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Chapter 186 0181 [Meet Yang Zhi again]

Three poles in the sun.

Ju Ming was lying in bed and refused to get up. He hadn't slept in for a long time. People always like to enjoy their leisure time.

It wasn't until he was extremely hungry that he stretched himself out of bed.

Zheng Yuanyi was dressing up, and with the help of the maid, she had already combed her hair into a bun.

And the shape has changed. Yesterday it was a bun, and today it is an upturned bun, which represents her transformation from a girl to a woman.

The top is a cross-collar blouse with obvious Khitan style, and the bottom is a typical pleated skirt from the Song Dynasty.

In terms of cultural customs, the Song Dynasty and the Liao Kingdom influenced each other. The Song people often imitated the Liao people's clothing, and the Liao people also borrowed various styles from the Song people's clothing. Anyway, they wanted to highlight a novelty.

In a few years, Song women would even have the Jin hairstyle popular...

"Happy husband!"

Hearing the footsteps, the maid Fourth Sister You turned around and saluted.

This Fourth Sister You is the same age as Zheng Yuanyi, and her nickname is Miaomiao.

Typical female names in the Song Dynasty include the big names "Sister So-and-so" and "Sister So-and-so". Nicknames usually use the overlapping characters, Taotao, Shishi, Xiaoxiao, Yingying, Yanyan, etc.

Zheng Yuanyi was about to stand up when Ju Ming pushed her back: "Young girl with fair skin, what lead powder should you use?"

"After applying lead powder, it will always be whiter." Zheng Yuanyi said.

Ju Ming said: "Lead powder is poisonous."

Zheng Yuanyi said: "Add eggs and fire to refine it, and it can detoxify the lead poison."

Ju Ming asked: "Who taught you?"

Zheng Yuanyi said: "When I was studying in Yangzhou, the female teacher taught me the method from "Qianjin Prescription"."

Ancient people have long realized that lead powder is toxic, and used proteins to agglomerate heavy metals and reduce the pure lead content in the lead powder, thereby reducing the toxicity of the foundation.

Ju Ming warned: "Lead poison cannot be detoxified completely, so it is best to use it sparingly."

Zheng Yuanyi smiled: "If Mr. Lang doesn't like it, I won't use it from now on. I only wipe it on during New Years and holidays."

Ju Ming observed carefully and asked: "Why did you shave your eyebrows too?"

Zheng Yuanyi said: "I shaved my eyebrows and drew them thin, which is suitable for today's bun."

"It looked pretty before, but I didn't need to shave." Zhu Ming picked up the eyebrow pencil and drew it between her eyebrows.

Zhang Chang's eyebrow painting is an elegant thing, but it's a pity that Ju Ming's technique is too poor.

The maid Miaomiao watched from the side and couldn't help covering her mouth and snickering because Ju Ming's eyebrows were asymmetrical.

Zheng Yuanyi liked it very much, and felt very sweet in her heart. She would correct her from time to time: "On the left... draw a little further down... Yes, that's right, it's too light there. Just add a few more strokes..."

At the end of the painting, Zheng Yuanyi burst into laughter. Because she applied too much and too thick paint, her eyebrows were drawn into a wild and flying shape.

"I'm going out." Zhu Ming could only give up.

When he stepped out of the room, the master and servant in the room burst into laughter, and they didn't know what they were laughing at.

Riding by Sun Haoshou's steamed bun shop, Zhu Ming shouted: "Here are eight grated steamed buns, a bowl of soy milk, and a stack of pickles!"

"Okay, take a seat inside Tanhualang!" the waiter welcomed warmly.

Soup-filled steamed buns are soup-filled dumplings.

In the middle and late Northern Song Dynasty, steamed buns were made from cold water noodles, mostly with plain fillings; steamed buns were made from fermented noodles, mostly with meat fillings. In fact, they are all steamed buns.

As for the ones without fillings, they are called pancakes.

Since Ju Ming invented briquettes, the way this store is run has changed.

Take Sun Haoshou Steamed Bun Shop as an example. They place two double-core charcoal stoves directly at the door, build a tall steamer tower, and don’t have to worry about the rest. It not only saves labor and space, but also brings out the aroma of the meat buns.

Pass it to passers-by very directly.

The chef can free up his energy to prepare other breakfast types, which greatly enriches the menu of this store.

The owner of the shop, Sun Haoshou, even came forward in person to bring food to Zhu Ming and respectfully said from the bottom of his heart: "I will give Tanhua Lang a bowl of meat porridge."

"Thank you." Zhu Ming smiled.

Sun Haoshou lingered on, sitting opposite Ju Ming and chatting: "I heard that Tanhua Lang has made something new. Will the printed books become cheaper?"

"You know all this?" Zhu Ming was a little surprised.

Sun Haoshou said: "I heard from two booksellers that when they were having dinner in our store, they discussed going to the Imperial College library to get some ink."

Ju Ming smiled.

I'm afraid I don't want to get some ink, but I want to get the ink formula.

Booksellers also want to get the formula for movable lead type. However, the production cost of complete sets of movable type is too high, often requiring tens of thousands of pieces, which makes most booksellers give up.

Leaking secrets will happen sooner or later. If there are more than one or two craftsmen handling it, there must be someone who cannot resist the temptation of money.

After breakfast, Ju Ming rode to the Imperial College library.

"Tan Hua Lang!"

A voice came, and Zhu Ming turned around and saw a few people standing by the road, who seemed to look familiar.

"Tanhua Lang, I am Sun Li, and I once bought my husband's mushrooms!" One of the men said with a smile.

Ju Ming reined in his horse and said, "I remember, you are Yang Zhi, you are Sun Li, where is Lin Chong?"

Yang Zhi said happily: "Tanhualang still remembers us. Brother Lin has gone to supervise work in the outer city."

"Supervisor?" Zhu Ming didn't understand.

Yang Zhi explained: "When Cai Xianggong built the city, the earth, stone, wood, and craftsmen's work all required sergeants to guard against accidents. Brother Lin was a vicious man, so he was selected to be the supervisor."

There was only the wrong name, not the wrong nickname.

Lin Chong's nickname is Leopard Head, which can refer to the image of Zhang Fei in movies and TV series.

Lin Chong in real history later took refuge with Zongze.

His ending was disgraceful, and he was ordered to be executed by Zongze. The crime was "being unbridled and violent, not changing his old ways, and running around in the city."

Obviously, the rebels at that time were too many and too mixed, and they did evil and did not listen to orders. Zongze had to kill people to establish his authority, and Lin Chong, who was a rebel, became the chicken who killed the chicken to scare the monkeys.

Yang Zhi also did well. When Tong Guan went north to attack Liao, Yang Zhi commanded the selected front army of the east route troops under Zhong Shidao.

During the Jingkang period, Yang Zhi again rushed to the aid of Taiyuan with the army, but fled without fighting, and the Western Army was completely lost.

No wonder Yang Zhi, even the direct troops in the division were scrambling to escape. They were tricked by civil servants, and they marched forcefully. They were hungry, thirsty, exhausted, and were raided. The friendly forces also lied about the military situation.

Not coming to the rescue.

The real Liangshan heroes have only thirty-six leaders, and they are divided into four forces: Song Jiang, twelve Li Kui, Yang Zhi, twelve Lin Chong, Dong Ping, Suo Chao, four, Chao Gai, Yan Qing eight.

Next year, Yang Zhi and the others were ordered to escort Huashi Gang, but they missed the deadline due to heavy snow, so they fell into the trap and became bandits.

After Zhu Ming asked a few more questions, he found out that Yang Zhi had a small family background. Although he was still suffering, food and clothing at home was not a problem.

In this case, it was not convenient for Ju Ming to recruit him directly. He only said: "You are all good men, and you are all powerful. I am going to Puzhou to be the magistrate of the state. If you have any difficulties in the future, just go to Puzhou to find me."

Yang Zhi didn't take it seriously. He didn't think he had any difficulties. He handed over his hand and said, "I am very grateful for Mr. Zhu's courtesy."

"Farewell!" Zhu Ming rode away.

Soon they arrived at the Imperial College library, and Huang Ai, the chief registrar, hurriedly went out to greet him.

Ju Ming asked: "Have you got the reward?"

Huang Ai said happily: "I got it, and my rank has been improved. Everything depends on my husband."

Ju Ming sighed: "It's a pity that you are a technical officer. Even if you are promoted, you have to stay here as the chief clerk."

"I'm satisfied." Huang Ai said.

Ju Ming asked again: "Is there any errand for the court?"

Huang Ai replied: "The imperial court ordered two books to be printed with movable type. One is the "Collection of Dasheng Ci", and the other is a re-corrected medical book called "The Daguan Jing Shi Zheng Class Preparatory Materia Medica".

Ju Ming reminded: "After I leave, the new librarian who comes is likely to be a close associate of Xianggong Cai. Please take good care of him and don't cause any trouble."

Huang Ai smiled bitterly: "How dare I offend Mr. Cai's people?"

Because Ju Ming formulated punctuation marks, and sentence segmentation is related to the right to interpret the meaning of the scriptures.

Cai Jing is already organizing manpower to re-edit the Confucian classics and segment sentences strictly according to Wang Anshi's annotations.

This is very important to Cai Jing because he can occupy the cultural high ground.

Song Huizong readily agreed to this and asked Cai Jing to set up a sutra-breaking bureau. He even personally took action to break up sentences for "Laozi", "Zhuangzi", "Liezi" and "Huangdi Neijing", and then printed them and distributed them to Taoists and states.

Xuehe Taixue.

As long as this is done, Song Huizong will be remembered in history.

Ju Ming's improvement of movable type printing not only promoted technological development, but also had a huge subsequent political impact.

Giving it to a magistrate is really nothing.

Ju Ming worked from beginning to end. Even if the successor was Cai Dang, he carefully sorted out various documents and said to Huang Ai: "These documents are all divided into categories. After the new official takes office, let him read it by himself."

Huang Ai admired him and said: "It is rare for my husband to be such an official in this world. The library of the Imperial Academy was not even well organized, let alone the documents. When they left, they did not even have a clear account."

"I can't control what other people do, I can only control myself." Zhu Ming said with a smile.

Huang Ai bowed to express his respect.

Ju Ming patted him on the shoulder: "I'm leaving, take care of yourself."

Huang Ai sent Ju Ming to the gate and watched Ju Ming ride away, feeling infinite emotions in his heart.

Technical officers like him usually inherit their father's career from son to son.

I have been a student since I was young, and I have climbed up step by step, until I reach the position of technical director, and then I will hit the ceiling in the workplace.

He has been working in the Imperial Library for nearly twenty years and has met countless civilian bosses, including all kinds of weird ones. Ju Ming only worked here for a few months, but he left a deep impression on him. This is the boss he feels most comfortable with.


Suddenly hearing footsteps behind him, Huang Ai turned around and saw that the subordinate officials and craftsmen had actually put down their work and came out collectively to watch Ju Ming leave.

"Zukusi, are you coming back?" a craftsman asked.

Huang Ai lamented: "Xianggong Zhu has a bright future and will definitely become prime minister in the future. How can he return to this small Imperial College library?"

The craftsmen were silent and a little reluctant because Ju Ming never deducted wages and even gave bonuses for outstanding performance.

Until Ju Ming disappeared from sight, Huang Ai said: "Let's all go back to work. The errands assigned by the court are heavy. I only hope that the new Shangguan can be half as good as Xianggong Zhu."

Ju Ming left the Imperial College library and went straight to the Imperial College campus on the outskirts of the city, where he also had to give a resignation letter.

This chapter has been completed!
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