is the money the eunuch extorted from you. All you have to take back is your signature on the receipt deed."

The officials looked at each other, they would rather spend money to eliminate the disaster.

"Do you really not want it?" Zhu Guoxiang took out another thing, "This is the eunuch's confession. If you don't want to take the gold and silver back, I can only take it to the capital and hand it over to the officials."

Li Tongpan reached for the money and immediately signed his name: "We are afraid of eggs. We are not at fault. We are just blackmailed by the eunuch."

The dead eunuch came along and extorted dozens of officials along the way. Zhu Guoxiang wanted to return the money and got the receipts from these officials.

Song Huizong might not care about extorting money, but delaying the conquest would definitely make the emperor furious.

A few days later, Shen Yourong successfully gave birth to a daughter, and Zhu Guoxiang finally set off.

He was accompanied by the strongman Deng Chun and twenty-two village security team members.

As for the eunuchs and the imperial guards, they were all tied up tightly.

Dean Zhu usually doesn’t make trouble, but if he wants to make trouble, he makes a big one!

This chapter has been completed!
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