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Chapter 172 0167 [Shaowei Xing Appears]

Imperial Palace, Hanlin Astronomical Bureau.

An astronomer, together with several bureau students and students, were making routine observations of the stars.

At the beginning, there was only Si Tianjian (renamed Taishi Bureau) in the Northern Song Dynasty. Due to frequent horoscope fraud, Song Zhenzong established the Astronomical Academy of Hanlin Academy (renamed Astronomical Bureau) to let the two astronomical observation units supervise each other.

This kind of mutual supervision gradually turned into plagiarism from each other, and then gradually turned into a collaboration in fraud. Anyway, I was too lazy to observe the stars every day.

After Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty ascended the throne, the trend of fraud was wiped out.

Because the emperor also knew how to observe stars, and occasionally observed them himself, he would be in trouble if he didn't pay attention.

At this moment, the astronomical officer on duty was sitting there yawning.

The bureau students (low-level astronomical officials) are responsible for observing and constantly reporting the observations, and the students (trainee astronomical officers, staff establishment) are responsible for writing and recording.

"Shufan Eight Stars, as usual."

"The Seven Stars of Xibo are as usual."

"The five stars of the North Pole are as usual."


Cui Shijin was the astronomical officer on duty tonight. He waved to Si Chen (the military attache envoy) who was not far away: "Come here for a drink!"

Military Attaché Si Chen, who was in charge of the strike, sat over to drink and chat.

Stargazing is so boring. Winter is even worse and can freeze people to death.

After more than half an hour, Bureau Student suddenly shouted: "The four stars of Shaowei... are abnormal! The Virgo star is bright, broad, and yellow in color!"

Cui Shijin instantly became energetic and immediately conducted the observation himself. Then he said happily: "When a small star appears, it will be a great gift!"

For astronomers, their happiest thing is to encounter auspicious signs in the stars.

Ordinary good omen can accumulate political achievements.

If there is a very amazing good omen, you will be rewarded immediately, and you may even be directly promoted.

If the Virgo Star is bright and yellow, it is a good omen, indicating that there are hermits and sages among the people who have been recruited by the emperor or are waiting for the emperor to recruit them.

The same four stars are Shaowei. If Taiyin Ling Shaowei and five stars Ling Shaowei, it is a bad omen. Depending on the situation, it indicates: the queen is in trouble, the prime minister is replaced, the villain is appointed, loyal ministers are in danger, there are too many traitors in the court, etc.


The next day, the Astronomy Bureau of the Hanlin Academy took the star observation records to the Taishi Bureau for comparison.

Both astronomical observation units found that the Virgo star was bright and yellow, so they compiled reports and submitted them to the emperor.

Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty attached great importance to astronomy, paying special attention to the three stars in Mingtang and the three stars in Lingtai.

Mingtang has three stars. The brighter the stars, the more auspicious the monarch will be. If there are five stars, guest stars, and comets intruding, it means that the monarch cannot live in the palace.

The three stars of Lingtai can predict good and bad luck and predict the world's auspiciousness.

Every night, Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty would personally observe the three stars in Mingtang to confirm whether he was safe.

He ordered the construction of the Mingtang, even at the expense of demolishing the Secretariat. In addition to showing the orthodoxy of the destiny, he also wanted the heaven and earth to correspond, so that the three stars of the Mingtang would be brighter, and the emperor would be prosperous from now on.

After receiving the report from the astronomical officer, Song Huizong did not dare to neglect, and immediately issued an edict: "When a young star appears, we should recruit talents. We order officials from all walks of life to search for talents within their jurisdiction. The military supervisors in each prefecture should recommend at least one person, and they should be recommended immediately.

Send the candidates to the capital!"

This emperor is really crazy!

Nowadays, there are so many non-commissioned officers, as well as various Taoist officials and medical officers, as well as a large number of artists, that the financial expenses make the people miserable.

He just found that the star of virgins was bright, and he just pretended to recruit the leftover talents. He actually set a recommendation quota for the state capital. There were more than 400 state armies in the Northern Song Dynasty, and they recommended hundreds of people at once. Even if they only took half, there would still be two or three.

Hundreds of people are waiting to be appointed officials.

Several prime ministers, no matter loyal or traitor, were all shocked when they heard the news.

Song Huizong didn't care about that. He had already planned the imperial city, and next he had to repair the outer city walls.

Two days later, edicts to recruit the deceased sages were sent in all directions.

An official ship sailed in from the northwest water gate.

There was an eunuch standing next to Zhu Guoxiang: "Ms. Zhu, go ahead and enter the Jinshui Gate. After that, it's time to disembark. Go around the palace city and enter through the Donghua Gate."

Zhu Guoxiang nodded and said: "Change the boy's body and face clothes, and comb his bun."

Several eunuchs and imperial guards immediately rushed into the cabin.

They pressed Fang Mao to untie him and forced him to change into clean clothes. They also washed his face and combed his hair until it was shiny.

"Uh huh huh..."

Fang Mao struggled hard and wanted to speak, but his mouth was stuffed with rags and he couldn't utter even a single word.

Zhu Guoxiang personally brought some cakes, tore open the rags and said, "Eat some, don't be hungry."

Fang Mao shouted and cried: "Xiangong Zhu, I was wrong, please spare my life. I offer raw cards to Xianggong, pray morning and night, and ask the gods to bless Xianggong with wealth..."

Zhu Guoxiang stopped talking and just sat aside and watched quietly.

Those eunuchs were originally Fang Mao's confidants.

At this time, the betrayal was complete. A eunuch picked up the pancake and forced it into Fang Mao's mouth: "Eat quickly, eat quickly. Mr. Zhu wants you to be a ghost, why don't you thank Mr. Zhu for his kindness!"


Fang Mao's mouth was full of pancakes and he could only swallow them passively.

The eunuch refused to give him water, so his throat was blocked and he almost choked to death on the spot.

Yi Xian entered Beijing and disembarked after passing the Jinshui Gate.

Zhu Guoxiang strode in front, while Deng Chun escorted Fang Mao away. The security team, eunuchs, and imperial guards were all carrying things.

Two of the eunuchs were carrying Ganoderma lucidum with a diameter of 57 centimeters. The terrifying size instantly attracted attention.

There were Tokyo citizens who spontaneously followed them along the way, asking about the Ganoderma lucidum.

From Yangzhou to Tokyo, the Forbidden Army has repeated it countless times, and the story has become more and more rounded. Now it is just repeating it again.

When they walked to Xuande Tower, hundreds of people were already following behind them, all of whom came to watch the giant Ganoderma lucidum.

When they arrived outside Donghua Gate, everyone stopped and explained the situation to the guards guarding the gate.

The guards quickly informed everyone, and the eunuchs ran frantically to Yanfu Palace, panting and reporting: "The official... the official family, Zhu Guoxiang from Yangzhou has... arrived, and he also brought a big Ganoderma lucidum! He said... he said it was...

Ten thousand-year-old Ganoderma lucidum."

"Wannian Ganoderma lucidum?"

Song Huizong, who was painting, suddenly threw down his paintbrush: "Hurry and prepare the chariot!"

This foolish king was galloping in a carriage, constantly asking the driver to speed up, and his speed was almost as fast as the Gaoliang River God.

The entire expedition team was put into the palace city and met the emperor north of the Secretariat.

From a long distance away, Song Huizong saw Ganoderma lucidum.

The whole body is red and shining.

Song Huizong was so excited that he was breathing heavily and completely ignored Fang Mao, who was tied up.

Zhu Guoxiang learned the etiquette from the eunuch, straightened his clothes, stepped forward, bowed and said: "Zhu Guoxiang of Yangzhou pays homage to Your Majesty, may you be blessed!"


Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty moved his eyes from Ganoderma lucidum to Zhu Guoxiang. The more he looked at it, the more he liked it. He praised: "The appearance is majestic and the bearing is extraordinary. I really deserve the appearance of the young star!"

There are only four stars in Shaowei, and only one is the Virgo star, which represents the hermit.

Those four stars can usually be seen, but if the Virgo star is bright and yellow, it can be called a "little star appearance", which indicates that a great sage will be conquered.

"Uh huh huh..."

Fang Mao began to struggle wildly. This guy had such a strong desire to survive that Deng Chun couldn't control it.

Song Huizong finally saw someone being tied up and wondered: "Why is this?"

Before Zhu Guoxiang could speak, the eunuchs and imperial guards had already started performing.

"Fang Mao, you missed an important official matter!"

"We went out of Beijing on the orders of the officials. Fang Mao asked for goods along the way. The local officials refused to give them, so he refused to leave. He also said that making money was important. After leaving Tokyo, the officials were blind and deaf..."

"When we arrived at Daming Village, Mr. Zhu was out on business, Fang Mao had a seizure on the spot. Mr. Zhu's wife was about to give birth, and Fang Mao made her stand under the scorching sun for two full hours!"

"Xiangong Zhu said that there is Ganoderma lucidum in the mountains, which is only three to ten thousand years old, and can be used to refine the elixir of immortality. Everyone refused to listen no matter how hard they tried, so Fang Mao forced us to pick it."

"Yes, yes, after picking Ganoderma lucidum, he wanted to eat it himself first. When we tried to stop him, he beat and scolded us."

"Guan, this guy is so bad. We couldn't get angry, so we tied him up!"


You said something, I said something, and it was as noisy as a vegetable market.

Song Huizong probably heard it clearly, and his face was as dark as the bottom of a pot.

Zhu Guoxiang took out the receipts from the officials along the way, held them up and said: "Your Majesty, the gold and silver requested by Fang Mao have been returned at my own initiative. This is the receipt signed by the officials along the way."

Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty took it and took a few casual glances, and then he knew that the bribe demanded was true.

It doesn't matter if he asks for bribes, but it's unforgivable if he delays his important events.

Song Huizong asked: "Can this Ganoderma really be used to refine elixir of death?"

Zhu Guoxiang sighed: "It's still three years before we can reach ten thousand-year-old Ganoderma lucidum. Now that we're picking it in advance, we've ruined the spirit of the spirit. I'm afraid the efficacy of the medicine has been greatly reduced. It's still unclear whether we can make the elixir of death."

Song Huizong suppressed his anger and asked: "How did you know that there are still three years left?"

Zhu Guoxiang looked around and didn't answer.

Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty shouted: "You guys stand back!"

When there were only two people left at the scene, Zhu Guoxiang said: "After the officials and ordinary people moved to Daming Village, they went to the mountains to collect medicinal materials. They happened to encounter this giant sesame. The ordinary people wanted to pick it, but they heard the giant mushroom spitting at people's mouth.

He said that he had been practicing for more than 9,000 years, and his merits would be complete on the first day of the first lunar month in four years. By that time, the Ganoderma elves would emerge from their bodies and become immortals, and the remaining sludge could be used to refine elixirs. The people have been waiting for a year.

, wait for another three years, and I can present it to His Majesty. Who knows... Alas!"

Song Huizong wanted to vomit blood after hearing this. It was true that he was a smart man, but regarding immortality, even though he still had countless doubts in his heart, he unconsciously believed that it was true.

Zhu Guoxiang added: "A few days after picking Ganoderma lucidum, Zhuo Jing gave birth to a daughter. The night before the birth of the little girl, I dreamed of a woman, blaming me for breaking my promise. He also said that Fang Mao had the emperor's mandate, and a dragon pressure made her unable to do anything.

Words. She claimed that her nine-thousand-year-old path has been broken, and she can no longer cultivate to become an immortal, and can only be reincarnated as a human being. When I woke up from a dream, I heard the clumsy thorn cry out in pain, saying that she was suffering from abdominal pain and wanted to give birth."

Song Huizong asked: "The spirit of Ganoderma lucidum reincarnated, but took away the spiritual energy of Ganoderma lucidum?"

Zhu Guoxiang said: "I don't know."

Song Huizong felt powerless and had no interest in doing anything. He was like a laborer who finally won the first prize but found that he had lost the lottery ticket.

He stood in silence for a long time, and finally remembered that there was another outlet for venting. He called the eunuchs and the imperial guards back, pointed at Fang Mao and said, "Cut this bastard!"


Fang Mao was so frightened that he wet his pants on the spot and was dragged away with his body limp.

Song Huizong roared again: "Call the doctors from the Royal Pharmacy Hospital, the Shang Pharmacy Bureau, and the Taoist Masters in Tokyo, and let them see how many medicinal properties this Ganoderma lucidum has! Hurry, hurry, don't waste any time.


This chapter has been completed!
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